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J$|@3AOmD"S"|BA !}[kB  p   ;Aq11nP1S}BB3J1 cJ$~@%jS&?AmD }[B%~Bӌ       , Jy  $( ^))M@)@?TC {Ao¨_֎_WO{5B"C7 R 8qCTRo=R!K{Xh9Ph9Hh9v9Xh9Ph9Hh9u9h@Xӈ9h@Pӈ9h@Hӈ 9h@9h@Xӈ9h@Pӈ9h@Hӈ9h@9h @Xӈ"9h @Pӈ&9h @Hӈ*9h @.9h@Xӈ29h@Pӈ69h@Hӈ:9h@>9h@XӈB9h@PӈF9h@HӈJ9h@N9{COBWA_Ĩ:0@0@0@0"@0&@0*@0.@02@06@0:@0B@0F@0J@0V@0Z@0b@0f@0n@0r@0v@0z@0~@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@./perlxsi.cCACHE#EgܺvT2DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoadereval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell package __par_pl; my ($PAR_MAGIC, $FILE_offset_size, $cache_name_size); BEGIN { $PAR_MAGIC = "\nPAR.pm\n"; $FILE_offset_size = 4; # pack("N") $cache_name_size = 40; $PKZIP_MAGIC = "PK\003\004"; } sub find_par_magic { my ($fh) = @_; my $chunk_size = 64 * 1024; my $buf; my $size = -s $fh; my $pos = ($size-1) - ($size-1) % $chunk_size; # NOTE: $pos is a multiple of $chunk_size while ($pos >= 0) { seek $fh, $pos, 0; read $fh, $buf, $chunk_size + length($PAR_MAGIC); if ((my $i = rindex($buf, $PAR_MAGIC)) >= 0) { return $pos + $i; } $pos -= $chunk_size; } return -1; } my ($par_temp, $progname, @tmpfile, %ModuleCache); END { if ($ENV{PAR_CLEAN}) { require File::Temp; require File::Basename; require File::Spec; my $topdir = File::Basename::dirname($par_temp); outs(qq[Removing files in "$par_temp"]); File::Find::finddepth(sub { ( -d ) ? rmdir : unlink }, $par_temp); rmdir $par_temp; if (-d $par_temp && $^O ne 'MSWin32') { my $tmp = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => 'tmpXXXXX', DIR => File::Basename::dirname($topdir), SUFFIX => '.cmd', UNLINK => 0, ); my $filename = $tmp->filename; print $tmp <<"..."; x=1; while [ \$x -lt 10 ]; do rm -rf '$par_temp' if [ \! -d '$par_temp' ]; then break fi sleep 1 x=`expr \$x + 1` done rm '$filename' ... close $tmp; chmod 0700, $filename; my $cmd = "$filename >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; system($cmd); outs(qq[Spawned background process to perform cleanup: $filename]); } } } BEGIN { Internals::PAR::BOOT() if defined &Internals::PAR::BOOT; eval { _par_init_env(); my $quiet = !$ENV{PAR_DEBUG}; my %sys = ( path_sep => ($^O =~ /^MSWin/ ? ';' : ':'), _exe => ($^O =~ /^(?:MSWin|OS2|cygwin)/ ? '.exe' : ''), _delim => ($^O =~ /^MSWin|OS2/ ? '\\' : '/'), ); _set_progname(); outs(qq[\$progname = "$progname"]); _set_par_temp(); outs(qq[\$ENV{PAR_TEMP} = "$ENV{PAR_TEMP}"]); my ($start_pos, $start_of_FILE_section); MAGIC: { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; unless (open _FH, '<:raw', $progname) { outs(qq[Can't read from file "$progname"]); # don't use $! here as it requires Errno.pm last MAGIC; } my $magic_pos = find_par_magic(*_FH); if ($magic_pos < 0) { outs(qq[Can't find magic string "$PAR_MAGIC" in file "$progname"]); last MAGIC; } outs("Found PAR magic at position $magic_pos"); seek _FH, $magic_pos - $FILE_offset_size - length("\0CACHE"), 0; read _FH, $buf, length("\0CACHE"); if ($buf ne "\0CACHE" && $buf ne "\0CLEAN") { outs("No cache marker found"); last MAGIC; } outs(qq[Cache marker "$buf" found]); seek _FH, $magic_pos - $FILE_offset_size, 0; read _FH, $buf, $FILE_offset_size; my $offset = unpack("N", $buf); outs("Offset from start of FILEs is $offset"); seek _FH, $magic_pos - $FILE_offset_size - $offset, 0; $start_of_FILE_section = tell _FH; my %require_list; read _FH, $buf, 4; # read the first "FILE" while ($buf eq "FILE") { read _FH, $buf, 4; read _FH, $buf, unpack("N", $buf); my $fullname = $buf; outs(qq[Unpacking FILE "$fullname"...]); my $crc = ( $fullname =~ s|^([a-f\d]{8})/|| ) ? $1 : undef; my ($basename, $ext) = ($buf =~ m|(?:.*/)?(.*)(\..*)|); read _FH, $buf, 4; read _FH, $buf, unpack("N", $buf); if (defined($ext) and $ext !~ /\.(?:pm|pl|ix|al)$/i) { my $filename = _save_as("$crc$ext", $buf, 0755); $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$fullname} = $filename; $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$filename} = $fullname; } else { $ModuleCache{$fullname} = { buf => $buf, crc => $crc, name => $fullname, }; $require_list{$fullname}++; } read _FH, $buf, 4; } local @INC = (sub { my ($self, $module) = @_; return if ref $module or !$module; my $info = $ModuleCache{$module}; return unless $info; delete $require_list{$module}; $INC{$module} = "/loader/$info/$module"; if ($ENV{PAR_CLEAN} and defined(&IO::File::new)) { my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die "Can't create temp file: $!"; $fh->binmode(); $fh->print($info->{buf}); $fh->seek(0, 0); return $fh; } else { my $filename = _save_as("$info->{crc}.pm", $info->{buf}); $info->{file} = $filename; open my $fh, '<:raw', $filename or die qq[Can't read "$filename": $!]; return $fh; } die "Bootstrapping failed: can't find module $module!"; }, @INC); require XSLoader; require PAR::Heavy; require Carp::Heavy; require Exporter::Heavy; PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader(); require IO::File; while (my $filename = (sort keys %require_list)[0]) { unless ($INC{$filename} or $filename =~ /BSDPAN/) { if ($filename =~ /\.pmc?$/i) { require $filename; } else { do $filename unless $filename =~ /sitecustomize\.pl$/; } } delete $require_list{$filename}; } if ($buf ne $PKZIP_MAGIC) { outs(qq[No zip found after FILE section in file "$progname"]); last MAGIC ; } $start_pos = (tell _FH) - 4; # start of zip } my @par_args; my ($out, $bundle, $logfh, $cache_name); delete $ENV{PAR_APP_REUSE}; # sanitize (REUSE may be a security problem) if (!$start_pos or ($ARGV[0] eq '--par-options' && shift)) { my %dist_cmd = qw( p blib_to_par i install_par u uninstall_par s sign_par v verify_par ); if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq '--reuse') { shift @ARGV; $ENV{PAR_APP_REUSE} = shift @ARGV; } else { # normal parl behaviour my @add_to_inc; while (@ARGV) { $ARGV[0] =~ /^-([AIMOBLbqpiusTv])(.*)/ or last; if ($1 eq 'I') { push @add_to_inc, $2; } elsif ($1 eq 'M') { eval "use $2"; } elsif ($1 eq 'A') { unshift @par_args, $2; } elsif ($1 eq 'O') { $out = $2; } elsif ($1 eq 'b') { $bundle = 'site'; } elsif ($1 eq 'B') { $bundle = 'all'; } elsif ($1 eq 'q') { $quiet = 1; } elsif ($1 eq 'L') { open $logfh, ">>", $2 or die qq[Can't open log file "$2": $!]; } elsif ($1 eq 'T') { $cache_name = $2; } shift(@ARGV); if (my $cmd = $dist_cmd{$1}) { delete $ENV{'PAR_TEMP'}; init_inc(); require PAR::Dist; &{"PAR::Dist::$cmd"}() unless @ARGV; &{"PAR::Dist::$cmd"}($_) for @ARGV; exit; } } unshift @INC, @add_to_inc; } } if ($out) { { require IO::File; require Archive::Zip; require Digest::SHA; } my $par = shift(@ARGV); my $zip; if (defined $par) { open my $fh, '<:raw', $par or die qq[Can't find par file "$par": $!]; bless($fh, 'IO::File'); $zip = Archive::Zip->new; ( $zip->readFromFileHandle($fh, $par) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() ) or die qq[Error reading zip archive "$par"]; } my %meta_par = do { if ($zip and my $meta = $zip->contents('META.yml')) { $meta =~ s/.*^par:$//ms; $meta =~ s/^\S.*//ms; $meta =~ /^ ([^:]+): (.+)$/mg; } }; if (defined $par) { open my $ph, '<:raw', $par or die qq[Can't read par file "$par": $!]; my $buf; read $ph, $buf, 4; die qq["$par" is not a par file] unless $buf eq $PKZIP_MAGIC; close $ph; } CreatePath($out) ; my $fh = IO::File->new( $out, IO::File::O_CREAT() | IO::File::O_RDWR() | IO::File::O_TRUNC(), 0777, ) or die qq[Can't create file "$out": $!]; $fh->binmode(); seek _FH, 0, 0; my $loader; if (defined $start_of_FILE_section) { read _FH, $loader, $start_of_FILE_section; } else { local $/ = undef; $loader = <_FH>; } if (!$ENV{PAR_VERBATIM} and $loader =~ /^(?:#!|\@rem)/) { require PAR::Filter::PodStrip; PAR::Filter::PodStrip->apply(\$loader, $0); } $fh->print($loader) or die qq[Error writing loader to "$out": $!]; if ($bundle) { require PAR::Heavy; PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader(); init_inc(); require_modules(); my @inc = grep { !/BSDPAN/ } grep { ($bundle ne 'site') or ($_ ne $Config::Config{archlibexp} and $_ ne $Config::Config{privlibexp}); } @INC; s|/+|/|g, s|/$|| foreach @inc; my %files; $files{$_}++ for @DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects, values %INC; my $lib_ext = $Config::Config{lib_ext}; # XXX lib_ext vs dlext ? my %written; foreach my $key (sort keys %files) { my ($file, $name); if (defined(my $fc = $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$key})) { ($file, $name) = ($key, $fc); } else { foreach my $dir (@inc) { if ($key =~ m|^\Q$dir\E/(.*)$|i) { ($file, $name) = ($key, $1); last; } if ($key =~ m|^/loader/[^/]+/(.*)$|) { if (my $ref = $ModuleCache{$1}) { ($file, $name) = ($ref, $1); last; } if (-f "$dir/$1") { ($file, $name) = ("$dir/$1", $1); last; } } } } next unless defined $name; next if $written{$name}++; next if !ref($file) and $file =~ /\.\Q$lib_ext\E$/i; outs(sprintf(qq[Packing FILE "%s"...], ref $file ? $file->{name} : $file)); my $content; if (ref($file)) { $content = $file->{buf}; } else { local $/ = undef; open my $th, '<:raw', $file or die qq[Can't read "$file": $!]; $content = <$th>; close $th; PAR::Filter::PodStrip->apply(\$content, "/$name") if !$ENV{PAR_VERBATIM} and $name =~ /\.(?:pm|ix|al)$/i; PAR::Filter::PatchContent->new->apply(\$content, $file, $name); } $fh->print("FILE", pack('N', length($name) + 9), sprintf("%08x/%s", Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($content), $name), pack('N', length($content)), $content) or die qq[Error writing embedded FILE to "$out": $!]; outs(qq[Written as "$name"]); } } if ($zip) { $zip->writeToFileHandle($fh) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK or die qq[Error writing zip part of "$out"]; } if ($meta_par{clean}) { $fh->print("\0CLEAN"); } else { if (!defined $cache_name) { my $ctx = Digest::SHA->new(1); seek $fh, 0, 0; $ctx->addfile($fh); seek $fh, 0, 2; $cache_name = $ctx->hexdigest; } $cache_name = substr $cache_name, 0, $cache_name_size; $cache_name .= "\0" x ($cache_name_size - length $cache_name); $fh->print($cache_name, "\0CACHE"); } my $offset = $fh->tell - length($loader); $fh->print(pack('N', $offset), $PAR_MAGIC); $fh->close or die qq[Error writing trailer of "$out": $!]; chmod 0755, $out; exit; } { last unless defined $start_pos; _fix_progname(); require PAR; PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader(); { require File::Find; require Archive::Zip; } my $fh = IO::File->new; # Archive::Zip operates on an IO::Handle $fh->fdopen(fileno(_FH), 'r') or die qq[fdopen() failed: $!]; Archive::Zip::setChunkSize(-s _FH); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new; ($zip->readFromFileHandle($fh, $progname) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK()) or die qq[Error reading zip archive "$progname"]; Archive::Zip::setChunkSize(64 * 1024); push @PAR::LibCache, $zip; $PAR::LibCache{$progname} = $zip; outs("Extracting zip..."); if (defined $ENV{PAR_TEMP}) { # should be set at this point! foreach my $member ( $zip->members ) { next if $member->isDirectory; my $member_name = $member->fileName; next unless $member_name =~ m{ ^ /?shlib/ (?:$Config::Config{archname}/)? ([^/]+) $ }x; my $extract_name = $1; my $dest_name = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{PAR_TEMP}, $extract_name); if (-f $dest_name && -s _ == $member->uncompressedSize()) { outs(qq[Skipping "$member_name" since it already exists at "$dest_name"]); } else { outs(qq[Extracting "$member_name" to "$dest_name"...]); ($member->extractToFileNamed($dest_name) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK()) or die qq[Error extracting zip member to "$dest_name"]; chmod(0555, $dest_name) if $^O eq "hpux"; } } } } unless ($PAR::LibCache{$progname}) { die << "." unless @ARGV; Usage: $0 [ -Alib.par ] [ -Idir ] [ -Mmodule ] [ src.par ] [ program.pl ] $0 [ -B|-b ] [-Ooutfile] src.par . $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} = $progname = $0 = shift(@ARGV); } sub CreatePath { my ($name) = @_; require File::Basename; my ($basename, $path, $ext) = File::Basename::fileparse($name, ('\..*')); require File::Path; File::Path::mkpath($path) unless(-e $path); # mkpath dies with error } sub require_modules { require lib; require DynaLoader; require integer; require strict; require warnings; require vars; require Carp; require Carp::Heavy; require Errno; require Exporter::Heavy; require Exporter; require Fcntl; require File::Temp; require File::Spec; require XSLoader; require Config; require IO::Handle; require IO::File; require Compress::Zlib; require Archive::Zip; require Digest::SHA; require PAR; require PAR::Heavy; require PAR::Dist; require PAR::Filter::PodStrip; require PAR::Filter::PatchContent; require attributes; eval { require Cwd }; eval { require Win32 }; eval { require Scalar::Util }; eval { require Archive::Unzip::Burst }; eval { require Tie::Hash::NamedCapture }; eval { require PerlIO; require PerlIO::scalar }; eval { require utf8 }; } sub _set_par_temp { if (defined $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $ENV{PAR_TEMP} =~ /(.+)/) { $par_temp = $1; return; } foreach my $path ( (map $ENV{$_}, qw( PAR_TMPDIR TMPDIR TEMPDIR TEMP TMP )), qw( C:\\TEMP /tmp . ) ) { next unless defined $path and -d $path and -w $path; my $username; my $pwuid; eval {($pwuid) = getpwuid($>) if defined $>;}; if ( defined(&Win32::LoginName) ) { $username = &Win32::LoginName; } elsif (defined $pwuid) { $username = $pwuid; } else { $username = $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER} || 'SYSTEM'; } my $stmpdir = "$path$sys{_delim}par-".unpack("H*", $username); mkdir $stmpdir, 0755; my $cache_dir; if ($ENV{PAR_CLEAN}) { $cache_dir = "temp-$$"; } else { open my $fh, "<:raw", $progname or die qq[Can't read "$progname": $!]; if ((my $magic_pos = find_par_magic($fh)) >= 0) { seek $fh, $magic_pos - $FILE_offset_size - length("\0CACHE"), 0; my $buf; read $fh, $buf, length("\0CACHE"); if ($buf eq "\0CACHE") { seek $fh, $magic_pos - $FILE_offset_size - length("\0CACHE") - $cache_name_size, 0; read $fh, $buf, $cache_name_size; $buf =~ s/\0//g; $cache_dir = "cache-$buf"; } } close $fh; } if (!$cache_dir) { $cache_dir = "temp-$$"; $ENV{PAR_CLEAN} = 1; } $stmpdir .= "$sys{_delim}$cache_dir"; mkdir $stmpdir, 0755; $ENV{PAR_TEMP} = $stmpdir; last; } $par_temp = $1 if $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $ENV{PAR_TEMP} =~ /(.+)/; } sub _save_as { my ($name, $contents, $mode) = @_; my $fullname = "$par_temp/$name"; unless (-e $fullname) { my $tempname = "$fullname.$$"; my $fh; (open $fh, '>:raw', $tempname) && (print $fh $contents) && (close $fh) or die qq[Error writing "$tempname": $!]; chmod $mode, $tempname if defined $mode; rename($tempname, $fullname) or unlink($tempname); } return $fullname; } sub _set_progname { if (defined $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} and $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} =~ /(.+)/) { $progname = $1; } $progname ||= $0; if ($ENV{PAR_TEMP} and index($progname, $ENV{PAR_TEMP}) >= 0) { $progname = substr($progname, rindex($progname, $sys{_delim}) + 1); } if (!$ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} or index($progname, $sys{_delim}) >= 0) { if (open my $fh, '<', $progname) { return if -s $fh; } if (-s "$progname$sys{_exe}") { $progname .= $sys{_exe}; return; } } foreach my $dir (split /\Q$sys{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}) { next if exists $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $dir eq $ENV{PAR_TEMP}; $dir =~ s/\Q$sys{_delim}\E$//; (($progname = "$dir$sys{_delim}$progname$sys{_exe}"), last) if -s "$dir$sys{_delim}$progname$sys{_exe}"; (($progname = "$dir$sys{_delim}$progname"), last) if -s "$dir$sys{_delim}$progname"; } } sub _fix_progname { $0 = $progname ||= $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME}; if (index($progname, $sys{_delim}) < 0) { $progname = ".$sys{_delim}$progname"; } my $pwd = (defined &Cwd::getcwd) ? Cwd::getcwd() : ((defined &Win32::GetCwd) ? Win32::GetCwd() : `pwd`); chomp($pwd); $progname =~ s/^(?=\.\.?\Q$sys{_delim}\E)/$pwd$sys{_delim}/; $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} = $progname; } sub _par_init_env { if ( $ENV{PAR_INITIALIZED}++ == 1 ) { return; } else { $ENV{PAR_INITIALIZED} = 2; } for (qw( SPAWNED TEMP CLEAN DEBUG CACHE PROGNAME ) ) { delete $ENV{"PAR_$_"}; } for (qw/ TMPDIR TEMP CLEAN DEBUG /) { $ENV{"PAR_$_"} = $ENV{"PAR_GLOBAL_$_"} if exists $ENV{"PAR_GLOBAL_$_"}; } if ($ENV{PAR_TEMP}) { delete $ENV{PAR_CLEAN}; } } sub outs { return if $quiet; if ($logfh) { print $logfh "@_\n"; } else { print "@_\n"; } } sub init_inc { require Config; push @INC, grep defined, map $Config::Config{$_}, qw( archlibexp privlibexp sitearchexp sitelibexp vendorarchexp vendorlibexp ); } package main; require PAR; unshift @INC, \&PAR::find_par; PAR->import(@par_args); die qq[par.pl: Can't open perl script "$progname": No such file or directory\n] unless -e $progname; do $progname; CORE::exit($1) if ($@ =~/^_TK_EXIT_\((\d+)\)/); die $@ if $@; }; $::__ERROR = $@ if $@; } CORE::exit($1) if ($::__ERROR =~/^_TK_EXIT_\((\d+)\)/); die $::__ERROR if $::__ERROR; 1; __END__ PAR_TEMPPAR_PROGNAME.%s%s%sPERL5LIBPERLLIBPERL5OPTPERLIOPAR_INITIALIZEDPAR_SPAWNEDPAR_CLEANPAR_DEBUGPAR_CACHEPAR_GLOBAL_DEBUGPAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIRPAR_TMPDIRPAR_GLOBAL_TEMPPAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN1DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH/var/tmp/TMPDIRTEMPDIRTEMPTMPUSERUSERNAMEpar-SYSTEM%02x%s%s%s%s%s: creation of private subdirectory %s failed (errno=%i) %s: private subdirectory %s is unsafe (please remove it and retry your operation) PATHparl.parshort read%s%scache-%s%s%s%stemp-%u%s%s%stemp-%u-%u%sperl0PAR::Packer::VERSION1.063Unable to create cache directory%s: creation of private cache subdirectory %s failed (errno=%i) -e--/:lseek failedread failed..%s/%sInternals::PAR::BOOT,,APP@|P L$hD\&&'8      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=  PAR.pm h`>0@@<l $HpBh~ *:N^lz.D\p| 0@P_PL_do_undump_PL_exit_flags_PL_perl_destruct_level_PL_tainted_PL_tainting_Perl_croak_Perl_get_sv_Perl_gv_fetchpv_Perl_mg_set_Perl_newXS_Perl_newXS_flags_Perl_safesysmalloc_Perl_sv_setpv_Perl_sys_init3_Perl_sys_term___chkstk_darwin___error___sprintf_chk___stack_chk_fail___stack_chk_guard___stderrp___strcpy_chk_access_boot_DynaLoader_bzero_closedir_environ_exit_fprintf_free_getpid_getpwuid_getuid_lseek_lstat_malloc_memcpy_memmove_mkdir_open_opendir_perl_alloc_perl_construct_perl_destruct_perl_free_perl_parse_perl_run_read_readdir_realloc_rmdir_sprintf_stat_strchr_strcmp_strdup_strlen_strncmp_strrchr_strtok_unlink_vfprintf_ainy_par_plăleanup?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX _XS_Internals_PAR_BOOT__mh_execute_header_get_username_from_getpwuid_main_my_par_pl_par_basename_par_cleanup_par_current_exec_par_die_par_dirname_par_env_clean_par_findprog_par_init_env_par_mktmpdir_par_setup_libpath_sha_final_sha_init_sha_update_xs_init_PL_do_undump_PL_exit_flags_PL_perl_destruct_level_PL_tainted_PL_tainting_Perl_croak_Perl_get_sv_Perl_gv_fetchpv_Perl_mg_set_Perl_newXS_Perl_newXS_flags_Perl_safesysmalloc_Perl_sv_setpv_Perl_sys_init3_Perl_sys_term___chkstk_darwin___error___sprintf_chk___stack_chk_fail___stack_chk_guard___stderrp___strcpy_chk_access_boot_DynaLoader_bzero_closedir_environ_exit_fprintf_free_getpid_getpwuid_getuid_lseek_lstat_malloc_memcpy_memmove_mkdir_open_opendir_perl_alloc_perl_construct_perl_destruct_perl_free_perl_parse_perl_run_read_readdir_realloc_rmdir_sprintf_stat_strchr_strcmp_strdup_strlen_strncmp_strrchr_strtok_unlink_vfprintf_par_setenv_par_rmtmpdir_par_xs_init_sha_transform_xs_init.file_PAR_MAGIC_par_setenv.alloced__MergedGlobals 0 \XQP  :par'Mɑl**x7o4XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,XaӐ 5MhZi!۾ڢ8#(Pڛkx1悭Ge}[D:Loau5Fڦ~HaD{.:2ꌶrRz"%E=ܘ ?j!5r(DΠ"eIٱ!+ZB6$XP4+A#&CD[4h5=<>ڞgO( . pFtF]A*4d44%+uÐqlȤݕYMۥc Bo}XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,Zv |D3 j2-qֈ.XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,XofkOX||zڽH,Lw}!2HAUkC@[fZR 6yHdr([jPU __TEXT11__text__TEXT11__stubs__TEXTl l __const__TEXT@(@__cstring__TEXTh/h/__unwind_info__TEXT\e1\e1__DATA_CONST11__got__DATA_CONST1p1__const__DATA_CONSTp1p18__DATA22@__data__DATA282__common__DATA82Xp__bss__DATA 3H__LINKEDIT@32 x((/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/perl/5.40.0/arm64/lib/5.40.0/darwin-2level/CORE/libperl.dylib42 32hsO3%py4PZ P  07r4(S|>eyI} 2 * 88/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib&h@3`)O35@l@?q$BzT@( A@y)!?qT?-qT?qT__WO{(!@@ @  R{COBWA_Ĩ&@suA96h@h>Ch @  RER& 2 @@ ]@)2 ]HR >C@iB@yK=_ 1KzTJ=@ yjKJ?!*kTh@tJ@y)TqTVyRyJy@yYɴR *y5F@y qR}'|&FyJyh@tJ@y ˊ IUyVQyKJySH@y2Hy{COBWA_Ĩ_I=@)}iij@ i)]&hB@y2hBy{COBWA_Ĩ__WO{(_xQ@B@y!6kHT>@}'B@y*}j!} 8& By QBy=@R3& >@}өjhi @3i({COBWA_Ĩ_{RRO{C@@yP7`7{AO¨&)_x) 3]4R *(@yh@aT` @&t@&{AO¨_h{AO¨_O{C@|&t@y&{AO¨_O{C4Д8@hd@R(!5` @b&t@_&{AO¨{` @X&t@U&{AO¨_WO{@tJ@yF@y kbTUM)V @ybTR@y !?q@zT"h@AT` @.&t@+&{BOAWè_h@ cTh{BOAWè_og_WO{@@y !?q!T{FOEWD_CgBoA_j@9* 06*Q_q+Rj!ʚk J D@Ti@)iT5е6! }Q? 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$%-p%c%s%cScalar value @%-p%c%-p%c better written as $%-p%c%-p%c%%%-p%c%-p%c in scalar context better written as $%-p%c%-p%cUseless use of %s in scalar contextsortnegative pattern binding (!~)non-destructive substitution (s///r)non-destructive transliteration (tr///r)a variablea constant (%s)a constant (%-p)a constant (undef)anonymous hash ({})anonymous array ([])Useless use of %-p in void contextUseless use of %s in void contextFIELDSSorry, hash keys must be smaller than 2**31 bytesNo such class field "%-p" in variable %d%lu%4p of type %2ppanic: unexpected lvalue entersub args: type/targ %ld:%lupanic: unexpected constant lvalue entersub entry via type/targ %ld:%luCan't modify non-lvalue subroutine call of &%-p in %sCan't modify %s in %sdo blocklocalCan't localize lexical variable %d%lu%4pThe experimental declared_refs feature is not enabledDeclaring references is experimentalExperimental aliasing via reference not enabledAliasing via reference is experimentalUseless localization of %sattributesApplying %s to %-p will act on scalar(%-p)@array%hashApplying %s to %s will act on scalar(%s)Using !~ with s///r doesn't make senseUsing !~ with tr///r doesn't make sense'%s' trapped by operation maskDB::postponed@$%Parentheses missing around "%s" listourstatemy;Multidimensional hash lookup is disabled %s[%lu] 0x%04lX .. INFTY .. 0x%04lX TR_UNLISTED TR_SPECIAL_HANDLING 0x%04lX reflagsreflags_charsetVERSIONModule name must be constantVersion number must be a constant numberimportunimportBEGINuse VERSION of 5.39 or above is not permitted while another use VERSION is in scopeuse VERSION is not permitted while another use VERSION of 5.39 or above is in scopeDowngrading a use VERSION declaration to below v5.11 is not permittedChanging use VERSION while another use VERSION is in scope is deprecated, and will become fatal in Perl 5.44do$panic: newFORLOOP, found %s, expecting pushmarkNULLpanic: newFORLOOP, found %s, expecting padsvpanic: newFORLOOP, found %s at %zd, expecting padsvpanic: newFORLOOP, padsv at %zd targ is %zd, not %zdCan't use %s for loop variablea "finally" blocka "defer" block::Prototype mismatch: sub %-p (%d%lu%4p): none vs (%d%lu%4p)none%-p%s:%u-%u__ANON__::%s[%s:%u]__ANON____ANON__::__ANON__Prototype on BEGIN block ignoredAttribute on BEGIN block ignoredBEGIN not safe after errors--compilation abortedConstant subroutine %-p redefinedSTDOUTFormat %-p redefinedFormat STDOUT redefinedoops: oopsAVoops: oopsHVCan't use an array as a referenceCan't use a hash as a referencereadpipePossible precedence problem on bitwise %s operator|&^|.&.^.$[ used in %s (did you mean $] ?)delete argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element or sliceCORE/prevailing_versionexists argument is not a subroutine nameexists argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element or a subroutineOP_HELEMEXISTSOR argument is not a HASH elementa SCALARan ARRAYa HASHCan't use bareword ("%-p") as %s ref while "strict refs" in use%s (did you want stat %-p?)%sUseless use of %s with no valuesarrayExperimental %s on scalar is now forbiddenhashHANDLE%s%c...%c__ANONIO__globFile::Globpanic: ck_grep, type=%uCan't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)Can't use 'defined(%%hash)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?):SUPER::::SUPER::Can't modify reference to %s in scalar assignmentBareword in require must not start with a double-colon: "%s" Bareword in require maps to empty filename.pmrequireMissing comma after first argument to return Use of /g modifier is meaningless in splitSTRING/%-p/ should probably be written as "%-p"panic: rv2cv_op_cv bad flags %xpanic: ck_entersub_args_proto CV with no proto, flags=%lxToo many arguments for %-p;@%block or sub {}sub {}one of %.*ssymbolsubroutinescalarMalformed prototype for %-p: %-pNot enough arguments for %-p%ueach on anonymous hash will always start from the beginningeach on anonymous array will always start from the beginninghash or arraylength() used on %-p (did you mean "scalar(%s%-p)"?)keys length() used on %%hash (did you mean "scalar(keys %%hash)"?)length() used on @array (did you mean "scalar(@array)"?)panic: custom_op_get_field(): invalid field %d panic: can't register custom OP %s_;\[%@];\[$*]enterevalbacktick?$@@%&*$autouseMethod %-p redefinedSubroutine %-p redefinedop:rcpv_newop:link_freed_opSTDERRSTDIN_ARGVARGVOUTDATACan't modify reference to localized parenthesized array in list assignmentCan't modify reference to parenthesized hash in list assignmentCan't modify reference to %s in %sCan't declare %s in "%s"attributes.pmPossible precedence issue with control flow operator (%s)panic: fold_constants JMPENV_PUSH returned %dpanic: unexpected setjmp() result panic: gen_constant_list JMPENV_PUSH returned %dCan't "%s" out of %s%cUseless use of /d modifier in transliteration operatorReplacement list is longer than search listversionAssignment to both a list and a scalarBareword found in conditionalThis use of my() in false conditional is no longer allowedValue of %s%s can be "0"; test with defined() construct() operatorFound = in conditional, should be ==prototype(Attribute prototype(%d%lu%4p) discards earlier prototype attribute in same subPrototype '%d%lu%4p' overridden by attribute 'prototype(%d%lu%4p)' in %-plvalue attribute ignored after the subroutine has been definedENDUNITCHECKCHECKINIT AX_NESTED_EVAL_BEGIN_BLOCKSToo many nested BEGIN blocks, maximum of %ld allowedToo late to run CHECK blockModule::Install::DSLTreating %s::INIT block as BEGIN block as workaroundToo late to run INIT block[Missing comma after first argument to %s functionToo many arguments for %sType of arg %d to %s must be %s (not %s)Not enough arguments for %s"%s %s" used in sort comparisonType of arg %d to %-p must be %s (not %s)Magical list constants are not supported PERL_RAND_SEEDPERL_INTERNAL_RAND_SEEDv5.40.0panic: sysconf: %spagesize unknownpanic: bad pagesize %lddarwinPERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL-1Unable to flush stdout: %s main::Unbalanced scopes: %ld more ENTERs than LEAVEs Unbalanced saves: %ld more saves than restores Unbalanced tmps: %ld more allocs than frees Unbalanced context: %ld more PUSHes than POPs Unbalanced string table refcount: (%ld) for "%s"Scalars leaked: %ld panic: top_env panic: restartop in perl_run eval_sv()require q%c%s%c/PERL5DB_THREADED1no Devel::use Devel:: split(/,/,q{%s});PERL5DBRecompile perl with -DDEBUGGING to use -D switch (did you mean -d ?) No directory specified for -I Missing argument to -%c"-%c" is on the #! line, it must also be used on the command line%sCan't emulate -%.1s on #! lineUnrecognized switch: -%.1s (-h will show valid options)DB::argsCannot set tied @DB::argsDB::DBDB::dblineDB::subDB::singleDB::traceDB::signal-i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDINBEGIN failed--compilation aborted%s failed--call queue abortedpanic: top_env, v=%d panic: restartop in call_list Unexpected exit %luUnexpected exit failure %ldNo code specified for -%cuse Config; Config::_V()use Config; Config::config_vars(qw%c%s%c)/dev/nullhelpUnrecognized switch: -%s (-h will show valid options)PERL5OPTCDIMUdmtwWIllegal switch in PERL5OPT: -%c-Can't ignore signal CHLD, forcing to defaultCan't chdir to %sInternals::Vperl.c:utf8PENPERL_SIGNALSunsafesafePERL_SIGNALS illegal: "%s"mainINC@%240sDB::CORE::GLOBAL::PERL5LIBPERLLIB/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/perl/5.40.0/arm64/lib/site_perl/5.40.0/darwin-2level/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/perl/5.40.0/arm64/lib/site_perl/5.40.0/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/perl/5.40.0/arm64/lib/5.40.0/darwin-2level/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/perl/5.40.0/arm64/lib/5.40.0PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC./dev/fd/Wrong syntax (suid) fd script name "%s" Missing (suid) fd script name rCan't open /dev/null: %s Can't open perl script "%s": %s Illegal suidscriptYOU HAVEN'T DISABLED SET-ID SCRIPTS IN THE KERNEL YET! FIX YOUR KERNEL, PUT A C WRAPPER AROUND THIS SCRIPT, OR USE -u AND UNDUMP! No Perl script found in input perlPERLCompiled at Jun 10 2024 22:07:44",IO::File::ISAIO::Handle::IO::Seekable::Exporter::stdinstdoutstderr%s syntax OK -0[octal/hexadecimal] specify record separator (\0, if no argument) -a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F) -C[number/list] enables the listed Unicode features -c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks) -d[t][:MOD] run program under debugger or module Devel::MOD -D[number/letters] set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or alphabets) -e commandline one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile) -E commandline like -e, but enables all optional features -f don't do $sitelib/sitecustomize.pl at startup -F/pattern/ split() pattern for -a switch (//'s are optional) -g read all input in one go (slurp), rather than line-by-line (alias for -0777) -i[extension] edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied) -Idirectory specify @INC/#include directory (several -I's allowed) -l[octnum] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator -[mM][-]module execute "use/no module..." before executing program -n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program -p assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed -s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile -S look for programfile using PATH environment variable -t enable tainting warnings -T enable tainting checks -u dump core after parsing program -U allow unsafe operations -v print version, patchlevel and license -V[:configvar] print configuration summary (or a single Config.pm variable) -w enable many useful warnings -W enable all warnings -x[directory] ignore text before #!perl line (optionally cd to directory) -X disable all warnings Run 'perldoc perl' for more help with Perl. Usage: %s [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments] use no Module name required with -%c optionInvalid module name %.