% Chapter 3 from Asymptote tutorial Jim Hefferon \chapter{Paths and pens} \section{Paths} This plots a function that is generic in that it isn't derived from a simple expression such as $\cos x$ or $x+(1/(x-1))$. We will use it for the classic Calculus lesson illustrating that the curve is locally well-approximated by the line, by zooming in on a point of tangency. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom.pdf} \end{center} Here is the source of that graphic. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter3/asy/zoom.asy} \end{center} Line~7's \mintinline{Asymptote}{generic_fcn_plot} is a \mintinline{Asymptote}{path}. It joins some points with smooth curves, using the \mintinline{Asymptote}{..} operator. (I often use this path so I included a copy in \path{jh.asy} as \mintinline{Asymptote}{GENERIC_FCN_PLOT}.) Earlier, when we drew a vertical asymptote line we instead connected two points with a \mintinline{Asymptote}{--} operator, which gives a line segment. There are other connectors but these two are the most common. In line~17, \Asy's \mintinline{Asymptote}{dir(..)} command gives the direction of the tangent line as a unit vector. The two lines after that produce its graph. As part of this, line~18 uses that \mintinline{Asymptote}{d.y} is the second component of the pair \mintinline{Asymptote}{d} and \mintinline{Asymptote}{d.x} is its first component, so the tangent line's slope is the ratio \mintinline{Asymptote}{d.y/d.x}. As to line~15's \mintinline{Asymptote}{c_time = times(f, c)[0]}, \Asy{} joins the points with piecewise cubic Bézier curves, just as \MF{} and \MP{} do. These curves are parametrized by a variable called `time'. By definition, the initial point $(0,-0.25)$ is at time~$0$, the next point $(1,0.35)$ is at time~$1$, etc. (To forestall any confusion:~the time has nothing to do with the first coordinate, it comes from when the point is specified in the path.) Intermediate points have intermediate times. This illustrates, showing some times. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom_times.pdf} \end{center} The \mintinline{Asymptote}{times(..)} command returns an array of times where the path intersects the vertical line $x=\text{\mintinline{Asymptote}{c}}$. We extract the first one (in this case the only one) with the \mintinline{Asymptote}{[0]}. Then line~16's \mintinline{Asymptote}{c_point = point(f,c_time)} returns that point as a \mintinline{Asymptote}{pair}. (Incidentally, the time points need not be evenly spaced on a curve, meaning that there may be a different arc length between $t=2.0$ and~$2.5$ than there is between $t=2.5$ and~$3.0$.) The source for the prior graphic shows two useful aspects of \Asy{} that are new. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter3/asy/zoom_times.asy} \end{center} The first of those is in line~19. The \mintinline{Asymptote}{format("$%0.02f$",t)} turns the floating point number~$t$ into the string used in the label. The other is in lines~17 through~20, where the code has an iteration. One strength of \Asy{} is that it is a standard programming language, with clean constructs that are like those you use in other languages in your daily work. This iteration is over an array but an integer iteration \mintinline{Asymptote}{for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)} is in the next example. That next example shows zooming in on the point of tangency in four steps. Here's the output. \begin{center} \hspace{2em}% \vcenteredhbox{\includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom_iterate000.pdf}}% \hspace{1em plus 1fill}% \vcenteredhbox{\includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom_iterate001.pdf}}% \hspace{1em plus 1fill}% \vcenteredhbox{\includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom_iterate002.pdf}}% \hspace{1em plus 1fill}% \vcenteredhbox{\includegraphics{chapter3/asy/zoom_iterate003.pdf}}% \hspace*{2em}% \end{center} The source \path{asy/zoom_iterate.asy} is more complex than the others that we have seen. One reason is that this one file produces four pictures, so that we needn't maintain four separate \path{.asy} files with lots of overlap. The four output files are produced in the loop between lines~17 and~47. Line~18 creates a new \mintinline{Asymptote}{picture} and line~46 outputs it. The files are named \path{zoom_iterate000.pdf} \ldots{} \path{zoom_iterate003.pdf};~the form of that name is given by the string \mintinline{Asymptote}{OUTPUT_FN}. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter3/asy/zoom_iterate.asy} \end{center} Besides using a single input to create multiple output files, there are two other things that are new here. One is line~19's \mintinline{Asymptote}{size(pic, 3cm, 0)}. This makes each output graphic be three centimeters wide and as tall as required, setting the size of the $x$ and~$y$ units as needed to get that width. The result is a zooming-in on successively shorter intervals of the $x$~axis. The other new thing is that rescaling the units to make the entire figure three centimeters wide would put the plotted function very far above the $x$~axis. So we have moved the function down near the axis. This transformation applies not just to the function but also to the tangent line and to the point $(c,f(c))$, so we have broken this transformation out as a separate thing, in line~32. %\mintinline{Asymptote}{transform f_trans = shift(0,0.5*delta)*shift(0,-1*c_point.y)}. Transformations are applied with the star operator, as on lines~33, 34, and~36. In the next section we will see one more thing about paths, that if a path is closed then we can fill it. \section{Pens} When you draw something you need to specify some properties, such as its color or thickness if you are drawing a curve, or the font if you are writing text. \Asy{} binds those properties together as a \mintinline{Asymptote}{pen}. This source gives a picture showing the area computed with $\int_{a}^{b}f(x)\,dx$. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter3/asy/integral.asy} \end{center} Here is the resulting graphic. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter3/asy/integral.pdf} \end{center} The \mintinline{Asymptote}{buildcycle(left_side, f, right_side, bottom)} on line~20 is new. It takes paths surrounding the region of interest and constructs the path that is the region's boundary. (A more common way to make a cyclic path is to end with \mintinline{Asymptote}{cycle}, as with \mintinline{Asymptote}{path triangle = (0,0)--(0,1)--(1,0)--cycle}.) Then line~23's \mintinline{Asymptote}{fill(region, NEUTRAL_COLOR+opacity(0.5))} covers the region using a pen that, in addition to its color, allows some of the material behind it to show through. Note that some PDF viewers have trouble with opacity so your results may vary but one viewer that gives good results is Adobe's Reader. The \Asy{} reference gives many options for pens. Another is on line~25 where we draw the slice using the pen \mintinline{Asymptote}{HIGHLIGHT_COLOR+squarecap} so that the slice bottom lies flat on the axis.