%% CSPLAIN.TEX Listing of commonly used control sequences %% of Plain TeX. %% 1/88 Ashley Plank (plank@zeus.usq.edu.au) %% Page references: ``The TeXBook'' (1984) %% % Hebrew cs additions by Rama -- March 10, 1992. % \special{landscape} \font\Jer=Jerusalem \hsize=9.5truein\vsize=6.27truein \def\today{\number\day\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\year} \footline={\phantom{\rm\today}\hfil\rm\folio\hfil\rm\today} % \let\nb=\nobreak \let\q\quad \let\qq\qquad \def\bn{\bigbreak\noindent} \def\mn{\medbreak\noindent} \def\sn{\smallbreak\noindent} \def\bs{{\char'134}} \def\bs{{\char'134}} \def\ec{{\char"21}} \def\dol{{\char"24}} \def\ddol{{\dol\dol}} \def\lb{{\char"7B}} \def\rb{{\char"7D}} \def\sb{{\char"5F}} \def\sp{{\char"5E}} \def\hash{{\char"23}} \font\sc=cmcsc10 \font\rmb=cmbx12 \font\ss=cmss10 at 11pt \centerline{\hfill\rmb Some control sequences of Plain \TeX\hfill\rm Page references: The TeXbook} \vskip0.8truecm \leftline{\sc A.~~Text mode} \mn \item{(i)} Document formatting: \sn \settabs\+\indent&\tt\hskip5.5truecm&\cr \+&\tt\bs hsize=4.5in&Printed page width set at 4.5 inches\cr \+&\tt\bs vsize=20cm&Printed page length set at 20 cm\cr \+&\tt\bs hoffset=25pt&Printed page offset 25 points to the right\cr \+&\tt\bs voffset=2pc&Printed page offset 2 picas downwards\cr \+&\tt\bs magnification=1200&Whole document (all dimensions and fonts) magnified by the factor 1.2\cr \+&&{\it Note}: Any dimension prefixed by {\tt true} (eg. {\tt\bs hsize=4.5truein}) is not affected by magnification\cr \+&\tt\bs baselineskip=1pc&Line spacing set at 1 pica\cr \+&\tt\bs parskip=3pt&Extra vertical space of 3 points inserted between paragraphs\cr \+&\tt\bs parindent=1in&Paragraph indentation set at 1 inch\cr \+&\tt\bs pageno=4&Pages will be numbered at bottom centre starting with `4'\cr \+&\tt\bs nopagenumbers&Refrain from inserting numbers at the bottom of each page\cr \+&\tt\bs headline&Control over space at top of each page---see page 252\cr \+&\tt\bs footline&Control over space at bottom of each page---see page 252\cr \+&\tt\bs tolerance=2000&Controls the allowable flexibility in word spacing---see page 29\cr \mn \item{(ii)} Fonts:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs rm&Switch to computer modern roman at 10 point size (cmr10)---the default font\cr \+&\tt\bs it&\it Switch to computer modern italic at 10 point size (cmti10)\cr \+&\tt\bs bf&\bf Switch to computer modern bold at 10 point size (cmb10)\cr \+&\tt\bs sl&\sl Switch to computer modern slant at 10 point size (cmsl10)\cr \+&\tt\bs tt&\tt Switch to computer modern typewriter at 10 point size (cmtt10) \cr \+&\tt\bs font\bs ss=cmss10 at 11pt&{\tt\bs ss}\ss\ will now cause a switch to 10 point computer modern sans serif magnified to 11 point size\cr \+&&{\it Note}: Many other fonts, which need to be declared like {\tt cmss10}, are available\cr \mn \item{(iii)} Horizontal spacing:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs\char"20&Produces a single space (like between these words)\cr \+&\tt\char"7E ~ \rm(i.e. a tilde)&Produces a single space at which a line break cannot occur (a `tie')\cr \+&\tt\bs thinspace&Produces a space of this\thinspace much (Equivalent to {\tt\bs,} in mathematics mode)\cr \+&\tt\bs negthinspace&Produces this\negthinspace much space (Equivalent to {\tt \bs!