*s with -%c option: contains single ':'Can't use '%c' after -mname () This is perl 5, version 40, subversion 0 (%-p) built for darwin-2level Copyright 1987-2024, Larry Wall Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit. Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the Internet, point your browser at https://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page. --xprogram input from stdinNo %s allowed with (suid) fdscript0ENVmain::F/5.40.0/darwin-2level/5.40.0/darwin-2level.../../%s/%sisaUsage: %2p::%2p(%s)Usage: %2p(%s)Usage: CODE(0x%lx)(%s)reference, kindUNIVERSALUNIVERSAL does not export anything_charnamesAttempt to call undefined %s method with arguments (%5p%s) via package %5p (Perhaps you forgot to load the package?) ...object-ref, methodUsage: invocant->DOES(kind)svsv, failok=0SCALAR[, ON]SCALARSCALAR[, REFCOUNT]hvfilehandle[,args]inputoutputdetailsget_layers: unknown argument '%s'%-p(%-p)utf8name[, all ][all]NULL array element in re::regnames()APTURE_ALLpackage, ...all$key$key, $value$lastkeyutf8::unicode_to_nativeutf8::native_to_unicodeRegexp::DESTROYdluaaaUNIVERSAL::isaUNIVERSAL::canUNIVERSAL::DOESUNIVERSAL::importUNIVERSAL::unimportUNIVERSAL::VERSIONversion::_VERSIONversion::()version::newversion::parseversion::(""version::stringifyversion::(0+version::numifyversion::normalversion::(cmpversion::(<=>version::vcmpversion::(boolversion::booleanversion::(+version::(-version::(*version::(/version::(+=version::(-=version::(*=version::(/=version::(absversion::(nomethodversion::noopversion::is_alphaversion::qvversion::declareversion::is_qvutf8::is_utf8utf8::validutf8::encodeutf8::decodeutf8::upgradeutf8::downgradeInternals::SvREADONLY\[$%@];$Internals::SvREFCNTInternals::hv_clear_placeholders\%Internals::stack_refcountedconstant::_make_const\[$@]PerlIO::get_layers*;@re::is_regexpre::regname;$$re::regnames;$re::regnames_countre::regexp_patternTie::Hash::NamedCapture::_tie_itTie::Hash::NamedCapture::TIEHASHTie::Hash::NamedCapture::FETCHTie::Hash::NamedCapture::STORETie::Hash::NamedCapture::DELETETie::Hash::NamedCapture::CLEARTie::Hash::NamedCapture::EXISTSTie::Hash::NamedCapture::SCALARTie::Hash::NamedCapture::FIRSTKEYTie::Hash::NamedCapture::NEXTKEYTie::Hash::NamedCapture::flagsUsage: UNIVERSAL::VERSION(sv, ...)Cannot find version of an unblessed reference%2p does not define $%2p::VERSION--version check failed%-p defines neither package nor VERSION--version check failedqv%2p version %-p required--this is only version %-plobj, ...operation not supported with version objectlobj is not of type versionv%sUsage: version::new(class, version)verver is not of type versionlobj, robj, ...alphalobjInvalid version format (version required)EXTENDpanic: av_extend_guts() negative count (%ld)Out of memory during array extendPUSHPOPUNSHIFTSHIFTSTORESIZENEGATIVE_INDICESpanic: sv_upgrade to unknown type %luargpanic: unhandled opcode %ld for xs_builtin_func1_scalar()export_lexicallyexport_lexically can only be called at compile timeOdd number of elements in export_lexicallyExpected a reference in export_lexically&%-pa CODEExpected %s reference in export_lexicallypanic: unhandled opcode %ld for xs_builtin_func1_void()builtin::indexeddefined string&%sbuiltin::import can only be called at compile timeInvalid version bundle %5pBuiltin version bundle "%s" is not supported by Perl 5.40.0builtin::builtin.cbuiltin::importBuilt-in function 'builtin::%s' is experimentaltruefalseinfnanis_boolweakenunweakenis_weakblessedrefaddrreftypeceilflooris_taintedtrimstringifycreated_as_stringcreated_as_numberload_moduleindexedbuiltin::%-ppanic: unrecognised builtin_const value %ldCannot '%s' outside of a 'class'Odd number of elements in hash field initializationOdd number of arguments passed to %10p constructorCannot create an object of incomplete class %10p, %-pUnrecognised parameters for %10p constructor: %-pCannot invoke method %7p on a non-instanceCannot invoke method on a non-instanceCannot invoke a method of %10p on an instance of %10pCannot reopen existing class %10p%2p::ISACannot create class %2p as it already has a non-empty @ISA%s::newclass.c$(self)%(params)Required parameter '%-p' is missing for %10p constructor$selffield initialiser expressionCannot use __CLASS__ outside of a method or field initializer expressionClass attribute %-p requires a valueUnrecognized class attribute %-pMalformed attribute stringUnexpected characters while parsing class :isa attribute: %sClass already has a superclass, cannot add anotherClass :isa attribute requires a class but %10p is not one0123456789._Unrecognized field attribute %-pparamreaderOnly scalar fields can take a :param attributeField already has a parameter name, cannot add anotherCannot assign :param(%-p) to field %-p because that name is already in use => panic: sysopen with multiple args, num_svs=%ldsysopenpathnameopenUnknown open() mode '%.*s'Missing command in piped openpiped openCan't open bidirectional pipeMore than one argument to '%c&' openMore than one argument to '>%c' openMore than one argument to '<%c' open<Forked open '%s' not meaningful in <>inplace openCan't do inplace edit: %s is not a regular file*Can't do inplace edit on %s: Cannot make temp name: %sCan't open %s: %sWarning: unable to close filehandle %2p properly: %-p!Warning: unable to close filehandle properly: %-p%lu%ldWide character in %sprintstatThe stat preceding -l _ wasn't an lstatUse of -l on filehandle %2pUse of -l on filehandlelstat -c-cfcshexec$&*(){}[]'";\|?<>~` shchmodchownUnrecognized signal name "%-p"Can't kill a non-numeric process IDunlinkutimeBad arg length for %s, is %lu, should be %ldArg too short for msgsndpattern -cf 'set nonomatch; glob ' 2>/dev/null |LS_COLORSglob failed (can't start child: %s)Warning: unable to close filehandle %2p properly. Invalid \0 character in %s for %s: %s\0%sFilehandle STD%s reopened as %2p only for inputOUTERRFilehandle STDIN reopened as %2p only for outputXXXXXXXXw++>&Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping fileCannot complete in-place edit of %s: failed to rename work file '%s' to '%s': %sFailed to close in-place work file %s: %sCannot complete in-place edit of %s: %sCurrent directory has changedCan't exec "%s": %sprintf(unknown)Illegal number of bits in vecUse of strings with code points over 0xFF as arguments to vec is forbiddenBit vector size > 32 non-portableNegative offset to vec in lvalue contextOut of memory during vec in lvalue contextUse of strings with code points over 0xFF as arguments to %s operator is not allowedCan't modify keys in list assignmentCharacter following "\c" must be printable ASCIIUse "%c" instead of "\c{""\c%c" is more clearly written simply as "%s"\x{%02x}Non-octalhex character ' terminates \%c early. Resolved as "\%c{00}%lo%lX0xUse of code point %s%.*s is not allowed; the permissible max is %sMissing braces on \o{}Missing right brace on \o{}Empty \o{}Non-octal characterEmpty \xUse \x{...} for more than two hex charactersNon-hex characterMissing right brace on \x{}Empty \x{}>%lx%cx%02lX%cx%02lx%cx{%02lx}%c%03o%c%o%s...%s""<>VOIDWILDSV_UNDEFSV_NOSV_YESSV_ZEROSV_PLACEHOLDER(PTt\CV(%s)FREED(null)[%s]%s) [UTF8 "%s"]dump.c(%g)(%lu)(%ld)()) [tainted]%*s SUB %s = SUB = (xsub 0x%lx %d) FORMAT %s = ,CONST,KEEP,GLOBAL,CONTINUE,RETAINT,EVAL,NONDESTRUCT,HAS_CV,CODELIST_PRIVATE,IS_QR,KIDS,PARENS,REF,MOD,STACKED,SPECIALOPUNOPBINOPLOGOPLISTOPPMOPSVOPPADOPPVOPLOOPCOPMETHOPUNOP_AUX{} { GV_NAME = %s-> %s} MAGIC = 0x%lx MG_VIRTUAL = &PL_vtbl_%s MG_VIRTUAL = 0x%lx MG_VIRTUAL = 0 MG_PRIVATE = %d MG_TYPE = PERL_MAGIC_%s MG_TYPE = UNKNOWN(\%o) MG_FLAGS = 0x%02X TAINTEDDIR MINMATCH REFCOUNTED GSKIP COPY DUP LOCAL BYTES MG_OBJ = 0x%lx PAT = %s REFCNT = %ld MG_LEN = %ld MG_PTR = 0x%lx %s => HEf_SVKEY ???? - dump.c does not know how to handle this MG_LEN %2ld: %lu -> %lu %s = 0x%lx "%s" "%s" :: "%s" TEMP,OBJECT,GMG,SMG,RMG,IOK,NOK,POK,OOK,FAKE,READONLY,PROTECT,BREAK,pIOK,pNOK,pPOK,ANON,UNIQUE,CLONE,CLONED,CONST,NODEBUG,LVALUE,NOWARN_AMBIGUOUS,WEAKOUTSIDE,CVGV_RC,DYNFILE,AUTOLOAD,SLABBED,NAMED,LEXICAL,ISXSUB,ANONCONST,SIGNATURE,REFCOUNTED_ANYSV,IsMETHOD,XS_RCSTACK,SHAREKEYS,LAZYDEL,HASKFLAGS,OVERLOAD,CLONEABLE,INTRO,MULTI,ASSUMECV, SV AV HV CVPMf_MULTILINE,PMf_SINGLELINE,PMf_FOLD,PMf_EXTENDED,PMf_EXTENDED_MORE,PMf_KEEPCOPY,PMf_NOCAPURE,IS_ANCHORED,NO_INPLACE_SUBST,EVAL_SEEN,CHECK_ALL,MATCH_UTF8,USE_INTUIT_NOML,USE_INTUIT_ML,INTUIT_TAIL,SPLIT,COPY_DONE,TAINTED_SEEN,TAINTED,START_ONLY,SKIPWHITE,WHITE,NULL,SKIP,IMPLICIT,NAUGHTY,VERBARG_SEEN,CUTGROUP_SEEN,USE_RE_EVAL,NOSCAN,GPOS_SEEN,GPOS_FLOAT,ANCH_MBOL,ANCH_SBOL,ANCH_GPOS,SV = 0 (0x%lx) at 0x%lx %*s REFCNT = %ld %*s FLAGS = (PADSTALE,PADTMP,ROK,WEAKREF,IsCOW,PCS_IMPORTED,SCREAM,IMPORTALL, ),IsUV,UTF8SV = %s%s UNKNOWN(0x%lx) %s UV = %lu IV = %ld NV = %.*g RV = 0x%lx OFFSET = %lu PV = 0x%lx ( %s . ) [BOOL %s]PL_YesPL_No CUR = %ld REGEXP = 0x%lx LEN = %ld COW_REFCNT = %d PV = 0 STASH USEFUL = %ld ARRAY = 0x%lx (offset=%ld) ALLOC = 0x%lx FILL = %ld MAX = %ld ,REAL,REIFY FLAGS = (%s) Elt No. %ld AUX_FLAGS = %lu (%d%s:%d+, hash quality = %.1f%% KEYS = %ld FILL = %lu RITER = %ld EITER = 0x%lx RAND = 0x%lx (LAST = 0x%lx) PMROOT = 0x%lx NAME = "%s" NAMECOUNT = %ld , "%s", (null) ENAME = %s ENAME = "%s" BACKREFS = 0x%lx MRO_WHICH = "%s" (0x%lx) CACHE_GEN = 0x%lx PKG_GEN = 0x%lx MRO_LINEAR_ALL = 0x%lx MRO_LINEAR_CURRENT = 0x%lx MRO_NEXTMETHOD = 0x%lx ISA = 0x%lx Elt %s [UTF8 "%s"] [CURRENT] HASH = 0x%lx REFCNT = 0x%lx AUTOLOAD = "%s" PROTOTYPE = "%s" COMP_STASH SLAB = 0x%lx START = 0x%lx ===> %ld ROOT = 0x%lx XSUB = 0x%lx XSUBANY = 0x%lx (CONST SV) XSUBANY = %ld GVGV::GV FILE = "%s" DEPTH = %ld FLAGS = 0x%lx OUTSIDE_SEQ = %lu PADLIST = 0x%lx HSCXT = 0x%p OUTSIDE = 0x%lx (%s) nullANONMAINUNIQUEUNDEFINED TYPE = %c TARGOFF = %ld TARGLEN = %ld TARG = 0x%lx FLAGS = %ld NAMELEN = %ld GvSTASH GP = 0x%lx SV = 0x%lx IO = 0x%lx FORM = 0x%lx AV = 0x%lx HV = 0x%lx CV = 0x%lx CVGEN = 0x%lx GPFLAGS = 0x%lx (%s) LINE = %u FILE = "%s" EGV IFP = 0x%lx OFP = 0x%lx DIRP = 0x%lx LINES = %ld PAGE = %ld PAGE_LEN = %ld LINES_LEFT = %ld TOP_NAME = "%s" TOP_GV TOP_GV = 0x%lx FMT_NAME = "%s" FMT_GV FMT_GV = 0x%lx BOTTOM_NAME = "%s" BOTTOM_GV BOTTOM_GV = 0x%lx TYPE = '%c' TYPE = '\%o' COMPFLAGS = 0x%lx (%s) EXTFLAGS = 0x%lx (%s) ENGINE = 0x%lx (%s) STANDARDPLUG-IN INTFLAGS = 0x%lx (%s) INTFLAGS = 0x%lx(Plug in) NPARENS = %lu LOGICAL_NPARENS = %lu LOGICAL_TO_PARNO = 0x%lx { %ld%s } %-p PARNO_TO_LOGICAL = 0x%lx PARNO_TO_LOGICAL_NEXT = 0x%lx LASTPAREN = %lu LASTCLOSEPAREN = %lu MINLEN = %ld MINLENRET = %ld GOFS = %lu PRE_PREFIX = %lu SUBLEN = %ld SUBOFFSET = %ld SUBCOFFSET = %ld SUBBEG = 0x%lx %s SUBBEG = 0x0 PAREN_NAMES = 0x%lx SUBSTRS = 0x%lx PPRIVATE = 0x%lx OFFS = 0x%lx [ %ld:%ld%s ] QR_ANONCV = 0x%lx SAVED_COPY = 0x%lx MOTHER_RE = 0x%lx MAXFIELD = %ld FIELDS = 0x%lx Field No. %ld (%s) NULL OP IN RUNWARNING: %lx changed from %lx to %lx ->???]UNKNOWN(%d)UTF8 ,%ld(%s)(%-p)Can't determine class of operator %s, assuming BASEOP WATCHING, %lx is currently %lx %5lu %s \0UNDEFIVNVPVINVLSTPVIVPVNVPVMGREGEXPGVPVLVAVHVCVFMIOOBJPMf_PRE %c%.*s%c PMf_PRE (RUNTIME) PMFLAGS = (%s) TARGOFF/GV = 0x%lx PMf_REPL = CODE_LIST = CODE_LIST = 0x%lx | %-4lu ???? +--,ONCE:USED,TAINTED,SCANFIRST,ALL,START_ONLY,SKIPWHITE,WHITE,NULL (ex-%s) %s(0x%lx)PARENT*** WILD PARENT 0x%p TARG = %ld ,VOID,SCALAR,LIST,UNKNOWN,SLABBED,SAVEFREE,STATIC,FOLDED,MORESIBFLAGS = (%s) =0x%lxPRIVATE = (%s) PRIVATE = (0x%lx) GV = %-p (0x%lx) ARGS = %lu => 0x%lx NARGS = %ld CONSTS = (%-p) SV = %s LINE = %u PACKAGE = "%s" LABEL = "%s" HINTS = %08x FEATS = %08x SEQ = %u REDONEXTLASTOTHERREFCNT = %lu PV = "%-p" (0x%lx) INVMAP = 0x%lx TABLE = 0x%lx SIZE: 0x%lx %4lx: %2ld %02lx ===> [SELF] %lu [%s 0x%lx] [0x0] sv(\0)arylen(#)rhash(%)debugvar(*)pos(.)symtab(:)backref(<)arylen_p(@)bm(B)overload_table(c)regdata(D)regdatum(d)env(E)envelem(e)fm(f)regex_global(g)hints(H)hintselem(h)isa(I)isaelem(i)nkeys(k)dbfile(L)dbline(l)shared(N)shared_scalar(n)collxfrm(o)tied(P)tiedelem(p)tiedscalar(q)qr(r)sig(S)sigelem(s)taint(t)uvar(U)uvar_elem(u)vstring(V)vec(v)utf8(w)destruct(X)substr(x)nonelem(Y)defelem(y)hook(Z)hookelem(z)lvref(\)checkcall(])extvalue(^)ext(~)INVLISTPVGVPVAVPVHVPVCVPVFMPVIOPVOBJ[%d%lu%4p[%lu]$%-pcv ref: %s(NULL)%d%lu%4pZEROHUPINTQUITILLTRAPABRTEMTFPEKILLBUSSEGVSYSPIPEALRMTERMURGSTOPTSTPCONTCHLDTTINTTOUXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFWINCHINFOUSR1USR2IOTWHENBLOCKGIVENLOOP_ARYLOOP_LAZYSVLOOP_LAZYIVLOOP_LISTLOOP_PLAINSUBFORMATEVALSUBSTDEFERCONSTRUCTSTARTRUNDESTRUCTstubpushmarkwantarrayconstgvsvgvgelempadsvpadsv_storepadavpadhvpadanyrv2gvrv2svav2arylenrv2cvanoncodeprototyperefgensrefgenrefblessreadlinercatlineregcmayberegcresetregcompmatchqrsubstsubstconttranstransrsassignaassignchopschopchompschompdefinedstudypospreinci_preincpredeci_predecpostinci_postincpostdeci_postdecpowmultiplyi_multiplydividei_dividemoduloi_modulorepeataddi_addsubtracti_subtractconcatmulticoncatleft_shiftright_shiftlti_ltgti_gtlei_legei_geeqi_eqnei_nencmpi_ncmpsltsgtslesgeseqsnescmpbit_andbit_xorbit_ornbit_andnbit_xornbit_orsbit_andsbit_xorsbit_ornegatei_negatenotcomplementncomplementscomplementsmartmatchatan2sincosrandsrandexplogsqrtintoctabslengthsubstrvecindexrindexsprintfformlineordchrcryptucfirstlcfirstuclcquotemetarv2avaelemfastaelemfast_lexaelemfastlex_storeaelemaslicekvasliceaeachavaluesakeyseachvalueskeysdeleteexistsrv2hvhelemhslicekvhslicemultiderefunpackpacksplitjoinlistlsliceanonlistanonhashemptyavhvsplicepushpopshiftunshiftreversegrepstartgrepwhilemapstartmapwhilerangeflipflopandorxordorcond_exprandassignorassigndorassignentersubleavesubleavesublvargcheckargelemargdefelemcallerwarndieresetlineseqnextstatedbstateunstackenterleavescopeenteriteriterenterloopleaveloopreturnlastnextredodumpgotoexitmethodmethod_namedmethod_supermethod_redirmethod_redir_superentergivenleavegivenenterwhenleavewhenbreakcontinueclosepipe_opfilenoumaskbinmodetieuntietieddbmopendbmclosesselectselectgetcreadenterwriteleavewriteprtfsaysysseeksysreadsyswriteeoftellseektruncatefcntlioctlflocksendrecvsocketsockpairbindconnectlistenacceptshutdowngsockoptssockoptgetsocknamegetpeernameftrreadftrwriteftrexecftereadftewritefteexecftisftsizeftmtimeftatimeftctimeftrownedfteownedftzeroftsockftchrftblkftfileftdirftpipeftsuidftsgidftsvtxftlinkftttyfttextftbinarychdirchrootrenamelinksymlinkreadlinkmkdirrmdiropen_dirreaddirtelldirseekdirrewinddirclosedirforkwaitwaitpidsystemkillgetppidgetpgrpsetpgrpgetprioritysetprioritytimetmslocaltimegmtimealarmsleepshmgetshmctlshmreadshmwritemsggetmsgctlmsgsndmsgrcvsemopsemgetsemctldofilehintsevalleaveevalentertryleavetryghbynameghbyaddrghostentgnbynamegnbyaddrgnetentgpbynamegpbynumbergprotoentgsbynamegsbyportgserventshostentsnetentsprotoentsserventehostentenetenteprotoenteserventgpwnamgpwuidgpwentspwentepwentggrnamggrgidggrentsgrentegrentgetloginsyscalllockoncecustomcoreargsavhvswitchruncvfcpadcvintrocvclonecvpadrangerefassignlvreflvrefslicelvavrefanonconstcmpchain_andcmpchain_dupentertrycatchleavetrycatchpoptrycatchpushdeferhelemexistsormethstartinitfieldclassnamefreednull operationconstant itemscalar variableglob valueglob elemprivate variablepadsv scalar assignmentprivate arrayprivate hashprivate valueref-to-glob castscalar dereferencearray lengthsubroutine dereferenceanonymous subroutinesubroutine prototypereference constructorsingle ref constructorreference-type operatorquoted execution (``, qx)append I/O operatorregexp internal guardregexp internal resetregexp compilationpattern match (m//)pattern quote (qr//)substitution (s///)substitution iteratortransliteration (tr///)scalar assignmentlist assignmentscalar chopscalar chompdefined operatorundef operatormatch positionpreincrement (++)integer preincrement (++)predecrement (--)integer predecrement (--)postincrement (++)integer postincrement (++)postdecrement (--)integer postdecrement (--)exponentiation (**)multiplication (*)integer multiplication (*)division (/)integer division (/)modulus (%)integer modulus (%)repeat (x)addition (+)integer addition (+)subtraction (-)integer subtraction (-)concatenation (.) or stringstringleft bitshift (<<)right bitshift (>>)numeric lt (<)integer lt (<)numeric gt (>)integer gt (>)numeric le (<=)integer le (<=)numeric ge (>=)integer ge (>=)numeric eq (==)integer eq (==)numeric ne (!=)integer ne (!=)numeric comparison (<=>)integer comparison (<=>)string ltstring gtstring lestring gestring eqstring nestring comparison (cmp)bitwise and (&)bitwise xor (^)bitwise or (|)numeric bitwise and (&)numeric bitwise xor (^)numeric bitwise or (|)string bitwise and (&.)string bitwise xor (^.)string bitwise or (|.)negation (-)integer negation (-)1's complement (~)numeric 1's complement (~)string 1's complement (~)smart matcharray dereferenceconstant array elementconstant lexical array elementconst lexical array element storearray elementarray sliceindex/value array sliceeach on arrayvalues on arraykeys on arrayhash dereferencehash elementhash slicekey/value hash slicearray or hash lookupjoin or stringlist sliceempty anon hash/arraygrepgrep iteratormapmap iteratorflipfloprange (or flip)range (or flop)logical and (&&)logical or (||)logical xordefined or (//)conditional expressionlogical and assignment (&&=)logical or assignment (||=)defined or assignment (//=)subroutine entrysubroutine exitlvalue subroutine returncheck subroutine argumentssubroutine argumentsubroutine argument default valuesymbol resetline sequencenext statementdebug next statementiteration finalizerblock entryblock exitblockforeach loop entryforeach loop iteratorloop entryloop exitmethod lookupmethod with known namesuper with known nameredirect method with known nameredirect super method with known namegiven()leave given blockwhen()leave when blockpipeselect system callwritewrite exitsocketpairgetsockoptsetsockopt-R-W-X-r-w-e-s-M-A-C-O-o-z-S-b-f-d-p-u-g-k-l-t-T-Bopendirtimesdo "file"eval hintseval "string"eval "string" exiteval {block}eval {block} exitgethostbynamegethostbyaddrgethostentgetnetbynamegetnetbyaddrgetnetentgetprotobynamegetprotobynumbergetprotoentgetservbynamegetservbyportgetserventsethostentsetnetentsetprotoentsetserventendhostentendnetentendprotoentendserventgetpwnamgetpwuidgetpwentsetpwentendpwentgetgrnamgetgrgidgetgrentsetgrentendgrentunknown custom operatorCORE:: subroutineArray/hash switch__SUB__private subroutinelist of private variableslvalue ref assignmentlvalue array referenceanonymous constantderived class testcomparison chainingcomparand shufflingtry {block}try {block} exitpop trycatch {} blockpush defer {} blockboolean type testweakref type testreference weakenreference unweakenhash element exists ormethod startinitialise fieldclass namefreed oparylenarylen_pbackrefcheckcallcollxfrmdblinedebugvardefelemdestructenvenvelemhintshintselemhookhookelemisaelemmglobnkeysnonelemovrldpackelemregdataregdatumregexpsigsigelemtaintuvarSUCCEEDSBOLMBOLSEOLMEOLEOSGPOSBOUNDBOUNDLBOUNDUBOUNDANBOUNDNBOUNDLNBOUNDUNBOUNDAREG_ANYSANYANYOFANYOFDANYOFLANYOFPOSIXLANYOFHANYOFHbANYOFHrANYOFHsANYOFRANYOFRbANYOFHbbmANYOFMNANYOFMPOSIXDPOSIXLPOSIXUPOSIXANPOSIXDNPOSIXLNPOSIXUNPOSIXACLUMPBRANCHEXACTLEXACTEXACTLEXACTFEXACTFLEXACTFUEXACTFAAEXACTFAA_NO_TRIEEXACTFUPEXACTFLU8EXACT_REQ8LEXACT_REQ8EXACTFU_REQ8EXACTFU_S_EDGELNBREAKTRIETRIECAHOCORASICKAHOCORASICKCNOTHINGTAILSTARPLUSCURLYCURLYNCURLYMCURLYXWHILEMOPENCLOSESROPENSRCLOSEREFREFFREFFLREFFUREFFAREFNREFFNREFFLNREFFUNREFFANLONGJMPBRANCHJIFMATCHUNLESSMSUSPENDIFTHENGROUPPMINMODLOGICALRENUMGOSUBGROUPPNINSUBPDEFINEPENDLIKEOPFAILACCEPTVERBPRUNEMARKPOINTSKIPCOMMITCUTGROUPKEEPSLOOKBEHIND_ENDOPTIMIZEDPSEUDOREGEX_SETTRIE_nextTRIE_next_failEVAL_BEVAL_B_failEVAL_postponed_ABEVAL_postponed_AB_failCURLYX_endCURLYX_end_failWHILEM_A_preWHILEM_A_pre_failWHILEM_A_minWHILEM_A_min_failWHILEM_A_maxWHILEM_A_max_failWHILEM_B_minWHILEM_B_min_failWHILEM_B_maxWHILEM_B_max_failBRANCH_nextBRANCH_next_failCURLYM_ACURLYM_A_failCURLYM_BCURLYM_B_failIFMATCH_AIFMATCH_A_failCURLY_B_minCURLY_B_min_failCURLY_B_maxCURLY_B_max_failCOMMIT_nextCOMMIT_next_failMARKPOINT_nextMARKPOINT_next_failSKIP_nextSKIP_next_failCUTGROUP_nextCUTGROUP_next_failKEEPS_nextKEEPS_next_failREF_nextREF_next_failMULTILINESINGLELINEFOLDEXTENDEDEXTENDED_MORENOCAPTUREKEEPCOPYCHARSET0CHARSET1CHARSET2STRICTSPLITUNUSED_BIT_12UNUSED_BIT_13UNUSED_BIT_14UNUSED_BIT_15NO_INPLACE_SUBSTEVAL_SEENUNBOUNDED_QUANTIFIER_SEENCHECK_ALLMATCH_UTF8USE_INTUIT_NOMLUSE_INTUIT_MLINTUIT_TAILIS_ANCHOREDCOPY_DONETAINTED_SEENTAINTEDSTART_ONLYSKIPWHITEWHITEIMPLICITNAUGHTYVERBARG_SEENCUTGROUP_SEENUSE_RE_EVALNOSCANGPOS_SEENGPOS_FLOATANCH_MBOLANCH_SBOLANCH_GPOSRECURSE_SEENPESSIMIZE_SEENdirhandlefilehandleBad symbol for %sISACannot convert a reference to %s to typeglobSUPER::SUPERIO::FileIO/File.pmCan't locate object method %d%lu%9p via package %7pCan't locate object method %d%lu%9p via package %5p (perhaps you forgot to load %5p?)Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %-p::%d%lu%4p() is no longer allowedHad to create %d%lu%4p unexpectedlyName "%2p::%2p" used only once: possible typo%d%lu%4p::_GEN_%ldAttempt to free unreferenced glob pointerspanic: gp_free failed to free glob pointer - something is repeatedly re-creating entries((niloverload%s method "%-256p" overloading "%s" in package "%3p"Stub found while resolvingCan't resolveOverloaded dereference did not return a referenceoverloadingOperation "%s": no method found,%sargument %s%-p%s%-p left in overloaded package has no overloaded magic, right argument in overloaded package , right argument has no overloaded magicCopy method did not return a referencepanic: gv name too long (%lu)IO::File::Can't use anonymous symbol table for method lookupCORECan't locate package %-p for @%2p::ISAWhile trying to resolve method call %.*s->%.*s() can not locate package %5p yet it is mentioned in @%.*s::ISA (perhaps you forgot to load %5p?)evalbytes&CORE::%s cannot be called directlyVariable "%c%d%lu%4p" is not imported (Did you mean &%d%lu%4p instead?) Global symbol "%s%d%lu%4p" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my %s%d%lu%4p"?)%::ErrnoTie::Hash::NamedCapture$%c is no longer supported as of Perl 5.30_tie_itpanic: Can't use %c%c because %s is not availablepanic: Can't use %c%c because %s does not define _tie_itEXPORTEXPORT_OKEXPORT_FAILEXPORT_TAGSargsSIGHILD_ERROR_NATIVEAPTURENCODINGLOBAL_PHASEOOK AST_FH AST_SUCCESSFUL_PATTERN ATCHREMATCHOSTMATCHAFE_LOCALESAINTNICODETF8LOCALETF8CACHEARNING_BITS (${}(@{}(%{}(*{}(&{}(++(--(bool(0+(""(!(=(abs(neg(<>(int(<(<=(>(>=(==(!=(lt(le(gt(ge(eq(ne(nomethod(+(+=(-(-=(*(*=(/(/=(%(%=(**(**=(<<(<<=(>>(>>=(&(&=(&.(&.=(|(|=(|.(|.=(^(^=(^.(^.=(<=>(cmp(~(~.(atan2(cos(sin(exp(log(sqrt(x(x=(.(.=(~~(-X(qrfetchstoreAttempt to access disallowed key '%-p' in a restricted hash%ld/%ldAttempt to delete readonly key '%-p' from a restricted hashpanic: hv name too long (%lu)Use of each() on hash after insertion without resetting hash iterator results in undefined behaviorpanic: hv_placeholders_ppanic: hv_placeholders_setpanic: refcounted_he_chain_2hv bad flags %lxpanic: refcounted_he_fetch_pvn bad flags %lxpanic: refcounted_he_fetch_sv bad flags %lxpanic: refcounted_he_new_sv bad flags %lxpanic: cop_store_label illegal flag bits 0x%lxAttempt to delete disallowed key '%-p' from a restricted hashAttempt to free nonexistent shared string '%s'%s (utf8)panic: refcounted_he_value bad flags %lxelseif should be elsiflocale.c Called by %s: %u ; errno=%d%s: %u: panic: %s%s%s C; can't set it to Unknown locale category %d%s%sPERL_BADLANGLC_ALLLANGUnexpectedly got 'dummy_trialPERL_SKIP_LOCALE_INITperl: warning: Setting locale failed. a fallback localeperl: warning: Failed to fall back to any of: POSIXthe standard localethe system default locale%s ("%s") locale name not determinableperl: warning: Falling back to %s ("%s"). PERL_UNICODElocale Called via %s: %u%s Called via %s: %uCan't change locale for %s (%d) from '%s' to '%s' %sLC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_COLLATELC_TIMELC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYLocale category unknown to Perl; if you see this, it is a bug in perl; please report it via perlbug%02lXUnknown locale category %dLocale '%s' is unsupported, and may hang or crash the interpreter\n\t' 'Locale '%s' contains (at least) the following characters which have unexpected meanings: %s The Perl program will use the expected meanings The following characters (and maybe others) may not have the same meaning as the Perl program expects: %s ; codeset=%sUTFutf !"#$%&'()*+,-./:<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~123456789Can't find separator in ALT_DIGITS representation '%s' for locale '%s'1997-12-201.0i18n:1999ISOISO/IEC 14652 i18n FDCC-setISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG20 - internationalization+%c %a %lpanic: Unexpected nl_langinfo() item %jdgroupingthousands_sepdecimal_pointint_curr_symbolmon_decimal_pointmon_thousands_sepmon_groupingpositive_signnegative_signcurrency_symbolint_frac_digitsfrac_digitsp_sep_by_spacen_cs_precedesn_sep_by_spacep_sign_posnn_sign_posnint_p_cs_precedesint_p_sep_by_spaceint_n_cs_precedesint_n_sep_by_spaceint_p_sign_posnint_n_sign_posnp_cs_precedes%pUnexpected return from parse_LC_ALL_stringperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LC_ALL = %c%s%c, unset %s = %c%s%c, LANG = %c%s%c are supported and installed on your system. doesn't list every locale categoryneeds an '=' to split name=valueis an unknown categoryhas LC_ALL, which is illegal here'%.*s' %s Internal length calculation wrong. "%s" was not entirely added to "%.*s"; needed=%zu, had=%zuABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzCould not find current %s localeSize magic not implementedopen<open>HILD_ERROR_NATIVENCODINGLOBAL_PHASEAST_FHAST_SUCCESSFUL_PATTERNPENAFE_LOCALESAINTNICODETF8LOCALETF8CACHEARNING_BITSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU_TOP %ldsetenv key (encoding to utf8)setenvPATHIGNOREMaximal count of pending signals (%lu) exceeded__DIE____WARN__No such hook: %sNo such signal: SIG%sDEFAULTrequire__beforerequire__afterAttempt to set unknown hook '%s' in %%{^HOOK}${^HOOK}{%.*s} may only be a CODE reference or undefFETCHSTOREDELETEFETCHSIZEFETCHSIZE returned a negative valueCLEARNEXTKEYFIRSTKEYEXISTSpanic: magic_setdbline len=%ld, ptr='%s'Attempt to set length of freed arraysubstr outside of stringAttempt to use reference as lvalue in substrAssigned value is not a reference SCALARn ARRAY HASH CODEAssigned value is not a%s reference${^ENCODING} is no longer supportedassigning to $^OSetting $/ to a reference to %s is forbiddena negative integerzeroSetting $/ to a%s %s reference is forbiddennAssigning non-zero to $[ is no longer possible$0CLDSignal SIG%s received, but no signal handler set. SIG%s handler "%2p" not defined. SIG%s handler "__ANON__" not defined. signocodeerrnostatusuidpidaddrbandfeature__SUB__areword_filehandlesitwiselassefervalbytesndirectsaodule_trueore_delimsultidimensionalyrefostderef_qqefaliasingayignaturestatewitchrynicodenievalpanic: hv_store() failed in set_mro_private_data() for '%.*s' %dpanic: hv_store() failed in mro_register() for '%.*s' %dCan't linearize anonymous symbol tablepanic: invalid MRO!Can't call mro_isa_changed_in() on anonymous symbol tableCan't call mro_method_changed_in() on anonymous symbol tableInvalid mro name: '%-p'mro::method_changed_inNo such class: '%-p'!dfsRecursive inheritance detected in package '%2p'Integer overflow in %s numberhexadecimalbinaryIllegal %s digit '%c' ignoredIllegal octal digit '%c' ignorednumeric.c0 but trueinqs#Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111Octal number > 037777777777Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff%s non-portablesilence compiler warningCan't undef active subroutinepanic: pad_add_name_pvn illegal flag bits 0x%lxpanic: pad_alloc, %p!=%ppanic: pad_findmy_pvn illegal flag bits 0x%lx%d%lu%4p never introducedpanic: pad_swipe curpad, %p!=%ppanic: pad_swipe po=%ld, fill=%ldpanic: pad_free curpad, %p!=%ppanic: pad_free poPADNAME = 0x%lx(0x%lx) PAD = 0x%lx(0x%lx) %2d. 0x%lx<%lu> FAKE "%s" flags=0x%lx index=%lu %2d. 0x%lx<%lu> (%lu,%lu) "%s" %2d. 0x%lx<%lu> panic: no pad in cv_clone"%s" %s %d%lu%4p masks earlier declaration in same %sfieldvariablestatement"our" variable %d%lu%4p redeclared (Did you mean "local" instead of "our"?) panic: pad_findlex illegal flag bits 0x%lxField %-p is not accessible outside a method%s "%d%lu%4p" will not stay sharedSubroutineVariableField %-p of %10p is not accessible in a method of %10p%s "%d%lu%4p" is not availableConstants from lexical variables potentially modified elsewhere are no longer permittedUse of @_ in %s with signatured subroutine is experimentalImplicit use of @_ in %s with signatured subroutine is experimentalStatement unlikely to be reached (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?) %-p() called too early to check prototypeRecursive call to Perl_load_module in PerlIO_find_layerPerlIOPerlIO::Layer::NoWarningsPerlIO::LayerUsage class->find(name[,load])Invalid separator character %c%c%c in PerlIO layer specification %sArgument list not closed for PerlIO layer "%.