array('number', ''), 'except' => array('string', ''), 'filter' => array('string', ''), 'title' => array('enum', 'on', array('on', 'off', 'nolink', 'basename')), // obsolete 'titlestr' => array('enum', 'title', array('name', 'off', 'basename', 'title', 'relname')), 'titlelink' => array('bool', true), 'section' => array('array', array()), 'permalink' => array('string', false), 'head' => array('bool', true), ); static $default_section_options = array( 'num' => array('number', ''), 'depth' => array('number', ''), 'except' => array('string', ''), 'filter' => array('string', ''), 'cache' => array('enum', 'on', array('on', 'off', 'reset')), 'inclsub' => array('bool', false), // not yet ); $this->default_options = &$default_options; $this->default_section_options = &$default_section_options; // init static $visited = array(); $this->visited = &$visited; $this->options = $this->default_options; $this->section_options = $this->default_section_options; } function PluginIncludex() { $this->__construct(); } // static var $default_options; var $default_section_options; var $visited; // var var $error = ""; var $plugin = "includex"; var $options; var $section_options; var $inclpage; var $lines; var $headlines; var $narrowed_headlines; function convert() { $args = func_get_args(); $body = $this->body($args); if ($this->error != "" ) { return "

#$this->plugin(): $this->error

"; } return $body; } function body($args) { global $vars, $get, $post; $this->visited[$vars['page']] = TRUE; $this->inclpage = array_shift($args); $this->check_page(); if ($this->error != "") { return; } $parser = new PluginIncludexOptionParser(); $this->options = $parser->parse_options($args, $this->options); if ($parser->error != "") { $this->error = $parser->error; return; } $this->check_options(); if ($this->error != "") { return; } $this->init_lines(); if ($this->error !== "") { return; } $this->narrow_lines(); if ($this->error !== "") { return; } $body = $this->frontend(); if ($this->error !== "") { return; } $this->visited[$this->inclpage] = TRUE; return $body; } function check_options() { // support lower version if ($this->options['title'][1] != 'on') { if ($this->options['title'][1] == 'nolink') { $this->options['titlelink'][1] = false; $this->options['titlestr'][1] = 'name'; } else { $this->options['titlestr'][1] = $this->options['title'][1]; } } if ($this->options['permalink'][1] === '') { $this->options['permalink'][1] = _('Permalink'); } } function check_page() { global $vars; if (empty($this->inclpage)) { $this->error = "No page is specified."; return; } $current = $vars['page']; $this->inclpage = get_fullname($this->inclpage, $current); if (! $this->is_page($this->inclpage)) { $this->error = "$this->inclpage does not eixst."; return; } if (! $this->check_readable($this->inclpage, false, false)) { $this->error = "$this->inclpage is not readable."; return; } if (isset($this->visited[$this->inclpage])) { $this->error = "$this->inclpage is already included."; return; } } function frontend() { global $vars, $get, $post; $titlestr = PluginIncludex::get_titlestr($this->inclpage, $this->options['titlestr'][1]); $title = PluginIncludex::get_title($this->inclpage, $titlestr, $this->options['title'][1]); if ($this->error != "") { return; } // because included page would use these variables. $tmp = $vars['page']; $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $this->inclpage; if (function_exists('convert_filter')) { $this->lines = convert_filter($this->lines); // plus } $body = convert_html($this->lines); $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $vars['page'] = $tmp; if ($this->error != "") { return; } $footer = ''; if ($this->options['permalink'][1] !