} in mathematics mode)\cr \+&\tt\bs enskip&Produces a 0.5$\,$em space---this\enskip much (1.0$\,$em = 10 pt in {\tt\bs rm\/} font)\cr \+&\tt\bs quad&Produces a 1.0$\,$em space---this\quad much\cr \+&\tt\bs qquad&Two `quads'---this\qquad much\cr \+&\tt\bs hskip2.2cm&Produces a 2.2$\,$cm horizontal space\cr \mn \item{(iv)} Vertical spacing:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs smallskip&Insert a little {\it extra\/} vertical space (about 3pt) between paragraphs. This much~~~$\vcenter{\hrule width1truecm height0.4truept \smallskip \hrule width1truecm height0.4truept}$\cr \+&\tt\bs medskip&Two `smallskips'. This much~~~$\vcenter{\hrule width1truecm height0.4truept \medskip \hrule width1truecm height0.4truept}$\cr \+&\tt\bs bigskip&Two `medskips'. This much~~~$\vcenter{\hrule width1truecm height0.4truept \bigskip \hrule width1truecm height0.4truept}$\cr \+&\tt\bs vskip12mm&Insert an extra vertical space of 12$\,$mm between paragraphs\cr \mn \item{(v)} Local control:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs par&Start a new paragraph (A double carriage return can also be used) \cr \+&\tt\bs noindent&Don't indent this new paragraph\cr \+&\tt\bs centerline\lb Heading\rb&Centre `Heading' on a new line and starts a new paragraph\cr \+&\tt\bs leftline\lb Heading\rb&Put `Heading' at left end of a new line and starts a new paragraph\cr \+&\tt\bs rightline\lb Heading\rb&Put `Heading' at right end of a new line and starts a new paragraph\cr \+&\tt\bs line\lb\dots\rb&Spread \dots to fill a whole line and start a new paragraph---see page 72\cr \+&\tt\bs item\lb(a)\rb&Start a `paragraph' labelled `(a)' in which every line is indented---used for itemized lists\cr \+&\tt\bs itemitem\lb(i)\rb&Start a `paragraph' labelled `(i)' in which every line is doubly-indented---used for itemized lists within lists\cr \+&\tt\bs hfil\bs break&Start a new line (but not a new paragraph)\cr \+&\tt\bs vfil\bs eject&Start a new page and a new paragraph\cr \+&\tt\bs nobreak&Inhibit line or page break\cr \+&\tt\bs smallbreak&Suitable place for a page break---insert a `smallskip' if no break\cr \+&\tt\bs medbreak&Suitable place for a page break---insert a `medskip' if no break\cr \+&\tt\bs bigbreak&Suitable place for a page break---insert a `bigskip' if no break\cr \+&\tt\bs goodbreak&Start a new paragraph and encourage a page break here\cr \+&\tt\bs filbreak&See page 111\cr \+&\tt\bs leftskip=-2mm&Causes the left end of all the lines of a paragraph to be indented by $-2\,$mm\cr \+&\tt\bs rightskip=5pt&Causes the right end of all the lines of a paragraph to be indented by 5$\,$points\cr \+&\tt\bs narrower&Causes all lines of a paragraph to be indented at the left and right ends\cr \+&\tt\bs obeylines&Causes a carriage return to start a new line (``poetry mode'')\cr \+&\tt\bs raggedright&Right margin justification turned off\cr \+&\tt\bs parshape&Controls the shape of a paragraph---see page 101\cr \+&\tt\bs settabs&Presets tab stops across page---see page 231\cr \+&\tt\bs frenchspacing&Make all between-word spaces the same regardless of punctuation\cr \+&\tt\bs nonfrenchspacing&Turn off frenchspacing (the default)\cr \+&\tt\bs bye&The