Title: firmware-misc.tcz Description: firmware for miscellaneous devices Version: 20230117 Author: Various Original-site: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/\ kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git Copying-policy: Distributable Size: 2.1M Extension_by: aus9 Tags: firmware Comments: Leftovers from the linux-firmware not large enough to have their own TCE. TCE created in 2011 and split by coreplayer2 into various TCEs at later dates. This is another split. (update) deletions: 3C359 intelliport2 tr_smctr Change-log: 2020/06/20 split from firmware.tcz and updated 2020/06/20 updated (aus9) Current: 2023/02/04 updated (aus9) has deletions