NAME WWW::ProximoBus - A simple client library for the ProximoBus API. SYNOPSIS my $proximo = WWW::ProximoBus->new(); my $agencies = $proximo->agencies(); my $agency = $agencies->{items}[0]; my $routes = $proximo->routes($agency->{id}); for my $route (@{$routes->{items}}) { print $route->{id}; } DESCRIPTION WWW::ProximoBus is a Perl library implementing an interface to the ProximoBus API. ProximoBus is a simple alternative API for NextBus' publicly-available data. Read more about it at . WARNINGS From the ProximoBus documentation: This API is provided in the hope that it is useful, but there are no availability guarantees nor any warranty about the accuracy of the provided data. Use of this data is at the risk of the user. The author reserves the right to deny access to ProximoBus to anyone at any time and for any reason. While backward compatibility will be preserved as much as possible, the author reserves the right to change any aspect of the provided API at any time for any reason and with no notice. AUTHOR Sam Kimbrel ( COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 - Sam Kimbrel LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO