Devel::TraceUse --------------- Show the modules your program loads, recursively. An apparently simple program may load a lot of modules. That's useful, but sometimes you may wonder exactly which part of your program loads which module. Devel::TraceUse can analyze a program to see which part used which module. I recommend using it from the command line: $ perl -d:TraceUse This will display a tree of the modules ultimately used to run your program. (It also runs your program with only a little startup cost all the way through to the end.) Modules used from Test::MockObject::Extends, line 6 (0.000514) Test::MockObject, line 6 (0.000408) Scalar::Util, line 9 (0.000521) List::Util, line 12 (0.000393) XSLoader, line 24 (0.000396) UNIVERSAL::isa, line 10 (0.000436) UNIVERSAL, line 8 (0.000247) UNIVERSAL::can, line 11 (0.000428) Test::Builder, line 13 (0.000413) Devel::Peek, line 8 (0.000693) INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: $ perl Build.PL $ perl ./Build $ perl ./Build test $ sudo perl ./Build install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. $ perldoc Devel::TraceUse Alternately, read hack #74 in Perl Hacks, published by O'Reilly Media in 2006. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2006 chromatic. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.