#!/usr/bin/perl #Copyright (c) 2006, Midwest Connections Inc. #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the Midwest Connections Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" #AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE #ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE #FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL #DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR #SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER #CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF #THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # #written by Zane C. Bowers use strict; use warnings; use Net::LDAP; use Getopt::Std; use Config::Tiny; use Term::ReadKey; use Term::ANSIColor; #zLDAPhash is property of Zane C. Bowers #Copyright (c) 2006, Zane C. Bowers #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the Zane C. Bowers nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" #AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE #ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE #FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL #DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR #SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER #CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF #THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. sub zLDAPhash { my $mesg = $_[0]; #the object returned from a LDAP search #used for holding the data, before returning it my %data; #builds it my $entryinter=0; my $max = $mesg->count; for ( $entryinter = 0 ; $entryinter < $max ; $entryinter++ ){ my $entry = $mesg->entry ( $entryinter ); $data{$entry->dn}={ldap=>{dn=>$entry->dn},internal=>{changed=>0}}; #builds a hash of attributes # my $attrinter=0; foreach my $attr ( $entry->attributes ) { # while (defined($entry->attributes($attrinter))) { # my $attr=$entry->attributes($attrinter); $data{$entry->dn}{ldap}{$attr}=[]; #builds the array of values for the attribute my $valueinter=0; my @attributes=$entry->get_value($attr); while (defined($attributes[$valueinter])){ $data{$entry->dn}{ldap}{$attr}[$valueinter]=$attributes[$valueinter]; $valueinter++; }; # $attrinter++; }; }; return %data; }; sub main::HELP_MESSAGE { exit 1; }; sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE { print "mwcLDAls v. 1.0.6\n"; } #used for checking if a entry exists sub LdapEntryExists{ my $dn=$_[0]; my $binder=$_[1]; my $password=$_[2]; my $server=$_[3]; my $port=$_[4]; #connect to the LDAP server my %ldapconnection=mwcqbinder($binder, $password, $server, $port, "1"); #search the LDAP server and return only one entry. my $mesg = $ldapconnection{ldap}->search(base=>$dn,filter=>'(objectclass=*)',scope=>'base'); #uncomment to get... #Can't locate object method "count" via package "Net::LDAP::Unbind" at ./mwcLDA.pl line 76, line 1. # #it should just work... # $mesg = $ldapconnection{ldap}->unbind; my %hash=zLDAPhash($mesg); my @keys=keys(%hash); if (!defined($keys[0])){ return 0; }; return 1; }; #quickly binds to a LDAP server and returns it. sub mwcqbinder{ my $binder=$_[0]; my $password=$_[1]; my $server=$_[2]; my $port=$_[3]; my $errorMethode=$_[4];#0 continue and return error #1 exit with error and be verbose #2 exit with error and be quiet #sets the port if it is not defined if (!defined($port)){ $port="389"; }; #sets the $errorMethode if it is not defined if (!defined($errorMethode)){ $errorMethode="1"; }; my %ldapconnection=(); #connect to the ldap server $ldapconnection{ldap} = Net::LDAP->new( $server ) or $ldapconnection{status}=0; #checks if the status is equal to 0. if (defined($ldapconnection{status}) && $ldapconnection{status} == 0){ if ($errorMethode == 0){ $ldapconnection{LONGerror}="Could not contact the server."; return 1; }; if ($errorMethode == 1){ print "Could not contact the server.\n". "server: ".$server."\nport: ".$port."\n"; exit 1; }; if ($errorMethode == 2){ exit 1; }; }; $ldapconnection{bindMesg} = $ldapconnection{ldap}->bind( $binder, password=>$password, version=>3 ); if ($ldapconnection{bindMesg}->code) { #check for a failed bind if ($errorMethode == 0){ $ldapconnection{status}=0; $ldapconnection{LONGerror}="Could not bind to the server."; return %ldapconnection; }; if ($errorMethode == 1){ print "Could not bind to the server.\nserver: ".$server."\nport: ".$port. "\nbinder: ".$binder."