You'll find in this packaged: - the module Net::MRIM, which is an API to the agent network - three example scripts, the first being an answering machine, and the second being a simple CLI client for agent, and the third a simple GUI wxWidgets client. You can use that CLI client, that support basic messaging. Edit the file and enter your login information. This is the most simple agent client ever: only two files are needed to make it work: and I paid a lot of attention to be sure that it works on any platform. This wasn't that easy, since the protocol was designed with x86 in mind. It should work on any standard PERL with version > 5.8. For you also need WxPerl >0.7 Everything in this package is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE IS NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Alexandre Aufrere