% Copyright 2012-2024, Alexander Shibakov
% This file is part of SPLinT
% SPLinT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% SPLinT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SPLinT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

% global variables: current token, state, variable to store various table indices

  \yylen=\z@ %
  \yyinitstack\yyssa % state stack
  \yyinitstack\yyvsa % data stack
  \yystate=\z@ %
  \yylval{}% bogus value


              \ferrmessage{^^Jstate \the\yystate\iftracestacks, \fi}%
              \showstack\yyssa\ferrmessage{state stack: \stackcs^^J}%

                                    % yyn = yypact[yystate]
  \ifnum\yyn=\YYPACTNINF\relax      % if (yyn == YYPACT_NINF) (if(yypact_value_is_default(yyn)))
      \yybreak\yydefault            %     goto yydefault
  \else                             % else
      \ifnum\yychar=\YYEMPTY\relax  %     if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
                                    % ... ... if desired, this is where `hidden context' may be inserted
                                    % ... ... for example:
                                    % ... ... \gethidden\yychar
                                    % ... ... \ifnum\yychar=\YYEMPTY\relax
                                    % ... ...     \yybreak@@\yylex
                                    % ... ... \else
                                    % ... ...     \yybreak@@\yyparsetail
                                    % ... ... \fi
                                    % ... ... here \gethidden#1 is a hidden context-extracting macro that
                                    % ... ... takes a token value from a special stream and puts it in #1
                                    % ... ... filling this special stream should be done by the lexer, 
                                    % ... ... respecting any state changes required.
          \yybreak@\yylex           %         yychar = YYLEX


\def\yyparsetail{% this is where the lexer returns
  \ifnum\yychar>\z@\relax           % if (yychar > YYEOF)
          \derrmessage{lookahead: \tokname, value: \the\yylval^^J}%
                                    %     yytoken = yytranslate[yychar]
  \else                             % else
      \yychar=\z@\relax             %     yychar = yytoken = YYEOF
  \fi% valid lookahead token
  \advance\yyn by\yytoken           % yyn = yypact[yystate] + yytoken
                                    % if (yyn >= 0 && yyn <= YYLAST &&
                                    %           yytoken == yycheck[yyn])
                                    %     yyn = yytable[ yypact[yystate] + yytoken ]
              \ifnum\yyn>\z@        %     if (yyn > 0) ...shift
                      \derrmessage{shifting \tokname^^J}%
                  \yystate=\yyn     %         yystate = yytable[ yypact[yystate] + yytoken ]
                                    %         yychar = YYEMPTY ...drop
                                    %                          ...the
                                    %                          ...shifted token 
                                    %         ...shift the value
                                    %         *++yyvsa = yylval
                  \yybreak@@@\yynewstate % new state will be shifted
              \else                 % ...if (yyn < 0)
                  \iffalse          % if (yytable_value_is_error(yyn))
                                    % /* #define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) YYID (0) */
              \yybreak@@\yydefault% goto yydefault


                                      % yyn = yydefact[yystate]
      \ferrmessage{default action^^J}%
      \xskiptofi\yyreduce             % if (yyn != 0) goto yyreduce

  \yyaction % value
  \yypopstack\yyssa\by\yylen           % YYPOPSTACK(yylen)
                                       % ...push the computed
                                       % ...value on the value stack
                                       % yyn = yyr1[yyn]
  \yylen\yyn                           % 
  \advance\yylen-\YYNTOKENS\relax      % ...reuse yylen
                                       % yystate = yypgoto[ yyn - YYNTOKENS ]
  \yyreadstackr\yyssa\at\z@\to\yyilen  % 
                                       % ...reuse yyilen
  \advance\yystate\yyilen              % yystate = yypgoto[ yyn - YYNTOKENS ] + yyssa[0]
  \ifnum\yystate<\z@                   % if (yystate < 0)
                                       %     yystate = yydefgoto[ yyn - YYNTOKENS ]
  \else                                % else
      \ifnum\yystate>\YYLAST\relax     %     ...
                                       % if (yystate >= 0 && yystate <= YYLAST && yyssa[0] == yycheck[yystate])
                                       %     yystate = yytable[yystate]

      \ferrmessage{^^Jreducing (rule \the\yyn)}\printrule{\yyn}%
           \ferrmessage{stack: \stackcs^^Jpopping \the\yylen^^J}%
  \ifnum\yyilen>\z@ % this is an inline rule
          \errmessage{an inline rule with a nontrivial left hand side: rule \the\yyn}%
      \yypeekvstack\yyvsa\upto\yyilen % see yymisc.sty for the definition
      \yyval\csname $$'1\endcsname % $$ = $1



% most of the error processing mechanisms supplied by the `genuine' \bison\ parsers
% have been omitted for simplicity

        \ferrmessage{(parse) error^^J}%

% no symbolic name support by default


% parser specific output message: defines the current token name to output


% these macros reuse dedicated counters ... locally

\def\printrule#1{{% some values are computed several times to save on register assignments
                  % this has more to do with not polluting the namespace than speed
    \ferrmessage{ -->\ruleline}%

% print the rule without using yyprhs and yyrhs (necessary if using
% bison version 3.0 or above)

    \ferrmessage{ -->\ruleline}%


% the two control sequences below are replaced in yyfaststack.sty 
% to match the appropriate stack implementation 

  \edef\stackcs{\stackcs^^J \space\space\fgetelemof{yytname}\at{\fgetelemof{yystos}\at{#1}}}%



        {\toksa{#1}\immediate\write16{discarding the rest of the input: \the\toksa}}%



    \yystringempty{#1}{}{\yylval{#1}\immediate\write16{skipping: \the\yylval}}%

% action code

    \yysymswitch{\yyn}% setting symbol names
    % the big switch, set \yyval
    \yysymcleanup{\yyn}% removing symbol names from the namespace

% common parser initializations; note that some initializations (such as resetting the data
% and state stacks) are done at parser startup (see the definition of \yyparse)

    \appendtolist\yystash{}% increment the list counter
    \appendtolist\yyformat{}% increment the list counter