This is texloganalyser (Perl script), version 0.11 Copyright 2006-2020 Thomas van Oudenhove License: BSD Usage: texloganalyser [--help|--version|-acefhilastnoprstuvw] <TeX log> Displays selective infos of LaTeX logs These flags may be used: a: displays number of warnings about bad boxes c: displays the boxes warning by size (at the end) e: displays the end of the log f: outputs the LaTeX Font Infos h: outputs only warnings about horizontal boxes i: displays 'images' (pdf, [e]ps, png, jpg) used n: displays page numbers o: outputs only warnings about overfull boxes p: outputs the LaTeX Packages infos r: displays warnings about references s: displays .sty and .cls files used t: displays .tex files used u: outputs only warnings about underfull boxes v: outputs only warnings about vertical boxes w: displays all Warnings More documentation is available with `perldoc texloganalyser`.