usual way to end a \TeX\ file ({\tt\bs bye $\equiv$ \bs vfill\bs eject\bs end})\cr \mn \item{(vi)} Printing reserved symbols:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs\char"23&Produces a \#~~~({\tt\char"23} is used in defining macros)\cr \+&\tt\bs\char"25&Produces a \%~~~({\tt\char"25} is the comment character)\cr \+&\tt\bs\dol&Produces a \$~~~ ({\tt\dol} controls maths mode)\cr \+&\tt\bs\char"26&Produces a \&~~({\tt\char"26} is used for alignment)\cr \+&\tt\bs\char"5F&Produces a \_~~~({\tt\char"5F} is used for subscripting)\cr \+&\tt\dol\bs\char"7B\dol&Produces a $\{$~~~(Mathematics mode is necessary) ({\tt \char"7B} is used for grouping)\cr \+&\tt\dol\bs\char"7D\dol&Produces a $\}$~~~(Mathematics mode is necessary) ({\tt \char"7D} is used for grouping)\cr \+&\tt\dol\bs backslash\dol&Produces a $\backslash$~~~(Mathematics mode is necessary) ({\tt\bs} begins a control sequence)\cr \mn \item{(vii)} Other (text) features:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs underbar\lb important\rb&Produces \underbar{important} (Note underlining is seldom, if ever, used in good type-setting)\cr \+&\tt\bs footnote&Insert a footnote---see page 116\cr \+&\tt\bs topinsert\dots\bs endinsert&Insert \dots at top of first available page\cr \+&\tt\bs midinsert\dots\bs endinsert&Insert \dots here or as soon as practicable\cr \+&\tt\bs pageinsert\dots\bs endinsert&Insert \dots to fill all of the next page\cr \+&\tt\bs llap&Overwrite on the left---see page 82\cr \+&\tt\bs rlap&Overwrite on the right---see page 82\cr \+&\tt\bs hyphenation&Indicates allowable hyphenation---see page 28\cr \mn \item{(viii)} Special symbols, etc:\nb \sn \+&\tt\bs TeX&Produces \TeX\ in the current font\cr \+&\tt\bs dots&Produces an ellipsis \dots\cr \+&\tt\bs dag&Produces \dag\cr \+&\tt\bs ddag&Produces \ddag\cr %\+&\tt\bs bull&Produces \bull\cr %\+&\tt\bs bullet&Produces \bullet\cr \+&\tt\bs copyright&Produces \copyright\cr \+&\tt\bs S&Produces \S\cr \+&\tt\bs P&Produces \P\cr \+&\tt\lb\bs it\bs\dol\rb&Produces {\it\$}\cr \+&\tt\lb\bs it\bs\char"26\rb&Produces {\it\&}\cr \+&\tt-&Produces - (a hyphen), as in note-book\cr \+&\tt--&Produces -- (an en-dash), as in pages 5--12\cr \+&\tt---&Produces --- (an em-dash), ie. an ordinary dash used in punctuation\cr \+&\tt\dol-\dol&Produces $-$ (a minus sign)\cr \+&\tt``&Produces ``\cr \+&\tt''&Produces ''\cr \+&\tt\bs vrule&See page 221\cr \+&\tt\bs hrule&See page 221\cr \mn \item{(ix)} Accents and some foreign letters:\nb \sn \def\q{\quad} \indent See page 52---the possibilities are:\q\`a\q\'e\q\^o\q\"u\q\=y\q\~n\q\.p\ q\u\i\q\v s\q\H\j\q \t\i u\q\b k\q\c c\q\d h\q\ae\q\OE\q\aa\q\AA\q\ss\q\o\q\O % % Additions. Rama. % \vfil\eject \rm \item{(x)} Additions for Hebrew typesetting:\nb \sn \def\undertext#1{$\underline{\hbox{#1}}$} \+&\tt\bs sethebrew&Enter hebrew mode\cr \+&\tt\bs unsethebrew&Go out of Hebrew mode\cr \+&\tt\bs hebrewpar&Starting one hebrew paragraph with indentation\cr \+&\tt\bs hebrewlines&Starting one hebrew paragraph without indentation\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\bs L\lb\dots string\dots \rb&English string within a Hebrew environment\cr \+&\tt\bs R\lb\dots{\Jer zixciq}\dots\rb &Hebrew string within an English