*s"Unknown PerlIO layer "%.*s"panic: PerlIO layer array corruptPERLIOPerlIO::Layer::findperlio.cIrIw%s (%lu) does not match %s (%lu)PerlIO layer function table sizesize expected by this perl%s (%lu) smaller than %s (%lu)PerlIO layer instance sizeMore than one argument to open(,':%s')bytesrawrefcnt_inc: fd %d: %d <= 0 refcnt_inc: fd %d < 0 refcnt_dec: fd %d >= refcnt_size %d refcnt_dec: fd %d: %d <= 0 refcnt_dec: fd %d < 0 refcnt: fd %d >= refcnt_size %d refcnt: fd %d: %d <= 0 refcnt: fd %d < 0 unixr+wstdioperliopendingcrlfDon't know how to get file name/tmp/PerlIO_XXXXXXTMPDIROffset outside stringArrayHashCodeGlobperlio:more_refcounted_fdsADJUSTcatch block requires a (VAR)UnimplementedMultiple slurpy parameters not allowedA slurpy parameter may not have a default valueSlurpy parameter not lastOptional parameter lacks default expressionMandatory parameter follows optional parameterExperimental subroutine signatures not enabledsyntax errorNot a SCALAR referenceCORE::Can't find an opnumber for "%d%lu%4p"Attempt to bless into a freed packageAttempt to bless into a referenceExplicit blessing to '' (assuming package main)ARRAYCODEFILEHANDLEGLOBHASHNAMEPACKAGEConstant subroutine %-p undefined(anonymous)Illegal division by zeroIllegal modulus zeroNon-finite repeat count does nothingNegative repeat count does nothingOut of memory during list extendOut of memory during string extendpp.cCan't take %s of %gInteger overflow in srandCannot chr %gInvalid negative number (%-p) in chṙCan't modify index/value array slice in list assignmentCan't modify keys on array in list assignmentNot a HASH referencepanic: avhv_delete no longer supportedCan't modify key/value hash slice in %s assignmentOdd number of elements in anonymous hashSPLICEsplice() offset past end of arraySplit loop[out of range]panic: unimplemented op %s (#%d) calledNot enoughToo many%s arguments for %sType of arg %d to &CORE::%s must be array referenceType of arg %d to &CORE::%s must be hash%s reference or arrayType of arg %d to &CORE::%s must be %sscalar referencereference to one of [$@%&*]reference to one of [$@%*]panic: unknown OA_*: %xToo %s arguments for subroutine '%-p' (got %lu; expected %s%lu)fewmanyat least at most Odd name/value argument for subroutine '%-p'Not a GLOB referencea symbolInfinite recursion via empty patternSubstitution loopNot enough format arguments%#0*.*f%0*.*f%#*.*f%*.*f Range iterator outside integer rangeE0panic: bad gimme: %d (in cleanup) %-p%-p%s has too many errors. %s has too many errors. (eval)No DB::DB routine defineda readonly valuea temporaryCan't return %s from lvalue subroutineCan't "%s" out of a "%s" blockCan't return outside a subroutinepanic: return, type=%ugoto must have labelGoto undefined subroutine &%-pGoto undefined subroutineCan't goto subroutine outside a subroutineCan't goto subroutine from an eval-stringCan't goto subroutine from an eval-blockCan't goto subroutine from a sort sub (or similar callback)DB::gotoCan't "goto" out of a pseudo blockpanic: goto, type=%u, ix=%ldCan't find label %d%lu%4pUse of "goto" to jump into a construct is deprecated, and will become fatal in Perl 5.42panic: docatch: illegal ix=%ldeval_<(eval %lu)[%s:%u]_<(eval %lu)Can't "%s" outside a topicalizerdefaultwhenCan't "continue" outside a when blockCan't "break" outside a given blockCan't "break" in a loop topicalizer%-p did not return a true value%-pCompilation failed in requireUnknown error finallydeferCan't "%s" outside a loop blockLabel not found for "%s %-p"Exiting %s via %spseudo-blockformatsubstitutiondefer blockTarget of goto is too deeply nestedCan't "goto" into a "defer" blockCan't "goto" into a binary or list expressionCan't "goto" into the middle of a foreach loopCan't "goto" into a "given" blockPerls since %-p too modern--this is %-p, stoppedoriginal.0Perl %-p required--this is only %-p, stoppedv%d.%d.0Perl %-p required (did you mean %-p?)--this is only %-p, stoppedMissing or undefined argument to %sMissing or undefined argument to %s via %%{^HOOK}{require__before}Can't locate %s: %sAttempt to reload %s aborted. Compilation failed in requireBareword in require maps to disallowed filename "%-p"Bareword in require contains "\0"Bareword in require contains "/."INCDIRCan't locate object method "INC", nor "INCDIR" nor string overload via package %10p %s in @INCin object hookin object in ARRAY hook/loader/0x%lx/%s%s %s hook died--halting @INC searchsub@INC entryCan't locate %s: %s: %s (you may need to install the module).h (change .h to .ph maybe?) (did you run h2ph?).ph (did you run h2ph?)Can't locate %s in @INC%-p (@INC entries checked:%-p)Can't locate %sdo "%s" failed, '.' is no longer in @INC; did you mean do "./%s"?cCompilation errorUnit check errorfeature_bareword_filehandlesfeature_bitwisefeature_classfeature___SUB__feature_myreffeature_deferfeature_evalbytesfeature_more_delimsfeature_fcfeature_indirectfeature_isafeature_module_truefeature_multidimensionalfeature_postderef_qqfeature_refaliasingfeature_sayfeature_signaturesfeature_statefeature_switchfeature_tryfeature_unievalfeature_unicodeSmart matching a non-overloaded object breaks encapsulationNull picture in formlineRepeated format line will never terminate (~~ and @#)Useless assignment to a temporaryPRINTCan't return array to lvalue scalar contextCan't return hash to lvalue scalar contextNot %s referenceCan't return %s to lvalue scalar contextAssigned value is not a SCALAR referencepanic: pp_match?? already matched onceString shorter than min possible regex match (%zd < %zd) panic: pp_match start/end pointers, paren=%d, start=%zd, end=%zd, s=%p, strend=%p, len=%zdREADLINEglob failed (child exited with status %d%s), core dumped$&*(){}[]'";\|?<>~`utf8 "\x%02X" does not map to UnicodeNot an ARRAY referenceUse of reference "%-p" as array indexUse of freed value in iterationpanic: pp_iter, type=%upanic: pp_subst, pm=%p, orig=%pa subroutineCan't use string ("%-32p"%s) as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in useNot a CODE referenceUndefined subroutine &%-p calledUndefined subroutine calledClosure prototype calledDB::lsubNo DB::sub routine definedCan't modify non-lvalue subroutine call of &%-pDeep recursion on anonymous subroutineDeep recursion on subroutine "%-p"panic: attempt to copy freed scalar %pReference found where even-sized list expectedOdd number of elements in hash assignmentE_DEBUG_FLAGSCan't call method "%-p" without a package or object referenceCan't call method "%-p" on an undefined valueCan't call method "%-p" on unblessed referenceDOESInvalid type '%c' in unpack'@' outside of string in unpack'@' outside of string with malformed UTF-8 in unpackMalformed UTF-8 string in unpack'X' outside of string in unpack'x' outside of string in unpack'/' must follow a numeric type in unpackU0 mode on a byte string%.*luUnterminated compressed integer in unpack'P' must have an explicit size in unpackfFdDcCsSiIlLnNUWvVqQjJCount after length/code in unpacklength/code after end of string in unpackNegative '/' count in unpackCode missing after '/' in unpackInvalid type ',' in %s()-group starts with a count in %sToo deeply nested ()-groups in %ssSiIlLqQjJfFdDpP(sSiIlLxXnNvV@.'%c' allowed only after types %s in %sCan't use both '<' and '>' after type '%c' in %sCan't use '%c' in a group with different byte-order in %sDuplicate modifier '%c' after '%c' in %sMalformed integer in [] in %s'/' does not take a repeat count in %sMismatched brackets in templateNo group ending character '%c' found in templatepack/unpack repeat count overflowWithin []-length '*' not allowed in %sInvalid type '%c' in %sWithin []-length '%c' not allowed in %s'X' outside of string in %sMalformed UTF-8 string in '%c' format in unpackCharacter in '%c' format wrapped in unpackCharacter(s) in '%c' format wrapped in %s00000000000000@XxuOut of memory during pack()Code missing after '/' in packaAZInvalid type '%c' in pack'%%' may not be used in packMalformed UTF-8 string in pack'%c' outside of string in packpanic: predicted utf8 length not available, for '%c', aptr=%p end=%p cur=%p, fromlen=%zuCharacter in 'c' format wrapped in packCharacter in 'C' format wrapped in packCharacter in 'W' format wrapped in packCannot compress negative numbers in packCannot compress integer in packCan only compress unsigned integers in packAttempt to pack pointer to temporary valueField too wide in 'u' format in packpanic: string is shorter than advertised, aptr=%p, aend=%p, buffer=%p, todo=%zdpanic: marks beyond string end, m=%p, marks=%p, level=%dCannot compress %g in packCannot pack %g with '%c'$$Undefined sort subroutine "%-p" calledUndefined subroutine in sortb``rbrt ...caughtWarning: something's wrongPROPAGATE ...propagatedDiedCannot open %2p as a filehandle: it is already open as a dirhandleFILENOBINMODETIEHASHTIEARRAYCannot tie unreifiable arrayTIEHANDLETIESCALARCan't locate object method %1p via package %5pCan't locate object method %1p via package %5p (perhaps you forgot to load %5p?)Can't locate object method %1p via package %7pSelf-ties of arrays and hashes are not supportedUNTIEuntie attempted while %lu inner references still existAnyDBM_FileAnyDBM_File.pmNo dbm on this machineNon-string passed as bitmaskGETCUndefined format "%-p" called%2p_TOPtopUndefined top format "%-p" calledpage overflowPRINTFREADNegative length%s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handlesWRITEEOFTELLSEEKPossible memory corruption: %s overflowed 3rd argumentlstat() on filehandle%s%-pThe stat preceding lstat() wasn't an lstat-T and -B not implemented on filehandleschdir() on unopened filehandle %-pHOMELOGDIRCannot open %2p as a dirhandle: it is already open as a filehandlereaddir() attempted on invalid dirhandle %2ptelldir() attempted on invalid dirhandle %2pseekdir() attempted on invalid dirhandle %2prewinddir() attempted on invalid dirhandle %2pclosedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle %2ppanic: kid popen errno read, n=%uSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec%s(%.0f) too large%s(%.0f) too small%s(%.0f) failed%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %ldalarm() with negative argumentsleep() with negative argumententering effective uid failedentering effective gid failedleaving effective uid failedleaving effective gid failedSurrogates should never appear in well-formed text, and therefore shouldn't be the basis for line breakingSupplanted by Line_Break property values; see www.unicode.org/reports/tr14PERL_RE_COLORS%s in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Regexp out of spaceEval-group in insecure regular expressionpanic: reg returned failure to re_op_compile, flags=%#lxRegexppanic! %s: %d: Tried to warn when none expected at '%s'regcomp.cPerl folding rules are not up-to-date for 0x%02X; please use the perlbug utility to report; in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/panic: %s: %d: negative offset: %ld trying to output message for pattern %.*ss~ panic: regfree data code '%c'Overloaded qr did not return a REGEXP?Corrupted regexp opcode %d > %dE_COMPILE_RECURSION_LIMIT%s in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Too many nested open parensUnmatched (In '(*VERB...)', the '(' and '*' must be adjacentIn '(*...)', the '(' and '*' must be adjacentUnterminated verb pattern argumentUnterminated '(*...' argumentUnterminated verb patternUnterminated '(*...' constructFAILMARKTHENasratomic_script_runatomicplbpositive_lookbehindplapositive_lookaheadnlbnegative_lookbehindnlanegative_lookaheadsrscript_run'(*%d%lu%4p' requires a terminating ':' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unknown verb pattern '%d%lu%4p' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unknown '(*...)' construct '%d%lu%4p' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Verb pattern '%.*s' has a mandatory argument in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/SInvalid reference to groupIn '(?...)', the '(' and '?' must be adjacentSequence (?P<... not terminatedSequence (?P>... not terminatedSequence (%.*s...) not recognized in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/? m can't match in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Useless use of greediness modifier '%c' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/%d%lu%4p matches null string many times in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Nested quantifiersUse of quantifier '*' is not allowed in Unicode property wildcard subpatternspanic: regclass returned failure to regatom, flags=%#lx in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Unmatched [panic: reg returned failure to regatom, flags=%#lx in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Internal urpQuantifier follows nothingUse of '\G' is not allowed in Unicode property wildcard subpatterns\K not permitted in lookahead/lookbehind\C no longer supportedMissing right brace on \%c{} in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Empty \%c{} in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/cb'%d%lu%4p' is an unknown bound type in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Using /u for '%.*s' instead of /%s in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal hereSequence %.2s... not terminated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unterminated \g{...} patternReference to invalid group 0Reference to nonexistent groupUnterminated \g... patternReference to nonexistent or unclosed groupTrailing \panic: grok_bslash_N set NEED_UTF8Unrecognized escape \%.1s passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unescaped left brace in regex is passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unescaped literal '%c' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/panic: loc_correspondence[%d] is 0 in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Internal disaster#%d POSIX syntax [%c %c] belongs inside character classes%s in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/ (but this one isn't implemented) (but this one isn't fully valid)Literal vertical space in [] is illegal except under /x\N in a character class must be a named character: \N{...}Ignoring zero length \N{} in character class in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/\N{} here is restricted to one characterUsing just the first character returned by \N{} in character class in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Use of '\%c%c' is not allowed in Unicode property wildcard subpatterns in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Empty \%c in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Character following \%c must be '{' or a single-character Unicode property name in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/%d%lu%4p in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unicode string properties are not implemented in (?[...])Using just the single character results returned by \p{} in (?[...]) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Inverting a character class which contains a multi-character sequence is illegal\x{%lX}foo\p{Alnum}utf8.pmNeed exactly 3 octal digitsUnrecognized escape \%c in character class in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unrecognized escape \%c in character class passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/False [] range "%d%lu%4p" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Invalid [] range "%d%lu%4p" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/False [] range "%*.*s" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Both or neither range ends should be Unicode in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Ranges of ASCII printables should be some subset of "0-9", "A-Z", or "a-z" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Ranges of digits should be from the same group of 10 in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/-[]\^"%.*s" is more clearly written simply as "%s" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/?:Assuming NOT a POSIX class since it doesn't start with a '[' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since no blanks are allowed in one in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/POSIX syntax [%c %c] is reserved for future extensions in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since the '^' must come after the colon in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since a semi-colon was found instead of a colon in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since there must be a starting ':' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/wordalphspacgrapasciblancntralnuloweuppedigiprinpuncxdigitAssuming NOT a POSIX class since the name must be all lowercase letters in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since there is no terminating ':' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Assuming NOT a POSIX class since there is no terminating ']' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/POSIX class [:%s%d%lu%4p:] unknown in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/utf8::namena([<)]>)]>Unicode property wildcard not terminatedThe Unicode property wildcards feature is experimentalplaceholderNo Unicode property value wildcard matches:_charnames::_loose_regcomp_lookuppanic: Can't find '_charnames::_loose_regcomp_lookupisnumericvaluenvnumericcjkcanonicalcombiningclasscccageinpresentinspacegc=lInsecure user-defined property; Timeout waiting for another thread to defineInfinite recursion in user-defined propertyError " in expansion of %.*s%.0f%.*s%.*e%.*s%s%lu/%luUse of '%.*s' in \p{} or \P{} is deprecated because: %sprivate_use%d=Insecure private-use overrideThe private_use feature is experimentalUnknown user-defined property nameIllegal user-defined property nameCan't find Unicode property definition \p{ "~HANGUL SYLLABLE _charnames::_get_names_infopanic: Can't find '_charnames::_get_names_info -0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ() ABCDEGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWYGGGNDDDRMBBBSSJJJKHAAEYAYAEEOEYEOYEOWAWAEOEYOUWEOWEWIYUEUYIIGSNJNHLGLMLBLSLTLPLHBSNGlowhighlegal%s-0000%s-%XMissing braces on \N{}Zero length \N{}U+panic: hv_store() unexpectedly failedInvalid hexadecimal number in \N{U+...}\x{panic: reg returned failure to grok_bslash_N, flags=%#lx in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Invalid quantifier in {,}Quantifier in {,} bigger than %d in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/^msixxnExpecting interpolated extended charclassUnexpected '(' with no preceding operatorUnexpected ')'Unexpected binary operator '%c' with no preceding operand in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Unexpected characterOperand with no preceding operatorSyntax error in (?[...])Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[...Incomplete expression within '(?[ ])'\x{%lX}-\x{%lX}panic: regclass returned failure to handle_sets, flags=%#lx in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Use of modifier '-m' is not allowed in Unicode property wildcard subpatternsRegexp modifier "%c" may appear a maximum of twice in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Regexp modifier "%c" may not appear twice in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Regexp modifiers "%c" and "%c" are mutually exclusive in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Regexp modifier "%c" may not appear after the "-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Useless (%s%c) - %suse /%c modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/?-don't Useless (%sc) - %suse /gc modifier in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Useless use of (?-p) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Use of modifier '%c' is not allowed in Unicode property wildcard subpatterns in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/Sequence (?... not terminated%04lX%cINFTY%c%04lX%c%04lX%c%04lX%c1. NumbersAegean_NumbersaegeannumbersAhomahomAlchemicalalchemicalAlchemical SymbolsAlchemical_SymbolsalchemicalsymbolsAlphabetic_PFalphabeticpfAlphabetic Presentation FormsAlphabetic_Presentation_FormsalphabeticpresentationformsAnatolian HieroglyphsAnatolian_HieroglyphsanatolianhieroglyphsAncient_Greek_MusicancientgreekmusicAncient Greek Musical NotationAncient_Greek_Musical_NotationancientgreekmusicalnotationAncient Greek NumbersAncient_Greek_NumbersancientgreeknumbersAncient SymbolsAncient_SymbolsancientsymbolsArabicarabicArabic_Ext_AarabicextaArabic_Ext_BarabicextbArabic_Ext_CarabicextcArabic Extended-AArabic_Extended_AarabicextendedaArabic Extended-BArabic_Extended_BarabicextendedbArabic Extended-CArabic_Extended_CarabicextendedcArabic_MatharabicmathArabic Mathematical Alphabetic SymbolsArabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_SymbolsarabicmathematicalalphabeticsymbolsArabic_PF_AarabicpfaArabic_PF_BarabicpfbArabic Presentation Forms-AArabic_Presentation_Forms_AarabicpresentationformsaArabic Presentation Forms-BArabic_Presentation_Forms_BarabicpresentationformsbArabic_SuparabicsupArabic SupplementArabic_SupplementarabicsupplementArmenianarmenianArrowsarrowsASCIIasciiAvestanavestanBalinesebalineseBamumbamumBamum_SupbamumsupBamum SupplementBamum_SupplementbamumsupplementBasic LatinBasic_LatinbasiclatinBassa VahBassa_VahbassavahBatakbatakBengalibengaliBhaiksukibhaiksukiBlock ElementsBlock_ElementsblockelementsBopomofobopomofoBopomofo_ExtbopomofoextBopomofo ExtendedBopomofo_ExtendedbopomofoextendedBox DrawingBox_DrawingboxdrawingBrahmibrahmiBraillebrailleBraille PatternsBraille_PatternsbraillepatternsBuginesebugineseBuhidbuhidByzantine_MusicbyzantinemusicByzantine Musical SymbolsByzantine_Musical_SymbolsbyzantinemusicalsymbolsCanadian_SyllabicscanadiansyllabicsCariancarianCaucasian AlbanianCaucasian_AlbaniancaucasianalbanianChakmachakmaChamchamCherokeecherokeeCherokee_SupcherokeesupCherokee SupplementCherokee_SupplementcherokeesupplementChess SymbolsChess_SymbolschesssymbolsChorasmianchorasmianCJKCJK_CompatcjkcompatCJK_Compat_FormscjkcompatformsCJK CompatibilityCJK_CompatibilitycjkcompatibilityCJK Compatibility FormsCJK_Compatibility_FormscjkcompatibilityformsCJK Compatibility IdeographsCJK_Compatibility_IdeographscjkcompatibilityideographsCJK Compatibility Ideographs SupplementCJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_SupplementcjkcompatibilityideographssupplementCJK_Compat_IdeographscjkcompatideographsCJK_Compat_Ideographs_SupcjkcompatideographssupCJK_Ext_AcjkextaCJK_Ext_BcjkextbCJK_Ext_CcjkextcCJK_Ext_DcjkextdCJK_Ext_EcjkexteCJK_Ext_FcjkextfCJK_Ext_GcjkextgCJK_Ext_HcjkexthCJK_Radicals_SupcjkradicalssupCJK Radicals SupplementCJK_Radicals_SupplementcjkradicalssupplementCJK StrokesCJK_StrokescjkstrokesCJK_SymbolscjksymbolsCJK Symbols and PunctuationCJK_Symbols_And_PunctuationcjksymbolsandpunctuationCJK Unified IdeographsCJK_Unified_IdeographscjkunifiedideographsCJK Unified Ideographs Extension ACJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_AcjkunifiedideographsextensionaCJK Unified Ideographs Extension BCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_BcjkunifiedideographsextensionbCJK Unified Ideographs Extension CCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_CcjkunifiedideographsextensioncCJK Unified Ideographs Extension DCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_DcjkunifiedideographsextensiondCJK Unified Ideographs Extension ECJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_EcjkunifiedideographsextensioneCJK Unified Ideographs Extension FCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_FcjkunifiedideographsextensionfCJK Unified Ideographs Extension GCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_GcjkunifiedideographsextensiongCJK Unified Ideographs Extension HCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_HcjkunifiedideographsextensionhCombining Diacritical MarksCombining_Diacritical_MarkscombiningdiacriticalmarksCombining Diacritical Marks ExtendedCombining_Diacritical_Marks_ExtendedcombiningdiacriticalmarksextendedCombining Diacritical Marks for SymbolsCombining_Diacritical_Marks_For_SymbolscombiningdiacriticalmarksforsymbolsCombining Diacritical Marks SupplementCombining_Diacritical_Marks_SupplementcombiningdiacriticalmarkssupplementCombining Half MarksCombining_Half_MarkscombininghalfmarksCombining_Marks_For_SymbolscombiningmarksforsymbolsCommon Indic Number FormsCommon_Indic_Number_FormscommonindicnumberformsCompat_JamocompatjamoControl PicturesControl_PicturescontrolpicturesCopticcopticCoptic Epact NumbersCoptic_Epact_NumberscopticepactnumbersCounting_RodcountingrodCounting Rod NumeralsCounting_Rod_NumeralscountingrodnumeralsCuneiformcuneiformCuneiform_NumberscuneiformnumbersCuneiform Numbers and PunctuationCuneiform_Numbers_And_PunctuationcuneiformnumbersandpunctuationCurrency SymbolsCurrency_SymbolscurrencysymbolsCypriot SyllabaryCypriot_SyllabarycypriotsyllabaryCypro-MinoanCypro_MinoancyprominoanCyrilliccyrillicCyrillic_Ext_AcyrillicextaCyrillic_Ext_BcyrillicextbCyrillic_Ext_CcyrillicextcCyrillic_Ext_DcyrillicextdCyrillic Extended-ACyrillic_Extended_AcyrillicextendedaCyrillic Extended-BCyrillic_Extended_BcyrillicextendedbCyrillic Extended-CCyrillic_Extended_CcyrillicextendedcCyrillic Extended-DCyrillic_Extended_DcyrillicextendeddCyrillic_SupcyrillicsupCyrillic SupplementCyrillic_SupplementcyrillicsupplementCyrillic_SupplementarycyrillicsupplementaryDeseretdeseretDevanagaridevanagariDevanagari_ExtdevanagariextDevanagari_Ext_AdevanagariextaDevanagari ExtendedDevanagari_ExtendeddevanagariextendedDevanagari Extended-ADevanagari_Extended_AdevanagariextendedaDiacriticalsdiacriticalsDiacriticals_ExtdiacriticalsextDiacriticals_For_SymbolsdiacriticalsforsymbolsDiacriticals_SupdiacriticalssupDingbatsdingbatsDives AkuruDives_AkurudivesakuruDogradograDominodominoDomino TilesDomino_TilesdominotilesDuployanduployanEarly Dynastic CuneiformEarly_Dynastic_CuneiformearlydynasticcuneiformEgyptian Hieroglyph Format ControlsEgyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_ControlsegyptianhieroglyphformatcontrolsEgyptian HieroglyphsEgyptian_HieroglyphsegyptianhieroglyphsElbasanelbasanElymaicelymaicEmoticonsemoticonsEnclosed_AlphanumenclosedalphanumEnclosed AlphanumericsEnclosed_AlphanumericsenclosedalphanumericsEnclosed Alphanumeric SupplementEnclosed_Alphanumeric_SupplementenclosedalphanumericsupplementEnclosed_Alphanum_SupenclosedalphanumsupEnclosed_CJKenclosedcjkEnclosed CJK Letters and MonthsEnclosed_CJK_Letters_And_MonthsenclosedcjklettersandmonthsEnclosed_Ideographic_SupenclosedideographicsupEnclosed Ideographic SupplementEnclosed_Ideographic_SupplementenclosedideographicsupplementEthiopicethiopicEthiopic_ExtethiopicextEthiopic_Ext_AethiopicextaEthiopic_Ext_BethiopicextbEthiopic ExtendedEthiopic_ExtendedethiopicextendedEthiopic Extended-AEthiopic_Extended_AethiopicextendedaEthiopic Extended-BEthiopic_Extended_BethiopicextendedbEthiopic_SupethiopicsupEthiopic SupplementEthiopic_SupplementethiopicsupplementGeneral PunctuationGeneral_PunctuationgeneralpunctuationGeometric ShapesGeometric_ShapesgeometricshapesGeometric_Shapes_ExtgeometricshapesextGeometric Shapes ExtendedGeometric_Shapes_ExtendedgeometricshapesextendedGeorgiangeorgianGeorgian_ExtgeorgianextGeorgian ExtendedGeorgian_ExtendedgeorgianextendedGeorgian_SupgeorgiansupGeorgian SupplementGeorgian_SupplementgeorgiansupplementGlagoliticglagoliticGlagolitic_SupglagoliticsupGlagolitic SupplementGlagolitic_SupplementglagoliticsupplementGothicgothicGranthagranthaGreekgreekGreek and CopticGreek_And_CopticgreekandcopticGreek_ExtgreekextGreek ExtendedGreek_ExtendedgreekextendedGujaratigujaratiGunjala GondiGunjala_GondigunjalagondiGurmukhigurmukhiHalf_And_Full_FormshalfandfullformsHalf_MarkshalfmarksHalfwidth and Fullwidth FormsHalfwidth_And_Fullwidth_FormshalfwidthandfullwidthformsHangulhangulHangul Compatibility JamoHangul_Compatibility_JamohangulcompatibilityjamoHangul JamoHangul_JamohanguljamoHangul Jamo Extended-AHangul_Jamo_Extended_AhanguljamoextendedaHangul Jamo Extended-BHangul_Jamo_Extended_BhanguljamoextendedbHangul SyllablesHangul_SyllableshangulsyllablesHanifi RohingyaHanifi_RohingyahanifirohingyaHanunoohanunooHatranhatranHebrewhebrewHigh Private Use SurrogatesHigh_Private_Use_SurrogateshighprivateusesurrogatesHigh_PU_SurrogateshighpusurrogatesHigh SurrogatesHigh_SurrogateshighsurrogatesHiraganahiraganaIDCidcIdeographic Description CharactersIdeographic_Description_CharactersideographicdescriptioncharactersIdeographic_SymbolsideographicsymbolsIdeographic Symbols and PunctuationIdeographic_Symbols_And_PunctuationideographicsymbolsandpunctuationImperial AramaicImperial_AramaicimperialaramaicIndic_Number_FormsindicnumberformsIndic Siyaq NumbersIndic_Siyaq_NumbersindicsiyaqnumbersInscriptional PahlaviInscriptional_PahlaviinscriptionalpahlaviInscriptional ParthianInscriptional_ParthianinscriptionalparthianIPA_ExtipaextIPA ExtensionsIPA_ExtensionsipaextensionsJamojamoJamo_Ext_AjamoextaJamo_Ext_BjamoextbJavanesejavaneseKaithikaithiKaktovik NumeralsKaktovik_NumeralskaktoviknumeralsKana_Ext_AkanaextaKana_Ext_BkanaextbKana Extended-AKana_Extended_AkanaextendedaKana Extended-BKana_Extended_BkanaextendedbKana_SupkanasupKana SupplementKana_SupplementkanasupplementKanbunkanbunKangxikangxiKangxi RadicalsKangxi_RadicalskangxiradicalsKannadakannadaKatakanakatakanaKatakana_ExtkatakanaextKatakana Phonetic ExtensionsKatakana_Phonetic_ExtensionskatakanaphoneticextensionsKawikawiKayah LiKayah_LikayahliKharoshthikharoshthiKhitan Small ScriptKhitan_Small_ScriptkhitansmallscriptKhmerkhmerKhmer