conf = & $conf; } function PluginTag() { $this->__construct(); } var $conf; var $plugin = 'tag'; function action() // clean cache { global $vars; if (is_admin($vars['pass'], $this->conf['use_session'], $this->conf['through_if_admin'])) { $body = $this->clean_cache(); } else { $body = $this->display_password_form(); } return array('msg'=>'Clean Tag Caches', 'body'=>$body); } /** * Clean Tag Caches * * @return string HTML */ function clean_cache() { set_time_limit(0); global $vars; // remove all files $files = $this->get_items_filenames(); $files = array_merge($files, $this->get_tags_filenames()); $files = array_merge($files, (array)$this->get_tagcloud_filename()); foreach ($files as $file) { unlink($file); } // execute all pages $exec_pages = exec_existpages('/&tag\([^;]*\);/'); if (empty($exec_pages)) { $html = ''; } else { $links = array_map('make_pagelink', $exec_pages); $html = '

Following pages were executed to assure:

' . '

' . implode("
\n", $links) . '

'; } $html .= $this->display_tagcloud(NULL); return $html; } /** * Display a password form * * @param $msg error message or some messages * @return string form html */ function display_password_form($message = "") { $cmd = $this->plugin; $pcmd = 'clean'; $form = array(); $form[] = '
'; $form[] = '
'; $form[] = ' '; if (! is_admin(null, $this->conf['use_session'], $this->conf['through_if_admin'])) { $form[] = ' ' . _('Admin Password') . '
'; } $form[] = '
'; $form[] = '
'; $form[] = '
'; $form = implode("\n", $form); if ($message != '') { $message = '

' . htmlsc($message) . '

'; } return $message . $form; } function inline() // tagging { static $tagging = FALSE; if (func_num_args() == 0){ return 'tag(): no argument(s). '; } global $vars, $defaultpage; $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage; $args = func_get_args(); array_pop($args); // drop {} $tags = $args; if ($tagging) { // 2nd call $this->add_tags($page, $tags); } elseif (isset($vars['preview']) || isset($vars['realview']) || is_page_newer($page, $this->get_tags_filename($page))) { $this->save_tags($page, $tags); $tagging = TRUE; } return $this->display_tags($tags); } /** * Experimental: Write After Plugin Main Function * * @param string &$page * @param string &$postdata * @param boolean &$notimestamp * @return void or exit */ function write_after() { $args = func_get_args(); $page = $args[0]; $postdata = $args[1]; if ($postdata == "") { // if page is deleted $this->save_tags($page, array()); // remove tags } // ToDo: renew tag cache on write_after, not on read // Since the whole text must be parsed to find '&tag();', // it is not realistic. // Must create a separated form for Tags to avoid this load. } /** * Experimental: Plugin for Rename Plugin Main Function * * @param array $pages $oldpage => $newpage * @return void or exit */ function rename_plugin() { $args = func_get_args(); $pages = $args[0]; foreach ($pages as $oldpage => $newpage) { $this->rename_item($oldpage, $newpage); } } /** * Get tag link * * @param string $tag * @return string url */ function get_taglink($tag) { $href = $this->conf['listcmd'] . rawurlencode($tag); return '' . htmlsc($tag) . ' '; } /** * Display tags * * @param array $tags * @return string HTML */ function display_tags($tags) { $ret = ''; $ret .= 'Tag: '; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $ret .= $this->get_taglink($tag); } $ret .= ''; global $head_tags; $head_tags[] = ' '; return $ret; } /** * Display tags list * * @param integer $limit Number to show * @param string $relate_tag Show only related tags of this * @param string $cssclass * @return string HTML */ function display_taglist($limit = NULL, $relate_tag = NULL, $cssclass = 'taglist tags') { $html = ''; return $html; } /** * Display tagcloud * * @param integer $limit Number to show * @param string $relate_tag Show only related tags of this * @return string HTML */ function display_tagcloud($limit = null, $relate_tag = null) { $view = new