Linux::Bootloader -~-~ This package provides a general mechanism for interacting with different bootloaders and their config files, including lilo, grub, elilo, and yaboot. It detects the bootloader in use by the system, parses the bootloader's config file, allows in-place modification of the bootloader config file, and updating of the bootloader to make it take effect. Where possible it also includes some provisions to interact with some advanced bootloader functionality such as one-time boots and fallback default options. There are essentially four major pieces in this package. First is Linux::Bootloader itself its subclasses for Grub, Lilo, et al. These provide functionality for modifying the bootloader config files and interacting with the bootloaders. Second is Linux::Bootloader::Detect, which is conceptually distinct in that it simply analyzes the system to see what bootloader is in use, etc. Third is boottool, a script that taps both of these modules to provide a command line utility for modifying bootloaders in a general purpose way. Fourth are an assortment of other little helper scripts for doing related things, such as installing kernel files, determining kernel versions, and so forth. To install this package, see INSTALL. For using it, 'boottool' is what you want if your test harness is not written in Perl, or if you have no interest in programmatically interacting with your bootloader. See 'man boottool' to learn how to use it, and have fun. If you want a more programmatic interface, see 'man Linux::Bootloader' for a description of the API. 'boottool' may be worth reviewing to see how the API is used in practice. One of the major motivations behind the design of this package was to make it easy to add in more bootloaders. If your bootloader isn't represented, you can add it by creating a new class in lib/Linux/Bootloader. If your bootloader is a lilo-derivative, there are plenty of helper functions you can reuse; look at how Elilo and Yaboot are implemented, as examples. Problems, questions, etc. may be sent to Linux-Bootloader is Copyright (c) 2006, by Open Source Development Labs. All rights reserved. You may distribute this code under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.