/* Multibyte Character Functions. Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Note regarding cross compilation: In general, translation of multibyte characters to wide characters can only work in a native compiler since the translation function (mbtowc) needs to know about both the source and target character encoding. However, this particular implementation for JIS, SJIS and EUCJP source characters will work for any compiler with a newlib target. Other targets may also work provided that their wchar_t implementation is 2 bytes and the encoding leaves the source character values unchanged (except for removing the state shifting markers). */ #include "config.h" #ifdef MULTIBYTE_CHARS #include "system.h" #include "mbchar.h" #include /* mbchar fix */ #include typedef enum {ASC, ROME, JIS_78, JIS_83} JIS_ESC_STATE; /* typedef enum {ESCAPE, DOLLAR, BRACKET, AT, B, J, NUL, JIS_CHAR, OTHER, JIS_C_NUM} JIS_CHAR_TYPE; typedef enum {ASCII, A_ESC, A_ESC_DL, JIS, JIS_1, JIS_2, J_ESC, J_ESC_BR, J2_ESC, J2_ESC_BR, INV, JIS_S_NUM} JIS_STATE; typedef enum {COPYA, COPYJ, COPYJ2, MAKE_A, MAKE_J, NOOP, EMPTY, ERROR} JIS_ACTION; */ /* State/action tables for processing JIS encoding: Where possible, switches to JIS are grouped with proceding JIS characters and switches to ASCII are grouped with preceding JIS characters. Thus, maximum returned length is: 2 (switch to JIS) + 2 (JIS characters) + 2 (switch back to ASCII) = 6. */ /* mbchar fix */ /*static const JIS_STATE JIS_state_table[JIS_S_NUM][JIS_C_NUM] = {*/ /* ESCAPE DOLLAR BRACKET AT B J NUL JIS_CHAR OTH*/ /*ASCII { A_ESC, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII,ASCII,ASCII},*/ /*A_ESC { ASCII, A_ESC_DL,ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII,ASCII,ASCII},*/ /*A_ESC_DL{ ASCII, ASCII, ASCII, JIS, JIS, ASCII, ASCII,ASCII,ASCII},*/ /*JIS { J_ESC, JIS_1, JIS_1, JIS_1, JIS_1, JIS_1, INV, JIS_1,INV },*/ /*JIS_1 { INV, JIS_2, JIS_2, JIS_2, JIS_2, JIS_2, INV, JIS_2,INV },*/ /*JIS_2 { J2_ESC,JIS, JIS, JIS, JIS, JIS, INV, JIS, JIS },*/ /*J_ESC { INV, INV, J_ESC_BR, INV, INV, INV, INV, INV, INV },*/ /*J_ESC_BR{ INV, INV, INV, INV, ASCII, ASCII, INV, INV, INV },*/ /*J2_ESC { INV, INV, J2_ESC_BR,INV, INV, INV, INV, INV, INV },*/ /*J2_ESC_BR{INV, INV, INV, INV, ASCII, ASCII, INV, INV, INV }, };*/ /*static const JIS_ACTION JIS_action_table[JIS_S_NUM][JIS_C_NUM] = {*/ /* ESCAPE DOLLAR BRACKET AT B J NUL JIS_CHAR OTH */ /*ASCII {NOOP, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, EMPTY, COPYA, COPYA},*/ /*A_ESC {COPYA, NOOP, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA},*/ /*A_ESC_DL {COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, MAKE_J, MAKE_J, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA, COPYA},*/ /*JIS {NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, ERROR, NOOP, ERROR},*/ /*JIS_1 {ERROR, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, NOOP, ERROR, NOOP, ERROR},*/ /*JIS_2 {NOOP, COPYJ2,COPYJ2,COPYJ2, COPYJ2, COPYJ2,ERROR, COPYJ2,COPYJ2},*/ /*J_ESC {ERROR, ERROR, NOOP, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR},*/ /*J_ESC_BR {ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, NOOP, NOOP, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR},*/ /*J2_ESC {ERROR, ERROR, NOOP, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR},*/ /*J2_ESC_BR{ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, COPYJ, COPYJ, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR}, };*/ /* mbchar fix */ static JIS_ESC_STATE esc_state = ASC; const char *literal_codeset = "C-EUCJP"; /* Store into *PWC (if PWC is not null) the wide character corresponding to the multibyte character at the start of the buffer S of size N. Return the number of bytes in the multibyte character. Return -1 if the bytes do not form a valid character, or 0 if S is null or points to a null byte. This function behaves like the Standard C function mbtowc, except it treats locale names of the form "C-..." specially. */ int local_mbtowc (pwc, s, n) wchar_t *pwc; const char *s; size_t n; { /* mbchar fix */ /* static JIS_STATE save_state = ASCII; JIS_STATE curr_state = save_state;*/ const unsigned char *t = (const unsigned char *) s; if (s != NULL && n == 0) return -1; if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) /* This must be the "C" locale or unknown locale -- fall thru */ ; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-SJIS")) { int char1; if (s == NULL) /* Not state-dependent. */ return 0; char1 = *t; if (ISSJIS1 (char1)) { int char2 = t[1]; if (n <= 1) return -1; if (ISSJIS2 (char2)) { if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (((wchar_t) *t) << 8) + (wchar_t) (*(t + 1)); return 2; } return -1; } if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (wchar_t) *t; if (*t == '\0') return 0; return 1; } else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-EUCJP")) { int char1; if (s == NULL) /* Not state-dependent. */ return 0; char1 = *t; if (ISEUCJP (char1)) { int char2 = t[1]; if (n <= 1) return -1; if (ISEUCJP (char2)) { if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (((wchar_t) *t) << 8) + (wchar_t) (*(t + 1)); return 2; } return -1; } if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (wchar_t) *t; if (*t == '\0') return 0; return 1; } else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) { /* mbchar fix */ unsigned int ch; if (s == NULL) { esc_state = ASC; /* Not state-dependent. */ return 0; } for (ch = 0; ch + 2 < n; ch += 3) { if (t[ch] == JIS_ESC_CHAR) { if (t[ch + 1] == '(') { if (t[ch + 2] == 'B') esc_state = ASC; else if (t[ch + 2] == 'J') esc_state = ROME; else { esc_state = ASC; return -1; } } else if (t[ch + 1] == '$') { if (t[ch + 2] == '@') esc_state = JIS_78; else if (t[ch + 2] == 'B') esc_state = JIS_83; else { esc_state = ASC; return -1; } } else { esc_state = ASC; return -1; } } else break; } if (t[ch] == '\0') { if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (wchar_t) t[ch]; return ch; } switch (esc_state) { case ASC: case ROME: if (ch >= n) return -1; if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (wchar_t) t[ch]; return ch + 1; case JIS_78: case JIS_83: if (ch + 1 >= n) return -1; if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (((wchar_t) t[ch]) << 8) + (wchar_t) t[ch + 1]; return ch + 2; default: return -1; } } /* mbchar fix */ /*#ifdef CROSS_COMPILE*/ if (s == NULL) /* Not state-dependent. */ return 0; if (pwc != NULL) *pwc = (wchar_t) *t; return 1; /*#else*/ /* This must be the "C" locale or unknown locale. */ /* return mbtowc (pwc, s, n);*/ /*#endif*/ } /* Return the number of bytes in the multibyte character at the start of the buffer S of size N. Return -1 if the bytes do not form a valid character, or 0 if S is null or points to a null byte. This function behaves like the Standard C function mblen, except it treats locale names of the form "C-..." specially. */ int local_mblen (s, n) const char *s; size_t n; { return local_mbtowc (NULL, s, n); } /* Return the maximum mumber of bytes in a multibyte character. This function returns the same value as the Standard C macro MB_CUR_MAX, except it treats locale names of the form "C-..." specially. */ int local_mb_cur_max () { if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) ; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-SJIS")) return 2; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-EUCJP")) return 2; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) return 8; /* 3 + 2 + 3 */ #ifdef CROSS_COMPILE return 1; #else if (MB_CUR_MAX > 0) return MB_CUR_MAX; return 1; /* default */ #endif } /* mbchar fix */ /* なんちゃってWideCharをもとに戻す 返値は書き込んだバイト数 */ int local_wctomb (str, wc) char *str; unsigned int wc; { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) str; int rt = 0; static JIS_ESC_STATE esc_save_state = ASC; if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) ; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) { if (esc_state != esc_save_state) { esc_save_state = esc_state; *s++ = JIS_ESC_CHAR; ++rt; switch (esc_state) { case ASC: *s++ = '('; ++rt; *s++ = 'B'; ++rt; break; case ROME: *s++ = '('; ++rt; *s++ = 'J'; ++rt; break; case JIS_78: *s++ = '$'; ++rt; *s++ = '@'; ++rt; break; case JIS_83: *s++ = '$'; ++rt; *s++ = 'B'; ++rt; break; default: return 0; } } } if (wc > 0xFF) { *s = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; ++rt; *(s + 1) = wc & 0x00FF; ++rt; } else { *s = wc; ++rt; } return rt; } /* なんちゃってWideCharをShift-JISに変換 返値は書き込んだバイト数 */ int local_wctosjis (str, wc) char *str; unsigned int wc; { unsigned char *ustr = (unsigned char *) str; unsigned char s[5]; char *pt = str; const char *ps = (const char *) s; size_t st = 2; size_t ss; iconv_t cd; if (wc <= 