== false) { $linkstr = $this->make_inline($this->options['permalink'][1]); $footer = ''; } return $title . "\n" . $body . $footer; } // static function get_titlestr($inclpage, $option = null, $current = null) { switch ($option) { case 'off': $titlestr = ''; break; case 'name': $titlestr = htmlsc($inclpage); break; case 'basename': $titlestr = htmlsc(basename($inclpage)); break; case 'relname': if (! isset($current)) $current = $GLOBALS['vars']['page']; if (($i = strpos($inclpage, $current . '/')) === 0) { $titlestr = htmlsc(substr($inclpage, strlen($current)+1)); } else { $titlestr = htmlsc($inclpage); } break; case 'on': case 'title': default: if (exist_plugin('contentsx')) { $contentsx = new PluginContentsx(); if (method_exists($contentsx, 'get_title')) { $titlestr = $contentsx->get_title($inclpage); $titlestr = strip_htmltag(make_link($titlestr)); } } if ($titlestr == '') $titlestr = htmlsc($inclpage); break; } return $titlestr; } // static function get_title($inclpage, $titlestr, $option = true) { global $fixed_heading_edited; $anchorlink = ' ' . PluginIncludex::get_page_anchorlink($inclpage); $editlink = $fixed_heading_edited ? ' ' . PluginIncludex::get_page_editlink($inclpage) : ''; if ($titlestr == '') { //return $ret = '
' . $anchorlink . '
'; return ''; } switch ($option) { case false: $ret = '

' . $titlestr . $editlink . $anchorlink . '

'; break; case true: default: $link = make_pagelink($inclpage, $titlestr); $ret = '

' . $link . $editlink . $anchorlink . '

'; break; } return $ret; } function narrow_lines() { $parser = new PluginIncludexOptionParser(); if (! empty($this->options['section'][1]) && exist_plugin('contentsx')) { $this->section_lines(); } $this->filter_lines(); $this->except_lines(); $num = sizeof($this->lines); $this->options['num'][1] = $parser->parse_numoption($this->options['num'][1], 1, $num); if ($parser->error !== "") { $this->error = $parser->error; return; } $this->num_filter_lines(); $this->cut_head_lines(); } function cut_head_lines() { // cut the headline on the first line if ($this->options['head'][1] === FALSE) { $def_headline = '/^(\*{1,3})/'; if (preg_match($def_headline, $this->lines[0])) { unset($this->lines[0]); } } } function section_lines() { if (empty($this->options['section'][1])) { return; } $parser = new PluginIncludexOptionParser(); $this->section_options = $parser->parse_options($this->options['section'][1], $this->section_options); if ($parser->error != "") { $this->error = $parser->error; return; } // what a public class! hehehe $contentsx = new PluginContentsx(); $contentsx->options['include'][1] = false; $contentsx->options['fromhere'][1] = false; $contentsx->options['page'][1] = $contentsx->check_page($this->inclpage); $this->headlines = $contentsx->get_metalines($this->inclpage); if ($contentsx->error != "") { $this->error = $contentsx->error; return; } foreach ($this->section_options as $key => $val) { $contentsx->options[$key] = $val; } $contentsx->narrow_metalines(); if ($contentsx->error != "") { $this->error = $contentsx->error; return; } $this->narrowed_headlines = $contentsx->metalines; $size = sizeof($this->headlines); $this->section_options['num'][1] = $parser->parse_numoption($this->section_options['num'][1], 0, $size); $lines = array(); if (in_array(0, $this->section_options['num'][1])) { $linenum = $this->headlines[0]['linenum']; $lines = array_merge($lines, array_splice($this->lines, 0, $linenum)); } // FutureWork: Do no rely on contentsx's cache as much as possible. $i = 0; $size = sizeof($this->headlines); foreach ($this->narrowed_headlines as $narrowed_headline) { $linenum = $narrowed_headline['linenum']; for (; $i < $size; $i++ ) { $current = $i; if ($linenum != $this->headlines[$current]['linenum']) { continue; } $next = $i + 1; if ($next < $size) { $len = $this->headlines[$next]['linenum'] - $linenum; $lines = array_merge($lines, array_slice($this->lines, $linenum, $len)); } else { $lines = array_merge($lines, array_slice($this->lines, $linenum)); } break; } } $this->lines = $lines; } function num_filter_lines() { if ($this->options['num'][1] === '') { return; } $lines = array(); foreach ($this->options['num'][1] as $num) { $lines[] = $this->lines[$num - 1]; } $this->lines = $lines; } function filter_lines() { if ($this->options['filter'][1] === "") { return; } $lines = array(); foreach ($this->lines as $line) { if (ereg($this->options['filter'][1], $line)) { $lines[] = $line; } } $this->lines = $lines; } function except_lines() { if ($this->options['except'][1] === "") { return; } $lines = array(); foreach ($this->lines as $line) { if (! ereg($this->options['except'][1], $line)) { $lines[] = $line; } } $this->lines = $lines; } function init_lines() { $this->lines = $this->get_source($this->inclpage); } // static function get_page_anchor($page) { // anchor must be '^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*' return 'z' . md5($page); } // PukiWiki API Extension // convert inline plugins // PukiWiki API InlineConverter does htmlsc, too. // refer plugin/make_link.php#make_link // static function make_inline($string, $page = '') { global $vars; static $converter; if (! isset($converter)) $converter = new InlineConverter(array('plugin')); $clone = $converter->get_clone($converter); return $clone->convert($string, ($page != '') ? $page : $vars['page']); } // refer plugin/ // static function get_page_anchorlink($page) { global $_symbol_anchor; global $pkwk_dtd; $id = $this->get_page_anchor($page); $id = htmlsc($id); // aname allows only fiexed_anchors such as x83dvkd8 //if (exist_plugin_inline('aname')) { //$link = do_plugin_inline('aname', "$anchor,super,$_symbol_anchor"); //} if (isset($pkwk_dtd) && $pkwk_dtd < PKWK_DTD_XHTML_1_1) { $attr_id = ' id="' . $id . '" name="' . $id . '"'; } else { $attr_id = ' id="' . $id . '"'; } $attr_href = ' href="#' . $id . '"'; $attr_title = ' title="' . $id . '"'; $attr_class = ' class="anchor_super"'; $link = '' . $_symbol_anchor . ''; return $link; } // static function get_page_editlink($page) { $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $link = ''; $link .= 'Edit'; $link .= ''; return $link; } function get_source($page) { return get_source($page); } function is_page($page) { return is_page($page); } function check_readable($page, $flag, $flag2) { return check_readable($page, $flag, $flag2); } } /////////////////////////////////////// class PluginIncludexOptionParser { var $error = ""; function parse_options($args, $options) { if (! $this->is_associative_array($args)) { $args = $this->associative_args($args, $options); if ($this->error != "") { return; } } foreach ($args as $key => $val) { if ( !isset($options[$key]) ) { continue; } // for action ($vars) $type = $options[$key][0]; switch ($type) { case 'bool': if($val == "" || $val == "on" || $val == "true") { $options[$key][1] = true; } elseif ($val == "off" || $val == "false" ) { $options[$key][1] = false; } else { $this->error = htmlsc("$key=$val") . " is invalid. "; $this->error .= "The option, $key, accepts only a boolean value."; $this->error .= "#$this->plugin($key) or #$this->plugin($key=on) or #$this->plugin($key=true) for true. "; $this->error .= "#$this->plugin($key=off) or #$this->plugin($key=false) for false. "; return; } break; case 'string': $options[$key][1] = $val; break; case 'sanitize': $options[$key][1] = htmlsc($val); break; case 'number': // Do not parse yet, parse after getting min and max. Here, just format checking if ($val === '') { $options[$key][1] = ''; break; } if ($val[0] === '(' && $val[strlen($val) - 1] == ')') { $val = substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2); } foreach (explode(",", $val) as $range) { if (preg_match('/^-?\d+$/', $range)) { } elseif (preg_match('/^-?\d*\:-?\d*$/', $range)) { } elseif (preg_match('/^-?\d+\+-?\d+$/', $range)) { } else { $this->error = htmlsc("$key=$val") . " is invalid. "; $this->error .= "The option, " . $key . ", accepts number values such as 1, 1:3, 1+3, 1,2,4. "; $this->error .= "Specify options as \"$key=1,2,4\" or $key=(1,2,3) when you want to use \",\". "; $this->error .= "In more details, a style like (1:3,5:7,9:) is also possible. 9: means from 9 to the last. "; $this->error .= "Furtermore, - means backward. -1:-3 means 1,2,3 from the tail. "; return; } } $options[$key][1] = $val; break; case 'enum': if($val == "") { $options[$key][1] = $options[$key][2][0]; } elseif (in_array($val, $options[$key][2])) { $options[$key][1] = $val; } else { $this->error = htmlsc("$key=$val") . " is invalid. "; $this->error .= "The option, " . $key . ", accepts values from one of (" . join(",", $options[$key][2]) . "). "; $this->error .