%% background.sty                                   26 Apr 2002
%% History:
%% added options ignore and dvipdfm
%% runs with vlatex and dvipdfm                     10 Nov 2001
%% added some macros for including things into      26 Apr 2002
%% the background:
%%   \bgadd{...}         add something to the top left corner
%%   \bgaddcenter{...}   add something to the center
%%   \bgclear            clear all added elements
%% examples:
%%   \bgadd{\vspace{1cm}\hspace{2cm}\includegraphics[width=3cm]{pic.png}}
%%   \bgcenter{Centered Text}
%% Take care: because we have to insert a pdf comment starting with
%% the letter '%' the catcode of '%' will be changed temporarily.

%% Options
\newif\ifbackground@ignore    \background@ignorefalse
\newif\ifbackground@dvipdfm   \background@dvipdfmfalse
\newif\ifbackground@bgadd     \background@bgaddfalse



%% requires package pause.sty

%% background picture macros, based on a macro by
%% Rolf Niepraschk (niepraschk@ptb.de)


          \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}% default



\def\hpagecolor{\@ifnextchar [{\bg@hpagecolorTwo}{\bg@hpagecolor}}%
\def\vpagecolor{\@ifnextchar [{\bg@vpagecolorTwo}{\bg@vpagecolor}}%

     % a dummy definition
     \message{Warning, pagecolor definitions ignored for non pdf processing}%
{\catcode`\%=11\catcode`\!=14 !make '!' the comment character for now
\gdef\pagecolor#1{\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}!
  {\message{pagecolor: color #1 is undefined}}!
  { \pdfliteral{%mbackground \pppp@colortostring{#1}}}!
\gdef\bg@vpagecolorTwo[#1]#2{\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}!
  {\message{vpagestripes: color #1 is undefined}}!
  {\@ifundefined{\string\color @#2}!
  {\message{vpagestripes: color #2 is undefined}}!
  {\pdfliteral{%gradbackground vt \pppp@colortostring{#1}/\pppp@colortostring{#2}}}}!
\gdef\bg@hpagecolorTwo[#1]#2{\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}!
  {\message{pagestripes: color #1 is undefined}}!
  {\@ifundefined{\string\color @#2}!
  {\message{pagestripes: color #2 is undefined}}!
  {\pdfliteral{%gradbackground ht \pppp@colortostring{#1}/\pppp@colortostring{#2}}}}!
\gdef\bg@hpagecolor#1{\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}!
  {\message{hpagecolor: color #1 is undefined}}!
  {\pdfliteral{%gradbackground ho \pppp@colortostring{#1}}}}!
\gdef\bg@vpagecolor#1{\@ifundefined{\string\color @#1}!
  {\message{vpagecolor: color #1 is undefined}}!
  {\pdfliteral{%gradbackground vo \pppp@colortostring{#1}}}}!