mercury This is a message broker that enables some common messaging patterns over WebSockets. WebSockets are a powerful tool, enabling many features previously impossible, difficult, or ugly for web developers to implement. Where once only an HTTP request could get data from a server, now a persistent socket can allow the server to send updates without the client needing to specifically request it. Server-side Communication WebSockets do not need to be a communication channel purely between browser and server. The Mojolicious web framework has excellent support for WebSockets. Using that support, we can communicate between different server processes. This solves the problem with client-to-client communication in a parallelized web server where all clients may not be connected to the same server process. The server processes can use a central message broker to coordinate and pass messages from one client to another. Message Bus A message bus allows for all connected peers to send and receive messages in a group. Requesting a WebSocket from the URL "/bus/fry" joins the peer-to-peer message bus topic "fry". All peers joined to the same topic will receive all the messages published to that topic by other peers. This is useful for sharing state changes between multiple peers, for example, in a forking web app server like Hypnotoad or Starman. Pub/Sub Messaging The pub/sub pattern allows for 1-to-many delivery of messages from one publisher to any number of active subscribers. Requesting a WebSocket from the URL "/sub/leela" creates a subscription to the topic "leela". Requesting a WebSocket from the URL "/pub/leela" allows sending messages to the "leela" topic, which are then received by all the subscribers. Topics are heirarchical to allow for broad subscriptions without requring more sockets. A subscription to the topic "wong" receives all messages published to the topic "wong" or any child topic like "wong/amy" or "wong/leo". This pattern is useful for keeping clients informed of backend processes, tapping into an event or logging stream. Push/Pull Push/pull deals out messages in a round-robin manner. Pushers send messages which are handled by a single puller. Handlers request WebSockets from the URL "/pull/bender". Senders request WebSockets from the URL "/push/bender". Senders send messages which will be received by a single handler. This pattern is useful for load balancing incoming updates, or creating processing pipelines using multiple push/pull endpoints. Example App In "development" mode (the default), the broker provides an example application to test the messaging patterns. You can change the mode by using the "-m" flag to the "mercury broker" command or the "MOJO_MODE" environment variable. INSTALLATION This is a Perl module distribution. It should be installed with whichever tool you use to manage your installation of Perl, e.g. any of cpanm . cpan . cpanp -i . Consult for further instruction. Should you wish to install this module manually, the procedure is perl Makefile.PL make make test make install COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.