TagCloud(); $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud($limit, $relate_tag); foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) { $url = $this->conf['listcmd'] . rawurlencode($tag); $view->add(htmlsc($tag), $url, $count); } return $view->html(); } function get_items_filename($tag) { $tag = $this->normalize_tags($tag); return CACHE_DIR . encode($tag) . '_tag.tag'; } function get_items_filenames() { return get_existfiles(CACHE_DIR, '_tag.tag'); } function get_tags_filename($page) { return CACHE_DIR . encode($page) . '_page.tag'; } function get_tags_filenames() { return get_existfiles(CACHE_DIR, '_page.tag'); } function get_tagcloud_filename() { return CACHE_DIR . 'tagcloud.tag'; } /** * Get tagged pages * * Syntax Sugar for get_items_by_tagtok * * @uses get_items_by_tagtok */ function get_taggedpages($tagtok) { return $this->get_items_by_tagtok($tagtok); } } //////////////// PukiWiki API Extension if (! function_exists('parse_options')) { /** * Parse plugin arguments for options * * @param array &$args * @param array &$options * @param string $sep key/val separator * @return void */ function parse_options(&$args, &$options, $sep = '=') { foreach ($args as $arg) { list($key, $val) = array_pad(explode($sep, $arg, 2), 2, TRUE); if (array_key_exists($key, $options)) { $options[$key] = $val; } } } } if (! function_exists('is_admin')) { /** * PukiWiki admin login with session * * @param string $pass * @param boolean $use_session Use Session log * @param boolean $use_basicauth Use BasicAuth log * @return boolean */ function is_admin($pass = null, $use_session = false, $use_basicauth = false) { $is_admin = FALSE; if ($use_basicauth) { if (is_callable(array('auth', 'check_role'))) { // Plus! $is_admin = ! auth::check_role('role_adm_contents'); } } if (! $is_admin && isset($pass)) { $is_admin = function_exists('pkwk_login') ? pkwk_login($pass) : md5($pass) === $GLOBALS['adminpass']; // 1.4.3 } if ($use_session) { session_start(); if ($is_admin) $_SESSION['is_admin'] = TRUE; return isset($_SESSION['is_admin']) && $_SESSION['is_admin']; } else { return $is_admin; } } } if (! function_exists('make_pagelink_nopg')) { /** * Make a hyperlink to the page without passage * * @param string $page pagename * @param string $alias string to be displayed on the link * @param string $anchor anchor * @param string $refer reference pagename. query '&refer=' is added. * @param bool $isautolink flag if this link is created via autolink or not * @return string link html * @uses make_pagelink */ function make_pagelink_nopg($page, $alias = '', $anchor = '', $refer = '', $isautolink = FALSE) { // no passage global $show_passage; $tmp = $show_passage; $show_passage = 0; $link = make_pagelink($page, $alias, $anchor, $refer, $isautolink); $show_passage = $tmp; return $link; } } if (! function_exists('is_page_newer')) { /** * Check if the page timestamp is newer than the file timestamp * * PukiWiki API Extension * * @param string $page pagename * @param string $file filename * @param bool $ignore_notimestamp Ignore notimestamp edit and see the real time editted * @return boolean */ function is_page_newer($page, $file, $ignore_notimestamp = TRUE) { $filestamp = file_exists($file) ? filemtime($file) : 0; if ($ignore_notimestamp) { // See the diff file. PukiWiki Trick. $pagestamp = is_page($page) ? filemtime(DIFF_DIR . encode($page) . '.txt') : 0; } else { $pagestamp = is_page($page) ? filemtime(get_filename($page)) : 0; } return $pagestamp > $filestamp; } } if (! function_exists('exec_page')) { /** * Execute (convert_html) this page * * PukiWiki API Extension * * @param string $page * @param string $regexp execute only matched lines (preg_grep) * @return boolean executed */ function exec_page($page, $regexp = null) { global $vars, $get, $post; $lines = get_source($page); if (isset($regexp)) { $lines = preg_grep($regexp, $lines); } if (empty($lines)) return FALSE; $tmp_page = $vars['page']; $tmp_cmd = $vars['cmd']; $vars['cmd'] = $get['cmd'] = $post['cmd'] = 'read'; $vars['page'] = $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $page; convert_html($lines); $vars['page'] = $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $tmp_page; $vars['cmd'] = $get['cmd'] = $post['cmd'] = $tmp_cmd; return TRUE; } } if (! function_exists('exec_existpages')) { /** * Execute (convert_html) all pages * * PukiWiki API Extension * * @param string $regexp execute only matched lines (preg_grep) * @return array executed pages */ function exec_existpages($regexp = null) { global $vars, $get, $post; $pages = get_existpages(); $exec_pages = array(); $tmp_page = $vars['page']; $tmp_cmd = $vars['cmd']; $vars['cmd'] = $get['cmd'] = $post['cmd'] = 'read'; foreach ($pages as $page) { $vars['page'] = $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $page; $lines = get_source($page); if (isset($regexp)) { $lines = preg_grep($regexp, $lines); } if (empty($lines)) continue; convert_html($lines); $exec_pages[] = $page; } $vars['page'] = $get['page'] = $post['page'] = $tmp_page; $vars['cmd'] = $get['cmd'] = $post['cmd'] = $tmp_cmd; return $exec_pages; } } /////////////// PHP API Extension /////////////////////// if (! function_exists('ya_array_diff')) { /** * Get array diff * * @param array $oldarray * @param array $newarray * @return array array((array)$minus, (array)$plus) */ function ya_array_diff($oldarray, $newarray) { $common = array_intersect($oldarray, $newarray); $minus = array_diff($oldarray, $common); $plus = array_diff($newarray, $common); return array($minus, $plus); } } if (! function_exists('file_put_contents')) { if (! defined('FILE_APPEND')) define('FILE_APPEND', 8); if (! defined('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH')) define('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH', 1); /** * Write a string to a file (PHP5 has this function) * * PHP Compat * * @param string $filename * @param string $data * @param int $flags * @return int the amount of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE if failure */ function file_put_contents($filename, $data, $flags = 0) { $mode = ($flags & FILE_APPEND) ? 'a' : 'w'; $fp = fopen($filename, $mode); if ($fp === false) { return false; } if (is_array($data)) $data = implode('', $data); if ($flags & LOCK_EX) flock($fp, LOCK_EX); $bytes = fwrite($fp, $data); if ($flags & LOCK_EX) flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return $bytes; } } if (! function_exists('r_strpos')) { /** * Find positions of occurrence of a string * * PHP Extension * * @param string $str * @param string $substr * @return array positions */ function r_strpos($str, $substr) { $r_pos = array(); while(true) { $pos = strpos($str, $substr); if ($pos === false) break; array_push($r_pos, $pos); $str = substr($str, $pos + 1); } return $r_pos; } } if (! function_exists('get_existfiles')) { /** * Get list of files in a directory * * PHP Extension * * @access public * @param string $dir Directory Name * @param string $ext File Extension * @param bool $recursive Traverse Recursively * @return array array of filenames * @uses is_dir() * @uses opendir() * @uses readdir() */ function &get_existfiles($dir, $ext = '', $recursive = FALSE) { if (($dp = @opendir($dir)) == FALSE) return FALSE; $pattern = '/' . preg_quote($ext, '/') . '$/'; $dir = ($dir[strlen($dir)-1] == '/') ? $dir : $dir . '/'; $dir = ($dir == '.' . '/') ? '' : $dir; $files = array(); while (($file = readdir($dp)) !== false ) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($dir . $file) && $recursive) { $files = array_merge($files, get_existfiles($dir . $file, $ext, $recursive)); } else { $matches = array(); if (preg_match($pattern, $file, $matches)) { $files[] = $dir . $file; } } } closedir($dp); return $files; } } if (! function_exists('_')) { /** * i18n gettext * * PHP Compat * * @param string $str * @return string */ function _($str) { return $str; } } //////////////////////////////// function plugin_tag_init() { global $plugin_tag_name; if (class_exists('PluginTagUnitTest')) { $plugin_tag_name = 