Kossy - Sinatra-ish Simple and Clear web application framework
% kossy-setup MyApp
% cd MyApp
% plackup app.psgi
## lib/MyApp/Web.pm
use Kossy;
get '/' => sub {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->render('index.tx', { greeting => "Hello!" });
get '/json' => sub {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $result = $c->req->validator([
'q' => {
default => 'Hello',
rule => [
[['CHOICE',qw/Hello Bye/],'Hello or Bye']
$c->render_json({ greeting => $result->valid->get('q') });
## views/index.tx
: cascade base
: around content -> {
<: $greeting :>
: }
Kossy is Sinatra-ish Simple and Clear web application framework, which is based upon [Plack](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack), [Router::Boom](https://metacpan.org/pod/Router%3A%3ABoom), [Text::Xslate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AXslate) and build-in Form-Validator. That's suitable for small application and rapid development.
# Kossy class
Kossy exports some methods to building application
## CLASS METHODS for Kossy class
- my $kossy = Kossy->new( root\_dir => $root\_dir );
Create instance of the application object.
## OBJECT METHODS for Kossy class
- my $root\_dir = $kossy->root\_dir();
accessor to root directory of the application
- my $app = $kossy->psgi();
return PSGI application
## DISPATCHER METHODS for Kossy class
- filter
makes application wrapper like plack::middlewares.
filter 'set_title' => sub {
my $app:CODE = shift;
sub {
my ( $self:Kossy, $c:Kossy::Connection ) = @_;
$c->stash->{site_name} = __PACKAGE__;
- get path:String => \[\[filters\] =>\] CODE
- post path:String => \[\[filters\] =>\] CODE
setup router and dispatch code
get '/' => [qw/set_title/] => sub {
my ( $self:Kossy, $c:Kossy::Connection ) = @_;
$c->render('index.tx', { greeting => "Hello!" });
get '/json' => sub {
my ( $self:Kossy, $c:Kossy::Connection ) = @_;
$c->render_json({ greeting => "Hello!" });
dispatch code shall return Kossy::Response object or PSGI response ArrayRef or String.
- router 'HTTP\_METHOD'|\['METHOD'\[,'METHOD'\]\] => path:String => \[\[filters\] =>\] CODE
adds routing rule other than GET and POST
router 'PUT' => '/put' => sub {
my ( $self:Kossy, $c:Kossy::Connection ) = @_;
$c->render_json({ greeting => "Hello!" });
# Kossy::Connection class
per-request object, herds request and response
## OBJECT METHODS for Kossy::Connection class
- req:Kossy::Request
- res:Kossy::Response
- stash:HashRef
- args:HashRef
Router::Simple->match result
- halt(status\_code, message)
die and response immediately
- redirect($uri,status\_code): Kossy::Response
- render($file,$args): Kossy::Response
calls Text::Xslate->render makes response. template files are searching in root\_dir/views directory
template syntax is Text::Xslate::Syntax::Kolon, can use Kossy::Connection object and fillinform block.
## template.tx
: block form | fillinform( $c.req ) -> {
<: $c.stash.title :>
: }
also can use [Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AXslate%3A%3ABridge%3A%3ATT2Like) and [Number::Format](https://metacpan.org/pod/Number%3A%3AFormat) methods in your template
- render\_json($args): Kossy::Response
serializes arguments with JSON and makes response
This method escapes '<', '>', and '+' characters by "\\uXXXX" form. Browser don't detects the JSON as HTML. And also this module outputs "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" header for IEs.
render\_json have a JSON hijacking detection feature same as [Amon2::Plugin::Web::JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amon2%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AWeb%3A%3AJSON). This returns "403 Forbidden" response if following pattern request.
- The request have 'Cookie' header.
- The request doesn't have 'X-Requested-With' header.
- The request contains /android/i string in 'User-Agent' header.
- Request method is 'GET'
# Kossy::Request
This class is child class of Plack::Request, decode query/body parameters automatically. Return value of $req->param(), $req->body\_parameters, etc. is the decoded value.
## OBJECT METHODS for Kossy::Request class
- uri\_for($path,$args):String
build absolute URI with path and $args
my $uri = $c->req->uri_for('/login',[ arg => 'Hello']);
- validator($rule):Kossy::Validator::Result
validate parameters using [Kossy::Validator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Kossy%3A%3AValidator)
my $result = $c->req->validator([
'q' => [['NOT_NULL','query must be defined']],
'level' => {
default => 'M',
rule => [
[['CHOICE',qw/L M Q H/],'invalid level char'],
my $val = $result->valid('q');
my $val = $result->valid('level');
- body\_parameters\_raw
- query\_parameters\_raw
- parameters\_raw
- param\_raw
These methods are the accessor to raw values. 'raw' means the value is not decoded.
# Kossy::Response
This class is child class of Plack::Response
- X-Frame-Options
By default, Kossy outputs "X-Frame-Options: DENY". You can change this header
get '/iframe' => sub {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# or remove from response header
# delete $c->res->headers->remove_header('X-Frame-Options');
(Default: DENY)
- kossy.request.parse\_json\_body
If enabled, Kossy will decode json in the request body that has "application/json" content header
post '/api' => sub {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->env->{'kossy.request.parse_json_body'} = 1;
my val = $c->req->param('foo'); # bar
# requrest
# $ua->requrest(
# HTTP::Request->new(
# "POST",
# "http://example.com/api",
# [ "Content-Type" => 'application/json', "Content-Length" => 13 ],
# '{"foo":"bar"}'
# )
# );
Change xslate's cache level and cache directory.
local $Kossy::XSLATE_CACHE = 2;
local $Kossy::XSLATE_CACHE_DIR = $dir;
my $app = MyApp::Web->psgi;
By default, $XSLATE\_CACHE is 1, $XSLATE\_CACHE\_DIR is undef. use Xslate's default.
If disabled, Kossy does not set X-Frame-Options and X-XSS-Protection. enabled by default.
local $Kossy::SECURITY_HEADER = 0;
my $app = MyApp::Web->psgi;
Can not change $Kossy::SECURITY\_HEADER in your WebApp. It's need to set at build time.
This is useful for the benchmark :-)
changes the JSON serializer:
use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
use Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type;
local $Kossy::JSON_SERIALIZER = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->allow_blessed(1)->convert_blessed(1)->ascii(0);
get '/' => sub {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
return $c->render_json({ a => '234' }, { a => JSON_TYPE_INT });
my $app = __PACKAGE__->psgi;
Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo {at} gmail.com>
Kossy is small waf, that has only 400 lines code. so easy to reading framework code and customize it. Sinatra-ish router, build-in templating, validators and zero-configuration features are suitable for small application and rapid development.
# LICENSE of HTTP::Headers::Fast
Kossy::Headers uses [HTTP::Headers::Fast](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP%3A%3AHeaders%3A%3AFast) code. Here is LICENSE of HTTP::Headers::Fast
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.