perltidy-mode is a minor mode for emacs. It hooks cperl-mode so that perltidy is called whenever you save your source code. Quick setup instructions ------------------------ Run the perltidy-mode.PL program with like so to generate the perltidy-mode.el. perl perltidy-mode.PL Copy the perltidy-mode.el file to your ~/.site-lisp directory. Use a different directory if you like, just make sure that path is in load-path. Add this to your ~/.emacs file and fill in the appropriate filenames: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.site-lisp/") ; your target directory (autoload 'perltidy "perltidy-mode" nil t) (autoload 'perltidy-mode "perltidy-mode" nil t) Add the following snippet to enable full-auto mode where perltidy-mode will be automatically on when cperl-mode is on. ; Makes perltidy-mode automatic for cperl-mode (eval-after-load "cperl-mode" '(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'perltidy-mode)) Support and Documentation ------------------------- After installing, you can find documentation for this minor mode by reading the source code. You can also look for information at: Search CPAN CPAN Request Tracker: AnnoCPAN, annotated CPAN documentation: CPAN Ratings: Copyright and Licence --------------------- Copyright (C) 2006 Joshua ben Jore This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.