Business::CyberSource - Perl interface to the CyberSource Simple Order
version 0.010004
This library is a Perl interface to the CyberSource Simple Order SOAP
API built on Moose and XML::Compile::SOAP technologies. This library
aims to eventually provide a full interface the SOAPI.
You may wish to read the Official CyberSource Documentation on Credit
Card Services for the Simpler Order API
as it will provide further information on why what some
things are and the general workflow.
To get started you will want to read the documentation in
Business::CyberSource::Client and Business::CyberSource::Request. If you
find any documentation unclear or outright missing, please file a bug.
If there are features that are part of CyberSource's API but are not
documented, or are missing here, please file a bug. I'll be happy to add
them, but due to the size of the upstream API, I have not had time to
cover all the features and some are currently undocumented.
Supports MooseY::RemoteHelper::Role::Clients "REMOTE_CLIENT_DEBUG"
variable. This can be set to either 0, 1, 2, for varying levels of
all environment variables are prefixed with "PERL_BUSINESS_CYBERSOURCE_"
set's the username and password in the client for running tests.
Direct Currency Conversion
sets the test credit card expiration year for both Visa and MasterCard
sets the test credit card expiration month for both Visa and MasterCard
A test credit card number provided by your your credit card processor
A test credit card number provided by your your credit card processor
In the example, "carp" means you should log something "Dumper" means you
should log it with lots of detail. Safe::Isa is used because you should
either use it or check for "blessed" it is always possible that
somewhere in the stack someone is using "die" on a string.
use 5.010;
use Carp;
use Try::Tiny;
use Safe::Isa;
use Data::Printer alias => 'Dumper';
use Business::CyberSource::Client;
use Business::CyberSource::Request::Authorization;
use Business::CyberSource::Request::Capture;
# exception namepsace
my $e_ns = 'Business::CyberSource::Exception';
my $client = Business::CyberSource::Client->new({
user => 'Merchant ID',
pass => 'API Key',
test => 1,
debug => 1, # do not set in production as it prints sensative
# information
my $auth_request;
try {
= Business::CyberSource::Request::Authorization->new({
reference_code => '42',
bill_to => {
first_name => 'Caleb',
last_name => 'Cushing',
street1 => '100 somewhere st',
city => 'Houston',
state => 'TX',
postal_code => '77064',
country => 'US',
email => '',
purchase_totals => {
currency => 'USD',
total => 5.00,
card => {
account_number => '4111111111111111',
expiration => {
month => 9,
year => 2025,
catch {
my $e = $_;
sif ( $e->$_does('Business::CyberSource::Response::Role::Base') )
carp $e->reason_code . $e->reason_text;
elsif ( $e->$_isa( $e_ns . '::SOAPFault' ) ) {
carp $e->faultcode . $e->faultstring;
elsif ( $e->$_isa( $e_ns ) || $e->$_isa( 'Moose::Exception' ) ) {
Dumper( $e );
## probably your payload was bad, check type more
## specifically and feed good error messages to your
## customer
else { # probably a coding error
Dumper( $e );
return unless $auth_request;
my $auth_response;
try {
$auth_response = $client->submit( $auth_request );
catch {
carp $_;
return unless $auth_response;
unless( $auth_response->is_accept ) {
carp $auth_response->reason_text;
else {
my $capture_request
= Business::CyberSource::Request::Capture->new({
reference_code => $auth_response->reference_code,
service => {
request_id => $auth_response->request_id,
purchase_totals => {
total => $auth_response->auth->amount,
currency => $auth_response->purchase_totals->currency,
my $capture_response;
try {
$capture_response = $client->submit( $capture_request );
catch {
my $e = $_;
if ( $e->$_does('Business::CyberSource::Response::Role::Base') )
carp $e->reason_code . $e->reason_text;
elsif ( $e->$_isa( $e_ns . '::SOAPFault' ) ) {
carp $e->faultcode . $e->faultstring;
elsif ( $e->$_isa( $e_ns ) || $e->$_isa( 'Moose::Exception' ) ) {
Dumper( $e );
## probably your payload was bad, check type more
## specifically and feed good error messages to your
## customer
else { # probably a coding error
Dumper( $e );
return unless $capture_response;
if ( $capture_response->is_accept ) {
# you probably want to record this
say $capture_response->capture->reconciliation_id;
This code is not meant to be DRY, but more of a top to bottom example.
Also note that if you really want to do Authorization and Capture at one
time use a Sale. Most common Reasons for Exceptions would be bad input
into the request object (which validates things) or CyberSource just
randomly throwing an ERROR, in which case you can usually just retry
later. You don't have to print the response on error during development,
you can easily just use the "REMOTE_CLIENT_DEBUG" Environment variable.
* Mark Overmeer
for the help with getting XML::Compile::SOAP::WSS working.
* HostGator
funding initial development.
* GüdTech
funding further development.
* Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP
* Business::OnlinePayment::CyberSource
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
* Carl Carstenson
* Robert Stone
Caleb Cushing
This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Caleb Cushing
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)