core <_name>Core true <_description>Smallest possible installation false ash basesystem bash coreutils cpio e2fsprogs ed efibootmgr elilo file filesystem glibc grub hdparm hotplug initscripts iproute iputils kbd kernel libgcc libtermcap losetup passwd procps raidtools readline redhat-logos redhat-release rootfiles rpm setserial setup sysklogd SysVinit termcap util-linux vim-minimal authconfig kudzu lilo redhat-config-mouse shadow-utils base <_name>Base false true core dialup acl anacron apmd aspell at attr authconfig autofs bC bind-utils bzip2 crontabs cyrus-sasl-plain devlabel dhclient diffutils dos2unix dosfstools dump ethtool eject fbset finger ftp gpm irda-utils kernel-pcmcia-cs krb5-workstation kudzu lftp lha logrotate lsof logwatch lokkit mailcap man man-pages mkbootdisk mt-st mtools mtr netconfig nfs-utils nss_ldap ntsysv openssh-clients pam_krb5 pam_smb parted pax pciutils pidentd pinfo quota rdate redhat-config-network-tui redhat-logos reiserfs-utils rp-pppoe rsh rsync jfsutils jwhois setuptool sendmail slocate specspo star sudo stunnel talk tcp_wrappers tcsh telnet traceroute time tmpwatch up2date utempter wireless-tools rdist tcpdump openssh-server wget unix2dos unzip vconfig vim-common vixie-cron ypbind zip printing true false <_name>Printing Support <_description>Install these tools to enable the system to print or act as a print server. 4Suite XFree86-font-utils a2ps cups ghostscript hpijs LPRng ttfprint redhat-config-printer redhat-switch-printer base-x true false <_name>X Window System <_description>Install this group of packages to use the base graphical (X) user interface. printing authconfig-gtk bitmap-fonts firstboot desktop-backgrounds-basic desktop-backgrounds-extra gdm openssh-askpass openssh-askpass-gnome redhat-config-date redhat-config-network redhat-config-services redhat-config-soundcard redhat-config-users redhat-config-xfree86 redhat-logviewer redhat-config-printer-gui redhat-switch-printer-gnome redhat-switch-mail-gnome redhat-config-packages switchdesk usermode-gtk XFree86 XFree86-font-utils XFree86-tools XFree86-twm XFree86-xauth XFree86-75dpi-fonts XFree86-100dpi-fonts xinitrc XFree86-xdm up2date-gnome rhn-applet xisdnload dialup false true <_name>Dialup Networking Support ppp lrzsz minicom statserial wvdial isdn4k-utils gnome-desktop true false <_name>GNOME Desktop Environment <_description>GNOME is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. base-x control-center desktop-file-utils desktop-printing eog file-roller gconf-editor gedit gftp gimp-print-utils gnome-applets gnome-audio gnome-icon-theme gnome-media gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-themes gnome-user-docs gnome-utils gnome-vfs-extras gnome-vfs2-extras gqview gtk-engines gtk2-engines ggv gthumb mtr-gtk magicdev hwbrowser metacity nautilus nautilus-media switchdesk-gnome yelp kde-desktop <_name>KDE Desktop Environment <_description>KDE is a powerful, graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager. base-x dialup kdeutils arts autorun desktop-printing fam htdig kdegraphics kdepim kdeaddons kdeadmin kdeartwork kdemultimedia kdebase kdenetwork switchdesk-kde xinetd graphical-internet <_name>Graphical Internet <_description>This group includes graphical email, Web, and chat clients. true false balsa evolution gaim galeon gnomemeeting mozilla mozilla-psm mozilla-chat mozilla-mail pan xchat indexhtml licq-kde quanta text-internet <_name>Text-based Internet <_description>This group includes text-based email, Web, and chat clients. These applications do not require the X Window System. true false base fetchmail epic lynx mutt ncftp pine slrn sound-and-video <_name>Sound and Video <_description>From CD recording to playing audio CDs and multimedia files, this package group allows you to work with sound and video on the system. true true base base-x aumix cdda2wav cdlabelgen cdp cdparanoia cdrecord dvdrecord dvgrab grip gtoaster kdemultimedia mikmod sndconfig sox vorbis-tools xawtv xcdroast xmms xmms-skins