This release (3.4) of the CGMGen and DrawCGM software contains several
minor bug fixes and a couple of new routines.  Color handling under
Sun X11/NeWS has been fixed, preventing a lot of miscoloring and some
crashes on that platform.  A bug which resulted in crashes with long
lists of circular polymarkers under the 'xws' device driver has been
fixed.  (Both of these fixes are in the 'xws' driver, and not DrawCGM
proper).  The CGRID and CIRCLE routines have been added to draw
circles and coordinate grids respectively, and the OUTFIL routine
has been added to allow setting of the output file name.


This software is designed to run on VMS systems, and Unix systems
including UNICOS and Ultrix.  To install the software under VMS,
copy the GPlot directory tree to the VMS machine and edit the
descrip.mms file in the main (gplot) directory to include the device
drivers and GPlot controllers you want.  Use the following command
to cause VAX MMS to create the DrawCGM library and the four test
routines cgmgen_test.exe, drawcgm_test.exe, drawcgm_tst2.exe, and

        $ mms drawcgm.olb tests

On Unix systems, untar or copy the GPlot directory tree and edit the
Makefile in the main (gplot) directory to accomodate your machine and
include the device drivers and controllers you want.  The following
command will cause make to create the DrawCGM library and the four test
programs listed above:

        $ make drawcgm tests

If you are using the Vax C compiler, you may need to compile and include
the .jbl files included in the distribution to properly resolve entry points
referenced from FORTRAN but resolved from C.  If you have this problem,
simply compile the .jbl files and merge them into the DrawCGM object library.

The descrip.mms and Makefile files can also be used to make GPlot, of


The most trouble-prone part of the current implementation is the
system used to cause pauses at the end of frames when DrawCGM is
used interactively.  In general, if STPAUS has been called, at the
end of each frame (in response to NEWFRM or GRFCLS) the terminal
bell will ring and the program will wait for the user to hit return
before continuing.  This works fine in most cases, but on the Cray
under UNICOS, a carriage return is not sufficient to continue at
the end of a frame.  Use a space followed by a carriage return
instead.  This is a consequence of the behavior of Cray CFT77