% Copyright 2012-2022, Alexander Shibakov
% This file is part of SPLinT
% SPLinT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% SPLinT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SPLinT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

% macros to typeset hex values in customized form (useful when typesetting embedded code)

% the line translator: take a sequence of tokens and translate it into another sequence
%   #1 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert at the beginning
%   #2 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert before every token in the sequence
%   #3 is the first sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert between tokens in the sequence
%   #4 is the second sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert between tokens in the sequence
%   #5 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert at the end
%   #6 is the command to execute after each token
%   #7 is original sequence
%   #8 is the resulting sequence


    \let\next\relax % no more tokens left
    \ifx#2\end % #1 is the last token

% the mask translator: take a sequence of pairs {length:number}{contents} and translate it into another sequence
%   #1 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert at the beginning
%   #2 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert before every pair in the sequence
%   #3 is the first sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert between pairs in the sequence
%   #4 is the second sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert between pairs in the sequence
%   #5 is the sequence of tokens (will be expanded) to insert at the end
%   #6 is the command to execute after each pair
%   #7 is original sequence
%   #8 is the resulting sequence


  \ifnum#1<"40000000 % only happens when there are no pairs
    \ifnum#3<"40000000 % not the last pair


% binary converter


\let\bits\toksa % storage for binary conversion bits
\newtoks\bytes % storage for the binary representation

\def\bin@ry#1{\bits{}\tempcc=4 \quotient="#1 \oldquotient=\quotient 
\loop \divide\quotient by2 \multiply\quotient by2 \advance\oldquotient by-\quotient
  \advance\tempcc by\m@ne
  \divide\quotient by2 \oldquotient=\quotient
\ifnum\tempcc > \z@

% display macros:
%   o registers

\newtoks\digittable % the table representing the register
\newcount\columncount % counter for the current column

%   o fonts 

\font\fivessb=phvb at4pt

%   o generic control sequences

\def\incrementcc{\advance\columncount by\@ne}
\def\decrementcc{\advance\columncount by\m@ne}

%   o mask highlighting

% the strange looking definition of \m@skspan originates from \multispan in plain.tex:
%  \newcount\mscount
%  \def\multispan#1{\omit \mscount#1\relax
%    \loop\ifnum\mscount>\@ne \sp@n\repeat}
%  \def\sp@n{\span\omit\advance\mscount\m@ne}
% the number of `physical' columns to span is (2 * columns - 1) due to the fact that we 
% have to span the gaps between columns as well.

  \multispan{#1\advance\mscount by\mscount\advance\mscount by-1}{\vrule\highltcl{\leaders\hrule height 4pt\hfil}\vrule}%

%   o mask underlining

  \multispan{#1\advance\mscount by\mscount\advance\mscount by-1}{\hrulefill}%

%   o mask legend typesetting

  \multispan{#1\advance\mscount by\mscount\advance\mscount by-1}{\hfil\lgndcl{\fivessb#2}\hfil}%

%   o displaying each digit

  \vrule\colorbg{\vrule height4pt width 12.5pt}%

%   o typesetting space between digits

\def\c@lumnspacer#1{\tempca#1\tempcb\tempca\divide\tempca by8\multiply\tempca by8
    \tempca#1\tempcb\tempca\divide\tempca by4\multiply\tempca by4

%     oo dimond to separate bytes

\def\middlediamond{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\diamond$}\tempda=4pt \advance\tempda by-\ht0
  \divide\tempda by2 \hss\raise\tempda\box0\hss}%

%     oo dot to separate nybbles

\def\middledot{\setbox0=\hbox{.}\tempda=4pt \advance\tempda by-\ht0
  \divide\tempda by2 \hss\raise\tempda\box0\hss}%

%   o put it all together

\let\stcr\cr % so that this can be used inside \tabalign which redef's \cr


% colors


%  \let\colorlinkstart=\begingroup
%  \let\colorlinkend=\endgroup

% an alternate display

  \tempda=\ht\thezero \advance\tempda by-\ht0
  \divide\tempda by2 \advance\tempda by -\dp\thezero

  \tempda=\ht\thezero \advance\tempda by-\ht0
  \divide\tempda by2 \advance\tempda by -\dp\thezero

  \advance\tempda by 2pt \ht0\tempda
  \vrule\colorbg{\lower1pt\hbox{\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0 width \wd0}}%

  \divide\tempca by4\multiply\tempca by4
    \ %


% macros to typeset the hex numbers in `graphic' format




\omit\vrule height1pt&&\omit\vrule height1pt\cr
\omit\vrule height1pt&&\omit\vrule height1pt\cr

  \global\def\T##1{{\let\end\relax\let\^\registerdisplay##1\end{\tt :}\let\^\hexify##1\end}}}


\def\hexify#1\end{\hbox{{\tt #1}$_{\scriptscriptstyle1\kern-.7pt6}$}}

% delay functions prettyprinting and other miscellanea;

\def\delayhalfsec{\hbox{wait \kern-.5pt\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle1$}%
\kern-1pt/\kern-1pt\lower1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle2$} sec, }}
\def\delayquartersec{\hbox{wait \kern-.5pt\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle1$}%
\kern-1pt/\kern-1pt\lower1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle4$} sec, }}

\if\secmult u\def\secmodifier{ $\mu$\kern.05pt }\else
\if\secmult m\def\secmodifier{ m}\else
\if\secmult n\def\secmodifier{ n}\else
 \secmult\def\secmodifier{ }%
\secmodifier sec$\rm\scriptstyle s$, }


% attribute prettyprinting;

\long\def\parseattrib#1#2\end{\csname attrib#1\endcsname}

  \expandafter\let\expandafter\currentattrib\csname attrib#1\endcsname
      \lower2pt\hbox{\vrule width \wd\thezero height 
         \ht\thezero depth
         \dp\thezero}}\llap{\colorwhite{\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\bf 01\kern.5pt$}}}%
    {\ \bf noinline\rm_a}%
    {\ \bf format\rm_a}%

\def\eatarguments(\\#1,#2,#3))){(\hbox{\rm as }\.{#1})}

\def\xxattribute#1{\.{\_\_attribute\_\_} (\sc GNU) #1}

