#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Last Change: Tue May 16 18:09:09 2006 #++ =begin rdoc == afminfo - print out information about an afm or truetype font file Usage: afminfo [options] afm-file.afm | truetypefont.ttf -m, --metrics show global metrics information -v, --verbose verbose output --[no-]info list general information (default) -l, --list-glyphs list all available glyphs -g, --glyphinfo g information about a specific glyph -h, --help Show this help --- Author:: Patrick Gundlach <patrick@gundla.ch> License:: Copyright (c) 2005 Patrick Gundlach. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License =end # :enddoc: require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'rfil/font/afm' # sorry for german - one day I'll change that into engish. --pg class TextTable # :nodoc: def initialize (data,maxchars=80) raise "Data must be an array of strings" unless data.kind_of? Array @data = data @maxchars = 90 @maxwidth = 0 @data.each { |elt| @maxwidth = @maxwidth > elt.length ? @maxwidth : elt.length } @spalten = (@maxchars/(@maxwidth + 1)).floor end def zeilenweise (0...@data.size).each { |x| print sprintf("%-" + @maxwidth.to_s + "s",@data[x]) + if (x+1) % @spalten == 0 "\n" else " " end } puts end def spaltenweise zeilenmin = (@data.size * 1.0 / @spalten).floor zeilenmax = (@data.size * 1.0 / @spalten).ceil anz_volle_spalten = @data.size % @spalten verteilung=Array.new() verteilung[0]=0 count = 0 (0...@spalten).each { |col| if col < anz_volle_spalten count += zeilenmax else count += zeilenmin end verteilung[col]= count } verteilung.unshift 0 (0...zeilenmax).each { |zeile| puts((0...@spalten).collect { |spalte| w = @data[verteilung[spalte] + zeile] if (spalte >= anz_volle_spalten) and (zeile >= zeilenmin) w = "" end sprintf("%-" + @maxwidth.to_s + "s",w) }.join(' ')) } end end class AFMinfo # :nodoc: def initialize (afm) @afm = afm @uppercase_letters = ('A'..'Z').collect { |l| l } @lowercase_letters = ('a'..'z').collect { |l| l } @digits = %w(one two three four five six seven eight nine zero) end def stdformat "%-18s " end def printout (str,value) puts sprintf(stdformat + "%s", str + ":" ,value.to_s) end def num_to_string (num,reservespace=true) formatstring = "%" formatstring << " " if reservespace formatstring << (num.to_i == num ? "d" : "f") # output "integer" if value after decimal point is 0 sprintf(formatstring,num) end def dump_maininfo puts "General font information:" puts "=========================" printout("Filename",@afm.filename) [ ["Fontname",:fontname], ["FullName",:fullname], ["Family name",:familyname], ["Weight",:weight], ["EncodingScheme",:encodingscheme], # ["·","·"], ].each { |s,m| printout(s,@afm.send(m)) } puts sprintf(stdformat,'Number of gylphs:') + @afm.count_charmetrics.to_s + " (encoded: " + @afm.count_charmetrics_encoded.to_s + ", unencoded: " + @afm.count_charmetrics_unencoded.to_s + ")" end def dump_metrics puts "\n\nGlobal metrics information:" puts "==========================" puts sprintf(stdformat,"FontBBox:") + @afm.fontbbox.collect { |f| num_to_string(f) }.join(' ') + ' (llx,lly,urx,ury)' printout('IsFixedPitch',@afm.isfixedpitch) [ ["ItalicAngle", :italicangle], ["UnderlinePosition", :underlineposition], ["UnderlineThickness", :underlinethickness], ["CapHeight", :capheight], ["XHeight", :xheight], ["Ascender", :ascender], ["Descender", :descender] ].each { |s,m| puts sprintf(stdformat,s) + num_to_string(@afm.send(m)) } end def dump_glyphinfo (glyph) chars=@afm.chars[glyph] puts "\n\nGlyph information (" + glyph + ")" puts "====================" puts sprintf(stdformat,"Encoding pos:") + if chars.c == -1 "--" else sprintf("%d (dec), %x (hex), %o (oct)",chars.c,chars.c,chars.c) end puts sprintf(stdformat,"Width x (wx)") + chars.wx.to_s puts sprintf(stdformat,"Bounding box") + chars.b.collect { |f| num_to_string(f,false) }.join(' ') + ' (llx,lly,urx,ury)' puts "Kerning pairs: (x,y)" puts "--------------------" chars.kern_data.each { |k,v| puts sprintf(stdformat," " + k) + num_to_string(v[0]) + "," + num_to_string(v[1]) } end def dump_glyphs chars=@afm.chars puts "\n\nList of glyphs" puts "================" removefromlist=[] if @uppercase_letters.all? { |glyph| chars[glyph] } puts sprintf(stdformat,"A-Z") + "available" removefromlist += @uppercase_letters else puts sprintf(stdformat,"A-Z") + "some missing" end if @lowercase_letters.all? { |glyph| chars[glyph] } puts sprintf(stdformat,"a-z") + "available" removefromlist += @lowercase_letters else puts sprintf(stdformat,"a-z") + "some missing" end if @digits.all? { |glyph| chars[glyph] } puts sprintf(stdformat,"one, two, .., zero") + "available" removefromlist += @digits else puts sprintf(stdformat,"one, two, .., zero") + "some missing" end puts glyphlist=[] chars.each { |glyph,h| glyphlist.push(glyph + (h.c == -1 ? "*" : "")) } glyphlist = glyphlist - removefromlist glyphlist.sort! { |a,b| a.casecmp b } t = TextTable.new(glyphlist - removefromlist) t.spaltenweise puts "\n* = unencoded - only glyphs not mentioned above listed" end end options=OpenStruct.new options.verbose = false options.metrics = false options.glyph = nil options.listglyphs = false options.generalinfo = true ARGV.options { |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] afm-file[.afm]" opt.on("--metrics", "-m", "show global metrics information") { options.metrics=true} opt.on("--verbose", "-v", "verbose output") { options.verbose=true } opt.on("--[no-]info", "list general information (default)") { |x| options.generalinfo=x } opt.on("--list-glyphs", "-l", "list all available glyphs") { options.listglyphs=true } opt.on("--glyphinfo g" , "-g", "information about a specific glyph") { |arg| options.glyph = arg } opt.on("--help", "-h", "Show this help") { puts opt; exit 0 } opt.separator "" opt.separator "Copyright (c) 2005 Patrick Gundlach" opt.parse! } unless ARGV.size==1 puts "Please specify one afm-file to read" if ARGV exit 1 end # afm=Font::AFM.new(:verbose => options.verbose) afm=RFIL::Font::Metric.read(ARGV[0],:verbose => options.verbose) ai = AFMinfo.new(afm) ai.dump_maininfo if options.generalinfo ai.dump_metrics if options.metrics options.glyph && ai.dump_glyphinfo(options.glyph) ai.dump_glyphs if options.listglyphs