Title: fdkaac.tcz Description: command line frontend libfdk-aac encoder Version: 1.0.6 Author: multiple see COPYING Original-site: https://github.com/nu774/fdkaac Copying-policy: see COPYING Size: 36K Extension_by: aus9 @ linuxquestions.org Tags: aac audio Comments: reads linear PCM audio in either WAV, raw PCM, or CAF format, and encodes it into either M4A / AAC file Please read man page for heaps of parameters but $ fdkaac -p5 -b64 wav.wav -o test.m4a where wav.wav is the input file and output will be test.m4a Change-log: 2020/05/11 v 1.0.0 on 11x Current: 2024/06/22 v 1.0.6 on 15x