'PluginTagUnitTest'; } elseif (class_exists('PluginTagUser')) { $plugin_tag_name = 'PluginTagUser'; } else { $plugin_tag_name = 'PluginTag'; } } function plugin_tag_inline() { global $plugin_tag, $plugin_tag_name; $plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name(); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_tag, 'inline'), $args); } function plugin_tag_convert() { global $plugin_tag, $plugin_tag_name; $plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name(); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_tag, 'convert'), $args); } function plugin_tag_action() { global $plugin_tag, $plugin_tag_name; $plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name(); return call_user_func(array(&$plugin_tag, 'action')); } function plugin_tag_write_after() { global $plugin_tag_name; $plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name(); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_tag, 'write_after'), $args); } function plugin_tag_rename_plugin() { global $plugin_tag_name; $plugin_tag = new $plugin_tag_name(); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin_tag, 'rename_plugin'), $args); } /** * Tag Class * * @author sonots * @license GPL2 * @link */ class Tag { /** * Items of a tag * * Associative array of items whose key is a tag * and values are an array of items * * @var array * * [tag] = array(item1, item2, item3, ...) */ var $items; /** * Tags of an item * * Associative array of tags whose key is an item * and values are an array of keys * * @var array * * [item] = array(tag1, tag2, tag3, ...) */ var $tags; /** * Tagcloud * * Associative array whose key is a tag * and values are the number of items * * @var array */ var $tagcloud; /** * Reserved keys * * Strings which have special meanings. * They can not be used for tag strings * * @static array */ var $reserved_keys = array('prod' => '^', 'diff' => '-'); function __construct($items = array(), $tags = array(), $tagcloud = null) { $this->items = $items; $this->tags = $tags; $this->tagcloud = $tagcloud; } function Tag() { $this->__construct(); } /** * Get filename which stores items by a tag * * Overwrite Me! * * @param string $tag * @return string * @access protected */ function get_items_filename($tag) { $tag = $this->normalize_tags($tag); return str_replace('%', '', rawurlencode($tag)) . '_items.tag'; } /** * Get all items_filename * * Overwrite Me! * * @return array * @access protected */ function get_items_filenames() { return get_existfiles('.', '_items.tag'); } /** * Get filename which stores tags of an item * * Overwrite Me! * * @param string $item * @return string * @access protected */ function get_tags_filename($item) { return str_replace('%', '', rawurlencode($item)) . '_tags.tag'; } /** * Get all tags_filename * * Overwrite Me! * * @return array * @access protected */ function get_tags_filenames() { return get_existfiles('.', '_tags.tag'); } /** * Get filename which stores tagcloud * * Overwrite Me! * * @return string * @access protected */ function get_tagcloud_filename() { return 'tagcloud.tag'; } /** * Get tags of an item from a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @param string $item * @param string $filename * @return array * @access protected */ function get_tags_from_storage($item, $filename = null) { if ($item === null) return false; if ($filename === null) $filename = $this->get_tags_filename($item); if (! file_exists($filename)) return array(); $tags = array_map('rtrim', file($filename)); return $tags; } /** * Get items by a tag from a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @param string $tag * @param string $filename * @return array * @access protected */ function get_items_from_storage($tag, $filename = null) { if ($filename === null) $filename = $this->get_items_filename($tag); if (! file_exists($filename)) return array(); $items = array_map('rtrim', file($filename)); return $items; } /** * Get tagcloud from a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @return array * @access protected */ function get_tagcloud_from_storage() { $filename = $this->get_tagcloud_filename(); $tagcloud = array(); if (file_exists($filename)) { $lines = file($filename); if (empty($lines)) return array(); $lines = array_map('rtrim', $lines); foreach ($lines as $line) { list($tag, $count) = explode("\t", $line); $tagcloud[$tag] = $count; } } return $tagcloud; } /** * Set tags into an item, and store into a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @param string $item * @param array $tags * @param string $filename * @return boolean * @access protected */ function set_tags_into_storage($item, $tags, $filename = null) { if ($filename === null) $filename = $this->get_tags_filename($item); if (empty($tags) && file_exists($filename)) { return unlink($filename); } $contents = implode("\n", $tags) . "\n"; return file_put_contents($filename, $contents); } /** * Set items into a tag, and store into a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @param string $tag * @param array $items * @param string $filename * @return boolean * @access protected */ function set_items_into_storage($tag, $items, $filename = null) { if ($filename === null) $filename = $this->get_items_filename($tag); if (empty($items) && file_exists($filename)) { return unlink($filename); } $contents = implode("\n", $items) . "\n"; return file_put_contents($filename, $contents); } /** * Store tagcloud into a storage (file or db) * * Overwrite Me if you don't like the file format * * @param array $tagcloud * @param string filename * @return boolean * @access protected */ function set_tagcloud_into_storage($tagcloud, $filename = null) { if ($filename === null) $filename = $this->get_tagcloud_filename(); $contents = ''; ksort($tagcloud); foreach ($tagcloud as $tag => $count) { if ($count === 0) continue; $contents .= $tag . "\t" . $count . "\n"; } return file_put_contents($filename, $contents); } /** * Get tags of an item * * @param string $item * @param boolean $cache use memory cache * @return array * @uses get_tags_from_storage * @access public */ function get_tags($item, $cache = true) { if (isset($this->tags[$item]) & $cache) { return $this->tags[$item]; } $tags = $this->get_tags_from_storage($item); if ($cache) $this->tags[$item] = $tags; return $tags; } /** * Get items by a tag * * @param string $tag * @param boolean $cache use memory cache * @return array * @uses get_items_from_storage * @access public */ function get_items($tag, $cache = true) { if (isset($this->items[$tag]) & $cache) { return $this->items[$tag]; } $items = $this->get_items_from_storage($tag); if ($cache) $this->items[$tag] = $items; return $items; } /** * Set tags into an item * * @param string $item * @param array $tags * @param boolean $storage write to storage * @return boolean * @uses normalize_tags * @uses set_tags_into_storage * @access public */ function set_tags($item, $tags, $storage = true) { $tags = $this->normalize_tags($tags); // $tags == $this->tags[$item] // key/val pair list($minus, $plus) = ya_array_diff($this->get_tags($item), $tags); if (empty($minus) & empty($plus)) { return true; } $this->tags[$item] = $tags; if ($storage) { return $this->set_tags_into_storage($item, $tags); } return true; } /** * Set items into a tag * * @param string $tag * @param array $items * @param boolean $storage write to storage * @return boolean * @uses set_items_into_storage * @access public */ function set_items($tag, $items, $storage = true) { // $items == $this->items[$tag] // key/val pair list($minus, $plus) = ya_array_diff($this->get_items($tag), $items); if (empty($minus) & empty($plus)) { return true; } $this->items[$tag] = $items; if ($storage) { return $this->set_items_into_storage($tag, $items); } return true; } /** * Save tags into an item (This does more than set_tags) * * @param string $item * @param mixed $tags string or array of tag(s) * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses normalize_tags * @uses get_tags * @uses set_tags * @uses