Title: icewm.tcz Description: Stacking Window Manager Version: 3.2.2 Author: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/AUTHORS Original-site: https://github.com/ice-wm/icewm Copying-policy: LGPL v2 Size: 1.1M Extension_by: you Tags: window manager wm Comments: manual https://tinyurl.com/4tpya6f5 Do NOT choose OnBoot in Apps please. If you like this WM then download and run icewm-list to get a icewm boot list you can use with your boot loader. Then add TCEs This means if you change your mind onboot.lst is unpolluted! Most preferences can change via menu button or context menu. Please read configs under ~/icewm. TCEs named in keyboard shortcuts have no deps set except lxterminal. I am unable to test on basic X so forced Xorg-7.7 (2d) as a dep. Be aware that IceWM uses this order: prefoverride over theme over preferences icewmbg can control background or wallpaper(s) Or use pcmanfm for another wallpaper method https://tinyurl.com/y3ouvb94 For all changes to a config file, or any TCE added after boot, that has a kb combo set.....needs WM refresh with kb combo of logo+r logo = Super key Please input logo+r in an empty workspace for maximum safety optional TCEs not already mentioned include: icewm-themes icewm-locale..xscreensaver and read info please menumaker (for menu generation each time you load a new TCE) I prefer it over icewm-menu-fdo lxterminal allows apps GUI to display downloads so you do not need aterm in your boot list if you wish. If you wish to keep wbar, recommend you edit ~/icewm/preferences remove # so it reads "TaskBarAtTop=1 # 0/1" Change-log: 2020/07/22 Original 1.7.0 on 11x 2020/11/29 Removed /tmp/tcloop/... from path in tce.installed script. (Rich) Current: 2023/03/20 v 3.2.2 on 14x nanoblue lxterminal delete icehelp*