{{#widget:Icon_Bullet_List |addClass=info-box |fontSize=17px |item=fa-solid fa-toggle-off,Optional: Digital signatures are optional. If you've never used them before, it might be overwhelming to look into them at this stage. You may want to explore this topic later, after becoming more familiar with advanced computer security concepts. |item=fa-solid fa-key,Digital signatures: A tool enhancing download security. Commonly used across the internet. |item=fa-solid fa-smile,No worries: New to digital software signatures? It's okay, no need to worry. |item=fa-solid fa-check-circle cs-green,Not a requirement: Not mandatory for using {{project_name_short}}, but an extra security measure for advanced users. |item=fa-solid fa-lightbulb,Learn more: Curious? Learn more about digital software signatures. }} {{Header}} {{Footer}} [[Category:MultiWiki]]