#! /bin/sh
# File: ctan_chk_bash
# Why:  Creates the ctan_chk.gawk and ctan_chk.pdf from the ctan_chk.w ``literate program''
# How to run: from bash command-terminal
#  . ctan_chk_bash
echo "----------->ctan_chk_bash script<-----------"
echo "----------->cweave create the pdf doc of ctan_chk<-----------"
cweave ctan_chk
pdftex ctan_chk
echo "----------->ctangle create ctan_chk.gawk program<-----------"
ctangle -l +e ctan_chk.w
echo "----------->sed - change section no into a gawk comment<-----------"
sed 's/^\/\*/# section no/' ctan_chk.gawk>ctan_chk.tmp 
echo "----------->gawk --- remove empty lines and #line lines<-----------"
gawk -e '{r=length($0);if(r==0) next; match($0,/^(\#line|;)/);if (RLENGTH > 0) next; print $0;}' ctan_chk.tmp > ctan_chk.tm1 
echo "----------->cp --- create the gawk edited program<-----------"
cp ctan_chk.tm1 ctan_chk.gawk 
echo "----------->remove temporary files<-----------"
rm ctan_chk.tmp
rm ctan_chk.tm1
rm *.idx
rm *.scn
rm *.toc
rm *.tex
rm *.log
rm *.c