NAME FormValidator::Simple - validation with simple chains of constraints SYNOPSIS my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( param1 => 'ABCD' ); $query->param( param2 => 12345 ); $query->param( mail1 => '' ); $query->param( mail2 => '' ); $query->param( year => 2005 ); $query->param( month => 11 ); $query->param( day => 27 ); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $query => [ param1 => ['NOT_BLANK', 'ASCII', ['LENGTH', 2, 5]], param2 => ['NOT_BLANK', 'INT' ], mail1 => ['NOT_BLANK', 'EMAIL_LOOSE'], mail2 => ['NOT_BLANK', 'EMAIL_LOOSE'], { mails => ['mail1', 'mail2' ] } => ['DUPLICATION'], { date => ['year', 'month', 'day'] } => ['DATE'], ] ); if ( $result->has_error ) { my $tt = Template->new({ INCLUDE_PATH => './tmpl' }); $tt->process('template.html', { result => $result }); } template example [% IF result.has_error %]
Found Input Error
mail1 and mail2 aren't same.
[% END %] and here's an another example. my $q = CGI->new; $q->param( year => 2005 ); $q->param( month => 12 ); $q->param( day => 27 ); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { date => ['year', 'month', 'day'] } => [ 'DATE' ], ] ); [% IF result.invalid('date') %]Set correct date.
[% END %] FLEXIBLE VALIDATION my $valid = FormValidator::Simple->new(); $valid->check( $q => [ param1 => [qw/NOT_BLANK ASCII/, [qw/LENGTH 4 10/] ], ] ); $valid->check( $q => [ param2 => [qw/NOT_BLANK/], ] ); my $results = $valid->results; if ( found some error... ) { $results->set_invalid('param3' => 'MY_ERROR'); } template example [% IF results.invalid('param1') %] ... [% END %] [% IF results.invalid('param2') %] ... [% END %] [% IF results.invalid('param3', 'MY_ERROR') %] ... [% END %] HOW TO SET OPTIONS Option setting is needed by some validation, especially in plugins. You can set them in two ways. FormValidator::Simple->set_option( dbic_base_class => 'MyProj::Model::DBIC', charset => 'euc', ); or $valid = FormValidator::Simple->new( dbic_base_class => 'MyProj::Model::DBIC', charset => 'euc', ); $valid->check(...) VALIDATION COMMANDS You can use follow variety validations. and each validations can be used as negative validation with 'NOT_' prefix. FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ param1 => [ 'INT', ['LENGTH', 4, 10] ], param2 => [ 'NOT_INT', ['NOT_LENGTH', 4, 10] ], ] ); SP check if the data has space or not. INT check if the data is integer or not. UINT unsigined integer check. for example, if -1234 is input, the validation judges it invalid. DECIMAL $q->param( 'num1' => '123.45678' ); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ num1 => [ ['DECIMAL', 3, 5] ], ] ); each numbers (3,5) mean maximum digits before/after '.' ASCII check is the data consists of only ascii code. LENGTH check the length of the data. my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ param1 => [ ['LENGTH', 4] ], ] ); check if the length of the data is 4 or not. my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ param1 => [ ['LENGTH', 4, 10] ], ] ); when you set two arguments, it checks if the length of data is in the range between 4 and 10. HTTP_URL verify it is a http(s)-url my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ param1 => [ 'HTTP_URL' ], ] ); SELECTED_AT_LEAST verify the quantity of selected parameters is counted over allowed minimum. Music Movie Game my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ hobby => ['NOT_BLANK', ['SELECTED_AT_LEAST', 2] ], ] ); REGEX check with regular expression. my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ param1 => [ ['REGEX', qr/^hoge$/ ] ], ] ); DUPLICATION check if the two data are same or not. my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { duplication_check => ['param1', 'param2'] } => [ 'DUPLICATION' ], ] ); EMAIL check with Email::Valid. EMAIL_MX check with Email::Valid, including mx check. EMAIL_LOOSE check with Email::Valid::Loose. EMAIL_LOOSE_MX check with Email::Valid::Loose, including mx check. DATE check with Date::Calc