mediathek is a perl clone of Mediathek: It takes the XML file made available by that project, and loads it into a local SQLite database for better access to the data. Searches can then be carried out, and the videos downloaded. See all the options: ./ --help INSTALL Required perl modules: DBI DBD::SQLite WWW::Mechanize XML::Twig File::Util File::Spec::Functions YAML::Any Log::Log4perl Data::Dumper Class::Date Memory::Usage Format::Human::Bytes IO::Uncompress::Unzip Video::Flvstreamer Getopt::Long Encode install with cpan: cpan DBD::SQLite DBI WWW::Mechanize XML::Twig File::Util File::Spec::Functions YAML::Any Log::Log4perl Data::Dumper Class::Date Memory::Usage Format::Human::Bytes IO::Uncompress::Unzip Video::Flvstreamer Getopt::Long Encode install modules with cpanp cpanp DBD::SQLite DBI WWW::Mechanize XML::Twig File::Util File::Spec::Functions YAML::Any Log::Log4perl Data::Dumper Class::Date Memory::Usage Format::Human::Bytes IO::Uncompress::Unzip Video::Flvstreamer Getopt::Long Encode BASIC USAGE ./ --cache_dir /path/to/cache --