SymbolsKhmer_SymbolskhmersymbolsKhojkikhojkiKhudawadikhudawadiLaolaoLatin_1latin1Latin_Ext_AlatinextaLatin_Ext_AdditionallatinextadditionalLatin_Ext_BlatinextbLatin_Ext_ClatinextcLatin_Ext_DlatinextdLatin_Ext_ElatinexteLatin Extended-ALatin_Extended_AlatinextendedaLatin Extended AdditionalLatin_Extended_AdditionallatinextendedadditionalLatin Extended-BLatin_Extended_BlatinextendedbLatin Extended-CLatin_Extended_ClatinextendedcLatin Extended-DLatin_Extended_DlatinextendeddLatin Extended-ELatin_Extended_ElatinextendedeLatin Extended-FLatin_Extended_FlatinextendedfLatin Extended-GLatin_Extended_GlatinextendedgLatin_Ext_FlatinextfLatin_Ext_GlatinextgLatin_1_Suplatin1supLatin-1 SupplementLatin_1_Supplementlatin1supplementLepchalepchaLetterlike SymbolsLetterlike_SymbolsletterlikesymbolsLimbulimbuLinear ALinear_AlinearaLinear B IdeogramsLinear_B_IdeogramslinearbideogramsLinear B SyllabaryLinear_B_SyllabarylinearbsyllabaryLisulisuLisu_SuplisusupLisu SupplementLisu_SupplementlisusupplementLow SurrogatesLow_SurrogateslowsurrogatesLycianlycianLydianlydianMahajanimahajaniMahjongmahjongMahjong TilesMahjong_TilesmahjongtilesMakasarmakasarMalayalammalayalamMandaicmandaicManichaeanmanichaeanMarchenmarchenMasaram GondiMasaram_GondimasaramgondiMath_AlphanummathalphanumMathematical Alphanumeric SymbolsMathematical_Alphanumeric_SymbolsmathematicalalphanumericsymbolsMathematical OperatorsMathematical_OperatorsmathematicaloperatorsMath_OperatorsmathoperatorsMayan NumeralsMayan_NumeralsmayannumeralsMedefaidrinmedefaidrinMeetei MayekMeetei_MayekmeeteimayekMeetei_Mayek_ExtmeeteimayekextMeetei Mayek ExtensionsMeetei_Mayek_ExtensionsmeeteimayekextensionsMende KikakuiMende_KikakuimendekikakuiMeroitic CursiveMeroitic_CursivemeroiticcursiveMeroitic HieroglyphsMeroitic_HieroglyphsmeroitichieroglyphsMiaomiaoMisc_ArrowsmiscarrowsMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-AMiscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_AmiscellaneousmathematicalsymbolsaMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-BMiscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_BmiscellaneousmathematicalsymbolsbMiscellaneous SymbolsMiscellaneous_SymbolsmiscellaneoussymbolsMiscellaneous Symbols and ArrowsMiscellaneous_Symbols_And_ArrowsmiscellaneoussymbolsandarrowsMiscellaneous Symbols and PictographsMiscellaneous_Symbols_And_PictographsmiscellaneoussymbolsandpictographsMiscellaneous TechnicalMiscellaneous_TechnicalmiscellaneoustechnicalMisc_Math_Symbols_AmiscmathsymbolsaMisc_Math_Symbols_BmiscmathsymbolsbMisc_PictographsmiscpictographsMisc_SymbolsmiscsymbolsMisc_TechnicalmisctechnicalModimodiModifier_LettersmodifierlettersModifier Tone LettersModifier_Tone_LettersmodifiertonelettersMongolianmongolianMongolian_SupmongoliansupMongolian SupplementMongolian_SupplementmongoliansupplementMromroMultanimultaniMusicmusicMusical SymbolsMusical_SymbolsmusicalsymbolsMyanmarmyanmarMyanmar_Ext_AmyanmarextaMyanmar_Ext_BmyanmarextbMyanmar Extended-AMyanmar_Extended_AmyanmarextendedaMyanmar Extended-BMyanmar_Extended_BmyanmarextendedbNabataeannabataeanNag MundariNag_MundarinagmundariNandinagarinandinagariNBnbNewanewaNew Tai LueNew_Tai_LuenewtailueNKonkoNo_BlocknoblockNumber FormsNumber_FormsnumberformsNushunushuNyiakeng Puachue HmongNyiakeng_Puachue_HmongnyiakengpuachuehmongOCRocrOghamoghamOl ChikiOl_ChikiolchikiOld HungarianOld_HungarianoldhungarianOld ItalicOld_ItalicolditalicOld North ArabianOld_North_ArabianoldnortharabianOld PermicOld_PermicoldpermicOld PersianOld_PersianoldpersianOld SogdianOld_SogdianoldsogdianOld South ArabianOld_South_ArabianoldsoutharabianOld TurkicOld_TurkicoldturkicOld UyghurOld_UyghurolduyghurOptical Character RecognitionOptical_Character_RecognitionopticalcharacterrecognitionOriyaoriyaOrnamental DingbatsOrnamental_DingbatsornamentaldingbatsOsageosageOsmanyaosmanyaOttoman Siyaq NumbersOttoman_Siyaq_NumbersottomansiyaqnumbersPahawh HmongPahawh_HmongpahawhhmongPalmyrenepalmyrenePau Cin HauPau_Cin_HaupaucinhauPhags-paPhags_PaphagspaPhaistosphaistosPhaistos DiscPhaistos_DiscphaistosdiscPhoenicianphoenicianPhonetic_ExtphoneticextPhonetic ExtensionsPhonetic_ExtensionsphoneticextensionsPhonetic Extensions SupplementPhonetic_Extensions_SupplementphoneticextensionssupplementPhonetic_Ext_SupphoneticextsupPlaying CardsPlaying_CardsplayingcardsPrivate_UseprivateusePrivate Use AreaPrivate_Use_AreaprivateuseareaPsalter PahlaviPsalter_PahlavipsalterpahlaviPUApuaPunctuationpunctuationRejangrejangRumirumiRumi Numeral SymbolsRumi_Numeral_SymbolsruminumeralsymbolsRunicrunicSamaritansamaritanSaurashtrasaurashtraSharadasharadaShavianshavianShorthand Format ControlsShorthand_Format_ControlsshorthandformatcontrolsSiddhamsiddhamSinhalasinhalaSinhala Archaic NumbersSinhala_Archaic_NumberssinhalaarchaicnumbersSmall_FormssmallformsSmall Form VariantsSmall_Form_VariantssmallformvariantsSmall_Kana_ExtsmallkanaextSmall Kana ExtensionSmall_Kana_ExtensionsmallkanaextensionSogdiansogdianSora SompengSora_SompengsorasompengSoyombosoyomboSpacing Modifier LettersSpacing_Modifier_LettersspacingmodifierlettersSpecialsspecialsSundanesesundaneseSundanese_SupsundanesesupSundanese SupplementSundanese_SupplementsundanesesupplementSup_Arrows_AsuparrowsaSup_Arrows_BsuparrowsbSup_Arrows_CsuparrowscSuper_And_SubsuperandsubSuperscripts and SubscriptsSuperscripts_And_SubscriptssuperscriptsandsubscriptsSup_Math_OperatorssupmathoperatorsSupplemental Arrows-ASupplemental_Arrows_AsupplementalarrowsaSupplemental Arrows-BSupplemental_Arrows_BsupplementalarrowsbSupplemental Arrows-CSupplemental_Arrows_CsupplementalarrowscSupplemental Mathematical OperatorsSupplemental_Mathematical_OperatorssupplementalmathematicaloperatorsSupplemental PunctuationSupplemental_PunctuationsupplementalpunctuationSupplemental Symbols and PictographsSupplemental_Symbols_And_PictographssupplementalsymbolsandpictographsSupplementary Private Use Area-ASupplementary_Private_Use_Area_AsupplementaryprivateuseareaaSupplementary Private Use Area-BSupplementary_Private_Use_Area_BsupplementaryprivateuseareabSup_PUA_AsuppuaaSup_PUA_BsuppuabSup_PunctuationsuppunctuationSup_Symbols_And_PictographssupsymbolsandpictographsSutton SignWritingSutton_SignWritingsuttonsignwritingSyloti NagriSyloti_NagrisylotinagriSymbols_And_Pictographs_Ext_AsymbolsandpictographsextaSymbols and Pictographs Extended-ASymbols_And_Pictographs_Extended_AsymbolsandpictographsextendedaSymbols for Legacy ComputingSymbols_For_Legacy_ComputingsymbolsforlegacycomputingSyriacsyriacSyriac_SupsyriacsupSyriac SupplementSyriac_SupplementsyriacsupplementTagalogtagalogTagbanwatagbanwaTagstagsTai LeTai_LetaileTai ThamTai_ThamtaithamTai VietTai_ViettaivietTai_Xuan_JingtaixuanjingTai Xuan Jing SymbolsTai_Xuan_Jing_SymbolstaixuanjingsymbolsTakritakriTamiltamilTamil_SuptamilsupTamil SupplementTamil_SupplementtamilsupplementTangsatangsaTanguttangutTangut ComponentsTangut_ComponentstangutcomponentsTangut_SuptangutsupTangut SupplementTangut_SupplementtangutsupplementTeluguteluguThaanathaanaThaithaiTibetantibetanTifinaghtifinaghTirhutatirhutaTotototoTransport_And_MaptransportandmapTransport and Map SymbolsTransport_And_Map_SymbolstransportandmapsymbolsUCASucasUCAS_ExtucasextUCAS_Ext_AucasextaUgariticugariticUnified Canadian Aboriginal SyllabicsUnified_Canadian_Aboriginal_SyllabicsunifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabicsUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ExtendedUnified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_ExtendedunifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabicsextendedUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-AUnified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended_AunifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabicsextendedaVaivaiVariation SelectorsVariation_SelectorsvariationselectorsVariation Selectors SupplementVariation_Selectors_SupplementvariationselectorssupplementVedic_ExtvedicextVedic ExtensionsVedic_ExtensionsvedicextensionsVertical FormsVertical_FormsverticalformsVithkuqivithkuqiVSvsVS_SupvssupWanchowanchoWarang CitiWarang_CitiwarangcitiYezidiyezidiYijingyijingYijing Hexagram SymbolsYijing_Hexagram_SymbolsyijinghexagramsymbolsYi RadicalsYi_RadicalsyiradicalsYi SyllablesYi_SyllablesyisyllablesZanabazar SquareZanabazar_SquarezanabazarsquareZnamenny_MusicznamennymusicZnamenny Musical NotationZnamenny_Musical_NotationznamennymusicalnotationCloseNoneoOpen67891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435368491103107118122129130132133200202214216218220222224226228230232233234240AboveaboveAbove_LeftaboveleftAbove_RightaboverightARarATAataATARatarATBatbATBLatblAttached_AboveattachedaboveAttached_Above_RightattachedaboverightAttached_BelowattachedbelowAttached_Below_LeftattachedbelowleftBelowbelowBelow_LeftbelowleftBelow_RightbelowrightBLblBRbrCCC10CCC103CCC107CCC11CCC118CCC12CCC122CCC129CCC13CCC130CCC132CCC133CCC14CCC15CCC16CCC17CCC18CCC19CCC20CCC21CCC22CCC23CCC24CCC25CCC26CCC27CCC28CCC29CCC30CCC31CCC32CCC33CCC34CCC35CCC36CCC84CCC91ccc10ccc103ccc107ccc11ccc118ccc12ccc122ccc129ccc13ccc130ccc132ccc133ccc14ccc15ccc16ccc17ccc18ccc19ccc20ccc21ccc22ccc23ccc24ccc25ccc26ccc27ccc28ccc29ccc30ccc31ccc32ccc33ccc34ccc35ccc36ccc84ccc91DAdaDBdbDouble_AbovedoubleaboveDouble_BelowdoublebelowHANRhanrHan_ReadinghanreadingIota_SubscriptiotasubscriptISKana_VoicingkanavoicingKVkvLeftleftNKnkNot_ReorderednotreorderedNRnrNuktanuktaOVovOverlayoverlayRightrightViramaviramaVRvrCancanCanonicalcanonicalCirclecircleComcomCompatcompatEncencFinfinFinalfinalFontfontFrafraFractionfractionInitinitInitialinitialIsoisoIsolatedisolatedMedmedMedialmedialNarnarNarrownarrowNbNobreaknobreakNon_CanonnoncanonNon_CanonicalnoncanonicalSmallsmallSmlsmlSqrsqrSquaresquareSubSupsupSupersuperVertvertVerticalverticalWidewideAmbiguousambiguousFullwidthfullwidthhHalfwidthhalfwidthNaNeutralneutralWCased_LettercasedletterCcccCfcfClose_PunctuationclosepunctuationCncnCntrlcntrlCocoCombining_MarkcombiningmarkConnector_PunctuationconnectorpunctuationControlcontrolCsCurrency_SymbolcurrencysymbolDash_PunctuationdashpunctuationDecimal_NumberdecimalnumberDigitdigitEnclosing_MarkenclosingmarkFinal_PunctuationfinalpunctuationFormatInitial_PunctuationinitialpunctuationLCLetterletterLetter_NumberletternumberLine_SeparatorlineseparatorLlllLmlmLoloLowercase_LetterlowercaseletterLtLulumMarkmarkMath_SymbolmathsymbolMcmcMemeMnmnModifier_LettermodifierletterModifier_SymbolmodifiersymbolNdndNlnlNumbernumberOpen_PunctuationopenpunctuationOtherotherOther_LetterotherletterOther_NumberothernumberOther_PunctuationotherpunctuationOther_SymbolothersymbolpPcpcPdpdPepePfpfPipiPopoPspsPunctpunctScscSeparatorseparatorSkskSmsmSosoSpace_SeparatorspaceseparatorSpacing_MarkspacingmarkSurrogatesurrogateSymbolTitlecase_LettertitlecaseletterUppercase_LetteruppercaseletterZzZlzlZpzpZszsCNCRcrEBebE_BaseebaseE_Base_GAZebasegazEBGebgEMemE_ModifieremodifierEXexExtendextendGAZgazGlue_After_ZwjglueafterzwjLFlfLVlvLVTlvtPPppPrependprependRegional_IndicatorregionalindicatorRIriSMSpacingMarkVvXXxxZWJzwjLeading_JamoleadingjamoLV_SyllablelvsyllableLVT_SyllablelvtsyllableNot_ApplicablenotapplicableTrailing_JamotrailingjamoVowel_JamovoweljamoAllowedallowedRestrictedrestrictedDefault_IgnorabledefaultignorableDeprecateddeprecatedExclusionexclusionInclusioninclusionLimited_UselimiteduseNot_CharacternotcharacterNot_NFKCnotnfkcNot_XIDnotxidObsoleteobsoleteRecommendedrecommendedTechnicaltechnicalUncommon_UseuncommonuseBottombottomBottom_And_LeftbottomandleftBottom_And_RightbottomandrightLeft_And_RightleftandrightOverstruckoverstruckTopTop_And_BottomtopandbottomTop_And_Bottom_And_LefttopandbottomandleftTop_And_Bottom_And_RighttopandbottomandrightTop_And_LefttopandleftTop_And_Left_And_RighttopandleftandrightTop_And_RighttopandrightVisual_Order_LeftvisualorderleftAvagrahaavagrahaBindubinduBrahmi_Joining_NumberbrahmijoiningnumberCantillation_MarkcantillationmarkConsonantconsonantConsonant_DeadconsonantdeadConsonant_FinalconsonantfinalConsonant_Head_LetterconsonantheadletterConsonant_Initial_PostfixedconsonantinitialpostfixedConsonant_KillerconsonantkillerConsonant_MedialconsonantmedialConsonant_PlaceholderconsonantplaceholderConsonant_Preceding_RephaconsonantprecedingrephaConsonant_PrefixedconsonantprefixedConsonant_SubjoinedconsonantsubjoinedConsonant_Succeeding_RephaconsonantsucceedingrephaConsonant_With_StackerconsonantwithstackerGemination_MarkgeminationmarkInvisible_StackerinvisiblestackerJoinerjoinerModifying_LettermodifyingletterNon_JoinernonjoinerNumber_JoinernumberjoinerPure_KillerpurekillerRegister_ShifterregistershifterSyllable_ModifiersyllablemodifierTone_LettertoneletterTone_MarktonemarkVisargavisargaVowelvowelVowel_DependentvoweldependentVowel_IndependentvowelindependentAfrican_FehafricanfehAfrican_NoonafricannoonAfrican_QafafricanqafAinainAlaphalaphAlefalefBehbehBethbethBurushaski_Yeh_BarreeburushaskiyehbarreeDaldalDalath_RishdalathrisheFarsi_YehfarsiyehFefeFehfehFinal_SemkathfinalsemkathGafgafGamalgamalHahhahHamza_On_Heh_GoalhamzaonhehgoalHanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_YahanifirohingyakinnayaHanifi_Rohingya_PahanifirohingyapaHeheHehhehHeh_GoalhehgoalHethhethKafkafKaphkaphKhaphkhaphKnotted_HehknottedhehLamlamLamadhlamadhMalayalam_BhamalayalambhaMalayalam_JamalayalamjaMalayalam_LlamalayalamllaMalayalam_LllamalayalamlllaMalayalam_NgamalayalamngaMalayalam_NnamalayalamnnaMalayalam_NnnamalayalamnnnaMalayalam_NyamalayalamnyaMalayalam_RamalayalamraMalayalam_SsamalayalamssaMalayalam_TtamalayalamttaManichaean_AlephmanichaeanalephManichaean_AyinmanichaeanayinManichaean_BethmanichaeanbethManichaean_DalethmanichaeandalethManichaean_DhamedhmanichaeandhamedhManichaean_FivemanichaeanfiveManichaean_GimelmanichaeangimelManichaean_HethmanichaeanhethManichaean_HundredmanichaeanhundredManichaean_KaphmanichaeankaphManichaean_LamedhmanichaeanlamedhManichaean_MemmanichaeanmemManichaean_NunmanichaeannunManichaean_OnemanichaeanoneManichaean_PemanichaeanpeManichaean_QophmanichaeanqophManichaean_ReshmanichaeanreshManichaean_SadhemanichaeansadheManichaean_SamekhmanichaeansamekhManichaean_TawmanichaeantawManichaean_TenmanichaeantenManichaean_TethmanichaeantethManichaean_ThamedhmanichaeanthamedhManichaean_TwentymanichaeantwentyManichaean_WawmanichaeanwawManichaean_YodhmanichaeanyodhManichaean_ZayinmanichaeanzayinMeemmeemMimmimNo_Joining_GroupnojoininggroupNoonnoonNunnunNyanyaQafqafQaphqaphRehrehReversed_PereversedpeRohingya_YehrohingyayehSadsadSadhesadheSeenseenSemkathsemkathShinshinStraight_WawstraightwawSwash_KafswashkafSyriac_WawsyriacwawTahtahTawtawTeh_MarbutatehmarbutaTeh_Marbuta_GoaltehmarbutagoalTethtethThin_YehthinyehVertical_TailverticaltailWawwawYehyehYeh_BarreeyehbarreeYeh_With_TailyehwithtailYudhyudhYudh_HeyudhheZainzainZhainzhainDual_JoiningdualjoiningJoin_CausingjoincausingLeft_JoiningleftjoiningNon_JoiningnonjoiningRight_JoiningrightjoiningTransparenttransparentAIaiAlphabeticalphabeticB2b2BAbabbBKbkBreak_AfterbreakafterBreak_BeforebreakbeforeBreak_BothbreakbothBreak_SymbolsbreaksymbolsCarriage_ReturncarriagereturnCBCJcjCLclClose_ParenthesiscloseparenthesisCMcmComplex_ContextcomplexcontextConditional_Japanese_StarterconditionaljapanesestarterContingent_BreakcontingentbreakCPcpExclamationexclamationGLglGlueglueH2H3h2h3Hebrew_LetterhebrewletterHLhlHYhyHyphenhyphenIDidIdeographicideographicINInfix_NumericinfixnumericInseparableinseparableInseperableinseperableJLjlJTjtJVjvLine_FeedlinefeedMandatory_BreakmandatorybreakNext_LinenextlineNLNonstarternonstarterNSnsNUnuNumericopPOPostfix_NumericpostfixnumericPRprPrefix_NumericprefixnumericQUquQuotationquotationSASGsgSPspSpaceSYsyUnknownunknownWJwjWord_JoinerwordjoinerZWzwZWSpacezwspaceMaybemaybeDedeDecimaldecimalDidiNu-1/21/3201/1601/801/641/401/323/803/641/201/161/121/101/91/81/73/201/63/161/51/41/33/82/55/121/27/123/55/82/33/44/55/67/811/123/225/237/249/2511/213/215/217/237383940414243444546474849506070809010030040050060070080090010002000300040005000600070008000900010000200003000040000500006000070000800009000010000020000021600030000040000043200050000060000070000080000090000010000001000000020000000100000000100000000001000000000000NaNATatATermatermFOfoLELOLowerlowerOLetteroletterSCSContinuescontinueSEsesepSpSTstSTermstermUPupUpperupperAdlmadlmAghbaghbArabarabArmiarmiArmnarmnAvstavstBalibaliBamubamuBassbassBatkbatkBengbengBhksbhksBopobopoBrahbrahBraibraiBugibugiBuhdbuhdCakmcakmCanadian_AboriginalcanadianaboriginalCanscansCaricariChercherChrschrsCommoncommonCoptcoptCpmncpmnCprtcprtCypriotcypriotCyrlcyrlDevadevaDiakdiakDogrdogrDsrtdsrtDuplduplEgypegypElbaelbaElymelymEthiethiGeorgeorGlagglagGonggongGonmgonmGothgothGrangranGrekgrekGujrgujrGuruguruHanhanHanghangHanihaniHanohanoHatrhatrHebrhebrHirahiraHluwhluwHmnghmngHmnphmnpHunghungInheritedinheritedItalitalJavajavaKalikaliKanakanaKharkharKhmrkhmrKhojkhojKitskitsKndakndaKthikthiLanalanaLaoolaooLatinlatinLatnlatnLepclepcLimblimbLinalinaLinblinbLinear_BlinearbLycilyciLydilydiMahjmahjMakamakaMandmandManimaniMarcmarcMedfmedfMendmendMercmercMeromeroMlymmlymMongmongMroomrooMteimteiMultmultMymrmymrNagmnagmNandnandNarbnarbNbatnbatNkoNkoonkooNshunshuOgamogamOlckolckOrkhorkhOryaoryaOsgeosgeOsmaosmaOugrougrPalmpalmPaucpaucPermpermPhagphagPhliphliPhlpphlpPhnxphnxPlrdplrdPrtiprtiQaacqaacQaaiqaaiRjngrjngRohgrohgRunrrunrSamrsamrSarbsarbSaursaurSgnwsgnwShawshawShrdshrdSiddsiddSignWritingsignwritingSindsindSinhsinhSogdsogdSogosogoSorasoraSoyosoyoSundsundSylosyloSyrcsyrcTagbtagbTakrtakrTaletaleTalutaluTamltamlTangtangTavttavtTeluteluTfngtfngTglgtglgThaathaaTibttibtTirhtirhTnsatnsaUgarugarVaiivaiiVithvithWarawaraWchowchoXpeoxpeoXsuxxsuxYeziyeziYiyiYiiiyiiiZanbzanbZinhzinhZyyyzyyyZzzzzzzzRotatedrotatedTrtrTransformed_RotatedtransformedrotatedTransformed_UprighttransformeduprightTutuUprightuprightALetteraletterDouble_QuotedoublequoteDQdqExtendNumLetextendnumletKAkaMBmbMidLettermidletterMidNummidnumMidNumLetmidnumletMLmlMNNewlinenewlineSingle_QuotesinglequoteSQsqWSegSpacewsegspaceCode point too large in "Illegal range in "# panic: %s: %d: Unexpected operation %dpanic: Incorrect version for previously generated inversion list%sCan't dump inversion list because is in middle of iterating %s[%lu] 0x%04lX .. INFTY %s[%lu] 0x%04lX .. 0x%04lX %s[%lu] 0x%04lX panic: attempting to append to an inversion list, but wasn't at the end of the list, final=%lu, start=%lu, match=%cE_TRIE_MAXBUFregcomp_study.cQuantifier unexpected on zero-length expression in regex m/%d%lu%4p/panic: unexpected varying REx opcode %dLookbehind longer than %lu not implemented in regex m/%d%lu%4p%s/Variable length %s lookbehind with capturing is experimental in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%d%lu%4p <-- HERE %d%lu%4p/positivenegativepanic: %s regnode should be resolved before optimizationpanic! In trie construction, unknown node type %u %serror creating/fetching widecharmap entry for 0x%lXpanic! In trie construction, no char mapping for %ldcorrupted regexp programpanic: Unknown flags %d in named_buffpanic: Unknown flags %d in named_buff_iterpanic: Unknown flags %d in named_buff_scalarWide character (U+%lX) in %spanic: unknown regstclass %dMatched non-Unicode code point 0x%04lX against Unicode property; may not be portablepanic: isFOO_lc() has an unexpected character class '%d'Pattern subroutine nesting without pos change exceeded limit in regexInfinite recursion in regexEVAL without pos change exceeded limit in regexREGMARK%lx %d regexp memory corruptioncorrupted regexp pointersREGERRORpanic: paren_elems_to_push, %i < 0, maxopenparen: %i parenfloor: %iİffiµßſſpanic: regrepeat() called with unrecognized node type %d='%s'Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal)panic: stack_grow() negative count (%ld)Out of memory during stack extendpanic: savestack overflows I32_MAXpanic: pad offset %lu out of range (%p-%p)panic: save_alloc elems %lu out of range (%ld-%ld)panic: corrupt saved stack index %ldpanic: leave_scope inconsistency %uCan't call destructor for 0x%p in global destruction Can't upgrade %s (%lu) to %lusv_upgrade from type %d down to type %dCan't coerce %s to integer in %sCan't coerce %s to number in %sNULLREFsv.c%.*gWide character%2p::%2p%2ppanic: attempt to copy value %-p to a freed scalar %ppanic: attempt to copy freed scalar %p to %pBizarre copy of %s in %sBizarre copy of %sCannot copy to %s in %sCannot copy to %sUndefined value assigned to typeglobpanic: attempt to undefine a freed scalar %ppanic: sv_setpvn called with negative strlen %ldpanic: sv_setpvn_fresh called with negative strlen %ldpanic: sv_chop ptr=%p, start=%p, end=%pDon't know how to handle magic of type \%oCan't weaken a nonreferenceReference is already weakCan't unweaken a nonreferenceReference is not weakpanic: del_backref, svp=0panic: del_backref, *svp=%p phase=%s refcnt=%lupanic: del_backref, *svp=%p, sv=%ppanic: magic_killbackrefs (freed backref AV/SV)panic: magic_killbackrefs (flags=%lx)panic: sv_insert, midend=%p, bigend=%ppanic: reference miscount on nsv in sv_replace() (%lu != 1)Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x%lxsv_len_utf8panic: sv_pos_b2u: bad byte offset, blen=%lu, byte=%lusv_pos_b2uWide character in $/Lost precision when incrementing %f by 1Lost precision when decrementing %f by 1semi-panic: attempt to dup freed stringBad filehandle: %2pBad filehandle: %-pNot a subroutine referenceCan't coerce %s to string in %sVSTRINGLVALUEOBJECTUNKNOWNCan't bless non-reference valueAttempt to bless into a classCan't bless an object referenceCannot yet reorder sv_vcatpvfn() arguments from va_listBbDdiOouUXxinternal %%p might conflict with future printf extensionsd%lu%4pvector argument not supported with alpha versionsCannot printf %g with '%c'panic: frexp: %gNumeric format result too largeMissing argument for %%n in %ssv_vcatpvfn()Invalid conversion in %sprintf: "%\%03oend of stringRedundant argument in %sdecodecat_decodeInvalid argument to sv_cat_decode{%s}[%ld]within in Argument "%s" isn't numeric in %sArgument "%s" isn't numeric::__ANON__DESTROY created new reference to dead object '%2p'sv_pos_u2b_cacheutf8_mg_pos_cache_updatepanic: %s cache %lu real %lu for %-pArgument "%s" treated as 0 in increment (++)Integer overflow in format string for %ssv_vcatpvfnHexadecimal float: internal error (overflow)%c%+dHexadecimal float: internal error (entry)Missing argument in %s$.length(${$/} while running setuid while running setgid while running with -t switch while running with -T switchIFSCDPATHBASH_ENV%%ENV is aliased to %s%sanother variable%%ENV is aliased to %%%s%sInsecure %s%s$ENV{PATH}Insecure directory in %s%s-_.+Insecure $ENV{%s}%sUTCLexing code internal error (%s)lex_start ;lex_stuff_pvnLexing code attempted to stuff non-Latin-1 character into Latin-1 inputlex_stuff_svlex_unstufflex_read_tolex_discard_tolex_next_chunk;}continue{print or die qq(-p destination: $!\n);};}lex_peek_unicharlex_read_unicharlex_read_space$@%*;[]&\_+Prototype after '%c' for %-p : %sMissing ']' in prototype for %-p : %sIllegal character in prototype for %-p : %sIllegal character after '_' in prototype for %-p : %scharnames:full:shortUnknown charname ''Unknown charname '%s'charnames alias definitions may not contain trailing white-space; marked by <-- HERE in %.*s<-- HERE %.*sMalformed UTF-8 returned by %.*s immediately after '%.*s'Invalid character in \N{...}; marked by <-- HERE in %.*s<-- HERE %.*scharnames alias definitions may not contain a sequence of multiple spaces; marked by <-- HERE in %.*s<-- HERE %.*sSource filters apply only to byte streamsfilter_del can only delete in reverse order (currently)Bad evalled substitution patternSequence (?{...}) not terminated with ')'Use of unassigned code point or non-standalone grapheme for a delimiter is not allowed(<[{«»༺༼᚛‘’“”‵‶‷‹›⁅⁍⁽₍→↛↝↠↣↦↪↬↱↳⇀⇁⇉⇏⇒⇛⇝⇢⇥⇨⇴⇶⇸⇻⇾∈∉∊≤≦≨≪≮≰≲≴≺≼≾⊀⊂⊄⊆⊈⊊⊣⊦⊨⊩⊰⋐⋖⋘⋜⋞⋠⋦⋨⋲⋳⋴⋶⋷⌈⌊⌦〈⍈⏩⏭☛☞⚞❨❪❬❮❰❲❴⟃⟅⟈⟞⟦⟨⟪⟬⟮⟴⟶⟹⟼⟾⟿⤀⤁⤃⤅⤇⤍⤏⤐⤑⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘⤚⤜⤞⤠⤳⤷⥅⥇⥓⥗⥛⥟⥤⥬⥭⥱⥲⥴⥵⥹⦃⦅⦇⦉⦋⦍⦏⦑⦓⦕⦗⦨⦪⦳⧀⧘⧚⧼⩹⩻⩽⩿⪁⪃⪅⪇⪉⪍⪕⪗⪙⪛⪝⪟⪡⪦⪨⪪⪬⪯⪱⪳⪵⪷⪹⪻⪽⪿⫁⫃⫅⫇⫉⫋⫏⫑⫕⫥⫷⫹⭆⭇⭈⭌⭢⭬⭲⭼⮆⮊⮕⮚⮞⮡⮣⮩⮫⮱⮳⯮⸂⸃⸄⸅⸉⸊⸌⸍⸑⸜⸝⸠⸡⸢⸤⸦⸨⸶⹂⹕⹗⹙⹛〈《「『【〔〖〘〚〝꧁﴾﹙﹛﹝﹤(<[{⦅「→𝄃𝄆👉🔈🔉🔊🕻🖙🖛🖝🗦🠂🠆🠊🠒🠖🠚🠞🠢🠦🠪🠮🠲🠶🠺🠾🡂🡆🡒🡢🡪🡲🡺🢂🢒🢖🢚🢡🢣🢥🢧🢩🢫)>]}»«༻༽᚜’‘”“′″‴›‹⁆⁌⁾₎←↚↜↞↢↤↩↫↰↲↼↽⇇⇍⇐⇚⇜⇠⇤⇦⬰⬱⇷⇺⇽∋∌∍≥≧≩≫≯≱≳≵≻≽≿⊁⊃⊅⊇⊉⊋⊢⫞⫤⫣⊱⋑⋗⋙⋝⋟⋡⋧⋩⋺⋻⋼⋽⋾⌉⌋⌫〉⍇⏪⏮☚☜⚟❩❫❭❯❱❳❵⟄⟆⟉⟝⟧⟩⟫⟭⟯⬲⟵⟸⟻⟽⬳⬴⬵⤂⬶⤆⤌⤎⬷⬸⬹⬺⬻⬼⬽⤙⤛⤝⤟⬿⤶⥆⬾⥒⥖⥚⥞⥢⥪⥫⭀⭁⭋⭂⥻⦄⦆⦈⦊⦌⦐⦎⦒⦔⦖⦘⦩⦫⦴⧁⧙⧛⧽⩺⩼⩾⪀⪂⪄⪆⪈⪊⪎⪖⪘⪚⪜⪞⪠⪢⪧⪩⪫⪭⪰⪲⪴⪶⪸⪺⪼⪾⫀⫂⫄⫆⫈⫊⫌⫐⫒⫖⊫⫸⫺⭅⭉⭊⥳⭠⭪⭰⭺⮄⮈⬅⮘⮜⮠⮢⮨⮪⮰⮲⯬⸃⸂⸅⸄⸊⸉⸍⸌⸐⸝⸜⸡⸠⸣⸥⸧⸩⸷„⹖⹘⹚⹜〉》」』】〕〗〙〛〞꧂﴿﹚﹜﹞﹥)>]}⦆」←𝄂𝄇👈🕨🕩🕪🕽🖘🖚🖜🗧🠀🠄🠈🠐🠔🠘🠜🠠🠤🠨🠬🠰🠴🠸🠼🡀🡄🡐🡠🡨🡰🡸🢀🢐🢔🢘🢠🢢🢦🢤🢨🢪«»»༺༻༼༽᚛᚜‘’’“””‵′‶″‷‴‹››⁅⁆⁍⁌⁽⁾₍₎→←↛↚↝↜↠↞↣↢↦↤↪↩↬↫↱↰↳↲⇀↼⇁↽⇉⇇⇏⇍⇒⇐⇛⇚⇝⇜⇢⇠⇥⇤⇨⇦⇴⬰⇶⬱⇸⇷⇻⇺⇾⇽∈∋∉∌∊∍≤≥≦≧≨≩≪≫≮≯≰≱≲≳≴≵≺≻≼≽≾≿⊀⊁⊂⊃⊄⊅⊆⊇⊈⊉⊊⊋⊣⊢⊦⫞⊨⫤⊩⫣⊰⊱⋐⋑⋖⋗⋘⋙⋜⋝⋞⋟⋠⋡⋦⋧⋨⋩⋲⋺⋳⋻⋴⋼⋶⋽⋷⋾⌈⌉⌊⌋⌦⌫〈〉⍈⍇⏩⏪⏭⏮☛☚☞☜⚞⚟❨❩❪❫❬❭❮❯❰❱❲❳❴❵⟃⟄⟅⟆⟈⟉⟞⟝⟦⟧⟨⟩⟪⟫⟬⟭⟮⟯⟴⬲⟶⟵⟹⟸⟼⟻⟾⟽⟿⬳⤀⬴⤁⬵⤃⤂⤅⬶⤇⤆⤍⤌⤏⤎⤐⬷⤑⬸⤔⬹⤕⬺⤖⬻⤗⬼⤘⬽⤚⤙⤜⤛⤞⤝⤠⤟⤳⬿⤷⤶⥅⥆⥇⬾⥓⥒⥗⥖⥛⥚⥟⥞⥤⥢⥬⥪⥭⥫⥱⭀⥲⭁⥴⭋⥵⭂⥹⥻⦃⦄⦅⦆⦇⦈⦉⦊⦋⦌⦍⦐⦏⦎⦑⦒⦓⦔⦕⦖⦗⦘⦨⦩⦪⦫⦳⦴⧀⧁⧘⧙⧚⧛⧼⧽⩹⩺⩻⩼⩽⩾⩿⪀⪁⪂⪃⪄⪅⪆⪇⪈⪉⪊⪍⪎⪕⪖⪗⪘⪙⪚⪛⪜⪝⪞⪟⪠⪡⪢⪦⪧⪨⪩⪪⪫⪬⪭⪯⪰⪱⪲⪳⪴⪵⪶⪷⪸⪹⪺⪻⪼⪽⪾⪿⫀⫁⫂⫃⫄⫅⫆⫇⫈⫉⫊⫋⫌⫏⫐⫑⫒⫕⫖⫥⊫⫷⫸⫹⫺⭆⭅⭇⭉⭈⭊⭌⥳⭢⭠⭬⭪⭲⭰⭼⭺⮆⮄⮊⮈⮕⬅⮚⮘⮞⮜⮡⮠⮣⮢⮩⮨⮫⮪⮱⮰⮳⮲⯮⯬⸂⸃⸃⸄⸅⸅⸉⸊⸊⸌⸍⸍⸑⸐⸜⸝⸝⸠⸡⸡⸢⸣⸤⸥⸦⸧⸨⸩⸶⸷⹂„⹕⹖⹗⹘⹙⹚⹛⹜〈〉《》「」『』【】〔〕〖〗〘〙〚〛〝〞꧁꧂﴾﴿﹙﹚﹛﹜﹝﹞﹤﹥()<>[]{}⦅⦆「」→←𝄃𝄂𝄆𝄇👉👈🔈🕨🔉🕩🔊🕪🕻🕽🖙🖘🖛🖚🖝🖜🗦🗧🠂🠀🠆🠄🠊🠈🠒🠐🠖🠔🠚🠘🠞🠜🠢🠠🠦🠤🠪🠨🠮🠬🠲🠰🠶🠴🠺🠸🠾🠼🡂🡀🡆🡄🡒🡐🡢🡠🡪🡨🡲🡰🡺🡸🢂🢀🢒🢐🢖🢔🢚🢘🢡🢠🢣🢢🢥🢦🢧🢤🢩🢨🢫🢪(<[{)>]}([{<)]}>Use of '%d%lu%4p' is experimental as a string delimiterUse of '%d%lu%4p' is deprecated as a string delimiterNumber too longpanic: scan_num, *s=%dBinaryOctalHexadecimal0b111111111111111111111111111111110377777777770xffffffffMisplaced _ in numberIllegal octal digit '%c'Illegal binary digit '%c'Hexadecimal float: exponent underflowHexadecimal float: exponent overflowNo digits found for %s literal%s number > %s non-portable0o37777777777integer+-0123456789_Hexadecimal float: mantissa overflowfloat%-p%s had compilation errors. %-pExecution of %s aborted due to compilation errors. %s had compilation errors. Execution of %s aborted due to compilation errors. at EOFnext token ???at end of linewithin patternwithin stringnext char ^%c at %s line %u, near "%d%lu%4p" %-p (Might be a runaway multi-line %c%c string starting on line %u) Integer overflow in decimal numberParsing code internal error (%s)parse_blockparse_barestmtparse_labelParse errorxparse_fullstmtparse_stmtseqparse_subsignaturelineUseless use of \EL\uU\lLUFpanic: yylex, *s=%u*[{[#!%*<>()-=])} =wds]abcfnrtvxaA01! zZ79~[\]^_?[...]{...}Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%sAmbiguous use of %c{%-p} resolved to %c%-pWarning: Use of "%d%lu%4p" without parentheses is ambiguousqAmbiguous range in transliteration operatorInvalid range "%c-%c" in transliteration operatorInvalid range "\x{%04lX}-\x{%04lX}" in transliteration operator:'{$()| Possible unintended interpolation of $\ in regex\%c better written as $%clLuUEQFUnrecognized escape \%c passed throughMissing right brace on \N{}Missing right brace on \N{} or unescaped left brace after \N\N{_}\N{U+%02X.\N{U+%X.%X%.*s must not be a named sequence in transliteration operatorMissing control char name in \cpanic: constant overflowed allocated space, %lu >= %luqqUnmatched right curly bracket$:@%&*;\[]Illegal character following sigil in a subroutine signature'#' not allowed immediately following a sigil in a subroutine signature=~>Illegal operator following parameter in a subroutine signatureA signature parameter must start with '$', '@' or '%'Format not terminatedMissing right curly or square bracketBEGIN { require 'perl5db.pl' };use feature ':5.40'; use builtin ':5.40';LINE: while (<>) {chomp;our @F=split(%s););our @F=split(' ');=====+-*/%.^&|<Reversed %c= operator=cut<<<<<>>>>>Bad plugin affecting keyword '%s'Bad infix plugin result (%zd) - did not consume entire identifier <%s> CORE::%d%lu%4p is not a keyworddump() must be written as CORE::dump() as of Perl 5.30Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::%s(), qualify as such or use &ADJUST is experimentalclass is experimentaldefer is experimentalAnyDBM_File::ISANDBM_File::DB_File::GDBM_File::SDBM_File::ODBM_File::field is experimentaltry/catch/finally is experimentalgiven is deprecated|&*+-=!?:.Precedence problem: open %d%lu%4p should be open(%d%lu%4p)subroutine namemethod is experimentalwhen is deprecatedMissing name in "%s"Prototype not terminatedIllegal declaration of anonymous subroutineIllegal declaration of subroutine %-pMissing $ on loop variablemsixxnopnadlumsixxnopnadlugcSearch pattern not terminatedUse of /c modifier is meaningless without /gUnknown regexp modifier "/%.*s"Regexp modifiers "/%c" and "/%c" are mutually exclusiveRegexp modifier "/a" may appear a maximum of twiceRegexp modifier "/%c" may not appear twiceCan't redeclare "%s" in "%s"No such class %.1000s__PACKAGE__"%s" not allowed in expressionuse;&/|})]oaiuwef!=%s (...) interpreted as functionNo comma allowed after %sCan't find string terminator %c%d%lu%4p%c anywhere before EOFPossible attempt to separate words with commasPossible attempt to put comments in qw() list<> at require-statement should be quotesSubstitution pattern not terminatedSubstitution replacement not terminatedmsixxnopnadlugcerUse of /c modifier is meaningless in s///eval do {Transliteration pattern not terminatedTransliteration replacement not terminated\x%02XUnrecognized character %s; marked by <-- HERE after %d%lu%4p<-- HERE near column %dperl -indirCan't exec %sToo late for "-%.*s" optionUnsupported script encoding UTF-32LEUnsupported script encoding UTF-32BEpanic: utf16_textfilter called in block mode (for %d characters)panic: utf16_textfilter called after error (status=%ld)=>Smartmatch is deprecatedBarewordBad name after %d%lu%4p%sBareword "%d%lu%4p" refers to nonexistent packageOperator or semicolon missing before %c%d%lu%4pAmbiguous use of %c resolved as operator %cUse of := for an empty attribute list is not allowedUnterminated attribute parameter in attribute listInvalid separator character %c%c%c in attribute listUnterminated attribute listSubroutine attributes must come before the signatureUnmatched right square bracket([{< )]}> )]}>Version control conflict marker!=~ should be !