get_items * @uses set_items * @uses update_tagcloud * @access public */ function save_tags($item, $new_tags) { $new_tags = (array)$new_tags; $old_tags = $this->get_tags($item); $new_tags = $this->normalize_tags($new_tags); $ret = true; $ret &= $this->set_tags($item, $new_tags); list($minus, $plus) = ya_array_diff($old_tags, $new_tags); foreach ($minus as $tag) { $old_items = $this->get_items($tag); $new_items = array_diff($old_items, (array)$item); $ret &= $this->set_items($tag, $new_items); } foreach ($plus as $tag) { $old_items = $this->get_items($tag); $new_items = array_unique(array_merge($old_items, (array)$item)); $ret &= $this->set_items($tag, $new_items); } $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Add tags into an item * * @param string $item * @param mixed $tags string or array of tag(s) * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses normalize_tags * @uses get_tags * @uses set_tags * @uses get_items * @uses set_items * @uses update_tagcloud * @access public */ function add_tags($item, $tags) { $tags = (array)$tags; $tags = $this->normalize_tags($tags); $new_tags = array_unique(array_merge($this->get_tags($item), $tags)); // return $this->save_tags($item, $new_tags); $ret = true; $ret &= $this->set_tags($item, $new_tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $old_items = $this->get_items($tag); $new_items = array_unique(array_merge($old_items, (array)$item)); $ret &= $this->set_items($tag, $new_items); } $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Remove tags from an item * * @param string $item * @param mixed $tags string or array of tag(s) * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses normalize_tags * @uses get_tags * @uses set_tags * @uses get_items * @uses set_items * @uses update_tagcloud * @access public */ function remove_tags($item, $tags) { $tags = (array)$tags; $tags = $this->normalize_tags($tags); $new_tags = array_diff($this->get_tags($item), $tags); // return $this->save_tags($item, $new_tags); $ret = true; $ret &= $this->set_tags($item, $new_tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $old_items = $this->get_items($tag); $new_items = array_diff($old_items, (array)$item); $ret &= $this->set_items($tag, $new_items); } $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Remove tags from the system * * @uses Tag::remove_tags() * * @param mixed $tags string or array of tag(s) * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses normalize_tags * @uses get_items * @uses remove_tags * @uses set_items * @uses update_tagcloud * @access public */ function remove_system_tags($tags) { $tags = (array)$tags; $tags = $this->normalize_tags($tags); $ret = true; foreach ($tags as $tag) { foreach ($this->get_items($tag) as $item) { $ret &= $this->remove_tags($item, $tag); } $ret &= $this->set_items($tag, array()); } $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Rename a tag * * @param string $old_tag * @param string $new_tag * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses normalize_tags * @uses get_items * @uses set_items * @uses remove_tags * @uses add_tags * @access public */ function rename_tag($old_tag, $new_tag) { $old_tag = $this->normalize_tags($old_tag); $new_tag = $this->normalize_tags($new_tag); $items = $this->get_items($old_tag); if (empty($items)) return false; $ret = true; $ret &= $this->set_items($old_tag, array()); $ret &= $this->set_items($new_tag, $items); foreach ($items as $item) { $ret &= $this->remove_tags($item, $old_tag); $ret &= $this->add_tags($item, $new_tag); } // $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Rename an item * * @param string $old_item * @param string $new_item * @return boolean Success or Failure * @uses get_tags * @uses save_tags * @access public */ function rename_item($old_item, $new_item) { $tags = $this->get_tags($old_item); if (empty($tags)) return false; $ret = true; $ret &= $this->save_tags($old_item, array()); $ret &= $this->save_tags($new_item, $tags); // $ret &= $this->update_tagcloud(); return $ret; } /** * Check if a tag exists in a certain item * * @param string $tag * @return boolean * @access public */ function has_tag($item, $tag) { return in_array($tag, $this->get_tags($item)); } /** * Check if a tag exists in the system * * @param string $tag * @return boolean * @access public */ function has_system_tag($tag) { $items = $this->get_items($tag); return ! empty($items); } /** * Normalize tags * * @param string or array $tags * @return string or array normalized tags * @access public */ function normalize_tags($tags) { $isarray = is_array($tags); $tags = (array)$tags; // if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) //if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { //foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) { //$tags[$i] = mb_strtolower($tag, SOURCE_ENCODING); //} //} // Reserved keys can not be used for tag strings foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) { $tags[$i] = str_replace($this->reserved_keys, '', $tag); } $tags = array_unique($tags); if ($isarray) return $tags; else return $tags[0]; } /** * Get tagcloud * * @param integer $limit * @param string $relate_tag * @param boolean $cache use memory cache * @return array * @access public */ function get_tagcloud($limit = null, $relate_tag = null, $cache = true) { if (isset($this->tagcloud) & $cache) { $tagcloud = $this->tagcloud; } else { $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud_from_storage(); } if (isset($relate_tag)) { $related_tags = $this->get_related_tags($relate_tag); $r_tagcloud = array(); foreach ($related_tags as $tag) { $r_tagcloud[$tag] = $tagcloud[$tag]; } $tagcloud = $r_tagcloud; } if (isset($limit)) { arsort($tagcloud); $tagcloud = array_slice($tagcloud, 0, $limit); ksort($tagcloud); } return $tagcloud; } /** * Update tagcloud * * Excute after set_tags and set_items * * @param boolean $cache use memory cache * @return boolean * @access public */ function update_tagcloud($cache = true) { if (isset($this->tagcloud) & $cache) { $tagcloud = $this->tagcloud; // read cache } else { $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud(); } $ret = true; if (! empty($this->items)) { // update foreach ($this->items as $tag => $items) { $count = count($items); if ($count === 0) { unset($tagcloud[$tag]); } else { $tagcloud[$tag] = $count; } } ksort($tagcloud); $ret &= $this->set_tagcloud_into_storage($tagcloud); } if ($cache) $this->tagcloud = $tagcloud; return $ret; } /** * Get related tags * * @param string $tag * @return array * @access public */ function get_related_tags($tag = null) { if ($tag === null) return false; $items = $this->get_items($tag); $tags = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $tags = array_merge($tags, (array)$this->get_tags($item)); } $tags = array_unique($tags); return $tags; } /** * Get items by a tag token * * TagA^TagB => intersection * TagA-TagB => subtraction * * @param string $tagtok * @return array items * @access public */ function get_items_by_tagtok($tagtok) { // token analysis $tags = array(); $operands = array(); $tokpos = -1; $token = implode('', $this->reserved_keys); $substr = strtok($tagtok, $token); array_push($tags, $substr); $tokpos = $tokpos + strlen($substr) + 1; $substr = strtok($token); while ($substr !== false) { switch ($tagtok[$tokpos]) { case $this->reserved_keys['diff']: array_push($operands, $this->reserved_keys['diff']); break; case $this->reserved_keys['prod']: default: array_push($operands, $this->reserved_keys['prod']); break; } array_push($tags, $substr); $tokpos = $tokpos + strlen($substr) + 1; $substr = strtok($token); } // narrow items $items = $this->get_items(array_shift($tags)); foreach ($tags as $i => $tag) { switch ($operands[$i]) { case $this->reserved_keys['diff']: $items = array_diff($items, $this->get_items($tag)); break; case $this->reserved_keys['prod']: default: $items = array_intersect($items, $this->get_items($tag)); break; } } return $items; } /** * Display tags * * Overwrite