Tex2RTF: how to download

Tex2RTF is a utility for converting from simple LaTeX to HTML,
RTF, Windows Help RTF, and wxHelp.

The files in this directory are as follows:

install.txt		; Installation instructions (also in archive)
readme.txt		; Standard blurb (also in archive)
tex2rtf1.46.zip		; Latest source and Windows executable, now				       ; compilable _without_ wxWindows or a GUI toolkit
tex2rtf.tar.Z           ; Ditto, but in tarred/compressed format, no .exe
tex2rtf1.21_ol.Z        ; Open Look SPARC executable
tex2rtf1.22_sun_nogui.Z ; Command line SPARC executable (no GUI)

tex2rtf_nt.zip		; Tex2RTF compiled for Windows NT from Petr Smilauer.
tex2rtf_nt2.exe.gz	; Tex2RTF compiled for Windows NT: another version
			; from Nigel Dodd.
			; Which is better? I don't know, can't try them...

rtfutils/*              ; Miscellaneous RTF utilities and documents

So for a Sun, you may want to get the source and the executables
(all .Z files.)

For a non-Sun UNIX machine, you'll just want tex2rtf.tar.Z.

For a Windows machine, you'll just want tex2rtf.zip.

Julian Smart
February 1993