~Unterminated delimiter for here documentUse of bare << to mean <<"" is forbiddenDelimiter for here document is too longIndentation on line %d of here-doc doesn't match delimiterExcessively long <> operatorUnterminated <> operatorGlob not terminated{$:+-@Array lengthScalarFinal $ should be \$ or $nameMultidimensional syntax %d%lu%4p not supportedYou need to quote "%d%lu%4p"$@"'`q%s found where operator expected (Missing semicolon on previous line?) (Do you need to predeclare "%d%lu%4p"?) (Missing operator before "%d%lu%4p"?)StringBackticksCan't use \%c to mean $%c in expressionBackslashNo package name allowed for %s %s in "our"Possible unintended interpolation of %d%lu%4p in string$^H{} is not definedPropagatedCall to &{$^H{}} did not return a defined valueConstant(%.*s)%s %s%s%sOld package separator used in string (Did you mean "%d%lu%4p" instead?) Old package separator "'" deprecatedlvalue:const is not permitted on named subroutinesparse_exprmsyqqwxrpanic: _force_out_malformed_utf8_message should be called only when there are errors found(nil)%s: %s (overflows)%s (empty string)%s: %s (unexpected continuation byte 0x%02x, with no preceding start byte)%s: %s (too short; %d byte%s available, need %d)UTF-16 surrogate (any UTF-8 sequence that starts with "%s" is for a surrogate)Any UTF-8 sequence that starts with "%s" is for a non-Unicode code point, may not be portableAny UTF-8 sequence that starts with "%s" is a Perl extension, and so is not portable%s: %s (any UTF-8 sequence that starts with "%s" is overlong which can and should be represented with a different, shorter sequence)%s: %s (overlong; instead use %s to represent %s%0*lX)%s in %s%s %s%spanic: utf16_to_utf8%s: odd bytelen %lu_reversedMalformed UTF-16 surrogatepanic: to_upper_title_latin1 did not expect '%c' to map to '%c'uppercasetitlecaselowercasefoldcaseẞCan't do fc("\x{1E9E}") on non-UTF-8 locale; resolved to "\x{17F}\x{17F}".ſtCan't do fc("\x{FB05}") on non-UTF-8 locale; resolved to "\x{FB06}".stUnicode surrogate U+%04lX is illegal in UTF-8\\\x{%lx}textwarn_categoriesflag_bitimmediately%d bytes%s: %s (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x%02x, %s after start byte 0x%02x; need %d bytes, got %d)Operation "%s" returns its argument for UTF-16 surrogate U+%04lXOperation "%s" returns its argument for non-Unicode code point 0x%04lXıCan't do %s("\x{%lX}") on non-UTF-8 locale; resolved to "\x{%lX}".util:safesysmallocutil:safesysreallocutil:safesyscalloc\a\b\e\f\rutil:savesharedpvutil:savesharedpvn at %s line %u, <%-p> %s %ldchunk during global destruction. panic: POPSTACK EXECCan't fork, trying again in 5 secondsCan't fork: %sCan't %s %s%s%sexecutefind on PATH, '.' not in PATHoutFilehandle %2p opened only for %sputFilehandle opened only for %sputclosedunopened%s%s on %s %s%s%-p (Are you trying to call %s%s on dirhandle%s%-p?) Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts)Invalid version format (no leading zeros)Invalid version format (maximum 3 digits between decimals)Invalid version format (no underscores)Invalid version format (multiple underscores)Invalid version format (underscores before decimal)Invalid version format (0 before decimal required)Invalid version format (negative version number)Invalid version format (non-numeric data)Invalid version format (alpha without decimal)Invalid version format (misplaced underscore)Invalid version format (fractional part required)Invalid version format (dotted-decimal versions must begin with 'v')Invalid version format (trailing decimal)ndefwidthInteger overflow in version %dInteger overflow in versionv.Infvinf%d%.9f.,C.UTF-8Version string '%s' contains invalid data; ignoring: '%s'Invalid version objectalpha->numify() is lossy%d.%03d000v%ld.%ldUnknown Unicode option letter '%c'Invalid number '%s' for -C option. 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'([^/]*)', '?' => '([^/])', '.' => '\.', '[' => '([', '(' => '(', ')' => ')', ); %wildCount = map { $_ => 1 } qw/ * ? . { ( [ /; sub globmap ($$;) { my $inputGlob = shift ; my $outputGlob = shift ; my $obj = File::GlobMapper->new($inputGlob, $outputGlob, @_) or croak "globmap: $Error" ; return $obj->getFileMap(); } sub new { my $class = shift ; my $inputGlob = shift ; my $outputGlob = shift ; # TODO -- flags needs to default to whatever File::Glob does my $flags = shift || $CSH_GLOB ; #my $flags = shift ; $inputGlob =~ s/^\s*\<\s*//; $inputGlob =~ s/\s*\>\s*$//; $outputGlob =~ s/^\s*\<\s*//; $outputGlob =~ s/\s*\>\s*$//; my %object = ( InputGlob => $inputGlob, OutputGlob => $outputGlob, GlobFlags => $flags, Braces => 0, WildCount => 0, Pairs => [], Sigil => '#', ); my $self = bless \%object, ref($class) || $class ; $self->_parseInputGlob() or return undef ; $self->_parseOutputGlob() or return undef ; my @inputFiles = globber($self->{InputGlob}, $flags) ; if (GLOB_ERROR) { $Error = $!; return undef ; } #if (whatever) { my $missing = grep { ! -e $_ } @inputFiles ; if ($missing) { $Error = "$missing input files do not exist"; return undef ; } } $self->{InputFiles} = \@inputFiles ; $self->_getFiles() or return undef ; return $self; } sub _retError { my $string = shift ; $Error = "$string in input fileglob" ; return undef ; } sub _unmatched { my $delimeter = shift ; _retError("Unmatched $delimeter"); return undef ; } sub _parseBit { my $self = shift ; my $string = shift ; my $out = ''; my $depth = 0 ; while ($string =~ s/(.*?)$noPreBS(,|$matchMetaRE)//) { $out .= quotemeta($1) ; $out .= $mapping{$2} if defined $mapping{$2}; ++ $self->{WildCount} if $wildCount{$2} ; if ($2 eq ',') { return _unmatched("(") if $depth ; $out .= '|'; } elsif ($2 eq '(') { ++ $depth ; } elsif ($2 eq ')') { return _unmatched(")") if ! $depth ; -- $depth ; } elsif ($2 eq '[') { # TODO -- quotemeta & check no '/' # TODO -- check for \] & other \ within the [] $string =~ s#(.*?\])## or return _unmatched("["); $out .= "$1)" ; } elsif ($2 eq ']') { return _unmatched("]"); } elsif ($2 eq '{' || $2 eq '}') { return _retError("Nested {} not allowed"); } } $out .= quotemeta $string; return _unmatched("(") if $depth ; return $out ; } sub _parseInputGlob { my $self = shift ; my $string = $self->{InputGlob} ; my $inGlob = ''; # Multiple concatenated *'s don't make sense #$string =~ s#\*\*+#*# ; # TODO -- Allow space to delimit patterns? #my @strings = split /\s+/, $string ; #for my $str (@strings) my $out = ''; my $depth = 0 ; while ($string =~ s/(.*?)$noPreBS($matchMetaRE)//) { $out .= quotemeta($1) ; $out .= $mapping{$2} if defined $mapping{$2}; ++ $self->{WildCount} if $wildCount{$2} ; if ($2 eq '(') { ++ $depth ; } elsif ($2 eq ')') { return _unmatched(")") if ! $depth ; -- $depth ; } elsif ($2 eq '[') { # TODO -- quotemeta & check no '/' or '(' or ')' # TODO -- check for \] & other \ within the [] $string =~ s#(.*?\])## or return _unmatched("["); $out .= "$1)" ; } elsif ($2 eq ']') { return _unmatched("]"); } elsif ($2 eq '}') { return _unmatched("}"); } elsif ($2 eq '{') { # TODO -- check no '/' within the {} # TODO -- check for \} & other \ within the {} my $tmp ; unless ( $string =~ s/(.*?)$noPreBS\}//) { return _unmatched("{"); } #$string =~ s#(.*?)\}##; #my $alt = join '|', # map { quotemeta $_ } # split "$noPreBS,", $1 ; my $alt = $self->_parseBit($1); defined $alt or return 0 ; $out .= "($alt)" ; ++ $self->{Braces} ; } } return _unmatched("(") if $depth ; $out .= quotemeta $string ; $self->{InputGlob} =~ s/$noPreBS[\(\)]//g; $self->{InputPattern} = $out ; #print "# INPUT '$self->{InputGlob}' => '$out'\n"; return 1 ; } sub _parseOutputGlob { my $self = shift ; my $string = $self->{OutputGlob} ; my $maxwild = $self->{WildCount}; if ($self->{GlobFlags} & GLOB_TILDE) #if (1) { $string =~ s{ ^ ~ # find a leading tilde ( # save this in $1 [^/] # a non-slash character * # repeated 0 or more times (0 means me) ) }{ $1 ? (getpwnam($1))[7] : ( $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} ) }ex; } # max #1 must be == to max no of '*' in input while ( $string =~ m/#(\d)/g ) { croak "Max wild is #$maxwild, you tried #$1" if $1 > $maxwild ; } my $noPreBS = '(?{OutputGlob}' => '$string'\n"; $self->{OutputPattern} = $string ; return 1 ; } sub _getFiles { my $self = shift ; my %outInMapping = (); my %inFiles = () ; foreach my $inFile (@{ $self->{InputFiles} }) { next if $inFiles{$inFile} ++ ; my $outFile = $inFile ; if ( $inFile =~ m/$self->{InputPattern}/ ) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; eval "\$outFile = $self->{OutputPattern};" ; if (defined $outInMapping{$outFile}) { $Error = "multiple input files map to one output file"; return undef ; } $outInMapping{$outFile} = $inFile; push @{ $self->{Pairs} }, [$inFile, $outFile]; } } return 1 ; } sub getFileMap { my $self = shift ; return $self->{Pairs} ; } sub getHash { my $self = shift ; return { map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @{ $self->{Pairs} } } ; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::GlobMapper - Extend File Glob to Allow Input and Output Files =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::GlobMapper qw( globmap ); my $aref = globmap $input => $output or die $File::GlobMapper::Error ; my $gm = File::GlobMapper->new( $input => $output ) or die $File::GlobMapper::Error ; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module needs Perl5.005 or better. This module takes the existing C module as a starting point and extends it to allow new filenames to be derived from the files matched by C. This can be useful when carrying out batch operations on multiple files that have both an input filename and output filename and the output file can be derived from the input filename. Examples of operations where this can be useful include, file renaming, file copying and file compression. =head2 Behind The Scenes To help explain what C does, consider what code you would write if you wanted to rename all files in the current directory that ended in C<.tar.gz> to C<.tgz>. So say these files are in the current directory alpha.tar.gz beta.tar.gz gamma.tar.gz and they need renamed to this alpha.tgz beta.tgz gamma.tgz Below is a possible implementation of a script to carry out the rename (error cases have been omitted) foreach my $old ( glob "*.tar.gz" ) { my $new = $old; $new =~ s#(.*)\.tar\.gz$#$1.tgz# ; rename $old => $new or die "Cannot rename '$old' to '$new': $!\n; } Notice that a file glob pattern C<*.tar.gz> was used to match the C<.tar.gz> files, then a fairly similar regular expression was used in the substitute to allow the new filename to be created. Given that the file glob is just a cut-down regular expression and that it has already done a lot of the hard work in pattern matching the filenames, wouldn't it be handy to be able to use the patterns in the fileglob to drive the new filename? Well, that's I what C does. Here is same snippet of code rewritten using C for my $pair (globmap '<*.tar.gz>' => '<#1.tgz>' ) { my ($from, $to) = @$pair; rename $from => $to or die "Cannot rename '$old' to '$new': $!\n; } So how does it work? Behind the scenes the C function does a combination of a file glob to match existing filenames followed by a substitute to create the new filenames. Notice how both parameters to C are strings that are delimited by <>. This is done to make them look more like file globs - it is just syntactic sugar, but it can be handy when you want the strings to be visually distinctive. The enclosing <> are optional, so you don't have to use them - in fact the first thing globmap will do is remove these delimiters if they are present. The first parameter to C, C<*.tar.gz>, is an I. Once the enclosing "< ... >" is removed, this is passed (more or less) unchanged to C to carry out a file match. Next the fileglob C<*.tar.gz> is transformed behind the scenes into a full Perl regular expression, with the additional step of wrapping each transformed wildcard metacharacter sequence in parenthesis. In this case the input fileglob C<*.tar.gz> will be transformed into this Perl regular expression ([^/]*)\.tar\.gz Wrapping with parenthesis allows the wildcard parts of the Input File Glob to be referenced by the second parameter to C, C<#1.tgz>, the I. This parameter operates just like the replacement part of a substitute command. The difference is that the C<#1> syntax is used to reference sub-patterns matched in the input fileglob, rather than the C<$1> syntax that is used with perl regular expressions. In this case C<#1> is used to refer to the text matched by the C<*> in the Input File Glob. This makes it easier to use this module where the parameters to C are typed at the command line. The final step involves passing each filename matched by the C<*.tar.gz> file glob through the derived Perl regular expression in turn and expanding the output fileglob using it. The end result of all this is a list of pairs of filenames. By default that is what is returned by C. In this example the data structure returned will look like this ( ['alpha.tar.gz' => 'alpha.tgz'], ['beta.tar.gz' => 'beta.tgz' ], ['gamma.tar.gz' => 'gamma.tgz'] ) Each pair is an array reference with two elements - namely the I filename, that C has matched, and a I filename that is derived from the I filename. =head2 Limitations C has been kept simple deliberately, so it isn't intended to solve all filename mapping operations. Under the hood C (or for older versions of Perl, C) is used to match the files, so you will never have the flexibility of full Perl regular expression. =head2 Input File Glob The syntax for an Input FileGlob is identical to C, except for the following =over 5 =item 1. No nested {} =item 2. Whitespace does not delimit fileglobs. =item 3. The use of parenthesis can be used to capture parts of the input filename. =item 4. If an Input glob matches the same file more than once, only the first will be used. =back The syntax =over 5 =item B<~> =item B<~user> =item B<.> Matches a literal '.'. Equivalent to the Perl regular expression \. =item B<*> Matches zero or more characters, except '/'. Equivalent to the Perl regular expression [^/]* =item B Matches zero or one character, except '/'. Equivalent to the Perl regular expression [^/]? =item B<\> Backslash is used, as usual, to escape the next character. =item B<[]> Character class. =item B<{,}> Alternation =item B<()> Capturing parenthesis that work just like perl =back Any other character it taken literally. =head2 Output File Glob The Output File Glob is a normal string, with 2 glob-like features. The first is the '*' metacharacter. This will be replaced by the complete filename matched by the input file glob. So *.c *.Z The second is Output FileGlobs take the =over 5 =item "*" The "*" character will be replaced with the complete input filename. =item #1 Patterns of the form /#\d/ will be replaced with the =back =head2 Returned Data =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 A Rename script Below is a simple "rename" script that uses C to determine the source and destination filenames. use File::GlobMapper qw(globmap) ; use File::Copy; die "rename: Usage rename 'from' 'to'\n" unless @ARGV == 2 ; my $fromGlob = shift @ARGV; my $toGlob = shift @ARGV; my $pairs = globmap($fromGlob, $toGlob) or die $File::GlobMapper::Error; for my $pair (@$pairs) { my ($from, $to) = @$pair; move $from => $to ; } Here is an example that renames all c files to cpp. $ rename '*.c' '#1.cpp' =head2 A few example globmaps Below are a few examples of globmaps To copy all your .c file to a backup directory '' '' If you want to compress all '' '<*.gz>' To uncompress '' '' =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR The I module was written by Paul Marquess, F. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. FILEe18e9ad3/Exporter/Heavy.pmpackage Exporter::Heavy; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # On one line so MakeMaker will see it. our $VERSION = '5.78'; =head1 NAME Exporter::Heavy - Exporter guts =head1 SYNOPSIS (internal use only) =head1 DESCRIPTION No user-serviceable parts inside. =cut # # We go to a lot of trouble not to 'require Carp' at file scope, # because Carp requires Exporter, and something has to give. # sub _rebuild_cache { my ($pkg, $exports, $cache) = @_; s/^&// foreach @$exports; @{$cache}{@$exports} = (1) x @$exports; my $ok = \@{"${pkg}::EXPORT_OK"}; if (@$ok) { s/^&// foreach @$ok; @{$cache}{@$ok} = (1) x @$ok; } } sub heavy_export { # Save the old __WARN__ handler in case it was defined my $oldwarn = $SIG{__WARN__}; # First make import warnings look like they're coming from the "use". local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { # restore it back so proper stacking occurs local $SIG{__WARN__} = $oldwarn; my $text = shift; if ($text =~ s/ at \S*Exporter\S*.pm line \d+.*\n//) { require Carp; local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; # ignore package calling us too. Carp::carp($text); } else { warn $text; } }; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { require Carp; local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; # ignore package calling us too. Carp::croak("$_[0]Illegal null symbol in \@${1}::EXPORT") if $_[0] =~ /^Unable to create sub named "(.*?)::"/; }; my($pkg, $callpkg, @imports) = @_; my($type, $sym, $cache_is_current, $oops); my($exports, $export_cache) = (\@{"${pkg}::EXPORT"}, $Exporter::Cache{$pkg} ||= {}); if (@imports) { if (!%$export_cache) { _rebuild_cache ($pkg, $exports, $export_cache); $cache_is_current = 1; } if (grep m{^[/!:]}, @imports) { my $tagsref = \%{"${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS"}; my $tagdata; my %imports; my($remove, $spec, @names, @allexports); # negated first item implies starting with default set: unshift @imports, ':DEFAULT' if $imports[0] =~ m/^!/; foreach $spec (@imports){ $remove = $spec =~ s/^!//; if ($spec =~ s/^://){ if ($spec eq 'DEFAULT'){ @names = @$exports; } elsif ($tagdata = $tagsref->{$spec}) { @names = @$tagdata; } else { warn qq["$spec" is not defined in %${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS]; ++$oops; next; } } elsif ($spec =~ m:^/(.*)/$:){ my $patn = $1; @allexports = keys %$export_cache unless @allexports; # only do keys once @names = grep(/$patn/, @allexports); # not anchored by default } else { @names = ($spec); # is a normal symbol name } warn "Import ".($remove ? "del":"add").": @names " if $Exporter::Verbose; if ($remove) { foreach $sym (@names) { delete $imports{$sym} } } else { @imports{@names} = (1) x @names; } } @imports = keys %imports; } my @carp; foreach $sym (@imports) { if (!$export_cache->{$sym}) { if ($sym =~ m/^\d/) { $pkg->VERSION($sym); # inherit from UNIVERSAL # If the version number was the only thing specified # then we should act as if nothing was specified: if (@imports == 1) { @imports = @$exports; last; } # We need a way to emulate 'use Foo ()' but still # allow an easy version check: "use Foo 1.23, ''"; if (@imports == 2 and !$imports[1]) { @imports = (); last; } } elsif ($sym !~ s/^&// || !$export_cache->{$sym}) { # Last chance - see if they've updated EXPORT_OK since we # cached it. unless ($cache_is_current) { %$export_cache = (); _rebuild_cache ($pkg, $exports, $export_cache); $cache_is_current = 1; } if (!$export_cache->{$sym}) { # accumulate the non-exports push @carp, qq["$sym" is not exported by the $pkg module]; $oops++; } } } } if ($oops) { require Carp; Carp::croak(join("\n", @carp, "Can't continue after import errors")); } } else { @imports = @$exports; } my($fail, $fail_cache) = (\@{"${pkg}::EXPORT_FAIL"}, $Exporter::FailCache{$pkg} ||= {}); if (@$fail) { if (!%$fail_cache) { # Build cache of symbols. Optimise the lookup by adding # barewords twice... both with and without a leading &. # (Technique could be applied to $export_cache at cost of memory) my @expanded = map { /^\w/ ? ($_, '&'.$_) : $_ } @$fail; warn "${pkg}::EXPORT_FAIL cached: @expanded" if $Exporter::Verbose; @{$fail_cache}{@expanded} = (1) x @expanded; } my @failed; foreach $sym (@imports) { push(@failed, $sym) if $fail_cache->{$sym} } if (@failed) { @failed = $pkg->export_fail(@failed); foreach $sym (@failed) { require Carp; Carp::carp(qq["$sym" is not implemented by the $pkg module ], "on this architecture"); } if (@failed) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Can't continue after import errors"); } } } warn "Importing into $callpkg from $pkg: ", join(", ",sort @imports) if $Exporter::Verbose; foreach $sym (@imports) { # shortcut for the common case of no type character (*{"${callpkg}::$sym"} = \&{"${pkg}::$sym"}, next) unless $sym =~ s/^(\W)//; $type = $1; no warnings 'once'; *{"${callpkg}::$sym"} = $type eq '&' ? \&{"${pkg}::$sym"} : $type eq '$' ? \${"${pkg}::$sym"} : $type eq '@' ? \@{"${pkg}::$sym"} : $type eq '%' ? \%{"${pkg}::$sym"} : $type eq '*' ? *{"${pkg}::$sym"} : do { require Carp; Carp::croak("Can't export symbol: $type$sym") }; } } sub heavy_export_to_level { my $pkg = shift; my $level = shift; (undef) = shift; # XXX redundant arg my $callpkg = caller($level); $pkg->export($callpkg, @_); } # Utility functions sub _push_tags { my($pkg, $var, $syms) = @_; my @nontag = (); my $export_tags = \%{"${pkg}::EXPORT_TAGS"}; push(@{"${pkg}::$var"}, map { $export_tags->{$_} ? @{$export_tags->{$_}} : scalar(push(@nontag,$_),$_) } (@$syms) ? @$syms : keys %$export_tags); if (@nontag and $^W) { # This may change to a die one day require Carp; Carp::carp(join(", ", @nontag)." are not tags of $pkg"); } } sub heavy_require_version { my($self, $wanted) = @_; my $pkg = ref $self || $self; return ${pkg}->VERSION($wanted); } sub heavy_export_tags { _push_tags((caller)[0], "EXPORT", \@_); } sub heavy_export_ok_tags { _push_tags((caller)[0], "EXPORT_OK", \@_); } 1; FILEb585357c/File/Find.pmIpackage File::Find; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use warnings::register; use Exporter 'import'; require Cwd; require File::Basename; require File::Spec; our $VERSION = '1.44'; our @EXPORT = qw(find finddepth); my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; my $Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32'; # Should ideally be my() not our() but local() currently # refuses to operate on lexicals our %SLnkSeen; our ($wanted_callback, $avoid_nlink, $bydepth, $no_chdir, $follow, $follow_skip, $full_check, $untaint, $untaint_skip, $untaint_pat, $pre_process, $post_process, $dangling_symlinks); sub contract_name { my ($cdir,$fn) = @_; return substr($cdir,0,rindex($cdir,'/')) if $fn eq $File::Find::current_dir; $cdir = substr($cdir,0,rindex($cdir,'/')+1); $fn =~ s|^\./||; my $abs_name= $cdir . $fn; if (substr($fn,0,3) eq '../') { 1 while $abs_name =~ s!/[^/]*/\.\./+!/!; } return $abs_name; } sub _is_absolute { return $_[0] =~ m|^(?:[A-Za-z]:)?/| if $Is_Win32; return substr($_[0], 0, 1) eq '/'; } sub _is_root { return $_[0] =~ m|^(?:[A-Za-z]:)?/\z| if $Is_Win32; return $_[0] eq '/'; } sub PathCombine($$) { my ($Base,$Name) = @_; my $AbsName; if (_is_absolute($Name)) { $AbsName= $Name; } else { $AbsName= contract_name($Base,$Name); } # (simple) check for recursion my $newlen= length($AbsName); if ($newlen <= length($Base)) { if (($newlen == length($Base) || substr($Base,$newlen,1) eq '/') && $AbsName eq substr($Base,0,$newlen)) { return undef; } } return $AbsName; } sub Follow_SymLink($) { my ($AbsName) = @_; my ($NewName,$DEV, $INO); ($DEV, $INO)= lstat $AbsName; while (-l _) { if ($SLnkSeen{$DEV, $INO}++) { if ($follow_skip < 2) { die "$AbsName is encountered a second time"; } else { return undef; } } my $Link = readlink($AbsName); # canonicalize directory separators $Link =~ s|\\|/|g if $Is_Win32; $NewName= PathCombine($AbsName, $Link); unless(defined $NewName) { if ($follow_skip < 2) { die "$AbsName is a recursive symbolic link"; } else { return undef; } } else { $AbsName= $NewName; } ($DEV, $INO) = lstat($AbsName); return undef unless defined $DEV; # dangling symbolic link } if ($full_check && defined $DEV && $SLnkSeen{$DEV, $INO}++) { if ( ($follow_skip < 1) || ((-d _) && ($follow_skip < 2)) ) { die "$AbsName encountered a second time"; } else { return undef; } } return $AbsName; } our($dir, $name, $fullname, $prune); sub _find_dir_symlnk($$$); sub _find_dir($$$); # check whether or not a scalar variable is tainted # (code straight from the Camel, 3rd ed., page 561) sub is_tainted_pp { my $arg = shift; my $nada = substr($arg, 0, 0); # zero-length local $@; eval { eval "# $nada" }; return length($@) != 0; } sub _find_opt { my $wanted = shift; return unless @_; die "invalid top directory" unless defined $_[0]; # This function must local()ize everything because callbacks may # call find() or finddepth() local %SLnkSeen; local ($wanted_callback, $avoid_nlink, $bydepth, $no_chdir, $follow, $follow_skip, $full_check, $untaint, $untaint_skip, $untaint_pat, $pre_process, $post_process, $dangling_symlinks); local($dir, $name, $fullname, $prune); local *_ = \my $a; my $cwd = $wanted->{bydepth} ? Cwd::fastcwd() : Cwd::getcwd(); if ($Is_VMS) { # VMS returns this by default in VMS format which just doesn't # work for the rest of this module. $cwd = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($cwd); # Apparently this is not expected to have a trailing space. # To attempt to make VMS/UNIX conversions mostly reversible, # a trailing slash is needed. The run-time functions ignore the # resulting double slash, but it causes the perl tests to fail. $cwd =~ s#/\z##; # This comes up in upper case now, but should be lower. # In the future this could be exact case, no need to change. } my $cwd_untainted = $cwd; my $check_t_cwd = 1; $wanted_callback = $wanted->{wanted}; $bydepth = $wanted->{bydepth}; $pre_process = $wanted->{preprocess}; $post_process = $wanted->{postprocess}; $no_chdir = $wanted->{no_chdir}; $full_check = $wanted->{follow}; $follow = $full_check || $wanted->{follow_fast}; $follow_skip = $wanted->{follow_skip}; $untaint = $wanted->{untaint}; $untaint_pat = $wanted->{untaint_pattern}; $untaint_skip = $wanted->{untaint_skip}; $dangling_symlinks = $wanted->{dangling_symlinks}; # for compatibility reasons (find.pl, find2perl) local our ($topdir, $topdev, $topino, $topmode, $topnlink); # a symbolic link to a directory doesn't increase the link count $avoid_nlink = $follow || $File::Find::dont_use_nlink; my ($abs_dir, $Is_Dir); Proc_Top_Item: foreach my $TOP (@_) { my $top_item = $TOP; $top_item = VMS::Filespec::unixify($top_item) if $Is_VMS; ($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) = $follow ? stat $top_item : lstat $top_item; # canonicalize directory separators $top_item =~ s|[/\\]|/|g if $Is_Win32; # no trailing / unless path is root $top_item =~ s|/\z|| unless _is_root($top_item); $Is_Dir= 0; if ($follow) { if (_is_absolute($top_item)) { $abs_dir = $top_item; } elsif ($top_item eq $File::Find::current_dir) { $abs_dir = $cwd; } else { # care about any ../ $top_item =~ s/\.dir\z//i if $Is_VMS; $abs_dir = contract_name("$cwd/",$top_item); } $abs_dir= Follow_SymLink($abs_dir); unless (defined $abs_dir) { if ($dangling_symlinks) { if (ref $dangling_symlinks eq 'CODE') { $dangling_symlinks->($top_item, $cwd); } else { warnings::warnif "$top_item is a dangling symbolic link\n"; } } next Proc_Top_Item; } if (-d _) { $top_item =~ s/\.dir\z//i if $Is_VMS; _find_dir_symlnk($wanted, $abs_dir, $top_item); $Is_Dir= 1; } } else { # no follow $topdir = $top_item; unless (defined $topnlink) { warnings::warnif "Can't stat $top_item: $!\n"; next Proc_Top_Item; } if (-d _) { $top_item =~ s/\.dir\z//i if $Is_VMS; _find_dir($wanted, $top_item, $topnlink); $Is_Dir= 1; } else { $abs_dir= $top_item; } } unless ($Is_Dir) { unless (($_,$dir) = File::Basename::fileparse($abs_dir)) { ($dir,$_) = ('./', $top_item); } $abs_dir = $dir; if (( $untaint ) && (is_tainted($dir) )) { ( $abs_dir ) = $dir =~ m|$untaint_pat|; unless (defined $abs_dir) { if ($untaint_skip == 0) { die "directory $dir is still tainted"; } else { next Proc_Top_Item; } } } unless ($no_chdir || chdir $abs_dir) { warnings::warnif "Couldn't chdir $abs_dir: $!\n"; next Proc_Top_Item; } $name = $abs_dir . $_; # $File::Find::name $_ = $name if $no_chdir; { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } unless ( $no_chdir ) { if ( ($check_t_cwd) && (($untaint) && (is_tainted($cwd) )) ) { ( $cwd_untainted ) = $cwd =~ m|$untaint_pat|; unless (defined $cwd_untainted) { die "insecure cwd in find(depth)"; } $check_t_cwd = 0; } unless (chdir $cwd_untainted) { die "Can't cd to $cwd: $!\n"; } } } } # API: # $wanted # $p_dir : "parent directory" # $nlink : what came back from the stat # preconditions: # chdir (if not no_chdir) to dir sub _find_dir($$$) { my ($wanted, $p_dir, $nlink) = @_; my ($CdLvl,$Level) = (0,0); my @Stack; my @filenames; my ($subcount,$sub_nlink); my $SE= []; my $dir_name= $p_dir; my $dir_pref; my $dir_rel = $File::Find::current_dir; my $tainted = 0; my $no_nlink; if ($Is_VMS) { # VMS is returning trailing .dir on directories # and trailing . on files and symbolic links # in UNIX syntax. # $p_dir =~ s/\.(dir)?$//i unless $p_dir eq '.'; $dir_pref = ($p_dir =~ m/[\]>]+$/ ? $p_dir : "$p_dir/" ); } else { $dir_pref = _is_root($p_dir) ? $p_dir : "$p_dir/"; } local ($dir, $name, $prune); unless ( $no_chdir || ($p_dir eq $File::Find::current_dir)) { my $udir = $p_dir; if (( $untaint ) && (is_tainted($p_dir) )) { ( $udir ) = $p_dir =~ m|$untaint_pat|; unless (defined $udir) { if ($untaint_skip == 0) { die "directory $p_dir is still tainted"; } else { return; } } } unless (chdir ($Is_VMS && $udir !~ /[\/\[<]+/ ? "./$udir" : $udir)) { warnings::warnif "Can't cd to $udir: $!\n"; return; } } # push the starting directory push @Stack,[$CdLvl,$p_dir,$dir_rel,-1] if $bydepth; while (defined $SE) { unless ($bydepth) { $dir= $p_dir; # $File::Find::dir $name= $dir_name; # $File::Find::name $_= ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel ); # $_ # prune may happen here $prune= 0; { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" next if $prune; } # change to that directory unless ($no_chdir || ($dir_rel eq $File::Find::current_dir)) { my $udir= $dir_rel; if ( ($untaint) && (($tainted) || ($tainted = is_tainted($dir_rel) )) ) { ( $udir ) = $dir_rel =~ m|$untaint_pat|; unless (defined $udir) { if ($untaint_skip == 0) { die "directory (" . ($p_dir ne '/' ? $p_dir : '') . "/) $dir_rel is still tainted"; } else { # $untaint_skip == 1 next; } } } unless (chdir ($Is_VMS && $udir !