NAME URI::Escape::XS - Drop-In replacement for URI::Escape VERSION $Id: README,v 0.5 2013/02/25 17:24:25 dankogai Exp $ SYNOPSIS # use it instead of URI::Escape use URI::Escape::XS qw/uri_escape uri_unescape/; $safe = uri_escape("10% is enough\n"); $verysafe = uri_escape("foo", "\0-\377"); $str = uri_unescape($safe); # or use encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent use URI::Escape::XS; $safe = encodeURIComponent("10% is enough\n"); $str = decodeURIComponent("10%25%20is%20enough%0A"); # if you have CNet::IDN::Encode installed $safe = encodeURIComponentIDN("http://ドメイン名例.jp/dan/"); $str = decodeURIComponentIDN(""); EXPORT by default "encodeURIComponent" and "decodeURIComponent" "encodeURIComponentIDN" and "decodeURIComponentIDN" if either Net::LibIDN or Net::IDN::Encode is available on demand "uri_escape" and "uri_unescape" FUNCTIONS encodeURIComponent Does what JavaScript's encodeURIComponent does. $uri = encodeURIComponent(""); # Note you cannot customize characters to escape. If you need to do so, use "uri_escape". decodeURIComponent Does what JavaScript's decodeURIComponent does. $str = decodeURIComponent(""); # It decode not only %HH sequences but also %uHHHH sequences, with surrogate pairs correctly decoded. $str = decodeURIComponent("%uD869%uDEB2%u5F3E%u0061"); # \x{2A6B2}\x{5F3E}a This function UNCONDITIONALLY returns the decoded string with utf8 flag off. To get utf8-decoded string, use Encode and decode_utf8(decodeURIComponent($uri)); This is the correct behavior because you cannot tell if the decoded string actually contains UTF-8 decoded string, like ISO-8859-1 and Shift_JIS. encodeURIComponentIDN Same as "encodeURIComponent" except that the host part is encoded in punycode. Either Net::LibIDN or Net::IDN::Encode is required to use this function. URIs with Internationalizing Domain Names require two encodings: Punycode for host part and URI escape for the rest. Currently only FULL URIs with "http:" or "https:" are supported. decodeURIComponentIDN Same as "decodeURIComponent" except that the host part is encoded in punycode. Either Net::LibIDN or Net::IDN::Encode is required to use this function. uri_escape Does exactly the same as URI::Escape::uri_escape() except when utf8-flagged string is fed. URI::Escape::uri_escape() croak and urge you to "uri_escape_utf8()" but it is pointless because URI itself has no such things as utf8 flag. The function in this module ALWAYS TREATS the string as byte sequence. That way you can safely use this function without worring about utf8 flags. Note this function is NOT EXPORTED by default. That way you can use URI::Escape and URI::Escape::XS simultaneously. uri_unescape Does exactly the same as URI::Escape::uri_escape() except when %uHHHH is fed. URI::Escape::uri_unescape() simply ignores %uHHHH sequences while the function in this module does decode it into the corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence. Like uri_escape, this funciton is NOT EXPORTED by default. Note on the %uHHHH sequence With this module the resulting strings never have the utf8 flag on. So if you want to decode it to perl utf8, You have to explicitly decode via Encode. Remember. URIs have always been a byte sequence, not UTF-8 characters. If the %uHHHH sequence became standard, you could have safely told if a given URI is in Unicode. But more fortunately than unfortunately, the RFC proposal was rejected so you cannot tell which encoding is used just by looking at the URI. I said fortunately because %uHHHH can be nasty for non-BMP characters. Since each %uHHHH can hold one 16-bit value, you need a *surrogate pair* to represent it if it is U+10000 and above. In spite of that, there are a significant number of URIs with %uHHHH escapes. Therefore this module supports decoding only. SPEED Since this module uses XS, it is really fast except for uri_escape("noop"). Regexp which is used in URI::Escape is really fast for non-matching but slows down significantly when it has to replace string. BENCHMARK On Macbook Pro 2GHz, Perl 5.8.8. ============================================================ Unescape it ----------- U::E 58526/s -- -88% U::E::XS 486968/s 732% -- -------------- Escape it back -------------- U::E 30046/s -- -78% U::E::XS 136992/s 356% -- =============== Unescape it ----------- Rate U::E U::E::XS U::E 821972/s -- -4% U::E::XS 854732/s 4% -- -------------- Escape it back ------------- U::E::XS 522969/s -- -7% U::E 565112/s 8% -- AUTHOR Dan Kogai, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-uri-escape-xs at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc URI::Escape::XS You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * RT: CPAN's request tracker * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gisle Aas for URI::Escape Koichi Taniguchi for URI::Escape::JavaScript Thomas Jacob for Net::LibIDN Claus Färber for Net::IDN::Encode COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2007-2012 Dan Kogai, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.