\n"; exit 1; }; if ($errorMethode == 2){ exit 1; }; } $ldapconnection{status}=1; return %ldapconnection }; #get the list of options it was ran with and do help check $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; my %opts=(); getopts("C:c:u:p:i:m:se:a:d:T:t:M:PS", \%opts); #C = config #c = customer ID #u = user to add #p = user password #i = IP# # This should be left blank if a initial one is not to be set. #m = MAC# # This should be left blank if a initial one is not to be set. #M = default MAC allow # #e = entry # This is a entry in the ini file to look at. #s = static # This entry will be marked as static. This does require a IP# and MAC#. #t = towers allowed or disallowed #T = default #P = pretty print #S = semi-match #the hash used for holding the config file my %config; #gets the config file to use if(defined($opts{C})){ $config{file}=$opts{C}; }else{; $config{file}=$ENV{HOME}."/.mwcLDArc" }; #checks if a customer ID was specified and if it is make sure it is numeric if (defined($opts{c})){ my $CIDtest=$opts{c}; $CIDtest=~s/[0123456789]//g; if (! $CIDtest eq "" ){ print "The customer ID# is not completely numeric.\n"; exit 1 }; $config{customerID}=$opts{c}; }; #checks if a username was defined if (defined($opts{u})){ #exits if ()[]*'\" found in a username my $usertest=$opts{u}; $usertest=~s/[\(\)\[\]\*\\\'\"]//g; #' this is here to handle a highlighting bug in Eclipse if ($usertest ne $opts{u}){ print '()[]*\'\" are not allowed in usernames.'."\n"; exit 1; }; $config{username}=$opts{u}; }; #checks if a password is defined for the user if (defined($opts{p})){ $config{userpassword}=$opts{p}; }; #get and checks for a IP# contains the proper characters if (defined($opts{i})){ my $IPtest=$opts{i}; $IPtest=~s/[0123456789\.]//g; if (! $IPtest eq "" ){ print "The IP# contains illegal characters.\n"; exit 1 }; $config{ip}=$opts{i}; }; #get and checks the MAC and makes sure it contains the proper characters if (defined($opts{m})){ my $IPtest=$opts{m}; $IPtest=~s/[0123456789:abcdefABCDEF,\!]//g; if (! $IPtest eq "" ){ print "The MAC# contains illegal characters.\n"; exit 1 }; my @macs=split(/,/,$opts{m}); $config{macsAllowed}=""; $config{macsDisallowed}=""; #splits them into allowed and disallowed #any thing begining with ! is disallowed #any thing else is allowed my $count=0; my $DAcount=0; my $Acount=0; while (defined($macs[$count])){ my $macTest=$macs[$count]; $macTest=~s/^!//; if($macTest ne $macs[$count]){ if ($DAcount >= 1){ $config{macsDisallowed}=$config{macsDisallowed}.",".$macTest; }else{ $config{macsDisallowed}=$macTest; }; $DAcount++; }else{ if ($Acount >= 1){ $config{macsAllowed}=$config{macsAllowed}.",".$macTest; }else{ $config{macsAllowed}=$macTest; }; $Acount++; }; $count++; }; }else{ $config{macsAllowed}=""; $config{macsDisallowed}=""; }; #if the -M switch is used, if (defined($opts{M})){ my $Mtest=$opts{M}; $Mtest=~s/[01]//g; if ($Mtest ne "" ){ print "The MAC allow default is set to something other than 0 or 1\n"; exit 1 }; $config{Mdefault}=$opts{M}; }else{ $config{Mdefault}="1"; }; #get the default tower allow if (defined($opts{T})){ my $Ttest=$opts{T}; $Ttest=~s/[01]//g; if (! $Ttest eq "" ){ print "The tower default is set to something other than 0 or 1\n"; exit 1 }; $config{Tdefault}=$opts{T}; }else{ $config{Tdefault}="1"; }; #gets the allowed and disallped towers if (defined($opts{t})){ my @towers=split(/,/,$opts{t}); $config{towersAllowed}=""; $config{towersDisallowed}=""; #splits them into allowed and disallowed #any thing begining with ! is disallowed #any thing else is allowed my $count=0; my $DAcount=0; my $Acount=0; while (defined($towers[$count])){ my $towerTest=$towers[$count]; $towerTest=~s/^!//; if($towerTest ne $towers[$count]){ if ($DAcount >= 1){ $config{towersDisallowed}=$config{towersDisallowed}.",".$towerTest; }else{ $config{towersDisallowed}=$towerTest; }; $DAcount++; }else{ if ($Acount >= 1){ $config{towersAllowed}=$config{towersAllowed}.",".$towerTest; }else{ $config{towersAllowed}=$towerTest; }; $Acount++; }; $count++; }; }else{ $config{towersAllowed}=""; $config{towersDisallowed}=""; }; #checks for which entry to use in the config file. #_ means Config::Tiny will check the root of the config file. if (defined($opts{e})){ $config{entry}=$opts{e}; }else{ $config{entry}="_"; }; #checks if it is static or not. #If $config{static} is defined it is treated as true regardless of the value. #It needs to have MAC# and IP#. if (defined($opts{s})){ $config{static}="true"; if (!defined($config{ip}) || !defined($config{mac})){ print "MAC# or IP# not defined for static entry.