environment\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\lb\dots\rb{\Jer ybcd}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs hadgesh\lb\dots\rb&Making bold letters - Poor man's bold --- see page 386\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer lecbswn}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs makafgadol&Like the regular -\thinspace - producing --~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer wprswn}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs makafanak&Like the regular -\thinspace -\thinspace - producing ---~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer yxb}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs geresh&Like the regular `~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer yxbgzt}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs opengeresh&\char39\cr \+&{\Jer yxbxebq}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs closegeresh&`\cr \+&{\Jer hehivgzt}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs openquote&Like the regular '', which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer hehivxebq}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs closequote&Like the regular ``, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer dwqit}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs piska&Like the regular \tt\bs item, \rm modified for Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer dwqitdwqit}\tt\bs \ or\ \tt\bs piskapiska&Like the regular \tt\bs itemitem, \rm modified for Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer meid}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs hebday&Today's regular date in Hebrew\cr \+&\tt\bs Hebrewtoday&Hebrew date in Hebrew\cr \+&\tt\bs Hebrewdate&Converting a Georgian date to an Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer dlecbdvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs bigskip\cr \+&{\Jer zipepiadvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs medskip\cr \+&{\Jer dphwdvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs smallskip\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer oinidxey}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs rightline\cr \+&{\Jer l`nydxey}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs leftline\cr \+&{\Jer fkxn}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs centerline\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\bs undertext\lb text \Jer hqwh\rb&Produces \undertext{text \Jer hqwh}\cr % % End additions. Rama. % \vfil\eject \leftline{\sc B.~~Mathematics mode} \mn \item{(i)} Fonts: \sn \settabs\+\indent&\tt\hskip5.5truecm&\cr \+&\tt\bs mit&Switch to computer modern maths italics ({\tt cmmi10})---the default font for most variable names\cr \+&\tt\bs bmit&Switch to computer modern bold maths italics ({\tt cmmib10})\cr \+&\tt\bs rm&Switch to computer modern roman---the default font for uppercase Greek letters\cr \+&\tt\bs it&Switch to computer modern italics ({\tt cmti10})\cr \+&\tt\bs bf&Switch to computer modern bold roman ({\tt cmb10})\cr \+&\tt\bs cal&For uppercase letters in $\cal CALLIGRAPHIC$ style ({\tt cmsy10})\cr \+&\tt\bs displaystyle&Force display style---see page 140\cr \+&\tt\bs textstyle&Force text style---see page 140\cr \+&\tt\bs scriptstyle&Force subscript/superscript size\cr \+&\tt\bs scriptscriptstyle&Force subsubscript/supersuperscript size\cr \mn \item{(ii)} Horizontal spacing: \sn \+&\tt\bs\char"20&Insert a standard between-word space\cr \+&\tt\bs quad&Produces a 1.0$\,$em space---this\quad much\cr \+&\tt\bs qquad&Two `quads'---this\qquad much\cr \+&\tt\bs hskip2mm&Produces a 2$\,$mm horizontal space\cr \+&\tt\bs ,&Produces a thinspace---this$\,$much (1/6 of a `quad')\cr \+&\tt\bs >&Produces a medium space---this$\>$much (2/9 of a 'quad')\cr \+&\tt\bs ;&Produces a thick space---this$\;$much (5/18 of a `quad')\cr \+&\tt\bs !&Produces a negative thin space---this$\!$much ($-1/6$ of a `quad')\cr \+&\tt\bs mskip9mu&Insert 9$\,$mu of space ($18\,{\rm mu}=1.0\,{\rm em}\approx10 \,{\rm pt}$)\cr \+&\tt\bs mathsurround=1pt&Insert an additional 1$\,$pt of space before and after every formula\cr \mn \item{(iii)} Vertical spacing \sn \+&\tt\bs openup1\bs jot&Insert an extra 1$\,$jot ($=3\,$pt) of vertical space between displayed lines---see page 194\cr \+&\tt\bs abovedisplayskip&Controls the amount of space above displayed maths---see page 189\cr \+&\tt\bs belowdisplayskip&Controls the amount of space below displayed maths---see page 189\cr \mn \item{(iv)} Greek letters---page 434 \sn \halign{\indent\hfil#&&$#$&\enskip\tt\bs #\hskip1truecm\hfil\cr &\alpha&alpha&\zeta&zeta&\lambda&lambda&\varpi\phantom{\varpi}&varpi&\upsilon&upsilon\cr &\beta&beta&\eta&eta&\mu&mu&\rho&rho&\phi&phi\cr &\gamma&gamma&\theta&theta&\nu&nu&\varrho&varrho&\varphi&varphi\cr &\delta&delta&\vartheta&vartheta&\xi&xi&\sigma&sigma&\chi&chi\cr &\epsilon&epsilon&\iota&iota&o&\omit\q\tt o&\varsigma&varsigma&\psi&psi\cr &\varepsilon&varepsilon&\kappa&kappa&\pi&pi&\tau&tau&\omega&omega\cr \noalign{\vskip2\baselineskip} &\Gamma&Gamma&\Lambda&Lambda&\Pi&Pi&\Upsilon&Upsilon&\Psi&Psi\cr &\Delta&Delta&\Xi&Xi&\Sigma&Sigma&\Phi&Phi&\Omega&Omega\cr &\Theta&Theta&&\omit&&\omit&&\omit&\cr \noalign{\medskip\item{(v)} Relations\smallskip} &\le&le&\vdash&vdash&\ni&ni&\sim&sim&\propto&propto\cr &\ll&ll&\ge&ge&\dashv&dashv&\simeq&simeq&\models&models\cr &\subset&subset&\gg&gg&\mid&mid&\asymp&asymp&\doteq&doteq\cr &\subseteq&subseteq&\supset&supset&\parallel¶llel&\approx&approx&\perp&perp\cr &\in&in&\supseteq&supseteq&\equiv&equiv&\cong&cong&\ne&ne\cr \noalign{{\it plus others}---see page 436} \noalign{Many can be negated by prefixing with {\tt\bs not} (eg. {\tt\bs not\bs le} yields $\not\le$)} \noalign{\medskip\item{(vi)} Binary operations\smallskip} &\pm&pm&\cdot&cdot&\star&star&\bullet&bullet&\cup&cup\cr &\mp&mp&\times×&\diamond&diamond&\div&div&\vee&vee {\rm or} \bs lor\cr &\setminus&setminus&\ast&ast&\circ&circ&\cap&cap&\wedge&wedge {\rm or} \bs land\cr \noalign{{\it plus others}---see page 436} \noalign{\medskip\item{(vii)} Arrows\smallskip} &\leftarrow&leftarrow {\rm or} \bs gets&\rightarrow&rightarrow {\rm or} \bs to&\leftrightarrow&leftrightarrow% &\uparrow&uparrow&\updownarrow&updownarrow\cr &\Leftarrow&Leftarrow&\Rightarrow&Rightarrow&\Leftrightarrow&Leftrightarrow&\Uparrow&Uparrow% &\Updownarrow&Updownarrow\cr &\longleftarrow&longleftarrow&\longrightarrow&longrightarrow&\longleftrightarrow &longleftrightarrow% &\downarrow&downarrow&\mapsto&mapsto\cr &\Longleftarrow&Longleftarrow&\Longrightarrow&Longrightarrow&\Longleftrightarrow &Longleftrightarrow% &\Downarrow&Downarrow&\longmapsto&longmapsto\cr \noalign{{\it plus others}---see page 437} \noalign{\medskip\item{(viii)} Operators\smallskip} &\sum&sum&\prod&prod&\int&int&\bigcap&bigcap&\bigvee&bigvee\cr &&\omit&\coprod&coprod&\oint&oint&\bigcup&bigcup&\bigwedge&bigwedge\cr \noalign{{\it plus others}---see page 435} \noalign{\medskip\item{(ix)} Miscellaneous symbols\smallskip} &\aleph&aleph&\ell&ell&\infty&infty&\surd&surd&\backslash&backslash\cr &\hbar&hbar&\Re&Re&'&\omit\tt~\char"27\ {\rm or} \bs prime&\|&|&\forall&forall\cr &\imath&imath&\Im&Im&\emptyset&emptyset&\angle&angle&\exists&exists\cr &\jmath&jmath&\partial&partial&\nabla&nabla&\triangle&triangle&\neg&neg\cr \noalign{{\it plus others}---see page 435}} \vfil\eject \item{(x)} Brackets, etc \sn \+&\tt\bs\lb&Produces $\{$\cr \+&\tt\bs\rb&Produces $\}$\cr \+&\tt\bs langle&Produces $\langle$\cr \+&\tt\bs rangle&Produces $\rangle$\cr \+&\tt[\bs\ec[&Produces $[\![$\cr \+&\tt(\bs\ec(&Produces $(\!($\cr \+&\tt\bs langle\bs\ec\bs langle&Produces $\langle\!\langle$\cr \+&\tt\bs lfloor&Produces $\lfloor$\cr \+&\tt\bs rfloor&Produces $\rfloor$\cr \+&\tt\bs lceil&Produces $\lceil$\cr \+&\tt\bs rceil&Produces $\rceil$\cr \+&\tt\bs left($\ \ldots\ $\bs right)&Produces $(\ldots)$ with `$($' and `$)$' enlarged as appropriate\cr \+&\tt\bs big \bs Big \bs bigg \bs Bigg&Enlarge the slash or backslash following ---see page 147\cr \+&\tt\bs bigl $\ldots$&Enlarge the left bracket following---see page 147\cr \+&\tt\bs bigr $\ldots$&Enlarge the right bracket following---see page 147\cr \+&\tt\bs bigm $\ldots$&Enlarge the $|$ or $\|$ following---see page 147\cr \mn \item{(xi)} Standard functions---page 162 \smallskip Common mathematical functions like `sin' are always set in roman type.\par To ensure this in mathematics mode use the following control sequences:\par\enspace \halign{\indent#&&\tt\bs #\hskip1truecm\hfil\cr &arccos&cos&csc&exp&ker&limsup&min&sinh\cr &arcsin&cosh°&gcd&lg&ln&Pr&sup\cr &arctan&cot&det&hom&lim&log&sec&tan\cr &arg&coth&dim&inf&liminf&max&sin&tanh\cr} \smallskip Subscripts and superscripts will become limits when attached to {\def\,{{\rm ,}} \let\\=\bs% \tt\\det\, \\gcd\, \\inf\, \\lim\, \\liminf\, \\limsup\,\par \\max\, \\min\, \\Pr\, \\sup} in display style~~(eg.~{\tt\dol\dol\bs max\sb\lb 1\bs le n\bs le m\rb \bs log\sb 2P\sb n\dol\dol} produces $\displaystyle\max_{1\le n\le m}\log_2P_n$ as a displayed equation) \mn \item{(xii)} Accents \smallskip See page 135---the possibilities are:$\q\hat a\q\widehat{ab}\q\check a\q\tilde a \q\widetilde{ab}\q\acute a\q \grave a\q\dot a\q\ddot a\q\breve a\q\bar a\q\vec a\q$\qq(and others can be constructed) \mn \item{(xiii)} Local control for displayed mathematics \sn \+&\tt\bs eqalign\lb\dots\rb&Allows alignment of one or more equations over several lines---see page 190\cr \+&\tt\bs eqalignno\lb\dots\rb&Allows alignment together with RHS equation numbering---see page 192\cr \+&\tt\bs leqalignno\lb\dots\rb&Allows alignment together with LHS equation numbering---see page 192\cr \+&\tt\bs displaylines\lb\dots\rb&Display equations over several lines as you want but without alignment---see page 