%% pause.sty                                      18 Jun 2002
%% History:
%% The initial version was created                11 Jun 1999
%% Updated to allow options                       10 Mar 2000
%% Restructured after tests                       03 Apr 2000
%% Added procesing for random builds              07 May 2000
%% Supply test for new enough pdftex              09 May 2000
%% No need for pdftex 14 any more                 31 May 2000
%% Added commands for highligthing etc.           12 Jun 2000
%% Added options ignore, nomarkers and dvipdfm
%% runs with vlatex and dvipdfm                   10 Nov 2001
%% Update comment section                         13 Jun 2002
%% Make catcodes safe for pdfliteral              18 Jun 2002
%%   Because we need a color definition this can be used
%%   primarily with LaTeX. Thus we can also rely on \@ifnextchar
%%   and LaTeX option processing.
%% insert small colored chunks to mark spots in the pdf file,
%% where a break should be made during display.
%% This method needs postprocessing by another program.
%% But one can preview the formatted text, where stops are indicated
%% as small colored chunks. These will vanish during postprocessing.
%% Take care: because we have to insert pdf comments starting with
%% the letter '%' the catcode of '%' will be changed temporarily.

%% must define all optional variants to support creating a file
%% without pdf elements

%% Options
\newif\ifpause@ignore    \pause@ignorefalse
\newif\ifpause@nomarkers \pause@nomarkersfalse
\newif\ifpause@dvipdfm   \pause@dvipdfmfalse



%% warning if ignore and nomarkers
    \message{Warning, options ignore and nomarkers used together}

%% We need to make sure that , and : are not active characters while
%% we read these macro definitions.
%% Save their current catcode settings now and restore them at the end

\def\pause{\@ifnextchar [{\pppp@pause}{\pppp@pause[]}}

%% dvipdfm support
  \gdef\pdfliteral#1{\special{pdf: content

  \message{Using color settings for dvipdfm}


  %% This is for the support of the dvipdfm color philosophy
  \def\pppp@gettail #1 #2:{#2}
  \def\pppp@gethead #1 #2:{#1}
  \def\pppp@tail #1{\expandafter\pppp@gettail #1:}
  \def\pppp@tailtail #1{\expandafter\pppp@gettail\pppp@gettail #1::}
  \def\pppp@head #1{\expandafter\pppp@gethead #1:}

  % maps dvipdfm color arguments to pdf color commands
  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmap #1{\expandafter\pppp@grayorother#1:}
  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmapper#1{\csname dvipdfmmapel@#1\endcsname}
  \def\pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue#1{\expandafter\def\csname dvipdfmmapel@#1\endcsname}

  \def\pppp@rgborcmyk #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6:{\pppp@dvipdfmmapper{#6}[#2 #3 #4 #5]}

  % for the latest dvipdfm.def-File
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{c}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} k \pppp@tail{#1} K}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{r}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} rg \pppp@tail{#1} RG}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{g}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} g \pppp@tail{#1} G}

  % for dvipdfm.def with bg-error
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{b}[#1]{\pppp@tail{#1} g \pppp@tail{#1} G}

  % support of the older format ([...],...)
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{0}[#1]{#1 g #1 G}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{1}[#1]{#1 g #1 G}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{[}[#1]{\expandafter\pppp@removebrackets[\expandafter\pppp@rgborcmyk #1 :}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{}[#1]{#1rg #1RG}
  \pppp@dvipdfmmapvalue{ }[#1]{#1 k #1 K}

  \def\pppp@colortostring #1{\expandafter\pppp@dvipdfmmap\csname\string\color@#1\endcsname}
  \def\pppp@colortostring #1{\csname\string\color@#1\endcsname}


%% We need to make sure that our argument parameters do not contain
%% active characters when we are called. This means we better set the
%% catcodes for some common delimiters in our arguments. Let's hope
%% that nobody is going to change the letters and digits, too.
%% now we need a section where % can be written to pdf files.
%% thus make ! a comment character
         \color{pp4red}\vrule width 2truemm height 5truemm\hss ! the marker
       \pdfliteral{%esuap #1}!
        \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hsize0pt\noindent\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}}\else!hmode or mmode
        \null\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}\null!
        !\null\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}\null

   !! define dummies, if \pause should be ignored
   \gdef\pppp@pauselevel#1{\pdfliteral{%pauselevel #1}\egroup}!
     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor \pppp@colortostring{#1}\space \pppp@colortostring{#2}\space \pppp@colortostring{#3}}}!
     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor reset}}!
     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor appear}}!
     \pdfliteral{%pausecolor highlight}}!
