Title: pixman.tcz Description: Pixel manipulation library. Version: 0.32.8 Author: see enclosed COPYING Original-site: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib/ Copying-policy: enclosed MIT called COPYING Size: 260KB Extension_by: JasonW Tags: Pixel manipulation pixman Comments: pixman is a library that provides low-level pixel manipulation features such as image compositing and trapezoid rasterization. Change-log: 2008/09/10 First version (Jason W) 2009/01/10 Rebuilt for i486, size, cramfs. 2009/02/19 Updated to 0.14.0 2009/07/02 Updated to 0.15.14 2010/05/26 Updated to 0.18.2 2010/10/10 Updated to 0.18.4 2011/02/13 Updated to 0.20.2 2011/07/11 Updated to 0.22.2 (Curaga) 2013/02/07 Updated to 0.28.2 (aus9) 2013/05/10 Updated to 0.30.0 2015/02/13 Updated to 0.32.6 (juanito) Current: 2015/12/17 updated to 0.32.8 (juanito)