$Id: Changes,v 1.6 1997/12/03 18:05:40 volkan Exp $

* 0.3 to 0.4

- glosstex.mst is now called glosstex.ist.

- The .glx-file is automatically included \AtBeginDocument to make it
  possible to use all commands without actually producing a list.

- GlossTeX now uses 2 passes to process the .gdf-files. Cross
  references should work now properly.

- Fixed some minor layout problems in the typeset lists.

- These commands have extended functionality: 


- new options itemfirst, longfirst, text, footnote, roundparen and

- \AtEndOfDocument, the user is told wether there were undefined terms.

- There is a new sh-wrapper around glosstex.bin which provides some
  kpathsea functionlity

- The output files .gxg and .gxs are removed if the .gdf-files are

- Documentation updated, moving most of the information out of the
  READMEs into the .dvi-file.

- Removed various harmless bugs.

* 0.2 to 0.3

- GlossTeX now supports $n$ independent lists. Default is a glossary
  and a list of acronyms. \glosstex{*} and \acronym{*} insert all
  terms from the given .gdf-files into the according list, just like
  BibTeX's \nocite{*}. Cross references are really usable now, use
  \glxref and \glxref* instead of \glosstexxref. GlossTeX is much more

- .gdf-file syntax slightly changed: `%' at BEGINNING OF LINE is
  recognized as comment character. A term consists of label, item,
  long-form and text which can be accessed within the document in
  several ways, just like acronym.sty.

- now the .aux-file is used instead of the .glo-file. Also, no
  \makeglossary is necessary any more. Also works with \include'd
  .aux-files caused by \include{foo.tex}

- package is documented using the `docstrip' utility, LaTeX-source
  cleaned up and documentation updated

- Makefile is now more standard and should also work with non-GNU make

* 0.1 to 0.2

- GlossTeX now works together with nomencl: glosstex.gst is now named
  glosstex.ist, \printglosstex includes \glosstexname to produce
  glossary heading, \printglosstex uses \jobname.glx instead of

- Documentation updated

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;;; mode: outline-minor
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