NAME Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::HTTP - HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst. SYNOPSIS use Catalyst qw/ Authentication Authentication::Store::Minimal Authentication::Credential::HTTP /; __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{http}{type} = 'any'; # or 'digest' or 'basic' __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{users} = { Mufasa => { password => "Circle Of Life", }, }; sub foo : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->authorization_required( realm => "foo" ); # named after the status code ;-) # either user gets authenticated or 401 is sent do_stuff(); } # with ACL plugin __PACKAGE__->deny_access_unless("/path", sub { $_[0]->authenticate_http }); sub end : Private { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->authorization_required_response( realm => "foo" ); $c->error(0); } DESCRIPTION This moduule lets you use HTTP authentication with Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication. Both basic and digest authentication are currently supported. When authentication is required, this module sets a status of 401, and the body of the response to 'Authorization required.'. To override this and set your own content, check for the "$c->res->status == 401" in your "end" action, and change the body accordingly. TERMS Nonce A nonce is a one-time value sent with each digest authentication request header. The value must always be unique, so per default the last value of the nonce is kept using Catalyst::Plugin::Cache. To change this behaviour, override the "store_digest_authorization_nonce" and "get_digest_authorization_nonce" methods as shown below. METHODS authorization_required %opts Tries to "authenticate_http", and if that fails calls "authorization_required_response" and detaches the current action call stack. This method just passes the options through untouched. authenticate_http %opts Looks inside "$c->request->headers" and processes the digest and basic (badly named) authorization header. This will only try the methods set in the configuration. First digest, then basic. See the next two methods for what %opts can contain. authenticate_basic %opts authenticate_digest %opts Try to authenticate one of the methods without checking if the method is allowed in the configuration. %opts can contain "store" (either an object or a name), "user" (to disregard %the username from the header altogether, overriding it with a username or user %object). authorization_required_response %opts Sets "$c->response" to the correct status code, and adds the correct header to demand authentication data from the user agent. Typically used by "authorization_required", but may be invoked manually. %opts can contain "realm", "domain" and "algorithm", which are used to build %the digest header. store_digest_authorization_nonce $key, $nonce get_digest_authorization_nonce $key Set or get the $nonce object used by the digest auth mode. You may override these methods. By default they will call "get" and "set" on "$c->cache". CONFIGURATION All configuration is stored in "YourApp->config->{authentication}{http}". This should be a hash, and it can contain the following entries: store Either a name or an object -- the default store to use for HTTP authentication. type Can be either "any" (the default), "basic" or "digest". This controls "authorization_required_response" and "authenticate_http", but not the "manual" methods. authorization_required_message Set this to a string to override the default body content "Authorization required." RESTRICTIONS When using digest authentication, this module will only work together with authentication stores whose User objects have a "password" method that returns the plain-text password. It will not work together with Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd, or Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC stores whose "password" methods return a hashed or salted version of the password. AUTHORS Yuval Kogman, "" Jess Robinson Sascha Kiefer "" SEE ALSO RFC 2617 (or its successors), Catalyst::Plugin::Cache, Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005-2006 the aforementioned authors. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.