194\cr \+&\tt\bs cases\lb\dots\rb&Display an equation containing choices spanned by a brace---see page 175\cr \mn \lineskiplimit=2pt \lineskip=2pt \item{(xiv)} Features \sn \+&\tt x\sb 1\sp \lb-2\rb&Produces $x_1^{-2}$\cr \+&\tt \lb x+y\bs over 2a\rb&Produces $\displaystyle{x+y\over2a}$ ---see page 139\cr \+&\tt\bs sqrt\lb b-a\rb&Produces $\sqrt{b-a}$\cr \+&\tt\bs matrix\bs pmatrix\bs bordermatrix&Produce arrays---see page 176\cr \+&\tt\bs overbrace\lb x+y\rb&Produces $\overbrace{x+y}$ ---see page 176\cr \+&\tt\bs underbrace\lb x+y\rb&Produces $\underbrace{x+y}$ ---see page 176\cr \+&\tt\bs overline\lb x+y\rb&Produces $\overline{x+y}$\cr \+&\tt\bs underline\lb x+y\rb&Produces $\underline{x+y}$ \cr \+&\tt\bs root n+1\bs of\lb a+b\rb&Produces $\root n+1\of{a+b}$\cr \+&\tt\lb n\bs choose k\rb&Produces ${n\choose k}$\cr \+&\tt\bs bmod&Inserts `mod' as a binary operation (eg.~{\tt\dol m\bs bmod n\dol} produces~~$m\bmod n$)\cr \+&\tt\bs pmod&Inserts `mod' in parentheses (eg.~{\tt\dol m\bs pmod n\dol} produces~~$m\pmod n$)\cr \+&\tt\bs eqno&Equation numbering on RHS---see page 187\cr \+&\tt\bs leqno&Equation numbering on LHS---see page 187\cr \+&\tt\bs\char"2A&Discretionary multiplication sign---see page 173\cr \+&\tt\bs allowbreak&Line break within text mathematics permitted here---see page 174\cr \vfil\eject \leftline{\sc C.~~Allowable units of measurement} \sn {\def\\{\thinspace} \settabs\+\indent&\hskip2.3truecm&\hskip2.8truecm&\cr \+&\tt in&inch&(1\\in = 72.27\\pt)\cr \+&\tt cm¢imetre&(2.54\\cm = 1\\in,~ 1\\cm = 28.45\\pt)\cr \+&\tt mm&millimetre&(10\\mm = 1cm,~ 25.4\\mm = 1in,~ 1\\mm = 2.845\\pt)\cr \+&\tt pc&pica&(1\\pc = 12\\pt,~ 6.023\\pc = 1\\in,~ 2.371\\pc = 1\\cm)\cr \+&\tt cc&cicero&(1\\cc = 12\\dd,~ 1\\cc = 12.84\\pt,~ 5.628\\cc = 1\\in,~ 2.216 \\cc = 1\\cm)\cr \+&\tt dd&did\^ot point&(1157\\dd = 1238\\pt,~ 67.54\\dd = 1\\in,~ 26.59\\dd = 1 \\cm)\cr \+&\tt bp&big point&(72\\bp = 1\\in,~ 28.35\\bp = 1\\cm)\cr \+&\tt pt&point&(1\\pt = 0.01384\\in,~ 1\\pt = 0.03515\\cm)\cr \+&\tt sp&scaled point&(65536\\sp = 1\\pt,~ 4736287\\sp= 1\\in,~ 1864690\\sp = 1 \\cm)\cr} \bn\mn \leftline{{\sc D.~~Macros}---page 199} \bigskip \settabs\+\indent&\hskip5.1truecm&\cr \+&\tt\bs def\bs nl\lb\bs hfil\bs break\rb&{\tt\bs nl} will now be interpreted as {\tt\bs hfil\bs break}, ie.~start a new line\cr \+&\tt\bs def\bs(\lb\bs left(\rb&{\tt\bs(} will now be interpreted as {\tt\bs left(}\cr \+&\tt\bs def\bs der\hash1\lb\lb d\hash1\bs over dx\rb\rb&{\tt\bs der y} will now be interpreted as {\tt\lb dy\bs over dx\rb} and produce ${dy\over dx}$ in maths mode\cr \+&\tt\bs input macros&Reads in the file {\tt macros.tex} from the current directory or {\tt \bs inputs} directory\cr \+&{\it Note\/}:~~A definition nested inside braces, or within {\tt\dol} symbols, does not apply outside those braces or outside that mathematics.\cr \bn\mn \leftline{\sc E.~~Some Defaults of Plain \TeX} \bigskip \settabs\+\indent&\hskip7truecm&\cr \+&\tt\bs hsize = 16.51cm (6.5in)&\tt\bs vsize = 22.61cm (8.9in)\cr \+&\tt\bs hoffset = 0pt&\tt\bs voffset = 0pt\cr \+&\tt\bs parindent = 20pt (7.0mm)&\tt\bs parskip = 0pt plus 1pt\cr \+&\tt\bs baselineskip = 12pt (4.2mm)&\tt\bs topskip = 10pt\cr \+&\tt\bs pageno = 1&\tt\bs tolerance = 200\cr \bye