~ /[\/\[<]+/ ? "./$udir" : $udir)) { warnings::warnif "Can't cd to (" . ($p_dir ne '/' ? $p_dir : '') . "/) $udir: $!\n"; next; } $CdLvl++; } $dir= $dir_name; # $File::Find::dir # Get the list of files in the current directory. my $dh; unless (opendir $dh, ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $File::Find::current_dir)) { warnings::warnif "Can't opendir($dir_name): $!\n"; next; } @filenames = readdir $dh; closedir($dh); @filenames = $pre_process->(@filenames) if $pre_process; push @Stack,[$CdLvl,$dir_name,"",-2] if $post_process; # default: use whatever was specified # (if $nlink >= 2, and $avoid_nlink == 0, this will switch back) $no_nlink = $avoid_nlink; # if dir has wrong nlink count, force switch to slower stat method $no_nlink = 1 if ($nlink < 2); if ($nlink == 2 && !$no_nlink) { # This dir has no subdirectories. for my $FN (@filenames) { if ($Is_VMS) { # Big hammer here - Compensate for VMS trailing . and .dir # No win situation until this is changed, but this # will handle the majority of the cases with breaking the fewest $FN =~ s/\.dir\z//i; $FN =~ s#\.$## if ($FN ne '.'); } next if $FN =~ $File::Find::skip_pattern; $name = $dir_pref . $FN; # $File::Find::name $_ = ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN); # $_ { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } } else { # This dir has subdirectories. $subcount = $nlink - 2; # HACK: insert directories at this position, so as to preserve # the user pre-processed ordering of files (thus ensuring # directory traversal is in user sorted order, not at random). my $stack_top = @Stack; for my $FN (@filenames) { next if $FN =~ $File::Find::skip_pattern; if ($subcount > 0 || $no_nlink) { # Seen all the subdirs? # check for directoriness. # stat is faster for a file in the current directory $sub_nlink = (lstat ($no_chdir ? $dir_pref . $FN : $FN))[3]; if (-d _) { --$subcount; $FN =~ s/\.dir\z//i if $Is_VMS; # HACK: replace push to preserve dir traversal order #push @Stack,[$CdLvl,$dir_name,$FN,$sub_nlink]; splice @Stack, $stack_top, 0, [$CdLvl,$dir_name,$FN,$sub_nlink]; } else { $name = $dir_pref . $FN; # $File::Find::name $_= ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN); # $_ { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } } else { $name = $dir_pref . $FN; # $File::Find::name $_= ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN); # $_ { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } } } } continue { while ( defined ($SE = pop @Stack) ) { ($Level, $p_dir, $dir_rel, $nlink) = @$SE; if ($CdLvl > $Level && !$no_chdir) { my $tmp; if ($Is_VMS) { $tmp = '[' . ('-' x ($CdLvl-$Level)) . ']'; } else { $tmp = join('/',('..') x ($CdLvl-$Level)); } die "Can't cd to $tmp from $dir_name: $!" unless chdir ($tmp); $CdLvl = $Level; } if ($^O eq 'VMS') { if ($p_dir =~ m/[\]>]+$/) { $dir_name = $p_dir; $dir_name =~ s/([\]>]+)$/.$dir_rel$1/; $dir_pref = $dir_name; } else { $dir_name = "$p_dir/$dir_rel"; $dir_pref = "$dir_name/"; } } else { $dir_name = _is_root($p_dir) ? "$p_dir$dir_rel" : "$p_dir/$dir_rel"; $dir_pref = "$dir_name/"; } if ( $nlink == -2 ) { $name = $dir = $p_dir; # $File::Find::name / dir $_ = $File::Find::current_dir; $post_process->(); # End-of-directory processing } elsif ( $nlink < 0 ) { # must be finddepth, report dirname now $name = $dir_name; if ( substr($name,-2) eq '/.' ) { substr($name, length($name) == 2 ? -1 : -2) = ''; } $dir = $p_dir; $_ = ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel ); if ( substr($_,-2) eq '/.' ) { substr($_, length($_) == 2 ? -1 : -2) = ''; } { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } else { push @Stack,[$CdLvl,$p_dir,$dir_rel,-1] if $bydepth; last; } } } } # API: # $wanted # $dir_loc : absolute location of a dir # $p_dir : "parent directory" # preconditions: # chdir (if not no_chdir) to dir sub _find_dir_symlnk($$$) { my ($wanted, $dir_loc, $p_dir) = @_; # $dir_loc is the absolute directory my @Stack; my @filenames; my $new_loc; my $updir_loc = $dir_loc; # untainted parent directory my $SE = []; my $dir_name = $p_dir; my $dir_pref; my $loc_pref; my $dir_rel = $File::Find::current_dir; my $byd_flag; # flag for pending stack entry if $bydepth my $tainted = 0; my $ok = 1; $dir_pref = _is_root($p_dir) ? $p_dir : "$p_dir/"; $loc_pref = _is_root($dir_loc) ? $dir_loc : "$dir_loc/"; local ($dir, $name, $fullname, $prune); unless ($no_chdir) { # untaint the topdir if (( $untaint ) && (is_tainted($dir_loc) )) { ( $updir_loc ) = $dir_loc =~ m|$untaint_pat|; # parent dir, now untainted # once untainted, $updir_loc is pushed on the stack (as parent directory); # hence, we don't need to untaint the parent directory every time we chdir # to it later unless (defined $updir_loc) { if ($untaint_skip == 0) { die "directory $dir_loc is still tainted"; } else { return; } } } $ok = chdir($updir_loc) unless ($p_dir eq $File::Find::current_dir); unless ($ok) { warnings::warnif "Can't cd to $updir_loc: $!\n"; return; } } push @Stack,[$dir_loc,$updir_loc,$p_dir,$dir_rel,-1] if $bydepth; while (defined $SE) { unless ($bydepth) { # change (back) to parent directory (always untainted) unless ($no_chdir) { unless (chdir $updir_loc) { warnings::warnif "Can't cd to $updir_loc: $!\n"; next; } } $dir= $p_dir; # $File::Find::dir $name= $dir_name; # $File::Find::name $_= ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel ); # $_ $fullname= $dir_loc; # $File::Find::fullname # prune may happen here $prune= 0; lstat($_); # make sure file tests with '_' work { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" next if $prune; } # change to that directory unless ($no_chdir || ($dir_rel eq $File::Find::current_dir)) { $updir_loc = $dir_loc; if ( ($untaint) && (($tainted) || ($tainted = is_tainted($dir_loc) )) ) { # untaint $dir_loc, what will be pushed on the stack as (untainted) parent dir ( $updir_loc ) = $dir_loc =~ m|$untaint_pat|; unless (defined $updir_loc) { if ($untaint_skip == 0) { die "directory $dir_loc is still tainted"; } else { next; } } } unless (chdir $updir_loc) { warnings::warnif "Can't cd to $updir_loc: $!\n"; next; } } $dir = $dir_name; # $File::Find::dir # Get the list of files in the current directory. my $dh; unless (opendir $dh, ($no_chdir ? $dir_loc : $File::Find::current_dir)) { warnings::warnif "Can't opendir($dir_loc): $!\n"; next; } @filenames = readdir $dh; closedir($dh); for my $FN (@filenames) { if ($Is_VMS) { # Big hammer here - Compensate for VMS trailing . and .dir # No win situation until this is changed, but this # will handle the majority of the cases with breaking the fewest. $FN =~ s/\.dir\z//i; $FN =~ s#\.$## if ($FN ne '.'); } next if $FN =~ $File::Find::skip_pattern; # follow symbolic links / do an lstat $new_loc = Follow_SymLink($loc_pref.$FN); # ignore if invalid symlink unless (defined $new_loc) { if (!defined -l _ && $dangling_symlinks) { $fullname = undef; if (ref $dangling_symlinks eq 'CODE') { $dangling_symlinks->($FN, $dir_pref); } else { warnings::warnif "$dir_pref$FN is a dangling symbolic link\n"; } } else { $fullname = $loc_pref . $FN; } $name = $dir_pref . $FN; $_ = ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN); { $wanted_callback->() }; next; } if (-d _) { if ($Is_VMS) { $FN =~ s/\.dir\z//i; $FN =~ s#\.$## if ($FN ne '.'); $new_loc =~ s/\.dir\z//i; $new_loc =~ s#\.$## if ($new_loc ne '.'); } push @Stack,[$new_loc,$updir_loc,$dir_name,$FN,1]; } else { $fullname = $new_loc; # $File::Find::fullname $name = $dir_pref . $FN; # $File::Find::name $_ = ($no_chdir ? $name : $FN); # $_ { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } } } continue { while (defined($SE = pop @Stack)) { ($dir_loc, $updir_loc, $p_dir, $dir_rel, $byd_flag) = @$SE; $dir_name = _is_root($p_dir) ? "$p_dir$dir_rel" : "$p_dir/$dir_rel"; $dir_pref = "$dir_name/"; $loc_pref = "$dir_loc/"; if ( $byd_flag < 0 ) { # must be finddepth, report dirname now unless ($no_chdir || ($dir_rel eq $File::Find::current_dir)) { unless (chdir $updir_loc) { # $updir_loc (parent dir) is always untainted warnings::warnif "Can't cd to $updir_loc: $!\n"; next; } } $fullname = $dir_loc; # $File::Find::fullname $name = $dir_name; # $File::Find::name if ( substr($name,-2) eq '/.' ) { substr($name, length($name) == 2 ? -1 : -2) = ''; # $File::Find::name } $dir = $p_dir; # $File::Find::dir $_ = ($no_chdir ? $dir_name : $dir_rel); # $_ if ( substr($_,-2) eq '/.' ) { substr($_, length($_) == 2 ? -1 : -2) = ''; } lstat($_); # make sure file tests with '_' work { $wanted_callback->() }; # protect against wild "next" } else { push @Stack,[$dir_loc, $updir_loc, $p_dir, $dir_rel,-1] if $bydepth; last; } } } } sub wrap_wanted { my $wanted = shift; if ( ref($wanted) eq 'HASH' ) { # RT #122547 my %valid_options = map {$_ => 1} qw( wanted bydepth preprocess postprocess follow follow_fast follow_skip dangling_symlinks no_chdir untaint untaint_pattern untaint_skip ); my @invalid_options = (); for my $v (keys %{$wanted}) { push @invalid_options, $v unless exists $valid_options{$v}; } warn "Invalid option(s): @invalid_options" if @invalid_options; unless( exists $wanted->{wanted} and ref( $wanted->{wanted} ) eq 'CODE' ) { die 'no &wanted subroutine given'; } if ( $wanted->{follow} || $wanted->{follow_fast}) { $wanted->{follow_skip} = 1 unless defined $wanted->{follow_skip}; } if ( $wanted->{untaint} ) { $wanted->{untaint_pattern} = $File::Find::untaint_pattern unless defined $wanted->{untaint_pattern}; $wanted->{untaint_skip} = 0 unless defined $wanted->{untaint_skip}; } return $wanted; } elsif( ref( $wanted ) eq 'CODE' ) { return { wanted => $wanted }; } else { die 'no &wanted subroutine given'; } } sub find { my $wanted = shift; _find_opt(wrap_wanted($wanted), @_); } sub finddepth { my $wanted = wrap_wanted(shift); $wanted->{bydepth} = 1; _find_opt($wanted, @_); } # default $File::Find::skip_pattern = qr/^\.{1,2}\z/; $File::Find::untaint_pattern = qr|^([-+@\w./]+)$|; # this _should_ work properly on all platforms # where File::Find can be expected to work $File::Find::current_dir = File::Spec->curdir || '.'; $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1; # We need a function that checks if a scalar is tainted. Either use the # Scalar::Util module's tainted() function or our (slower) pure Perl # fallback is_tainted_pp() { local $@; eval { require Scalar::Util }; *is_tainted = $@ ? \&is_tainted_pp : \&Scalar::Util::tainted; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::Find - Traverse a directory tree. =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Find; find(\&wanted, @directories_to_search); sub wanted { ... } use File::Find; finddepth(\&wanted, @directories_to_search); sub wanted { ... } use File::Find; find({ wanted => \&process, follow => 1 }, '.'); =head1 DESCRIPTION These are functions for searching through directory trees doing work on each file found similar to the Unix L command. C exports two functions, C and C. They work similarly but have subtle differences. =over 4 =item B find(\&wanted, @directories); find(\%options, @directories); C does a depth-first search over the given C<@directories> in the order they are given. For each file or directory found, it calls the C<&wanted> subroutine. (See below for details on how to use the C<&wanted> function). Additionally, for each directory found, it will C into that directory and continue the search, invoking the C<&wanted> function on each file or subdirectory in the directory. =item B finddepth(\&wanted, @directories); finddepth(\%options, @directories); C works just like C except that it invokes the C<&wanted> function for a directory I invoking it for the directory's contents. It does a postorder traversal instead of a preorder traversal, working from the bottom of the directory tree up where C works from the top of the tree down. =back Despite the name of the C function, both C and C perform a depth-first search of the directory hierarchy. =head2 C<%options> The first argument to C is either a code reference to your C<&wanted> function, or a hash reference describing the operations to be performed for each file. The code reference is described in L below. Here are the possible B for the hash: =over 4 =item C The value should be a code reference. This code reference is described in L below. The C<&wanted> subroutine is mandatory. =item C Reports the name of a directory only AFTER all its entries have been reported. Entry point C is a shortcut for specifying C<< { bydepth => 1 } >> in the first argument of C. =item C The value should be a code reference. This code reference is used to preprocess the current directory. The name of the currently processed directory is in C<$File::Find::dir>. Your preprocessing function is called after C, but before the loop that calls the C function. It is called with a list of strings (actually file/directory names) and is expected to return a list of strings. The code can be used to sort the file/directory names alphabetically, numerically, or to filter out directory entries based on their name alone. When C or C are in effect, C is a no-op. =item C The value should be a code reference. It is invoked just before leaving the currently processed directory. It is called in void context with no arguments. The name of the current directory is in C<$File::Find::dir>. This hook is handy for summarizing a directory, such as calculating its disk usage. When C or C are in effect, C is a no-op. =item C Causes symbolic links to be followed. Since directory trees with symbolic links (followed) may contain files more than once and may even have cycles, a hash has to be built up with an entry for each file. This might be expensive both in space and time for a large directory tree. See L and L below. If either C or C is in effect: =over 4 =item * It is guaranteed that an C has been called before the user's C function is called. This enables fast file checks involving C<_>. Note that this guarantee no longer holds if C or C are not set. =item * There is a variable C<$File::Find::fullname> which holds the absolute pathname of the file with all symbolic links resolved. If the link is a dangling symbolic link, then fullname will be set to C. =back =item C This is similar to C except that it may report some files more than once. It does detect cycles, however. Since only symbolic links have to be hashed, this is much cheaper both in space and time. If processing a file more than once (by the user's C function) is worse than just taking time, the option C should be used. =item C C, which is the default, causes all files which are neither directories nor symbolic links to be ignored if they are about to be processed a second time. If a directory or a symbolic link are about to be processed a second time, C dies. C causes C to die if any file is about to be processed a second time. C causes C to ignore any duplicate files and directories but to proceed normally otherwise. =item C Specifies what to do with symbolic links whose target doesn't exist. If true and a code reference, will be called with the symbolic link name and the directory it lives in as arguments. Otherwise, if true and warnings are on, a warning of the form C<"symbolic_link_name is a dangling symbolic link\n"> will be issued. If false, the dangling symbolic link will be silently ignored. =item C Does not C to each directory as it recurses. The C function will need to be aware of this, of course. In this case, C<$_> will be the same as C<$File::Find::name>. =item C If find is used in L (C<-T> command line switch or C or C), then internally directory names have to be untainted before they can be C'd to. Therefore they are checked against a regular expression C. Note that all names passed to the user's C function are still tainted. If this option is used while not in taint-mode, C is a no-op. =item C See above. This should be set using the C quoting operator. The default is set to C. Note that the parentheses are vital. =item C If set, a directory which fails the C is skipped, including all its sub-directories. The default is to C in such a case. =back =head2 The wanted function The C function does whatever verifications you want on each file and directory. Note that despite its name, the C function is a generic callback function, and does B tell C if a file is "wanted" or not. In fact, its return value is ignored. The C function takes no arguments but rather does its work through a collection of variables. =over 4 =item C<$File::Find::dir> is the current directory name, =item C<$_> is the current filename within that directory =item C<$File::Find::name> is the complete pathname to the file. =back The above variables have all been localized and may be changed without affecting data outside of the wanted function. For example, when examining the file F you will have: $File::Find::dir = /some/path/ $_ = foo.ext $File::Find::name = /some/path/foo.ext You are C'd to C<$File::Find::dir> when the function is called, unless C was specified. Note that when changing to directories is in effect, the root directory (F) is a somewhat special case inasmuch as the concatenation of C<$File::Find::dir>, C<'/'> and C<$_> is not literally equal to C<$File::Find::name>. The table below summarizes all variants: $File::Find::name $File::Find::dir $_ default / / . no_chdir=>0 /etc / etc /etc/x /etc x no_chdir=>1 / / / /etc / /etc /etc/x /etc /etc/x When C or C are in effect, there is also a C<$File::Find::fullname>. The function may set C<$File::Find::prune> to prune the tree unless C was specified. Unless C or C is specified, for compatibility reasons (C, L) there are in addition the following globals available: C<$File::Find::topdir>, C<$File::Find::topdev>, C<$File::Find::topino>, C<$File::Find::topmode> and C<$File::Find::topnlink>. This library is useful for the C tool (distributed with the L CPAN module), which when fed: find2perl / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 \ -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune produces something like: sub wanted { /^\.nfs.*\z/s && (($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($_)) && int(-M _) > 7 && unlink($_) || ($nlink || (($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid) = lstat($_))) && $dev < 0 && ($File::Find::prune = 1); } Notice the C<_> in the above C: the C<_> is a magical filehandle that caches the information from the preceding C, C, or filetest. Here's another interesting wanted function. It will find all symbolic links that don't resolve: sub wanted { -l && !-e && print "bogus link: $File::Find::name\n"; } Note that you may mix directories and (non-directory) files in the list of directories to be searched by the C function. find(\&wanted, "./foo", "./bar", "./baz/epsilon"); In the example above, no file in F<./baz/> other than F<./baz/epsilon> will be evaluated by C. See also the script C on CPAN for a nice application of this module. =head1 WARNINGS If you run your program with the C<-w> switch, or if you use the C pragma, File::Find will report warnings for several weird situations. You can disable these warnings by putting the statement no warnings 'File::Find'; in the appropriate scope. See L for more info about lexical warnings. =head1 BUGS AND CAVEATS =over 4 =item C<$dont_use_nlink> You can set the variable C<$File::Find::dont_use_nlink> to C<0> if you are sure the filesystem you are scanning reflects the number of subdirectories in the parent directory's C count. If you do set C<$File::Find::dont_use_nlink> to 0, you may notice an improvement in speed at the risk of not recursing into subdirectories if a filesystem doesn't populate C as expected. C<$File::Find::dont_use_nlink> now defaults to 1 on all platforms. =item Symlinks Be aware that the option to follow symbolic links can be dangerous. Depending on the structure of the directory tree (including symbolic links to directories) you might traverse a given (physical) directory more than once (only if C is in effect). Furthermore, deleting or changing files in a symbolically linked directory might cause very unpleasant surprises, since you delete or change files in an unknown directory. =back =head1 HISTORY C used to produce incorrect results if called recursively. During the development of perl 5.8 this bug was fixed. The first fixed version of C was 1.01. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut FILEcbb56b69/File/Copy.pm?0# File/Copy.pm. Written in 1994 by Aaron Sherman . This # source code has been placed in the public domain by the author. # Please be kind and preserve the documentation. # # Additions copyright 1996 by Charles Bailey. Permission is granted # to distribute the revised code under the same terms as Perl itself. package File::Copy; use 5.035007; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'newline'; no warnings 'experimental::builtin'; use builtin 'blessed'; use overload; use File::Spec; use Config; # We want HiRes stat and utime if available BEGIN { eval q{ use Time::HiRes qw( stat utime ) } }; our(@ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, $VERSION, $Too_Big, $Syscopy_is_copy); sub copy; sub syscopy; sub cp; sub mv; $VERSION = '2.41'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(copy move); @EXPORT_OK = qw(cp mv); $Too_Big = 1024 * 1024 * 2; sub croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak; } sub carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp; } sub _catname { my($from, $to) = @_; if (not defined &basename) { require File::Basename; File::Basename->import( 'basename' ); } return File::Spec->catfile($to, basename($from)); } # _eq($from, $to) tells whether $from and $to are identical sub _eq { my ($from, $to) = map { blessed($_) && overload::Method($_, q{""}) ? "$_" : $_ } (@_); return '' if ( (ref $from) xor (ref $to) ); return $from == $to if ref $from; return $from eq $to; } sub copy { croak("Usage: copy(FROM, TO [, BUFFERSIZE]) ") unless(@_ == 2 || @_ == 3); my $from = shift; my $to = shift; my $size; if (@_) { $size = shift(@_) + 0; croak("Bad buffer size for copy: $size\n") unless ($size > 0); } my $from_a_handle = (ref($from) ? (ref($from) eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($from, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($from, 'IO::Handle')) : (ref(\$from) eq 'GLOB')); my $to_a_handle = (ref($to) ? (ref($to) eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($to, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($to, 'IO::Handle')) : (ref(\$to) eq 'GLOB')); if (_eq($from, $to)) { # works for references, too carp("'$from' and '$to' are identical (not copied)"); return 0; } if (!$from_a_handle && !$to_a_handle && -d $to && ! -d $from) { $to = _catname($from, $to); } if ((($Config{d_symlink} && $Config{d_readlink}) || $Config{d_link}) && !($^O eq 'os2')) { my @fs = stat($from); if (@fs) { my @ts = stat($to); if (@ts && $fs[0] == $ts[0] && $fs[1] eq $ts[1] && !-p $from) { carp("'$from' and '$to' are identical (not copied)"); return 0; } } } elsif (_eq($from, $to)) { carp("'$from' and '$to' are identical (not copied)"); return 0; } if (defined &syscopy && !$Syscopy_is_copy && !$to_a_handle && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'os2' ) # OS/2 cannot handle handles && !($from_a_handle && $^O eq 'MSWin32') ) { if ($^O eq 'VMS' && -e $from && ! -d $to && ! -d $from) { # VMS natively inherits path components from the source of a # copy, but we want the Unixy behavior of inheriting from # the current working directory. Also, default in a trailing # dot for null file types. $to = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand(VMS::Filespec::vmsify($to), '.'); # Get rid of the old versions to be like UNIX 1 while unlink $to; } return syscopy($from, $to) || 0; } my $closefrom = 0; my $closeto = 0; my ($status, $r, $buf); local($\) = ''; my $from_h; if ($from_a_handle) { $from_h = $from; } else { open $from_h, "<", $from or goto fail_open1; binmode $from_h or die "($!,$^E)"; $closefrom = 1; } # Seems most logical to do this here, in case future changes would want to # make this croak for some reason. unless (defined $size) { $size = tied(*$from_h) ? 0 : -s $from_h || 0; $size = 1024 if ($size < 512); $size = $Too_Big if ($size > $Too_Big); } my $to_h; if ($to_a_handle) { $to_h = $to; } else { $to_h = \do { local *FH }; # XXX is this line obsolete? open $to_h, ">", $to or goto fail_open2; binmode $to_h or die "($!,$^E)"; $closeto = 1; } $! = 0; for (;;) { my ($r, $w, $t); defined($r = sysread($from_h, $buf, $size)) or goto fail_inner; last unless $r; for ($w = 0; $w < $r; $w += $t) { $t = syswrite($to_h, $buf, $r - $w, $w) or goto fail_inner; } } close($to_h) || goto fail_open2 if $closeto; close($from_h) || goto fail_open1 if $closefrom; # Use this idiom to avoid uninitialized value warning. return 1; # All of these contortions try to preserve error messages... fail_inner: if ($closeto) { $status = $!; $! = 0; close $to_h; $! = $status unless $!; } fail_open2: if ($closefrom) { $status = $!; $! = 0; close $from_h; $! = $status unless $!; } fail_open1: return 0; } sub cp { my($from,$to) = @_; my(@fromstat) = stat $from; my(@tostat) = stat $to; my $perm; return 0 unless copy(@_) and @fromstat; if (@tostat) { $perm = $tostat[2]; } else { $perm = $fromstat[2] & ~(umask || 0); @tostat = stat $to; } # Might be more robust to look for S_I* in Fcntl, but we're # trying to avoid dependence on any XS-containing modules, # since File::Copy is used during the Perl build. $perm &= 07777; if ($perm & 06000) { croak("Unable to check setuid/setgid permissions for $to: $!") unless @tostat; if ($perm & 04000 and # setuid $fromstat[4] != $tostat[4]) { # owner must match $perm &= ~06000; } if ($perm & 02000 && $> != 0) { # if not root, setgid my $ok = $fromstat[5] == $tostat[5]; # group must match if ($ok) { # and we must be in group $ok = grep { $_ == $fromstat[5] } split /\s+/, $) } $perm &= ~06000 unless $ok; } } return 0 unless @tostat; return 1 if $perm == ($tostat[2] & 07777); return eval { chmod $perm, $to; } ? 1 : 0; } sub _move { croak("Usage: move(FROM, TO) ") unless @_ == 3; my($from,$to,$fallback) = @_; my($fromsz,$tosz1,$tomt1,$tosz2,$tomt2,$sts,$ossts); if (-d $to && ! -d $from) { $to = _catname($from, $to); } ($tosz1,$tomt1) = (stat($to))[7,9]; $fromsz = -s $from; if ($^O eq 'os2' and defined $tosz1 and defined $fromsz) { # will not rename with overwrite unlink $to; } if ($^O eq 'VMS' && -e $from && ! -d $to && ! -d $from) { # VMS natively inherits path components from the source of a # copy, but we want the Unixy behavior of inheriting from # the current working directory. Also, default in a trailing # dot for null file types. $to = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand(VMS::Filespec::vmsify($to), '.'); # Get rid of the old versions to be like UNIX 1 while unlink $to; } return 1 if rename $from, $to; # Did rename return an error even though it succeeded, because $to # is on a remote NFS file system, and NFS lost the server's ack? return 1 if defined($fromsz) && !