= "By the way, #$this->plugin($key) equals to #$this->plugin($key=" . $options[$key][2][0] . "). "; return; } break; case 'array': if ($val == '') { $options[$key][1] = array(); break; } if ($val[0] === '(' && $val[strlen($val) - 1] == ')') { $val = substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2); } $val = explode(',', $val); //$val = $this->support_paren($val); $options[$key][1] = $val; break; case 'enumarray': if ($val == '') { $options[$key][1] = $options[$key][2]; break; } if ($val[0] === '(' && $val[strlen($val) - 1] == ')') { $val = substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2); } $val = explode(',', $val); //$val = $this->support_paren($val); $options[$key][1] = $val; foreach ($options[$key][1] as $each) { if (! in_array($each, $options[$key][2])) { $this->error = "$key=" . htmlsc(join(",", $options[$key][1])) . " is invalid. "; $this->error .= "The option, " . $key . ", accepts sets of values from (" . join(",", $options[$key][2]) . "). "; $this->error .= "By the way, #$this->plugin($key) equals to #$this->plugin($key=(" . join(',',$options[$key][2]) . ")). "; return; } } break; default: } } return $options; } /** * Handle associative type option arguments as * ["prefix=Hoge/", "contents=(hoge", "hoge", "hoge)"] => ["prefix"=>"hoge/", "contents"=>"(hoge,hoge,hoge)"] * This has special supports for parentheses type arguments (number, array, enumarray) * Check option in along with. * @access public * @param Array $args Original option arguments * @return Array $result Converted associative option arguments */ function associative_args($args, $options) { $result = array(); while (($arg = current($args)) !== false) { list($key, $val) = array_pad(explode("=", $arg, 2), 2, ''); if (! isset($options[$key])) { $this->error = 'No such a option, ' . htmlsc($key); return; } // paren support if ($val[0] === '(' && ($options[$key][0] == 'number' || $options[$key][0] == 'array' || $options[$key][0] == 'enumarray')) { while(true) { if ($val[strlen($val)-1] === ')' && substr_count($val, '(') == substr_count($val, ')')) { break; } $arg = next($args); if ($arg === false) { $this->error = "The # of open and close parentheses of one of your arguments did not match. "; return; } $val .= ',' . $arg; } } $result[$key] = $val; next($args); } return $result; } function parse_numoption($optionval, $min, $max) { if ($optionval === '') { return ''; } $result = array(); foreach (explode(",", $optionval) as $range) { if (preg_match('/^-?\d+$/', $range)) { $left = $right = $range; } elseif (preg_match('/^-?\d*\:-?\d*$/', $range)) { list($left, $right) = explode(":", $range, 2); if ($left == "" && $right == "") { $left = $min; $right = $max; } elseif($left == "") { $left = $min; } elseif ($right == "") { $right = $max; } } elseif (preg_match('/^-?\d+\+-?\d+$/', $range)) { list($left, $right) = explode("+", $range, 2); $right += $left; } if ($left < 0) { $left += $max + 1; } if ($right < 0) { $right += $max + 1; } $result = array_merge($result, range($left, $right)); // range allows like range(5, 3) also } // filter foreach (array_keys($result) as $i) { if ($result[$i] < $min || $result[$i] > $max) { unset($result[$i]); } } sort($result); $result = array_unique($result); return $result; } function option_debug_print($options) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $type = $val[0]; $val = $val[1]; if(is_array($val)) { $val=join(',', $val); } $body .= "$key=>($type, $val),"; } return $body; } // php extension function is_associative_array($array) { if (!is_array($array) || empty($array)) return false; $keys = array_keys($array); return array_keys($keys) !== $keys; // or //return is_array($array) && !is_numeric(implode(array_keys($array))); } } // php extension if (! function_exists('_')) { function &_($str) { return $str; } } //////////////////////////////////////////// function plugin_includex_common_init() { global $plugin_includex; if (class_exists('PluginIncludexUnitTest')) { $plugin_includex = new PluginIncludexUnitTest(); } elseif (class_exists('PluginIncludexUser')) { $plugin_includex = new PluginIncludexUser(); } else { $plugin_includex = new PluginIncludex(); } } function plugin_includex_convert() { global $plugin_includex; plugin_includex_common_init(); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_includex, 'convert'), $args); } if (! defined('INIT_DIR')) // if not Plus! if (file_exists(DATA_HOME . 'init/includex.ini.php')) include_once(DATA_HOME . 'init/includex.ini.php'); ?>