NAME Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources - Query and set various Xresources SYNOPSIS use Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources qw( get_xterm_color set_xterm_color set_foreground_color set_background_color ); # make color index 220 represent red instead of yellow set_xterm_color({ 220 => 'ff0000'}); # get RGB values for all defined colors my $colors = get_xterm_color({ index => [0 .. 255], # default type => 'hex', # default is base 10 }); # change the background color to red... set_background_color('ff0000'); # .. and the foreground color to yellow set_foreground_color('ffff00'); DESCRIPTION Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources provides functions for changing and querying the underlying X terminal emulator for various X resources. EXPORTS None by default. FUNCTIONS set_xterm_color() # Switch yellow and red my $new_colors = set_xterm_color({ 220 => 'ff0000', 196 => 'ffff00', }); print $_ for values %{$new_colors}; # or just... set_xterm_color({ 100 => ff0066}); Expects a hash reference where the keys are color indexes (0 .. 255) and the values hexadecimal representations of the color values. Changes the colors if called in void context. Else, returns a hash with the indexes as keys and the appropriate escape sequences as values. get_xterm_color() my $defined_colors = get_xterm_color({ index => [0 .. 255], type => 'dec' }); print $defined_colors->{4}->{red}, "\n"; print $defined_colors->{8}->{rgb}, "\n"; 0 - 15 is the standard *ANSI* colors, all above them are extended colors. Returns a hash reference with the index colors as keys. By default the color values are in decimal. The color values can be accessed by using their name: my $red = $colors->{10}->{red}; Or by using the short notation: my $red = $colors->{10}->{r}; The full color string can be retrieved like so: my $rgb = $colors->{10}->{rgb}; The "raw" element is the full, raw response from the terminal, including escape sequences. The following arguments are supported: index => $index | \@indexes Arrayref of color indexes to look up and return. Defaults to [0..255], i.e. all indexes. Alternately a single index may be passed. type => 'dec' | 'hex' May be 'dec' or 'hex'. The default is 'dec' (decimal) which returns color values as integers between 0 and 255, and returns a 'rgb' string of the form '$r/$g/$b' e.g. '255/0/0'. If 'hex' is passed, returns color values in base 16, zero-padded to two characters (between 00 and ff) and a 'rgb' string of the form '$r$g$b' e.g. 'ff0000' get_xterm_colors() The same thing as get_xterm_color(). Will be deprecated. set_foreground_color() set_foreground_color('ff0000'); my $fg = set_foreground_color('c0ffee'); Sets the foreground color if called in void context. Else, the appropriate escape sequence is returned. set_background_color() set_background_color('121212'); my $bg = set_foreground_color('000000'); Sets the foreground color if called in void context. Else, the appropriate escape sequence is returned. SEE ALSO Term::ExtendedColor AUTHOR Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH CONTRIBUTORS None required yet. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010, 2011 the Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.