head 1.3; access; symbols; locks mys:1.3; strict; comment @# @; 1.3 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @# Copyright (C) 2000 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ############################################################## # search routine # ok ! proc InitSearch {} { global T if ![winfo exists .wsearch] then { toplevel .wsearch wm title .wsearch $T(wsearch-titel) entry .wsearch.text1 -width 20 -relief sunken -background White entry .wsearch.text2 -width 20 -relief sunken -background White global wsearch_gb checkbutton .wsearch.butgb -variable wsearch_gb -text $T(wsearch-case-sensitive) button .wsearch.but1 -text $T(wsearch-top) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $Text 1.0] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}} frame .wsearch.f1 button .wsearch.f1.but2 -text $T(wsearch-down) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $Text insert+1c] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}} button .wsearch.f1.but3 -text $T(wsearch-up) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if {$Text != ""} then { if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search -backwards $comm $Text insert] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}}} frame .wsearch.f2 button .wsearch.f2.but4 -text $T(wsearch-replace) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set FIND [.wsearch.text1 get] set FIND_L [string length $FIND] if {$FIND != ""} then { set NOW [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 get insert "insert + $FIND_L chars"] if ![string compare $NOW $FIND] then { # Ersetzt undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 "Save {insert \"insert + $FIND_L chars\"} Delete UndoBegin" set REPLACE [.wsearch.text2 get] $FocusEditor.te.edit1 insert insert $REPLACE $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 {UndoEnd Save UndoMax} event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> } # Sucht if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $FIND insert] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $FIND]c $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set sel.first insert event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}}} button .wsearch.f2.but5 -text $T(wsearch-all) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set FIND [.wsearch.text1 get] set FIND_L [string length "$FIND"] if {$FIND != ""} then { set REPLACE [.wsearch.text2 get] set modifiedflag 0 if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 Save set startindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 index insert] set nowindex 1.0 while {$nowindex != ""} { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $nowindex set NOW [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 get insert "insert + $FIND_L chars"] if ![string compare $NOW $FIND] then { # Ersetzt undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 "{insert \"insert + $FIND_L chars\"} Delete UndoBegin" $FocusEditor.te.edit1 insert insert $REPLACE undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 {UndoEnd Save} set startindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 index insert] set modifiedflag 1 } # Sucht set nowindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $FIND insert end] } $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $startindex if $modifiedflag { event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> } event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail } } } button .wsearch.butQ -text $T(quit) -command { destroy .wsearch } pack .wsearch.f1.but2 -side left pack .wsearch.f1.but3 -side right pack .wsearch.f2.but4 .wsearch.f2.but5 -side left pack .wsearch.text1 .wsearch.but1 .wsearch.f1 .wsearch.butgb .wsearch.text2\ .wsearch.f2 .wsearch.butQ wm minsize . 1 1 bind .wsearch <> {Help tcltexed_hlp $T(wsearch-Help)} bind .wsearch { destroy .wsearch } wm resizable .wsearch 0 0 COLOR .wsearch .wsearch.text1 configure -background White .wsearch.text2 configure -background White menu .wsearch.text1.pop_menu .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Cut) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Copy) -command "event generate wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Paste) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Clear) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" menu .wsearch.text2.pop_menu .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Cut) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Copy) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Paste) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Clear) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" bind .wsearch.text1 "tk_popup .wsearch.text1.pop_menu \[winfo pointerx .wsearch\] \[winfo pointery .wsearch\]" bind .wsearch.text2 "tk_popup .wsearch.text2.pop_menu \[winfo pointerx .wsearch\] \[winfo pointery .wsearch\]" } else {focus .wsearch} } @ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 158 a158 159 # Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ############################################################## # search routine # ok ! proc InitSearch {} { global T if ![winfo exists .wsearch] then { toplevel .wsearch wm title .wsearch $T(wsearch-titel) entry .wsearch.text1 -width 20 -relief sunken -background White entry .wsearch.text2 -width 20 -relief sunken -background White global wsearch_gb checkbutton .wsearch.butgb -variable wsearch_gb -text $T(wsearch-case-sensitive) button .wsearch.but1 -text $T(wsearch-top) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $Text 1.0] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}} frame .wsearch.f1 button .wsearch.f1.but2 -text $T(wsearch-down) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $Text insert+1c] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}} button .wsearch.f1.but3 -text $T(wsearch-up) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set Text [.wsearch.text1 get] if {$Text != ""} then { if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search -backwards $comm $Text insert] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $Text]c event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}}} frame .wsearch.f2 button .wsearch.f2.but4 -text $T(wsearch-replace) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set FIND [.wsearch.text1 get] set FIND_L [string length $FIND] if {$FIND != ""} then { set NOW [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 get insert "insert + $FIND_L chars"] if ![string compare $NOW $FIND] then { # Ersetzt undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 "Save {insert \"insert + $FIND_L chars\"} Delete UndoBegin" set REPLACE [.wsearch.text2 get] $FocusEditor.te.edit1 insert insert $REPLACE $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 {UndoEnd Save UndoMax} event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> } # Sucht if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} set ksp [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $FIND insert] if {$ksp != ""} then { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $ksp $FocusEditor.te.edit1 see insert $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag remove sel 1.0 end $FocusEditor.te.edit1 tag add sel insert insert+[string length $FIND]c $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set sel.first insert event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail }}}} button .wsearch.f2.but5 -text $T(wsearch-all) -command { if $FocusEditorFlag then { focus $FocusEditor.te.edit1 set FIND [.wsearch.text1 get] set FIND_L [string length "$FIND"] if {$FIND != ""} then { set REPLACE [.wsearch.text2 get] set modifiedflag 0 if !$wsearch_gb then {set comm "-nocase --"} else {set comm "--"} undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 Save set startindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 index insert] set nowindex 1.0 while {$nowindex != ""} { $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $nowindex set NOW [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 get insert "insert + $FIND_L chars"] if ![string compare $NOW $FIND] then { # Ersetzt undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 "{insert \"insert + $FIND_L chars\"} Delete UndoBegin" $FocusEditor.te.edit1 insert insert $REPLACE undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 {UndoEnd Save} set startindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 index insert] set modifiedflag 1 } # Sucht set nowindex [$FocusEditor.te.edit1 search $comm $FIND insert end] } $FocusEditor.te.edit1 mark set insert $startindex if $modifiedflag { undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 Save event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> } event generate $FocusEditor.te.edit1 <> -when tail } } } button .wsearch.butQ -text $T(quit) -command { destroy .wsearch } pack .wsearch.f1.but2 -side left pack .wsearch.f1.but3 -side right pack .wsearch.f2.but4 .wsearch.f2.but5 -side left pack .wsearch.text1 .wsearch.but1 .wsearch.f1 .wsearch.butgb .wsearch.text2\ .wsearch.f2 .wsearch.butQ wm minsize . 1 1 bind .wsearch <> {Help tcltexed_hlp $T(wsearch-Help)} bind .wsearch { destroy .wsearch } wm resizable .wsearch 0 0 COLOR .wsearch .wsearch.text1 configure -background White .wsearch.text2 configure -background White menu .wsearch.text1.pop_menu .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Cut) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Copy) -command "event generate wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Paste) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" .wsearch.text1.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Clear) -command "event generate .wsearch.text1 <>" menu .wsearch.text2.pop_menu .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Cut) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Copy) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Paste) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" .wsearch.text2.pop_menu add command -label $T(pop_menu-Clear) -command "event generate .wsearch.text2 <>" bind .wsearch.text1 "tk_popup .wsearch.text1.pop_menu \[winfo pointerx .wsearch\] \[winfo pointery .wsearch\]" bind .wsearch.text2 "tk_popup .wsearch.text2.pop_menu \[winfo pointerx .wsearch\] \[winfo pointery .wsearch\]" } else {focus .wsearch} } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d110 2 a111 1 undo_switch $FocusEditor.te.edit1 UndoEnd @