%% pp4link.sty                                   18 Jun 2000
%% History:
%% initial version                               05 May 2000
%% updated to insert an anchor unconditionally   18 Jun 2000
%% Make links to the first part of a built sequence of slides prepared 
%% with PPower4.
%% Usage:
%% Mark the target page with \toptarget{label}
%% Install a hyperlink to it with \toplink{label}{text}
%% "text" will be the active link to the target page.
%% Notes:
%%  1. "label" may consist only of letters, not digits or special
%%     characters.
%%  2. You will need two runs of (pdf)LaTeX on your file.
%%  3. The link will only be working after postprocessing with PPower4
  \csname pppplink@#1\endcsname{#2}%