\n"; exit 1; }; }; #gets wether or not it should use pretty print or not if (defined($opts{P})){ $config{prettyPrint}="true"; }; #gets if it should operate in semi-match mode or not if (defined($opts{S})){ $config{semiMatch}="true"; }; #if (!defined($config{username}) && !defined($config{customerID})){ # print "Not enought fields specfieid.\nUsername and/or customerID must be specified.\n"; # exit 1; #}; #loads INI file. my $rc=Config::Tiny->new(); $rc=Config::Tiny->read($config{file}); #INI info #LDAPserver = the IP# of the LDAP server #LDAPuser = the user to connect as #baseDN = the base DN containing the DHCP users #LDAPpassword = the password for connecting to LDAP... if thise is left blank, it will be asked for. #reels the INI vars into $config my @INIvars=("LDAPserver","LDAPuser","baseDN","LDAPpassword","LDAPport"); my @INIvars_migrate=@INIvars;#we need to add ENVpass to the list, but it is not required push(@INIvars_migrate,"ENVpassword"); my $count=0; while (defined($INIvars_migrate[$count])){ if (defined($rc->{_}->{$INIvars_migrate[$count]})){ $config{$INIvars_migrate[$count]}=$rc->{_}->{$INIvars_migrate[$count]}; }; $count++; }; #reels entry specific vars in if ($config{entry} ne "_"){ $count=0; while (defined($INIvars[$count])){ if (defined($rc->{$config{entry}}->{$INIvars[$count]})){ $config{$INIvars[$count]}=$rc->{$config{entry}}->{$INIvars[$count]}; }; $count++; }; }; if (!defined($config{LDAPserver})){ print "No LDAP server defined in $config{file} or select a different entry.\n"; exit 1; }; if (!defined($config{LDAPuser})){ print "No LDAP bind defined in $config{file} or select a different entry.\n"; exit 1; }; #gets the password from the enviroment if needed. if (defined($config{ENVpassword})){ $config{LDAPpassword}=$ENV{LDAPpassword}; }else{ if (!defined($config{LDAPpassword})){ ReadMode('noecho'); print $config{LDAPuser}."\nLDAP password:"; $config{LDAPpassword}=ReadLine(0); chomp($config{LDAPpassword}); print "\n"; }; }; if (!defined($config{LDAPport})){ $config{LDAPport}="389"; }; chomp($config{LDAPpassword}); #this builds the filter my $semi=""; if (defined($config{semiMatch})){$semi="*"}; my $filter="(&(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject)(objectClass=mwcDHCP))"; if (defined($config{username})){$filter="(&(uid=".$semi.$config{username}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{Mdefault})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPmacDefaultAllow=".$config{Mdefault}.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{macsAllowed})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPmacsAllowed=".$semi.$config{macsAllowed}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{macsDisallowed})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPmacsDisallowed=".$semi.$config{macsDisallowed}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{Tdefault})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPtowerDefaultAllow=".$config{Tdefault}.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{towersAllowed})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPtowersAllowed=".$semi.$config{towersAllowed}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; #if (defined($config{towersDisallowed})){$filter="(&(mwcDHCPtowersDisallowed=".$semi.$config{towersDisallowed}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; if (defined($config{customerID})){$filter="(&(customerIDnumber=".$semi.$config{customerID}.$semi.")".$filter.")";}; #connect to the LDAP server my %ldapconnection=mwcqbinder($config{LDAPuser}, $config{LDAPpassword}, $config{LDAPserver}, $config{LDAPport}, "1"); #search the LDAP server and return only one entry. my $mesg = $ldapconnection{ldap}->search(base=>$config{baseDN},filter=>$filter,scope=>'one'); #generates zLDAPhash out of the returned message. my %LDAPhash=zLDAPhash($mesg); #get a array of returned DNs my @DN_array=keys(%LDAPhash); #prints the header if (defined($config{prettyPrint})){ print " CID# , UID , DMA , DTA\n"; }else{ print "CID#,UID,DMA,DTA\n"; }; #prints the search results $count=0; while(defined($DN_array[$count])){ if (defined($config{prettyPrint})){ printf "%6s , %15s , ".$LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{mwcDHCPmacDefaultAllow}[0] ." , ".$LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{mwcDHCPtowerDefaultAllow}[0] ."