-e $from && # $from disappeared (($tosz2,$tomt2) = (stat($to))[7,9]) && # $to's there ((!defined $tosz1) || # not before or ($tosz1 != $tosz2 or $tomt1 != $tomt2)) && # was changed $tosz2 == $fromsz; # it's all there ($tosz1,$tomt1) = (stat($to))[7,9]; # just in case rename did something { local $@; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $fallback->($from,$to) or die; my($atime, $mtime) = (stat($from))[8,9]; utime($atime, $mtime, $to); unlink($from) or die; }; return 1 unless $@; } ($sts,$ossts) = ($! + 0, $^E + 0); ($tosz2,$tomt2) = ((stat($to))[7,9],0,0) if defined $tomt1; unlink($to) if !defined($tomt1) or $tomt1 != $tomt2 or $tosz1 != $tosz2; ($!,$^E) = ($sts,$ossts); return 0; } sub move { _move(@_,\©); } sub mv { _move(@_,\&cp); } # &syscopy is an XSUB under OS/2 unless (defined &syscopy) { if ($^O eq 'VMS') { *syscopy = \&rmscopy; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) { # Win32::CopyFile() fill only work if we can load Win32.xs *syscopy = sub { return 0 unless @_ == 2; return Win32::CopyFile(@_, 1); }; } else { $Syscopy_is_copy = 1; *syscopy = \© } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::Copy - Copy files or filehandles =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Copy; copy("sourcefile", "destinationfile") or die "Copy failed: $!"; copy("Copy.pm", \*STDOUT); move("/dev1/sourcefile", "/dev2/destinationfile"); use File::Copy "cp"; my $n = FileHandle->new("/a/file", "r"); cp($n, "x"); =head1 DESCRIPTION The File::Copy module provides two basic functions, C and C, which are useful for getting the contents of a file from one place to another. =over 4 =item copy X X The C function takes two parameters: a file to copy from and a file to copy to. Either argument may be a string, a FileHandle reference or a FileHandle glob. Obviously, if the first argument is a filehandle of some sort, it will be read from, and if it is a file I it will be opened for reading. Likewise, the second argument will be written to. If the second argument does not exist but the parent directory does exist, then it will be created. Trying to copy a file into a non-existent directory is an error. Trying to copy a file on top of itself is also an error. C will not overwrite read-only files. If the destination (second argument) already exists and is a directory, and the source (first argument) is not a filehandle, then the source file will be copied into the directory specified by the destination, using the same base name as the source file. It's a failure to have a filehandle as the source when the destination is a directory. B Files are opened in binary mode where applicable. To get a consistent behaviour when copying from a filehandle to a file, use C on the filehandle. An optional third parameter can be used to specify the buffer size used for copying. This is the number of bytes from the first file, that will be held in memory at any given time, before being written to the second file. The default buffer size depends upon the file, but will generally be the whole file (up to 2MB), or 1k for filehandles that do not reference files (eg. sockets). You may use the syntax C to get at the C alias for this function. The syntax is I the same. The behavior is nearly the same as well: as of version 2.15, C will preserve the source file's permission bits like the shell utility C would do with default options, while C uses the default permissions for the target file (which may depend on the process' C, file ownership, inherited ACLs, etc.). That is, if the destination file already exists, C will leave its permissions unchanged; otherwise the permissions are taken from the source file and modified by the C. If an error occurs in setting permissions, C will return 0, regardless of whether the file was successfully copied. =item move X X X The C function also takes two parameters: the current name and the intended name of the file to be moved. If the destination already exists and is a directory, and the source is not a directory, then the source file will be renamed into the directory specified by the destination. If possible, move() will simply rename the file. Otherwise, it copies the file to the new location and deletes the original. If an error occurs during this copy-and-delete process, you may be left with a (possibly partial) copy of the file under the destination name. You may use the C alias for this function in the same way that you may use the C alias for C. =item syscopy X File::Copy also provides the C routine, which copies the file specified in the first parameter to the file specified in the second parameter, preserving OS-specific attributes and file structure. For Unix systems, this is equivalent to the simple C routine, which doesn't preserve OS-specific attributes. For VMS systems, this calls the C routine (see below). For OS/2 systems, this calls the C XSUB directly. For Win32 systems, this calls C. B is defined (OS/2, VMS and Win32)>: If both arguments to C are not file handles, then C will perform a "system copy" of the input file to a new output file, in order to preserve file attributes, indexed file structure, I The buffer size parameter is ignored. If either argument to C is a handle to an opened file, then data is copied using Perl operators, and no effort is made to preserve file attributes or record structure. The system copy routine may also be called directly under VMS and OS/2 as C (or under VMS as C, which is the routine that does the actual work for syscopy). =item rmscopy($from,$to[,$date_flag]) X The first and second arguments may be strings, typeglobs, typeglob references, or objects inheriting from IO::Handle; they are used in all cases to obtain the I of the input and output files, respectively. The name and type of the input file are used as defaults for the output file, if necessary. A new version of the output file is always created, which inherits the structure and RMS attributes of the input file, except for owner and protections (and possibly timestamps; see below). All data from the input file is copied to the output file; if either of the first two parameters to C is a file handle, its position is unchanged. (Note that this means a file handle pointing to the output file will be associated with an old version of that file after C returns, not the newly created version.) The third parameter is an integer flag, which tells C how to handle timestamps. If it is E 0, none of the input file's timestamps are propagated to the output file. If it is E 0, then it is interpreted as a bitmask: if bit 0 (the LSB) is set, then timestamps other than the revision date are propagated; if bit 1 is set, the revision date is propagated. If the third parameter to C is 0, then it behaves much like the DCL COPY command: if the name or type of the output file was explicitly specified, then no timestamps are propagated, but if they were taken implicitly from the input filespec, then all timestamps other than the revision date are propagated. If this parameter is not supplied, it defaults to 0. C is VMS specific and cannot be exported; it must be referenced by its full name, e.g.: File::Copy::rmscopy($from, $to) or die $!; Like C, C returns 1 on success. If an error occurs, it sets C<$!>, deletes the output file, and returns 0. =back =head1 RETURN All functions return 1 on success, 0 on failure. $! will be set if an error was encountered. =head1 NOTES Before calling copy() or move() on a filehandle, the caller should close or flush() the file to avoid writes being lost. Note that this is the case even for move(), because it may actually copy the file, depending on the OS-specific implementation, and the underlying filesystem(s). =head1 AUTHOR File::Copy was written by Aaron Sherman Iajs@ajs.comE> in 1995, and updated by Charles Bailey Ibailey@newman.upenn.eduE> in 1996. =cut FILE75585812/File/Basename.pm+=head1 NAME File::Basename - Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix. =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Basename; my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist); my $name = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist); my $basename = basename($fullname, @suffixlist); my $dirname = dirname($fullname); =head1 DESCRIPTION These routines allow you to parse file paths into their directory, filename and suffix. B: C and C emulate the behaviours, and quirks, of the shell and C functions of the same name. See each function's documentation for details. If your concern is just parsing paths it is safer to use L's C and C methods. It is guaranteed that # Where $path_separator is / for Unix, \ for Windows, etc... dirname($path) . $path_separator . basename($path); is equivalent to the original path for all systems but VMS. =cut package File::Basename; # File::Basename is used during the Perl build, when the re extension may # not be available, but we only actually need it if running under tainting. BEGIN { if (${^TAINT}) { require re; re->import('taint'); } } use strict; use 5.006; use warnings; our(@ISA, @EXPORT, $VERSION, $Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(fileparse fileparse_set_fstype basename dirname); $VERSION = "2.86"; fileparse_set_fstype($^O); =over 4 =item C X my($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($path); my($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($path, @suffixes); my $filename = fileparse($path, @suffixes); The C routine divides a file path into its $dirs, $filename and (optionally) the filename $suffix. $dirs contains everything up to and including the last directory separator in the $path including the volume (if applicable). The remainder of the $path is the $filename. # On Unix returns ("baz", "/foo/bar/", "") fileparse("/foo/bar/baz"); # On Windows returns ("baz", 'C:\foo\bar\', "") fileparse('C:\foo\bar\baz'); # On Unix returns ("", "/foo/bar/baz/", "") fileparse("/foo/bar/baz/"); If @suffixes are given each element is a pattern (either a string or a C) matched against the end of the $filename. The matching portion is removed and becomes the $suffix. # On Unix returns ("baz", "/foo/bar/", ".txt") fileparse("/foo/bar/baz.txt", qr/\.[^.]*/); If type is non-Unix (see L) then the pattern matching for suffix removal is performed case-insensitively, since those systems are not case-sensitive when opening existing files. You are guaranteed that C<$dirs . $filename . $suffix> will denote the same location as the original $path. =cut sub fileparse { my($fullname,@suffices) = @_; unless (defined $fullname) { require Carp; Carp::croak("fileparse(): need a valid pathname"); } my $orig_type = ''; my($type,$igncase) = ($Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase); my($taint) = substr($fullname,0,0); # Is $fullname tainted? if ($type eq "VMS" and $fullname =~ m{/} ) { # We're doing Unix emulation $orig_type = $type; $type = 'Unix'; } my($dirpath, $basename); if (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 Epoc)) { ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^((?:.*[:\\\/])?)(.*)/s); $dirpath .= '.\\' unless $dirpath =~ /[\\\/]\z/; } elsif ($type eq "OS2") { ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ m#^((?:.*[:\\/])?)(.*)#s); $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath; # Can't be 0 $dirpath .= '/' unless $dirpath =~ m#[\\/]\z#; } elsif ($type eq "MacOS") { ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*:)?(.*)/s); $dirpath = ':' unless $dirpath; } elsif ($type eq "AmigaOS") { ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /(.*[:\/])?(.*)/s); $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath; } elsif ($type eq 'VMS' ) { ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*[:>\]])?(.*)/s); $dirpath ||= ''; # should always be defined } else { # Default to Unix semantics. ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ m{^(.*/)?(.*)}s); if ($orig_type eq 'VMS' and $fullname =~ m{^(/[^/]+/000000(/|$))(.*)}) { # dev:[000000] is top of VMS tree, similar to Unix '/' # so strip it off and treat the rest as "normal" my $devspec = $1; my $remainder = $3; ($dirpath,$basename) = ($remainder =~ m{^(.*/)?(.*)}s); $dirpath ||= ''; # should always be defined $dirpath = $devspec.$dirpath; } $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath; } my $tail = ''; my $suffix = ''; if (@suffices) { foreach $suffix (@suffices) { my $pat = ($igncase ? '(?i)' : '') . "($suffix)\$"; if ($basename =~ s/$pat//s) { $taint .= substr($suffix,0,0); $tail = $1 . $tail; } } } # Ensure taint is propagated from the path to its pieces. $tail .= $taint; wantarray ? ($basename .= $taint, $dirpath .= $taint, $tail) : ($basename .= $taint); } =item C X X my $filename = basename($path); my $filename = basename($path, @suffixes); This function is provided for compatibility with the Unix shell command C. It does B always return the file name portion of a path as you might expect. To be safe, if you want the file name portion of a path use C. C returns the last level of a filepath even if the last level is clearly directory. In effect, it is acting like C for paths. This differs from C's behaviour. # Both return "bar" basename("/foo/bar"); basename("/foo/bar/"); @suffixes work as in C except all regex metacharacters are quoted. # These two function calls are equivalent. my $filename = basename("/foo/bar/baz.txt", ".txt"); my $filename = fileparse("/foo/bar/baz.txt", qr/\Q.txt\E/); Also note that in order to be compatible with the shell command, C does not strip off a suffix if it is identical to the remaining characters in the filename. =cut sub basename { my($path) = shift; # From BSD basename(1) # The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/' # character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes) _strip_trailing_sep($path); my($basename, $dirname, $suffix) = fileparse( $path, map("\Q$_\E",@_) ); # From BSD basename(1) # The suffix is not stripped if it is identical to the remaining # characters in string. if( length $suffix and !length $basename ) { $basename = $suffix; } # Ensure that basename '/' == '/' if( !length $basename ) { $basename = $dirname; } return $basename; } =item C X This function is provided for compatibility with the Unix shell command C and has inherited some of its quirks. In spite of its name it does B always return the directory name as you might expect. To be safe, if you want the directory name of a path use C. Only on VMS (where there is no ambiguity between the file and directory portions of a path) and AmigaOS (possibly due to an implementation quirk in this module) does C work like C, returning just the $dirs. # On VMS and AmigaOS my $dirs = dirname($path); When using Unix or MSDOS syntax this emulates the C shell function which is subtly different from how C works. It returns all but the last level of a file path even if the last level is clearly a directory. In effect, it is not returning the directory portion but simply the path one level up acting like C for file paths. Also unlike C, C does not include a trailing slash on its returned path. # returns /foo/bar. fileparse() would return /foo/bar/ dirname("/foo/bar/baz"); # also returns /foo/bar despite the fact that baz is clearly a # directory. fileparse() would return /foo/bar/baz/ dirname("/foo/bar/baz/"); # returns '.'. fileparse() would return 'foo/' dirname("foo/"); Under VMS, if there is no directory information in the $path, then the current default device and directory is used. =cut sub dirname { my $path = shift; my($type) = $Fileparse_fstype; if( $type eq 'VMS' and $path =~ m{/} ) { # Parse as Unix local($File::Basename::Fileparse_fstype) = ''; return dirname($path); } my($basename, $dirname) = fileparse($path); if ($type eq 'VMS') { $dirname ||= $ENV{DEFAULT}; } elsif ($type eq 'MacOS') { if( !length($basename) && $dirname !~ /^[^:]+:\z/) { _strip_trailing_sep($dirname); ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname; } $dirname .= ":" unless $dirname =~ /:\z/; } elsif (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 OS2)) { _strip_trailing_sep($dirname); unless( length($basename) ) { ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname; _strip_trailing_sep($dirname); } } elsif ($type eq 'AmigaOS') { if ( $dirname =~ /:\z/) { return $dirname } chop $dirname; $dirname =~ s{[^:/]+\z}{} unless length($basename); } else { _strip_trailing_sep($dirname); unless( length($basename) ) { ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname; _strip_trailing_sep($dirname); } } $dirname; } # Strip the trailing path separator. sub _strip_trailing_sep { my $type = $Fileparse_fstype; if ($type eq 'MacOS') { $_[0] =~ s/([^:]):\z/$1/s; } elsif (grep { $type eq $_ } qw(MSDOS DOS MSWin32 OS2)) { $_[0] =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/; } else { $_[0] =~ s{(.)/*\z}{$1}s; } } =item C X my $type = fileparse_set_fstype(); my $previous_type = fileparse_set_fstype($type); Normally File::Basename will assume a file path type native to your current operating system (ie. /foo/bar style on Unix, \foo\bar on Windows, etc...). With this function you can override that assumption. Valid $types are "MacOS", "VMS", "AmigaOS", "OS2", "RISCOS", "MSWin32", "DOS" (also "MSDOS" for backwards bug compatibility), "Epoc" and "Unix" (all case-insensitive). If an unrecognized $type is given "Unix" will be assumed. If you've selected VMS syntax, and the file specification you pass to one of these routines contains a "/", they assume you are using Unix emulation and apply the Unix syntax rules instead, for that function call only. =back =cut BEGIN { my @Ignore_Case = qw(MacOS VMS AmigaOS OS2 RISCOS MSWin32 MSDOS DOS Epoc); my @Types = (@Ignore_Case, qw(Unix)); sub fileparse_set_fstype { my $old = $Fileparse_fstype; if (@_) { my $new_type = shift; $Fileparse_fstype = 'Unix'; # default foreach my $type (@Types) { $Fileparse_fstype = $type if $new_type =~ /^$type/i; } $Fileparse_igncase = (grep $Fileparse_fstype eq $_, @Ignore_Case) ? 1 : 0; } return $old; } } 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L FILE57006cdb/Carp/Heavy.pmpackage Carp::Heavy; use Carp (); our $VERSION = '1.54'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; # Carp::Heavy was merged into Carp in version 1.12. Any mismatched versions # after this point are not significant and can be ignored. if(($Carp::VERSION || 0) < 1.12) { my $cv = defined($Carp::VERSION) ? $Carp::VERSION : "undef"; die "Version mismatch between Carp $cv ($INC{q(Carp.pm)}) and Carp::Heavy $VERSION ($INC{q(Carp/Heavy.pm)}). Did you alter \@INC after Carp was loaded?\n"; } 1; # Most of the machinery of Carp used to be here. # It has been moved in Carp.pm now, but this placeholder remains for # the benefit of modules that like to preload Carp::Heavy directly. # This must load Carp, because some modules rely on the historical # behaviour of Carp::Heavy loading Carp. FILE32435ee1/Exporter.pmK package Exporter; use strict; no strict 'refs'; our $Debug = 0; our $ExportLevel = 0; our $Verbose ||= 0; our $VERSION = '5.78'; our %Cache; sub as_heavy { require Exporter::Heavy; # Unfortunately, this does not work if the caller is aliased as *name = \&foo # Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines my $c = (caller(1))[3]; $c =~ s/.*:://; \&{"Exporter::Heavy::heavy_$c"}; } sub export { goto &{as_heavy()}; } sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $callpkg = caller($ExportLevel); if ($pkg eq "Exporter" and @_ and $_[0] eq "import") { *{$callpkg."::import"} = \&import; return; } # We *need* to treat @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_FAIL"} since Carp uses it :-( my $exports = \@{"$pkg\::EXPORT"}; # But, avoid creating things if they don't exist, which saves a couple of # hundred bytes per package processed. my $fail = ${$pkg . '::'}{EXPORT_FAIL} && \@{"$pkg\::EXPORT_FAIL"}; return export $pkg, $callpkg, @_ if $Verbose or $Debug or $fail && @$fail > 1; my $export_cache = ($Cache{$pkg} ||= {}); my $args = @_ or @_ = @$exports; if ($args and not %$export_cache) { s/^&//, $export_cache->{$_} = 1 foreach (@$exports, @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_OK"}); } my $heavy; # Try very hard not to use {} and hence have to enter scope on the foreach # We bomb out of the loop with last as soon as heavy is set. if ($args or $fail) { ($heavy = (/\W/ or $args and not exists $export_cache->{$_} or $fail and @$fail and $_ eq $fail->[0])) and last foreach (@_); } else { ($heavy = /\W/) and last foreach (@_); } return export $pkg, $callpkg, ($args ? @_ : ()) if $heavy; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {require Carp; &Carp::carp} if not $SIG{__WARN__}; # shortcut for the common case of no type character *{"$callpkg\::$_"} = \&{"$pkg\::$_"} foreach @_; } # Default methods sub export_fail { my $self = shift; @_; } # Unfortunately, caller(1)[3] "does not work" if the caller is aliased as # *name = \&foo. Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines # Otherwise we could have aliased them to export(). sub export_to_level { goto &{as_heavy()}; } sub export_tags { goto &{as_heavy()}; } sub export_ok_tags { goto &{as_heavy()}; } sub require_version { goto &{as_heavy()}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Exporter - Implements default import method for modules =head1 SYNOPSIS In module F: package YourModule; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); # symbols to export on request or package YourModule; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # inherit all of Exporter's methods our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); # symbols to export on request or package YourModule; use parent 'Exporter'; # inherit all of Exporter's methods our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); # symbols to export on request In other files which wish to use C: use YourModule qw(frobnicate); # import listed symbols frobnicate ($left, $right) # calls YourModule::frobnicate Take a look at L for some variants you will like to use in modern Perl code. =head1 DESCRIPTION The Exporter module implements an C method which allows a module to export functions and variables to its users' namespaces. Many modules use Exporter rather than implementing their own C method because Exporter provides a highly flexible interface, with an implementation optimised for the common case. Perl automatically calls the C method when processing a C statement for a module. Modules and C are documented in L and L. Understanding the concept of modules and how the C statement operates is important to understanding the Exporter. =head2 How to Export The arrays C<@EXPORT> and C<@EXPORT_OK> in a module hold lists of symbols that are going to be exported into the users name space by default, or which they can request to be exported, respectively. The symbols can represent functions, scalars, arrays, hashes, or typeglobs. The symbols must be given by full name with the exception that the ampersand in front of a function is optional, e.g. our @EXPORT = qw(afunc $scalar @array); # afunc is a function our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&bfunc %hash *typeglob); # explicit prefix on &bfunc If you are only exporting function names it is recommended to omit the ampersand, as the implementation is faster this way. =head2 Selecting What to Export Do B export method names! Do B export anything else by default without a good reason! Exports pollute the namespace of the module user. If you must export try to use C<@EXPORT_OK> in preference to C<@EXPORT> and avoid short or common symbol names to reduce the risk of name clashes. Generally anything not exported is still accessible from outside the module using the C (or C<< $blessed_ref->method >>) syntax. By convention you can use a leading underscore on names to informally indicate that they are 'internal' and not for public use. (It is actually possible to get private functions by saying: my $subref = sub { ... }; $subref->(@args); # Call it as a function $obj->$subref(@args); # Use it as a method However if you use them for methods it is up to you to figure out how to make inheritance work.) As a general rule, if the module is trying to be object oriented then export nothing. If it's just a collection of functions then C<@EXPORT_OK> anything but use C<@EXPORT> with caution. For function and method names use barewords in preference to names prefixed with ampersands for the export lists. Other module design guidelines can be found in L. =head2 How to Import In other files which wish to use your module there are three basic ways for them to load your module and import its symbols: =over 4 =item C This imports all the symbols from YourModule's C<@EXPORT> into the namespace of the C statement. =item C This causes perl to load your module but does not import any symbols. =item C This imports only the symbols listed by the caller into their namespace. All listed symbols must be in your C<@EXPORT> or C<@EXPORT_OK>, else an error occurs. The advanced export features of Exporter are accessed like this, but with list entries that are syntactically distinct from symbol names. =back Unless you want to use its advanced features, this is probably all you need to know to use Exporter. =head1 Advanced Features =head2 Specialised Import Lists If any of the entries in an import list begins with !, : or / then the list is treated as a series of specifications which either add to or delete from the list of names to import. They are processed left to right. Specifications are in the form: [!]name This name only [!]:DEFAULT All names in @EXPORT [!]:tag All names in $EXPORT_TAGS{tag} anonymous array [!]/pattern/ All names in @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK which match A leading ! indicates that matching names should be deleted from the list of names to import. If the first specification is a deletion it is treated as though preceded by :DEFAULT. If you just want to import extra names in addition to the default set you will still need to include :DEFAULT explicitly. e.g., F defines: our @EXPORT = qw(A1 A2 A3 A4 A5); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(B1 B2 B3 B4 B5); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (T1 => [qw(A1 A2 B1 B2)], T2 => [qw(A1 A2 B3 B4)]); Note that you cannot use tags in @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK. Names in EXPORT_TAGS must also appear in @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK. An application using Module can say something like: use Module qw(:DEFAULT :T2 !B3 A3); Other examples include: use Socket qw(!/^[AP]F_/ !SOMAXCONN !SOL_SOCKET); use POSIX qw(:errno_h :termios_h !TCSADRAIN !/^EXIT/); Remember that most patterns (using //) will need to be anchored with a leading ^, e.g., C rather than C. You can say C to see how the specifications are being processed and what is actually being imported into modules. =head2 Exporting Without Using Exporter's import Method Exporter has a special method, 'export_to_level' which is used in situations where you can't directly call Exporter's import method. The export_to_level method looks like: MyPackage->export_to_level( $where_to_export, $package, @what_to_export ); where C<$where_to_export> is an integer telling how far up the calling stack to export your symbols, and C<@what_to_export> is an array telling what symbols *to* export (usually this is C<@_>). The C<$package> argument is currently unused. For example, suppose that you have a module, A, which already has an import function: package A; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw($b); sub import { $A::b = 1; # not a very useful import method } and you want to Export symbol C<$A::b> back to the module that called package A. Since Exporter relies on the import method to work, via inheritance, as it stands Exporter::import() will never get called. Instead, say the following: package A; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw($b); sub import { $A::b = 1; A->export_to_level(1, @_); } This will export the symbols one level 'above' the current package - ie: to the program or module that used package A. Note: Be careful not to modify C<@_> at all before you call export_to_level - or people using your package will get very unexplained results! =head2 Exporting Without Inheriting from Exporter By including Exporter in your C<@ISA> you inherit an Exporter's import() method but you also inherit several other helper methods which you probably don't want and complicate the inheritance tree. To avoid this you can do: package YourModule; use Exporter qw(import); which will export Exporter's own import() method into YourModule. Everything will work as before but you won't need to include Exporter in C<@YourModule::ISA>. Note: This feature was introduced in version 5.57 of Exporter, released with perl 5.8.3. =head2 Module Version Checking The Exporter module will convert an attempt to import a number from a module into a call to C<< $module_name->VERSION($value) >>. This can be used to validate that the version of the module being used is greater than or equal to the required version. For historical reasons, Exporter supplies a C method that simply delegates to C. Originally, before C existed, Exporter would call C. Since the C method treats the C<$VERSION> number as a simple numeric value it will regard version 1.10 as lower than 1.9. For this reason it is strongly recommended that you use numbers with at least two decimal places, e.g., 1.09. =head2 Managing Unknown Symbols In some situations you may want to prevent certain symbols from being exported. Typically this applies to extensions which have functions or constants that may not exist on some systems. The names of any symbols that cannot be exported should be listed in the C<@EXPORT_FAIL> array. If a module attempts to import any of these symbols the Exporter will give the module an opportunity to handle the situation before generating an error. The Exporter will call an export_fail method with a list of the failed symbols: @failed_symbols = $module_name->export_fail(@failed_symbols); If the C method returns an empty list then no error is recorded and all the requested symbols are exported. If the returned list is not empty then an error is generated for each symbol and the export fails. The Exporter provides a default C method which simply returns the list unchanged. Uses for the C method include giving better error messages for some symbols and performing lazy architectural checks (put more symbols into C<@EXPORT_FAIL> by default and then take them out if someone actually tries to use them and an expensive check shows that they are usable on that platform). =head2 Tag Handling Utility Functions Since the symbols listed within C<%EXPORT_TAGS> must also appear in either C<@EXPORT> or C<@EXPORT_OK>, two utility functions are provided which allow you to easily add tagged sets of symbols to C<@EXPORT> or C<@EXPORT_OK>: our %EXPORT_TAGS = (foo => [qw(aa bb cc)], bar => [qw(aa cc dd)]); Exporter::export_tags('foo'); # add aa, bb and cc to @EXPORT Exporter::export_ok_tags('bar'); # add aa, cc and dd to @EXPORT_OK Any names which are not tags are added to C<@EXPORT> or C<@EXPORT_OK> unchanged but will trigger a warning (with C<-w>) to avoid misspelt tags names being silently added to C<@EXPORT> or C<@EXPORT_OK>. Future versions may make this a fatal error. =head2 Generating Combined Tags If several symbol categories exist in C<%EXPORT_TAGS>, it's usually useful to create the utility ":all" to simplify "use" statements. The simplest way to do this is: our %EXPORT_TAGS = (foo => [qw(aa bb cc)], bar => [qw(aa cc dd)]); # add all the other ":class" tags to the ":all" class, # deleting duplicates { my %seen; push @{$EXPORT_TAGS{all}}, grep {!$seen{$_}++} @{$EXPORT_TAGS{$_}} foreach keys %EXPORT_TAGS; } F creates an ":all" tag which contains some (but not really all) of its categories. That could be done with one small change: # add some of the other ":class" tags to the ":all" class, # deleting duplicates { my %seen; push @{$EXPORT_TAGS{all}}, grep {!