# NAME Text::Markup::Any - Common Lightweight Markup Language Interface # SYNOPSIS use Text::Markup::Any; # OO Interface my $md = Text::Markup::Any->new('Text::Markdown'); my $html = $md->markup('# hoge'); #


# Functional Interface my $tx = markupper 'Textile'; # snip 'Text::' in functional inteface. my $html = $tx->markup('h1. hoge'); #


# DESCRIPTION Text::Markup::Any is Common Lightweight Markup Language Interface. Currently supported modules are Text::Markdown, Text::MultiMarkdown, Text::Markdown::Discount, Text::Xatena and Text::Textile. # AUTHOR Masayuki Matsuki # SEE ALSO # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.