\centerline{\bf SGML \& \TeX\ Conference} \medskip \noindent This conference, organized by the {\sl Nedelandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep\/} (the Dutch-speaking \TeX\ Users Group) and the \sgml\ Holland Users Group, will be held at the University of Groningen on August 31st, 1990. The conference will focus on the relationship between \TeX\ and \sgml, now and in the future. It is proposed to run two parallel streams of presentations. There will be demonstrations by vendors, a book stall, and copying facilities for public domain \TeX\ and \sgml\ software. The conference language is Dutch, but speakers are urged to have their transparencies in English (non-natives are supposed to speak English). \TeX, \LaTeX, \MF\ and \sgml\ courses will be arranged around the conference. Members of any \sgml\ or \TeX\ Uers Group are charged {\sl f\,}75,--- for the conference; non-members are charged {\sl f\,}150,---. For further information contact: {\obeylines\parindent20pt C G van der Laan RekenCentrum RijksUniversteit Groningen Landleven 1 9700 AV 050-633374 Groningen the Netherlands email: {\tt cgl@rug.nl} }