Title: feh.tcz Description: Xorg image viewer Version: 3.10 Author: feh team Original-site: http://feh.finalrewind.org/ Copying-policy: accompanied Size: 132K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: image viewer gif png jpeg tiff webp Comments: image viewer aimed mostly at terminal users online help https://man.finalrewind.org/1/feh/ feh can view online images, example $ feh https://i.imgur.com/w5a44h6.jpeg slideshow is the default mode so run feh in your photo/pictures dir without any switch. $ feh wbar feh icon will bork unless you have an image in your home dir Change-log: 2020/09/27 v 3.5 on 12.x Current: 2023/06/22 v 3.10 on 14.x