ó Ðê-^c@sldZdZddlZddlmZyddlmZWnddlmZnXddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZdZdefd „ƒYZd dd „ƒYZd „Zd dd„ƒYZddd„ƒYZd„Zdd„Zded„Zd„Zedkrhy eƒZWnek r’Zeej ej!ej"ej#fgƒe$dƒnÆe%k r±Z&ej$e&ƒn§ek rWej'ej(ƒdƒdZ)e)ddZ*e)ddZ+ej,j-de j.j/ej0dƒe1ej(ƒdƒej(ƒde*e+fƒej$dƒnXej$eƒndS(s1.2.0s 2020-01-26iÿÿÿÿN(t OptionParser(tSafeConfigParser(t ConfigParsersFormat specification options: column_required=1|Yes|True|On|0|No|False|Off type=integer|float|string|date|datetime|bool data_required=1|Yes|True|On|0|No|False|Off minlen= maxlen= pattern= t ChkCsvErrorcBs eZdZdddd„ZRS(sBase class for chkcsv errors.cCs(||_||_||_||_dS(N(terrmsgtinfiletlinetcolumn(tselfRRRR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt__init__Ns   N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__tNoneR (((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRLst CsvCheckerc>Bs¿eZdZiejd6ejd6ejd6ejd6ejd6ejd6ZdPZdQZ dE„Z dF„Z dG„Z dH„Z dI„ZdJ„ZdK„ZdL„ZdM„ZdN„ZdO„ZRS(RsØCreate an object to check a specific column of a defined type. :param fmt_spec: A ConfigParser object. :param colname: The name of the data column. :param column_required_default: A Boolean indicating whether the column is required by default. :param data_required_default: A Boolean indicating whether data values are required (non-null) by default. After initialization, the 'check()' method will return a boolean indicating whether a data value is acceptable. tcolumn_requiredt data_requiredttypetminlentmaxlentpatterns%xs%cs%x %Xs%m/%d/%Ys%m/%d/%ys %m/%d/%Y %H%Ms%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %ps %m/%d/%y %H%Ms%m/%d/%y %I:%M %ps %Y-%m-%d %H%Ms%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %ps%Y-%m-%ds %Y/%m/%d %H%Ms%Y/%m/%d %I:%M %ps %Y/%m/%d %Xs%Y/%m/%ds %b %d, %Ys %b %d, %Y %Xs%b %d, %Y %I:%M %ps%b %d %Ys %b %d %Y %Xs%b %d %Y %I:%M %ps %d %b, %Ys %d %b, %Y %Xs%d %b, %Y %I:%M %ps%d %b %Ys %d %b %Y %Xs%d %b %Y %I:%M %ps %b. %d, %Ys %b. %d, %Y %Xs%b. %d, %Y %I:%M %ps %b. %d %Ys %b. %d %Y %Xs%b. %d %Y %I:%M %ps %d %b., %Ys %d %b., %Y %Xs%d %b., %Y %I:%M %ps %d %b. %Ys %d %b. %Y %Xs%d %b. %Y %I:%M %ps%Ys%b %Ys%b, %Ys%b. %Ys%b., %Ys%b-%Ys%b.-%Ys %B %d, %Ys %B %d, %Y %Xs%B %d, %Y %I:%M %ps%B %d %Ys %B %d %Y %Xs%B %d %Y %I:%M %ps %d %B, %Ys %d %B, %Y %Xs%d %B, %Y %I:%M %ps%d %B %Ys %d %B %Y %Xs%d %B %Y %I:%M %ps%B %Ys%B, %Ys%B-%YcCst|ƒdkrdSdS(Nis missing data(tlenR (Rtdata((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_reqÆscCs9|j rt|ƒdks1t|ƒ|jkr5dSdS(Nisdata too short(RRRR (RR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_minÈscCst|ƒ|jkrdSdS(Ns data too long(RRR (RR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_maxËscCs,t|ƒdks$|jj|ƒr(dSdS(Nispattern mismatch(RtrxtmatchR (RR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_patÍscCsCt|ƒdkrdSyt|ƒ}dSWntk r>dSXdS(Nisnot an integer(RR tintt ValueError(RRtx((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_intÏs  cCsCt|ƒdkrdSyt|ƒ}dSWntk r>dSXdS(Nisnot a floating-point number(RR tfloatR(RRR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt chk_float×s  cCslt|ƒdkrdS|dddddddd d d d d ddddddddttfkrhdSdS(NiuTrueutrueuTRUEuTutuYesuyesuYESuYuyuFalseufalseuFALSEuFufuNounouNOuNunuunrecognized boolean(RR tTruetFalse(RR((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytchk_boolßs !cCsót|ƒdkrdSt|ƒttjjƒƒkr;dSt|ƒttjjƒƒkr`dSt|ƒtdƒkr°|dkrˆdSyt|ƒ}Wq°tk r¬dSXnx<|j D]-}ytjj ||ƒ}Wn qºnXPqºWdSdS(Nitsmissing date/times/can't convert data to string for date/time testsinvalid date/time( RR RtdatetimetnowtdatettodaytstrRt datetime_fmtststrptime(RRtftdt((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt chk_datetimeås*!! 