############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ############################################################################### pluginName=JDI Debug Model providerName=Eclipse.org descriptionCollection=Array descriptionMap=Map Entries descriptionMapEntry=Key and Value javaLineBreakpoint.name=Java Line Breakpoints javaClassLoadBreakpoint.name=Java Class Load Breakpoints javaExceptionBreakpoint.name=Java Exception Breakpoints javaWatchpoint.name=Java Watchpoints javaMethodBreakpoint.name=Java Method Breakpoints virtualMachineManagerImpl= org.eclipse.jdi.internal.VirtualMachineManagerImpl javaLogicalStructures= Java Logical Structures JavaBreakpoint.name = Java Breakpoint JavaClassLoadBreakpoint.name = Java Class Load Breakpoint CommonJavaLineBreakpoint.name = Common Java Line Breakpoint JavaLineBreakpoint.name = Java Line Breakpoint JavaPatternBreakpoint.name = Java Pattern Breakpoint JavaTargetPatternBreakpoint.name = Java Target Pattern Breakpoint JavaExceptionBreakpoint.name = Java Exception Breakpoint JavaWatchpoint.name = Java Watchpoint JavaMethodBreakpoint.name = Java Method Breakpoint JavaMethodEntryBreakpoint.name = Java Method Entry Breakpoint JavaStratumLineBreakpoint.name = Java Stratum Line Breakpoint breakpointListeners.name = Java Breakpoint Listeners descriptionDomNode = XML DOM Element trace.name = JDT Debug Core