graphics <_name>Graphics <_description>This group includes packages to help you manipulate and scan images. true false base base-x ImageMagick sane-frontends xsane xsane-gimp dia gimp gimp-data-extras gimp-print-plugin gtkam gtkam-gimp kdegraphics netpbm-progs xfig office <_name>Office/Productivity <_description>The applications include office suites, PDF viewers, and more. true false base-x openoffice xpdf MagicPoint abiword ggv gnumeric gnucash mrproject kdepim koffice kdegraphics tetex-xdvi mail-server <_name>Mail Server <_description>These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or Postfix mail server. true base sendmail imap sendmail-cf mailman spamassassin squirrelmail postfix network-server <_name>Network Servers <_description>These packages include network-based servers such as CIPE, DHCP, and telnet. true base amanda-server am-utils cipe dhcp finger-server krb5-server pxe radvd rsh-server talk-server telnet-server vnc-server ypserv zebra news-server <_name>News Server <_description>This group allows you to configure the system as a news server. true base inn smb-server <_name>Windows File Server <_description>This package group allows you to share files between Linux and MS Windows(tm) systems. true base samba-client samba server-cfg <_name>Server Configuration Tools <_description>This group contains all of Red Hat's custom server configuration tools. true base redhat-config-bind redhat-config-httpd redhat-config-nfs redhat-config-network redhat-config-printer redhat-config-printer-gui redhat-config-samba redhat-config-securitylevel redhat-config-services redhat-switch-printer redhat-switch-printer-gnome redhat-switch-mail redhat-switch-mail-gnome ftp-server <_name>FTP Server <_description>These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system. true base vsftpd sql-server <_name>SQL Database Server <_description>This package group allows you to run an SQL server on the system. true base postgresql-server unixODBC perl-DBD-Pg perl-DB_File mysql-server web-server <_name>Web Server <_description>These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system. true base httpd httpd-manual hwcrypto mod_python mod_perl mod_ssl php php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pgsql mod_auth_pgsql php-mysql mod_auth_mysql squid tux webalizer dns-server <_name>DNS Name Server <_description>This package group allows you to run a DNS name server (BIND) on the system. true base caching-nameserver bind authoring-and-publishing <_name>Authoring and Publishing <_description>These tools allow you to create documentation in the DocBook format and convert them to HTML, PDF, Postscript, and text. true base xhtml1-dtds docbook-style-dsssl docbook-utils docbook-utils-pdf linuxdoc-tools tetex tetex-afm tetex-xdvi xmlto engineering-and-scientific <_name>Engineering and Scientific <_description>This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion. true base blas gnuplot lam lapack octave pvm units editors <_name>Editors <_description>Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit files. These include Emacs and Vi. true base emacs xemacs vim-enhanced vim-X11 emacs <_name>Emacs <_description>The GNU Emacs text editor. false base emacs emacs-leim psgml xemacs <_name>XEmacs <_description>The XEmacs text editor. false base xemacs xemacs-el xemacs-info system-tools <_name>System Tools <_description>This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic. true amanda-client ethereal ethereal-gnome nmap nmap-frontend rdesktop samba-client shapecfg tsclient vnc xdelta mc screen admin-tools <_name>Administration Tools <_description>This group is a collection of graphical administration tools for the system, such as for managing user accounts and configuring system hardware. true authconfig-gtk redhat-config-date redhat-config-keyboard redhat-config-kickstart redhat-config-language redhat-config-rootpassword redhat-config-soundcard redhat-config-users redhat-config-packages redhat-config-proc