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The default is the name of the CSV file with an extension of fmt.s-rs --requiredRsÕA data value is required in data columns for which the format specification does not include an explicit specification of whether data is required for a column. The default is false (i.e., data are not required).s-qs--columnsnotrequiredt store_falseRsColumns listed in the format configuration file are not required to be present unless the column_required specification is explicitly set in the configuration file. The default is true (i.e., all columns in the configuration file are required in the CSV file).s-cs --columnexitt columnexitsvExit immediately if there are more columns in the CSV file header than are specified in the format configuration file.s-ls --linelengtht linelengths Allow rows of the CSV file to have fewer columns than in the column headers. The default is to report an error for short data rows. If short data rows are allowed, any row without enough columns to match the format specification will still be reported as an error.s-ps --positiontpositionsQPosition (order) of columns in the CSV file must match that in the specification.s-is--case-insensitivetcaseinsensitives¤Case-insensitive matching of column names in the format configuration file and the CSV file. The default is case-sensitive (i.e., column names must match exactly).s-es --encodingtencodingsCharacter encoding of the CSV file. It should be one of the strings listed at http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings.s-os --optsectiont optsections`An alternate name for the chkcsv options section in the format specification configuration file.s-xs --exitonerrort haltonerrors#Exit when the first error is found.(t_versiont_vdateRt add_optionR$R#R (t usage_msgtvers_msgtdesc_msgtparser((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pytclparserJsN !! t UTF8RecodercBs2eZdZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZRS(sGIterator that reads an encoded stream and reencodes the input to UTF-8.cCstj|ƒ|ƒ|_dS(N(tcodecst getreadertreader(RR.R`((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyR wscCs|S(N((R((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt__iter__yscCs6tjdkr%t|jƒjdƒSt|jƒSdS(Nisutf-8(i(tsyst version_infotnextRntencode(R((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt__next__{scCs |jƒS(N(Rt(R((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRr€s(R R R R RoRtRr(((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRkus    t UnicodeReadercBs;eZdZejdd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZRS(sjA CSV reader which will iterate over lines in the CSV file "f", which is encoded in the given encoding. sutf-8cKs.t||ƒ}tj|d|||_dS(Ntdialect(RktcsvRn(RR.RvR`tkwdstuf((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyR ‡scCs|S(N((R((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRoŠscCsVtjdkr!|jjƒ}nt|jƒ}g|D]}tdƒ|dƒ^q7S(Niusutf-8(i(RpRqRnRrR(Rtrowts((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRrŒscCsVtjdkr!|jjƒ}nt|jƒ}g|D]}tdƒ|dƒ^q7S(Niusutf-8(i(RpRqRnRrR(RRzR{((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRt’s( R R R RwtexcelR RoRrRt(((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyRuƒs   c Csoxh|D]`}tjjddjggtd |ƒD]}|dr2|^q2D]}d|^qLƒƒqWd S( sòWrite a list of error messages to stderr. :param errlist: A tuple of a narrative message, the name of the file in which the error occurred, the line number of the file, and the column name of the file. All but the first may be null. s%s. t sError:sin fileson lines in columnis%s %sN(sError:sin fileson lines in column(Rptstderrtwritetjointzip(R4terrR5tem((s./home/dreas/src/python/ChkCsv/chkcsv/chkcsv.pyt show_errors™s t chkcsvoptionsc Cs×tƒ}y|j|gƒ}Wn#tjk rDtd|ƒ‚nXt|ƒdkritd|ƒ‚ng|jƒD]}||krv|^qv}i}x6t|ƒD](\} } t|| ||| ƒ|| 0sN        ö + g %  %  P