my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { date => [qw/year month day/] } => [ 'DATE' ] ] ); TIME check with Date::Calc my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { time => [qw/hour min sec/] } => ['TIME'], ] ); DATETIME check with Date::Calc my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { datetime => [qw/year month day hour min sec/] } => ['DATETIME'] ] ); DATETIME_STRPTIME check with DateTime::Format::Strptime. my $q = CGI->new; $q->param( datetime => '2006-04-26T19:09:21+0900' ); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ datetime => [ [ 'DATETIME_STRPTIME', '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z' ] ], ] ); DATETIME_FORMAT check with DateTime::Format::***. for example, DateTime::Format::HTTP, DateTime::Format::Mail, DateTime::Format::MySQL and etc. my $q = CGI->new; $q->param( datetime => '2004-04-26 19:09:21' ); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ datetime => [ [qw/DATETIME_FORMAT MySQL/] ], ] ); GREATER_THAN numeric comparison my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ age => [ ['GREATER_THAN', 25] ], ] ); LESS_THAN numeric comparison my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ age => [ ['LESS_THAN', 25] ], ] ); EQUAL_TO numeric comparison my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ age => [ ['EQUAL_TO', 25] ], ] ); BETWEEN numeric comparison my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ age => [ ['BETWEEN', 20, 25] ], ] ); ANY check if there is not blank data in multiple data. my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ { some_data => [qw/param1 param2 param3/] } => ['ANY'] ] ); IN_ARRAY check if the food ordered is in menu my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ food => [ ['IN_ARRAY', qw/noodle soba spaghetti/] ], ] }; HOW TO LOAD PLUGINS use FormValidator::Simple qw/Japanese CreditCard/; FormValidator::Simple::Plugin::Japanese, FormValidator::Simple::Plugin::CreditCard are loaded. or use 'load_plugin' method. use FormValidator::Simple; FormValidator::Simple->load_plugin('FormValidator::Simple::Plugin::CreditCard'); MESSAGE HANDLING You can custom your own message with key and type. [% IF result.has_error %] [% FOREACH key IN result.error %] [% FOREACH type IN result.error(key) %]error message:[% type %] - [% key %]
[% END %] [% END %] [% END %] And you can also set messages configuration before. You can prepare configuration as hash reference. FormValidator::Simple->set_messages( { action1 => { name => { NOT_BLANK => 'input name!', LENGTH => 'input name (length should be between 0 and 10)!', }, email => { DEFAULT => 'input correct email address!', }, }, } ); or a YAML file. # messages.yml DEFAULT: name: DEFAULT: name is invalid! action1: name: NOT_BLANK: input name! LENGTH: input name(length should be between 0 and 10)! email: DEFAULT: input correct email address! action2: name: DEFAULT: ... # in your perl-script, set the file's path. FormValidator::Simple->set_messages('messages.yml'); DEFAULT is a special type. If it can't find setting for indicated validation-type, it uses message set for DEFAULT. after setting, execute check(), my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ name => [qw/NOT_BLANK/, [qw/LENGTH 0 10/] ], email => [qw/NOT_BLANK EMAIL_LOOSE/, [qw/LENGTH 0 20/] ], ] ); # matching result and messages for indicated action. my $messages = $result->messages('action1'); foreach my $message ( @$messages ) { print $message, "\n"; } When it can't find indicated action, name, and type, it searches proper message from DEFAULT action. If in template file, [% IF result.has_error %] [% FOREACH msg IN result.messages('action1') %][% msg %]
[% END %] [% END %] you can set each message format. FormValidator::Simple->set_message_format('%s
'); my $result = FormValidator::Simple->check( $q => [ ...profile ] ); [% IF result.has_error %] [% result.messages('action1').join("\n") %] [% END %] RESULT HANDLING See FormValidator::Simple::Results SEE ALSO Data::FormValidator (Japanese) AUTHOR Lyo Kato