redhat-logviewer games <_name>Games and Entertainment <_description>Various ways to relax and spend your free time. true base joystick Maelstrom chromium freeciv tuxracer xboard gnome-games kdegames ISO8859-2-support <_name>ISO8859-2 Support false fonts-ISO8859-2 fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi ISO8859-9-support <_name>ISO8859-9 Support false XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts XFree86-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts cyrillic-support false <_name>Cyrillic Support XFree86-cyrillic-fonts fonts-KOI8-R fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi british-support false <_name>British Support en_GB aspell-en-gb kde-i18n-British canadian-support false <_name>Canadian Support en_CA aspell-en-ca catalan-support false <_name>Catalan Support ca aspell-ca kde-i18n-Catalan brazilian-support false <_name>Brazilian Support pt_BR portuguese-support aspell-pt_BR kde-i18n-Brazil czech-support false <_name>Czech Support cs ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Czech man-pages-cs danish-support false <_name>Danish Support da_DK aspell-da kde-i18n-Danish man-pages-da dutch-support false <_name>Dutch Support nl aspell-nl kde-i18n-Dutch estonian-support false <_name>Estonian Support et_EE ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Estonian finnish-support false <_name>Finnish Support fi_FI kde-i18n-Finnish german-support false <_name>German Support de_DE aspell-de kde-i18n-German man-pages-de greek-support false <_name>Greek Support el_GR kde-i18n-Greek hebrew-support false <_name>Hebrew Support he_IL kde-i18n-Hebrew fonts-hebrew hungarian-support false <_name>Hungarian Support hu_HU ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Hungarian spanish-support false <_name>Spanish Support es_ES aspell-es kde-i18n-Spanish man-pages-es french-support false <_name>French Support fr_FR aspell-fr kde-i18n-French man-pages-fr icelandic-support false <_name>Icelandic Support is_IS kde-i18n-Icelandic italian-support false <_name>Italian Support it_IT aspell-it kde-i18n-Italian man-pages-it korean-support false <_name>Korean Support ko_KR nvi-m17n kde-i18n-Korean man-pages-ko ami hanterm-xf h2ps nhpf ttfonts-ko norwegian-support false <_name>Norwegian Support no_NO aspell-no kde-i18n-Norwegian kde-i18n-Norwegian-Nynorsk polish-support false <_name>Polish Support pl_PL ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Polish man-pages-pl portuguese-support false <_name>Portuguese Support pt aspell-pt kde-i18n-Portuguese romanian-support false <_name>Romanian Support ro_RO ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Romanian russian-support false <_name>Russian Support ru_RU cyrillic-support kde-i18n-Russian man-pages-ru serbian-support false <_name>Serbian Support sr_YU ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Serbian slovak-support false <_name>Slovak Support sk_SK ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Slovak slovenian-support false <_name>Slovenian Support sl_SI ISO8859-2-support kde-i18n-Slovenian swedish-support false <_name>Swedish Support sv_SE aspell-sv kde-i18n-Swedish turkish-support false <_name>Turkish Support tr_TR ISO8859-9-support kde-i18n-Turkish ukrainian-support false <_name>Ukrainian Support uk_UA cyrillic-support kde-i18n-Ukrainian chinese-support false <_name>Chinese Support zh nvi-m17n kde-i18n-Chinese kde-i18n-Chinese-Big5 libtabe-devel miniChinput stardict ttfonts-zh_TW ttfonts-zh_CN taipeifonts xcin bg5ps japanese-support false <_name>Japanese Support ja_JP Canna kakasi-dict kcc kon2 kon2-fonts lv nvi-m17n nvi-m17n-canna perl-NKF perl-Text-Kakasi nkf ttfonts-ja watanabe-vf kde-i18n-Japanese fonts-ja jisksp14 jisksp16-1990 FreeWnn kappa20 kinput2-canna-wnn6 knm_new kterm skkdic skkinput man-pages-ja kakasi-devel Wnn6-SDK-devel namazu-devel development-tools <_name>Development Tools <_description>These tools include core development tools such as automake, gcc, perl, python, and debuggers. true