SYNOPSIS Use as LWP::UserAgent subclass: use LWP::UserAgent::ProgressAny; use Progress::Any::Output; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent::ProgressAny->new; Progress::Any::Output->set("TermProgressBarColor"); my $resp = $ua->get(""); # you will see a progress bar in your terminal Use with standard LWP::UserAgent or other subclasses: use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::UserAgent::ProgressAny; use Progress::Any::Output; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; LWP::UserAgent::ProgressAny::__add_handlers($ua); Progress::Any::Output->set("TermProgressBarColor"); my $resp = $ua->get(""); DESCRIPTION This module lets you see progress indicators when you are doing requests with LWP::UserAgent. This module uses Progress::Any framework. Sample output: SEE ALSO LWP::UserAgent::ProgressBar (LU::PB) is a similar module. It uses Term::ProgressBar to display progress bar and introduces two new methods: get_with_progress and post_with_progress. Compared to LWP::UserAgent::ProgressAny (LU::PA): LU::PA uses Progress::Any so you can get progress notification via means other than terminal progress bar simply by choosing another progress output. LU::PA is also more transparent, you don't have to use a different method to do requests. Lastly, LU::PA can be used with standard LWP::UserAgent or its other subclasses. HTTP::Tiny::ProgressAny