Title: usb-automount.tcz Description: automatically mount and browse usb storage devices Version: 2.0 Author: Bruno "GNUser" Dantas Original-site: n/a Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 4.0K Extension_by: gnuser Tags: mount unmount usb storage thumbdrive flashdrive Comments: ---------- setup: disable file manager's automount to prevent interference (if applicable) $ cp /usr/local/share/usb-automount/usb-automount.conf ~/.config/ edit ~/.config/usb-automount.conf (set your gui file manager) $ usb-automount & to remove a mounted device (menu will be presented if there is >1): $ usb-unmount [eject] ---------- Change-log: 2020/11/24 first version 2021/10/21 updated 1.2 -> 1.3 2021/12/11 updated 1.3 -> 1.4 Current: 2023/11/02 updated 1.4 -> 2.0