\n" , $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{customerIDnumber}[0], $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{uid}[0],; }else{ print $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{customerIDnumber}[0].",". $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{uid}[0].",". $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{mwcDHCPmacDefaultAllow}[0].",". $LDAPhash{$DN_array[$count]}{ldap}{mwcDHCPtowerDefaultAllow}[0]."\n"; }; $count++; }; exit 0; #----------------------------------------------------------- # POD documentation section #----------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME mwcLDAls - list DHCP users in a LDAP directory. =head1 SYNOPSIS mwcLDAls [B<-c> customerID#] [B<-T> (0|1)] [B<-t> tower list] [B<-M> (0|1)] [B<-u> username] [B<-p> password] [B<-m> MAC# list] [B<-i> ip#] [B<-s>] [B<-C> config file] [B<-e> entry] =head1 OPTIONS Note: for searching, only -u and -c work right now. =item -c customerID# This is the customer ID# that a entry is for. =item -u username This is the username that will be used for when some one tries to log into the account. =item -p password This is the password for the user. =item -m MAC# list This is a comma seperated list of MAC#s. =item -i IP# The IP# for a static entry. =item -s Tells it to make this a static entry. =item -C config file This is the config the options will be read from. See the config file section for more information. =item -e entry this is the entry to use in the config file. If it not specified, it will check the root. =item -T (0/1) 0 means it will be disallowed by default. 1 means will be allowed by default. If set to disallow it will disallow any attempts to log on to any towers that is not in the list. If set to allow it will do the oppasite. =item -t tower list This is a comma seperated list of towers that a account can log on to. =item -M (0/1) 0 means it will be disallowed by default. 1 means will be allowed by default. If set to disallow, any clients that try to log on with a MAC# not listed in the list will be disallowed. If set to allow, it will do the oppasite. =head1 CONFIG FILE The config file is a .ini file. The default config file is F<~/.mwcLDArc>. The entry over rides any thing found in the root for the .ini file. =item LDAPserver This is the IP# of the server that will be connected to. =item baseDN This is the DN that the users will be put into. =item LDAPuser This is the bind that will be made to the LDAP server. =item LDAPpassword This is the password that will be used for connecting to the LDAP server. This this is left out, it will prompt for a password. =item LDAPport This is the port that will be used for connecting =item ENVpassword If this is defined, it will check for the presence of a LDAPpassword enviromental variable. =item Example: LDAPserver= ;a freaking comment basedn=ou=users,ou=dhcp,ou=network,dc=fu,dc=bar [americanus] LDAPuser=cn=bufo americanus,ou=employees,dc=fu,dc=bar [alvarius] LDAPuser=cn=bufo alvarius,ou=employees,dc=fu,dc=bar LDAPpassword=somethingannoyinglyeasytofreakingremember =head1 LDAP notes See http://cpan.org/authors/id/M/MW/MWCZANECB/ for the required schema and more info on it. =head1 TODO =item Implement the static IP setting. Currently the -i switch is unused. =item Add more toad references. =item Allow SASL and SSL. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2006, Midwest Connections Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Midwest Connections Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. written by Zane C. Bowers =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Unix/System_administration =head1 OSNAMES any =head1 README mwcLDA is used for administrating DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth. =head1 CHANGE LOG =head 2006-10-24 =item version 1.0.6 Added in enviromental based password. =head2 2006-10-23 =item cleanup Cleaned up the POD and help. Bumping version for reuploading to CPAN. It is now 1.0.5 =head2 2006-10-16 =item Printing It now prints out what it finds. =item Searching Implementing semi-matching for searching. =item POD Removed the LDAP schema from the POD. =head2 2006-10-12 Fix issue with asking for a password. Bump version to 1.0.4. =head2 2006-09-13 Fixed a few config file reading issues. Bumped the version to 1.0.3. =cut #----------------------------------------------------------- # End of POD documentation #-----------------------------------------------------------