0xFF) { *str = wc; return 1; } if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) ; # ifdef __linux__ else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-SJIS")) { ss = 2; cd = iconv_open("EUCJP","SHIFT_JIS"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return 0; s[0] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[1] = wc & 0x00FF; iconv(cd,&ps,&ss,&pt,&st); iconv_close(cd); return 2; } # endif # ifndef __linux__ else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-EUCJP")) { ss = 2; cd = iconv_open("SHIFT_JIS","EUCJP"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return 0; s[0] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[1] = wc & 0x00FF; iconv(cd,&ps,&ss,&pt,&st); iconv_close(cd); return 2; } # endif else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) { ss = 5; # ifndef __linux__ cd = iconv_open("SHIFT_JIS","ISO-2022-JP"); # else cd = iconv_open("EUCJP","ISO-2022-JP"); # endif if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return 0; s[0] = JIS_ESC_CHAR; switch (esc_state) { case ASC: s[1] = '('; s[2] = 'B'; break; case ROME: s[1] = '('; s[2] = 'J'; break; case JIS_78: s[1] = '$'; s[2] = '@'; break; case JIS_83: s[1] = '$'; s[2] = 'B'; break; default: return 0; } s[3] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[4] = wc & 0x00FF; iconv(cd,&ps,&ss,&pt,&st); iconv_close(cd); return 2; } *ustr = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; *(ustr + 1) = wc & 0x00FF; return 2; } /* なんちゃってWideCharをロケール設定されたコードに変換 */ int local_wctonative (str, wc) char *str; unsigned int wc; { return wctomb(str, (wchar_t) local_wctouni (wc)); } /* なんちゃってWideCharをUCS-2に変換 変換されたものが返値で渡される */ unsigned int local_wctouni (wc) unsigned int wc; { unsigned char t[2]; char s[5]; char *pt = (char *) t; const char *ps = s; size_t st = 2; size_t ss; iconv_t cd; if (wc <= 0xFF) { return wc; } if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) return wc; else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-SJIS")) { ss = 2; cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","SHIFT_JIS"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return wc; s[0] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[1] = wc & 0x00FF; } else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-EUCJP")) { ss = 2; cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","EUCJP"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return wc; s[0] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[1] = wc & 0x00FF; } else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) { ss = 5; cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","ISO-2022-JP"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) return wc; s[0] = JIS_ESC_CHAR; switch (esc_state) { case ASC: s[1] = '('; s[2] = 'B'; break; case ROME: s[1] = '('; s[2] = 'J'; break; case JIS_78: s[1] = '$'; s[2] = '@'; break; case JIS_83: s[1] = '$'; s[2] = 'B'; break; default: return wc; } s[3] = (wc & 0xFF00) >> 8; s[4] = wc & 0x00FF; } else { return wc; } iconv(cd,&ps,&ss,&pt,&st); iconv_close(cd); return (((unsigned int) t[0]) << 8) + ((unsigned int) t[1]); } /* 渡された文字列を literal_codeset に従って ロケール設定されたコードに変換 */ void local_mbstonative (str, src) char *str; const char *src; { iconv_t cd = (iconv_t) -1; size_t ss = strlen (src) + 1; size_t st = ss * 2; const char *s = src; char *t = alloca (st); unsigned char *ut = (unsigned char *) t; const wchar_t *wcs = alloca (sizeof (wchar_t) * ss); wchar_t *pwc = (wchar_t *) wcs; if (literal_codeset == NULL || strlen (literal_codeset) <= 1) { strcpy(str,src); return ; } else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-SJIS")) cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","SHIFT_JIS"); else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-EUCJP")) cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","EUC-JP"); else if (! strcmp (literal_codeset, "C-JIS")) cd = iconv_open("UCS-2","ISO-2022-JP"); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) { strcpy(str,src); return ; } iconv(cd,&s,&st,&t,&st); iconv_close(cd); while ((*ut != 0) || (*(ut+1) != 0)) { *pwc++ = (((unsigned int) *ut) << 8) + ((unsigned int) (*(ut+1))); ut += 2; } *pwc = 0; wcstombs(str, wcs, (strlen (src) + 1) * 2); } #else /* MULTIBYTE_CHARS */ extern int dummy; /* silence 'ANSI C forbids an empty source file' warning */ #endif /* MULTIBYTE_CHARS */