development-libs ElectricFence autoconf automake14 automake15 automake binutils bison byacc cdecl cproto cvs ddd dejagnu dev86 diffstat doxygen dmalloc expect flex gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77 gcc-gnat gcc-java gcc-objc gdb gettext indent libtool ltrace make memprof nasm njamd patchutils perl-CPAN pkgconfig pmake pstack python-devel rcs rpm-build redhat-rpm-config splint strace texinfo development-libs <_name>Development Libraries <_description>The packages in this group are core libraries needed to develop applications. false curl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel db4-devel db4-utils dialog expat-devel fam-devel gdbm-devel gmp-devel gpm-devel hesiod-devel krb5-devel krbafs-devel kudzu-devel libcap-devel libtermcap-devel libusb-devel libuser-devel libxml-devel libxml2-devel lockdev-devel modutils-devel ncurses-devel newt-devel openldap-devel openssl-devel pam-devel pciutils-devel readline-devel rpm-devel slang-devel swig zlib-devel libogg-devel libvorbis-devel kernel-development <_name>Kernel Development <_description>Install these packages to recompile the kernel. true development-tools kernel-source libattr-devel libacl-devel tk legacy-software-development <_name>Legacy Software Development false compat-gcc compat-gcc-c++ compat-gcc-g77 compat-libstdc++ compat-libstdc++-devel x-software-development <_name>X Software Development <_description>These packages allow you to develop applications for the X Window System. true development-tools Glide3-devel XFree86-devel Xaw3d-devel gd-devel lesstif-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel libpng-devel libmng-devel libungif-devel freetype-devel netpbm-devel libpng10-devel openmotif-devel SDL-devel SDL_image-devel SDL_mixer-devel SDL_net-devel gnome-software-development <_name>GNOME Software Development <_description>Install these packages in order to develop GTK+ and GNOME graphical applications. true x-software-development bug-buddy pygtk2-devel glib-devel glib2-devel gtk+-devel GConf-devel GConf2-devel Guppi-devel ORBit-devel ORBit2-devel atk-devel bonobo-activation-devel bonobo-conf-devel bonobo-devel eel2-devel fontconfig-devel gail-devel gal-devel gdk-pixbuf-devel gnome-libs-devel gnome-pilot-devel gnome-print-devel gnome-vfs-devel gnome-vfs2-devel gtkhtml-devel gtk-doc gtk2-devel imlib-devel libIDL-devel libart_lgpl-devel libbonobo-devel libbonoboui-devel libglade-devel libglade2-devel libgnome-devel libgnomecanvas-devel libgnomeui-devel libgtop-devel libole2-devel librsvg-devel librsvg2-devel libunicode-devel libxslt-devel linc-devel oaf-devel pango-devel glade glade2 kde-software-development <_name>KDE Software Development <_description>Install these packages to develop QT and KDE graphical applications. true x-software-development PyQt-devel arts-devel cdparanoia-devel cups-devel kdbg kdebase-devel kdelibs-devel kdenetwork-devel kdesdk kdesdk-devel kdepim-devel kdevelop kdeutils-devel kdegraphics-devel pilot-link-devel qt-designer qt-devel sane-backends-devel sip-devel libxslt-devel workstation-common false <_name>Workstation Common base base-x admin-tools editors sound-and-video dialup office graphical-internet text-internet printing graphics games server false <_name>Server base printing text-internet dialup web-server smb-server server-cfg admin-tools gnome false <_name>GNOME gnome-desktop kde false <_name>KDE kde-desktop supported false <_name>Supported Packages anaconda anaconda-help anaconda-images anaconda-runtime booty <_name>Desktops base-x gnome-desktop kde-desktop <_name>Applications editors engineering-and-scientific graphical-internet text-internet office sound-and-video authoring-and-publishing graphics games <_name>Servers server-cfg web-server mail-server smb-server dns-server ftp-server sql-server news-server network-server <_name>Development development-tools kernel-development x-software-development gnome-software-development kde-software-development <_name>System admin-tools system-tools printing