Me! * * @param string $item * @access public */ function display_tags($tags) { print_r($tags); } /** * Display items * * Overwrite Me! * * @param string $tag * @access public */ function display_items($items) { print_r($items); } /** * Display tagcloud * * Overwrite Me! * * @param integer $limit * @param string $relate_tag * @access public */ function display_tagcloud($limit = null, $relate_tag = null) { $tagcloud = $this->get_tagcloud($limit, $relate_tag); print '[Tabcloud]'; print_r($tagcloud); } } /* $tag = new Tag(); $tag->save_tags('Hoge', 'PukiWiki'); $tag->save_tags('Joge', array('PukiWiki', 'Plugin', 'Plugin')); $tag->save_tags('Moge', array('Plugin', 'Moge')); $tag->save_tags('Koge', array('Koge')); $tag->display_tags('Hoge'); $tag->display_tags('Joge'); $tag->display_tags('Moge'); $tag->display_tags('Koge'); $tag->display_items('PukiWiki'); $tag->display_items('Plugin'); $tag->display_tagcloud(); $tag->display_tagcloud(null, 'Plugin'); */ /** * Generate An HTML Tag Cloud * * Example * * $tags = array( * array('tag' => 'blog', 'count' => 20), * array('tag' => 'ajax', 'count' => 10), * array('tag' => 'mysql', 'count' => 5), * array('tag' => 'hatena', 'count' => 12), * array('tag' => 'bookmark', 'count' => 30), * array('tag' => 'rss', 'count' => 1), * array('tag' => 'atom', 'count' => 2), * array('tag' => 'misc', 'count' => 10), * array('tag' => 'javascript', 'count' => 11), * array('tag' => 'xml', 'count' => 6), * array('tag' => 'perl', 'count' => 32), * ); * $cloud = new TagCloud(); * foreach ($tags as $t) { * $cloud->add($t['tag'], "http:///{$t['tag']}/", $t['count']); * } * print ""; * print $cloud->htmlAndCSS(20); * print ""; * * * @author astronote * @license GPL2 * @link */ class TagCloud { /** * Counts of tags * * Associative array of integers whose key is a tag and value * is its count (number of items associated with the tag) * * @var array * * [tag] = count */ var $counts; /** * Urls of tags * * Associative array of strings whose key is a tag * and value is its link to be displayed in tagcloud * * @var array * * [tag] = url */ var $urls; function __construct() { $this->counts = array(); $this->urls = array(); } function TagCloud() { $this->__construct(); } /** * Add a tag * * @param $tag tag * @param $url associated url to be displayed in tagcloud * @param $count number of items associated with tag. * @return void * @access public */ function add($tag, $url, $count) { $this->counts[$tag] = $count; $this->urls[$tag] = $url; } /** * Generate embedded CSS HTML * * You may create a .css file instead of using this function everytime * * @return string CSS */ function css() { $css = '#htmltagcloud { text-align: center; line-height: 16px; }'; for ($level = 0; $level <= 24; $level++) { $font = 12 + $level; $css .= "span.tagcloud$level { font-size: ${font}px;}\n"; $css .= "span.tagcloud$level a {text-decoration: none;}\n"; } return $css; } /** * Generate tagcloud HTML * * @param $limit number of limits to be displayed * @return string HTML * @access public */ function html($limit = NULL) { $a = $this->counts; arsort($a); $tags = array_keys($a); if (isset($limit)) { $tags = array_slice($tags, 0, $limit); } $n = count($tags); if ($n == 0) { return ''; } elseif ($n == 1) { $tag = $tags[0]; $url = $this->urls[$tag]; return "
\n"; } $min = sqrt($this->counts[$tags[$n - 1]]); $max = sqrt($this->counts[$tags[0]]); $factor = 0; // specal case all tags having the same count if (($max - $min) == 0) { $min -= 24; $factor = 1; } else { $factor = 24 / ($max - $min); } $html = ''; sort($tags); foreach($tags as $tag) { $count = $this->counts[$tag]; $url = $this->urls[$tag]; $level = (int)((sqrt($count) - $min) * $factor); $html .= "$tag\n"; } $html = "
"; return $html; } /** * Generate tagcloud HTML and embedded CSS HTML concurrently * * @param $limit number of limits to be displayed in tagcloud * @return string HTML * @access public */ function htmlAndCSS($limit = NULL) { $html = "" . $this->html($limit); return $html; } } ?>