% Appendix from Asymptote tutorial Jim Hefferon \chapter*{Appendix: File with defaults} Rather than copy and paste code common across graphics, we can put them in a separate file and import them. In the earlier \Asy{} sources the lines \begin{minted}{Asymptote} cd("../../../asy"); import jh; cd(""); define_texpreamble(); \end{minted} will first run the commands in the file \path{../../../asy/jh.asy}, and then run the function defined in that file. Here is the file. Its first few lines define the command to set the fonts, and changes the default font size. (This change leaves more room for graphic elements and also helps the graphics have a visually cohesive identity.) Then it defines a color scheme.\footnote{% Thank you to \protect\texttt{color.adobe.com} user Michelle Delapenha.} Lastly, it defines the \mintinline{Asymptote}{material} defaults for 3D graphics. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{../asy/jh.asy} \end{center}