$seen{$_}++} @{$EXPORT_TAGS{$_}} foreach qw/html2 html3 netscape form cgi internal/; } Note that the tag names in C<%EXPORT_TAGS> don't have the leading ':'. =head2 Ced Constants Many modules make use of Cing for constant subroutines to avoid having to compile and waste memory on rarely used values (see L for details on constant subroutines). Calls to such constant subroutines are not optimized away at compile time because they can't be checked at compile time for constancy. Even if a prototype is available at compile time, the body of the subroutine is not (it hasn't been Ced yet). perl needs to examine both the C<()> prototype and the body of a subroutine at compile time to detect that it can safely replace calls to that subroutine with the constant value. A workaround for this is to call the constants once in a C block: package My ; use Socket ; foo( SO_LINGER ); ## SO_LINGER NOT optimized away; called at runtime BEGIN { SO_LINGER } foo( SO_LINGER ); ## SO_LINGER optimized away at compile time. This forces the C for C to take place before SO_LINGER is encountered later in C package. If you are writing a package that Cs, consider forcing an C for any constants explicitly imported by other packages or which are usually used when your package is Cd. =head1 Good Practices =head2 Declaring C<@EXPORT_OK> and Friends When using C with the standard C and C pragmas, the C keyword is needed to declare the package variables C<@EXPORT_OK>, C<@EXPORT>, C<@ISA>, etc. our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); If backward compatibility for Perls B 5.6 is important, one must write instead a C statement. use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); =head2 Playing Safe There are some caveats with the use of runtime statements like C and the assignment to package variables, which can be very subtle for the unaware programmer. This may happen for instance with mutually recursive modules, which are affected by the time the relevant constructions are executed. The ideal way to never have to think about that is to use C blocks and the simple import method. So the first part of the L code could be rewritten as: package YourModule; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; BEGIN { our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); # symbols to export on request } Or if you need to inherit from Exporter: package YourModule; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # inherit all of Exporter's methods our @EXPORT_OK = qw(munge frobnicate); # symbols to export on request } The C will assure that the loading of F and the assignments to C<@ISA> and C<@EXPORT_OK> happen immediately like C, leaving no room for something to get awry or just plain wrong. With respect to loading C and inheriting, there are alternatives with the use of modules like C and C. use base qw(Exporter); # or use parent qw(Exporter); Any of these statements are nice replacements for C with the same compile-time effect. The basic difference is that C code interacts with declared C while C is a streamlined version of the older C code to just establish the IS-A relationship. For more details, see the documentation and code of L and L. Another thorough remedy to that runtime vs. compile-time trap is to use L, which is a wrapper of Exporter that allows all boilerplate code at a single gulp in the use statement. use Exporter::Easy ( OK => [ qw(munge frobnicate) ], ); # @ISA setup is automatic # all assignments happen at compile time =head2 What Not to Export You have been warned already in L to not export: =over 4 =item * method names (because you don't need to and that's likely to not do what you want), =item * anything by default (because you don't want to surprise your users... badly) =item * anything you don't need to (because less is more) =back There's one more item to add to this list. Do B export variable names. Just because C lets you do that, it does not mean you should. @EXPORT_OK = qw($svar @avar %hvar); # DON'T! Exporting variables is not a good idea. They can change under the hood, provoking horrible effects at-a-distance that are too hard to track and to fix. Trust me: they are not worth it. To provide the capability to set/get class-wide settings, it is best instead to provide accessors as subroutines or class methods instead. =head1 SEE ALSO C is definitely not the only module with symbol exporter capabilities. At CPAN, you may find a bunch of them. Some are lighter. Some provide improved APIs and features. Pick the one that fits your needs. The following is a sample list of such modules. Exporter::Easy Exporter::Lite Exporter::Renaming Exporter::Tidy Sub::Exporter / Sub::Installer Perl6::Export / Perl6::Export::Attrs =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut FILE5f44a3d2/Compress/Zlib.pm/ package Compress::Zlib; require 5.006 ; require Exporter; use Carp ; use IO::Handle ; use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar); use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.212 ; use Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.212 ; use IO::Compress::Gzip 2.212 ; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 2.212 ; use strict ; use warnings ; use bytes ; our ($VERSION, $XS_VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = '2.212'; $XS_VERSION = $VERSION; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. @EXPORT = qw( deflateInit inflateInit compress uncompress gzopen $gzerrno ); push @EXPORT, @Compress::Raw::Zlib::EXPORT ; @EXPORT_OK = qw(memGunzip memGzip zlib_version); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => \@EXPORT ); BEGIN { *zlib_version = \&Compress::Raw::Zlib::zlib_version; } use constant FLAG_APPEND => 1 ; use constant FLAG_CRC => 2 ; use constant FLAG_ADLER => 4 ; use constant FLAG_CONSUME_INPUT => 8 ; our (@my_z_errmsg); @my_z_errmsg = ( "need dictionary", # Z_NEED_DICT 2 "stream end", # Z_STREAM_END 1 "", # Z_OK 0 "file error", # Z_ERRNO (-1) "stream error", # Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) "data error", # Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) "insufficient memory", # Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) "buffer error", # Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) "incompatible version",# Z_VERSION_ERROR(-6) ); sub _set_gzerr { my $value = shift ; if ($value == 0) { $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = 0 ; } elsif ($value == Z_ERRNO() || $value > 2) { $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $! ; } else { $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = dualvar($value+0, $my_z_errmsg[2 - $value]); } return $value ; } sub _set_gzerr_undef { _set_gzerr(@_); return undef; } sub _save_gzerr { my $gz = shift ; my $test_eof = shift ; my $value = $gz->errorNo() || 0 ; my $eof = $gz->eof() ; if ($test_eof) { # gzread uses Z_STREAM_END to denote a successful end $value = Z_STREAM_END() if $gz->eof() && $value == 0 ; } _set_gzerr($value) ; } sub gzopen($$) { my ($file, $mode) = @_ ; my $gz ; my %defOpts = (Level => Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION(), Strategy => Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY(), ); my $writing ; $writing = ! ($mode =~ /r/i) ; $writing = ($mode =~ /[wa]/i) ; $defOpts{Level} = $1 if $mode =~ /(\d)/; $defOpts{Strategy} = Z_FILTERED() if $mode =~ /f/i; $defOpts{Strategy} = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY() if $mode =~ /h/i; $defOpts{Append} = 1 if $mode =~ /a/i; my $infDef = $writing ? 'deflate' : 'inflate'; my @params = () ; croak "gzopen: file parameter is not a filehandle or filename" unless isaFilehandle $file || isaFilename $file || (ref $file && ref $file eq 'SCALAR'); return undef unless $mode =~ /[rwa]/i ; _set_gzerr(0) ; if ($writing) { $gz = IO::Compress::Gzip->new($file, Minimal => 1, AutoClose => 1, %defOpts) or $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError; } else { $gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($file, Transparent => 1, Append => 0, AutoClose => 1, MultiStream => 1, Strict => 0) or $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError; } return undef if ! defined $gz ; bless [$gz, $infDef], 'Compress::Zlib::gzFile'; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzread { my $self = shift ; return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR()) if $self->[1] ne 'inflate'; my $len = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 4096 ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; if ($self->gzeof() || $len == 0) { # Zap the output buffer to match ver 1 behaviour. $_[0] = "" ; _save_gzerr($gz, 1); return 0 ; } my $status = $gz->read($_[0], $len) ; _save_gzerr($gz, 1); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzreadline { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; { # Maintain backward compatibility with 1.x behaviour # It didn't support $/, so this can't either. local $/ = "\n" ; $_[0] = $gz->getline() ; } _save_gzerr($gz, 1); return defined $_[0] ? length $_[0] : 0 ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzwrite { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR()) if $self->[1] ne 'deflate'; $] >= 5.008 and (utf8::downgrade($_[0], 1) or croak "Wide character in gzwrite"); my $status = $gz->write($_[0]) ; _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gztell { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; my $status = $gz->tell() ; _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzseek { my $self = shift ; my $offset = shift ; my $whence = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; my $status ; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $status = $gz->seek($offset, $whence) ; }; if ($@) { my $error = $@; $error =~ s/^.*: /gzseek: /; $error =~ s/ at .* line \d+\s*$//; croak $error; } _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzflush { my $self = shift ; my $f = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; my $status = $gz->flush($f) ; my $err = _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ? 0 : $err; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzclose { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; my $status = $gz->close() ; my $err = _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ? 0 : $err; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzeof { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; return 0 if $self->[1] ne 'inflate'; my $status = $gz->eof() ; _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzsetparams { my $self = shift ; croak "Usage: Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzsetparams(file, level, strategy)" unless @_ eq 2 ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; my $level = shift ; my $strategy = shift; return _set_gzerr(Z_STREAM_ERROR()) if $self->[1] ne 'deflate'; my $status = *$gz->{Compress}->deflateParams(-Level => $level, -Strategy => $strategy); _save_gzerr($gz); return $status ; } sub Compress::Zlib::gzFile::gzerror { my $self = shift ; my $gz = $self->[0] ; return $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno ; } sub compress($;$) { my ($x, $output, $err, $in) =('', '', '', '') ; if (ref $_[0] ) { $in = $_[0] ; croak "not a scalar reference" unless ref $in eq 'SCALAR' ; } else { $in = \$_[0] ; } $] >= 5.008 and (utf8::downgrade($$in, 1) or croak "Wide character in compress"); my $level = (@_ == 2 ? $_[1] : Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION() ); $x = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_deflateInit(FLAG_APPEND, $level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, MAX_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, 4096, '') or return undef ; $err = $x->deflate($in, $output) ; return undef unless $err == Z_OK() ; $err = $x->flush($output) ; return undef unless $err == Z_OK() ; return $output ; } sub uncompress($) { my ($output, $in) =('', '') ; if (ref $_[0] ) { $in = $_[0] ; croak "not a scalar reference" unless ref $in eq 'SCALAR' ; } else { $in = \$_[0] ; } $] >= 5.008 and (utf8::downgrade($$in, 1) or croak "Wide character in uncompress"); my ($obj, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_inflateInit(0, MAX_WBITS, 4096, "") ; $status == Z_OK or return undef; $obj->inflate($in, $output) == Z_STREAM_END or return undef; return $output; } sub deflateInit(@) { my ($got) = ParseParameters(0, { 'bufsize' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, 4096], 'level' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_signed, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION()], 'method' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, Z_DEFLATED()], 'windowbits' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_signed, MAX_WBITS()], 'memlevel' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, MAX_MEM_LEVEL()], 'strategy' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY()], 'dictionary' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, ""], }, @_ ) ; croak "Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified " . $got->getValue('bufsize') unless $got->getValue('bufsize') >= 1; my $obj ; my $status = 0 ; ($obj, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_deflateInit(0, $got->getValue('level'), $got->getValue('method'), $got->getValue('windowbits'), $got->getValue('memlevel'), $got->getValue('strategy'), $got->getValue('bufsize'), $got->getValue('dictionary')) ; my $x = ($status == Z_OK() ? bless $obj, "Zlib::OldDeflate" : undef) ; return wantarray ? ($x, $status) : $x ; } sub inflateInit(@) { my ($got) = ParseParameters(0, { 'bufsize' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, 4096], 'windowbits' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_signed, MAX_WBITS()], 'dictionary' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, ""], }, @_) ; croak "Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified " . $got->getValue('bufsize') unless $got->getValue('bufsize') >= 1; my $status = 0 ; my $obj ; ($obj, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_inflateInit(FLAG_CONSUME_INPUT, $got->getValue('windowbits'), $got->getValue('bufsize'), $got->getValue('dictionary')) ; my $x = ($status == Z_OK() ? bless $obj, "Zlib::OldInflate" : undef) ; wantarray ? ($x, $status) : $x ; } package Zlib::OldDeflate ; our (@ISA); @ISA = qw(Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream); sub deflate { my $self = shift ; my $output ; my $status = $self->SUPER::deflate($_[0], $output) ; wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ; } sub flush { my $self = shift ; my $output ; my $flag = shift || Compress::Zlib::Z_FINISH(); my $status = $self->SUPER::flush($output, $flag) ; wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ; } package Zlib::OldInflate ; our (@ISA); @ISA = qw(Compress::Raw::Zlib::inflateStream); sub inflate { my $self = shift ; my $output ; my $status = $self->SUPER::inflate($_[0], $output) ; wantarray ? ($output, $status) : $output ; } package Compress::Zlib ; use IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.212 ; sub memGzip($) { _set_gzerr(0); my $x = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_deflateInit(FLAG_APPEND|FLAG_CRC, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, -MAX_WBITS(), MAX_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, 4096, '') or return undef ; # if the deflation buffer isn't a reference, make it one my $string = (ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]) ; $] >= 5.008 and (utf8::downgrade($$string, 1) or croak "Wide character in memGzip"); my $out; my $status ; $x->deflate($string, $out) == Z_OK or return undef ; $x->flush($out) == Z_OK or return undef ; return IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants::GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER . $out . pack("V V", $x->crc32(), $x->total_in()); } sub _removeGzipHeader($) { my $string = shift ; return Z_DATA_ERROR() if length($$string) < GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE ; my ($magic1, $magic2, $method, $flags, $time, $xflags, $oscode) = unpack ('CCCCVCC', $$string); return Z_DATA_ERROR() unless $magic1 == GZIP_ID1 and $magic2 == GZIP_ID2 and $method == Z_DEFLATED() and !($flags & GZIP_FLG_RESERVED) ; substr($$string, 0, GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE) = '' ; # skip extra field if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA) { return Z_DATA_ERROR() if length($$string) < GZIP_FEXTRA_HEADER_SIZE ; my ($extra_len) = unpack ('v', $$string); $extra_len += GZIP_FEXTRA_HEADER_SIZE; return Z_DATA_ERROR() if length($$string) < $extra_len ; substr($$string, 0, $extra_len) = ''; } # skip orig name if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) { my $name_end = index ($$string, GZIP_NULL_BYTE); return Z_DATA_ERROR() if $name_end == -1 ; substr($$string, 0, $name_end + 1) = ''; } # skip comment if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT) { my $comment_end = index ($$string, GZIP_NULL_BYTE); return Z_DATA_ERROR() if $comment_end == -1 ; substr($$string, 0, $comment_end + 1) = ''; } # skip header crc if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FHCRC) { return Z_DATA_ERROR() if length ($$string) < GZIP_FHCRC_SIZE ; substr($$string, 0, GZIP_FHCRC_SIZE) = ''; } return Z_OK(); } sub _ret_gun_error { $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno = $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError; return undef; } sub memGunzip($) { # if the buffer isn't a reference, make it one my $string = (ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]); $] >= 5.008 and (utf8::downgrade($$string, 1) or croak "Wide character in memGunzip"); _set_gzerr(0); my $status = _removeGzipHeader($string) ; $status == Z_OK() or return _set_gzerr_undef($status); my $bufsize = length $$string > 4096 ? length $$string : 4096 ; my $x = Compress::Raw::Zlib::_inflateInit(FLAG_CRC | FLAG_CONSUME_INPUT, -MAX_WBITS(), $bufsize, '') or return _ret_gun_error(); my $output = '' ; $status = $x->inflate($string, $output); if ( $status == Z_OK() ) { _set_gzerr(Z_DATA_ERROR()); return undef; } return _ret_gun_error() if ($status != Z_STREAM_END()); if (length $$string >= 8) { my ($crc, $len) = unpack ("VV", substr($$string, 0, 8)); substr($$string, 0, 8) = ''; return _set_gzerr_undef(Z_DATA_ERROR()) unless $len == length($output) and $crc == Compress::Raw::Zlib::crc32($output); } else { $$string = ''; } return $output; } # Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Compress::Zlib - Interface to zlib compression library =head1 SYNOPSIS use Compress::Zlib ; ($d, $status) = deflateInit( [OPT] ) ; $status = $d->deflate($input, $output) ; $status = $d->flush([$flush_type]) ; $d->deflateParams(OPTS) ; $d->deflateTune(OPTS) ; $d->dict_adler() ; $d->crc32() ; $d->adler32() ; $d->total_in() ; $d->total_out() ; $d->msg() ; $d->get_Strategy(); $d->get_Level(); $d->get_BufSize(); ($i, $status) = inflateInit( [OPT] ) ; $status = $i->inflate($input, $output [, $eof]) ; $status = $i->inflateSync($input) ; $i->dict_adler() ; $d->crc32() ; $d->adler32() ; $i->total_in() ; $i->total_out() ; $i->msg() ; $d->get_BufSize(); $dest = compress($source) ; $dest = uncompress($source) ; $gz = gzopen($filename or filehandle, $mode) ; $bytesread = $gz->gzread($buffer [,$size]) ; $bytesread = $gz->gzreadline($line) ; $byteswritten = $gz->gzwrite($buffer) ; $status = $gz->gzflush($flush) ; $offset = $gz->gztell() ; $status = $gz->gzseek($offset, $whence) ; $status = $gz->gzclose() ; $status = $gz->gzeof() ; $status = $gz->gzsetparams($level, $strategy) ; $errstring = $gz->gzerror() ; $gzerrno $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buffer) ; $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) ; $crc = adler32($buffer [,$crc]) ; $crc = crc32($buffer [,$crc]) ; $crc = crc32_combine($crc1, $crc2, $len2); $adler = adler32_combine($adler1, $adler2, $len2); my $version = Compress::Raw::Zlib::zlib_version(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The I module provides a Perl interface to the I compression library (see L for details about where to get I). The C module can be split into two general areas of functionality, namely a simple read/write interface to I files and a low-level in-memory compression/decompression interface. Each of these areas will be discussed in the following sections. =head2 Notes for users of Compress::Zlib version 1 The main change in C version 2.x is that it does not now interface directly to the zlib library. Instead it uses the C and C modules for reading/writing gzip files, and the C module for some low-level zlib access. The interface provided by version 2 of this module should be 100% backward compatible with version 1. If you find a difference in the expected behaviour please contact the author (See L). See L With the creation of the C and C modules no new features are planned for C - the new modules do everything that C does and then some. Development on C will be limited to bug fixes only. If you are writing new code, your first port of call should be one of the new C or C modules. =head1 GZIP INTERFACE A number of functions are supplied in I for reading and writing I files that conform to RFC 1952. This module provides an interface to most of them. If you have previously used C 1.x, the following enhancements/changes have been made to the C interface: =over 5 =item 1 If you want to open either STDIN or STDOUT with C, you can now optionally use the special filename "C<->" as a synonym for C<\*STDIN> and C<\*STDOUT>. =item 2 In C version 1.x, C used the zlib library to open the underlying file. This made things especially tricky when a Perl filehandle was passed to C. Behind the scenes the numeric C file descriptor had to be extracted from the Perl filehandle and this passed to the zlib library. Apart from being non-portable to some operating systems, this made it difficult to use C in situations where you wanted to extract/create a gzip data stream that is embedded in a larger file, without having to resort to opening and closing the file multiple times. It also made it impossible to pass a perl filehandle that wasn't associated with a real filesystem file, like, say, an C. In C version 2.x, the C interface has been completely rewritten to use the L for writing gzip files and L for reading gzip files. None of the limitations mentioned above apply. =item 3 Addition of C to provide a restricted C interface. =item 4. Added C. =back A more complete and flexible interface for reading/writing gzip files/buffers is included with the module C. See L and L for more details. =over 5 =item B<$gz = gzopen($filename, $mode)> =item B<$gz = gzopen($filehandle, $mode)> This function opens either the I file C<$filename> for reading or writing or attaches to the opened filehandle, C<$filehandle>. It returns an object on success and C on failure. When writing a gzip file this interface will I create the smallest possible gzip header (exactly 10 bytes). If you want greater control over what gets stored in the gzip header (like the original filename or a comment) use L instead. Similarly if you want to read the contents of the gzip header use L. The second parameter, C<$mode>, is used to specify whether the file is opened for reading or writing and to optionally specify a compression level and compression strategy when writing. The format of the C<$mode> parameter is similar to the mode parameter to the 'C' function C, so "rb" is used to open for reading, "wb" for writing and "ab" for appending (writing at the end of the file). To specify a compression level when writing, append a digit between 0 and 9 to the mode string -- 0 means no compression and 9 means maximum compression. If no compression level is specified Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION is used. To specify the compression strategy when writing, append 'f' for filtered data, 'h' for Huffman only compression, or 'R' for run-length encoding. If no strategy is specified Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY is used. So, for example, "wb9" means open for writing with the maximum compression using the default strategy and "wb4R" means open for writing with compression level 4 and run-length encoding. Refer to the I documentation for the exact format of the C<$mode> parameter. =item B<$bytesread = $gz-Egzread($buffer [, $size]) ;> Reads C<$size> bytes from the compressed file into C<$buffer>. If C<$size> is not specified, it will default to 4096. If the scalar C<$buffer> is not large enough, it will be extended automatically. Returns the number of bytes actually read. On EOF it returns 0 and in the case of an error, -1. =item B<$bytesread = $gz-Egzreadline($line) ;> Reads the next line from the compressed file into C<$line>. Returns the number of bytes actually read. On EOF it returns 0 and in the case of an error, -1. It is legal to intermix calls to C and C. To maintain backward compatibility with version 1.x of this module C ignores the C<$/> variable - it I uses the string C<"\n"> as the line delimiter. If you want to read a gzip file a line at a time and have it respect the C<$/> variable (or C<$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR>, or C<$RS> when C is in use) see L. =item B<$byteswritten = $gz-Egzwrite($buffer) ;> Writes the contents of C<$buffer> to the compressed file. Returns the number of bytes actually written, or 0 on error. =item B<$status = $gz-Egzflush($flush_type) ;> Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. This method takes an optional parameter, C<$flush_type>, that controls how the flushing will be carried out. By default the C<$flush_type> used is C. Other valid values for C<$flush_type> are C, C, C and C. It is strongly recommended that you only set the C parameter if you fully understand the implications of what it does - overuse of C can seriously degrade the level of compression achieved. See the C documentation for details. Returns 0 on success. =item B<$offset = $gz-Egztell() ;> Returns the uncompressed file offset. =item B<$status = $gz-Egzseek($offset, $whence) ;> Provides a sub-set of the C functionality, with the restriction that it is only legal to seek forward in the compressed file. It is a fatal error to attempt to seek backward. When opened for writing, empty parts of the file will have NULL (0x00) bytes written to them. The C<$whence> parameter should be one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. =item B<$gz-Egzclose> Closes the compressed file. Any pending data is flushed to the file before it is closed. Returns 0 on success. =item B<$gz-Egzsetparams($level, $strategy> Change settings for the deflate stream C<$gz>. The list of the valid options is shown below. Options not specified will remain unchanged. Note: This method is only available if you are running zlib 1.0.6 or better. =over 5 =item B<$level> Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9, C, C, C, and C. =item B<$strategy> Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are C, C and C. =back =item B<$gz-Egzerror> Returns the I error message or number for the last operation associated with C<$gz>. The return value will be the I error number when used in a numeric context and the I error message when used in a string context. The I error number constants, shown below, are available for use. Z_OK Z_STREAM_END Z_ERRNO Z_STREAM_ERROR Z_DATA_ERROR Z_MEM_ERROR Z_BUF_ERROR =item B<$gzerrno> The C<$gzerrno> scalar holds the error code associated with the most recent I routine. Note that unlike C, the error is I associated with a particular file. As with C it returns an error number in numeric context and an error message in string context. Unlike C though, the error message will correspond to the I message when the error is associated with I itself, or the UNIX error message when it is not (i.e. I returned C). As there is an overlap between the error numbers used by I and UNIX, C<$gzerrno> should only be used to check for the presence of I error in numeric context. Use C to check for specific I errors. The I example below shows how the variable can be used safely. =back =head2 Examples Here is an example script which uses the interface. It implements a I function. use strict ; use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; # use stdin if no files supplied @ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ; foreach my $file (@ARGV) { my $buffer ; my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb") or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ; print $buffer while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ; die "Error reading from $file: $gzerrno" . ($gzerrno+0) . "\n" if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ; $gz->gzclose() ; } Below is a script which makes use of C. It implements a very simple I like script. use strict ; use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; die "Usage: gzgrep pattern [file...]\n" unless @ARGV >= 1; my $pattern = shift ; # use stdin if no files supplied @ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV ; foreach my $file (@ARGV) { my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb") or die "Cannot open $file: $gzerrno\n" ; while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) { print if /$pattern/ ; } die "Error reading from $file: $gzerrno\n" if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ; $gz->gzclose() ; } This script, I, does the opposite of the I script above. It reads from standard input and writes a gzip data stream to standard output. use strict ; use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; binmode STDOUT; # gzopen only sets it on the fd my $gz = gzopen(\*STDOUT, "wb") or die "Cannot open stdout: $gzerrno\n" ; while (<>) { $gz->gzwrite($_) or die "error writing: $gzerrno\n" ; } $gz->gzclose ; =head2 Compress::Zlib::memGzip This function is used to create an in-memory gzip file with the minimum possible gzip header (exactly 10 bytes). $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buffer) or die "Cannot compress: $gzerrno\n"; If successful, it returns the in-memory gzip file. Otherwise it returns C and the C<$gzerrno> variable will store the zlib error code. The C<$buffer> parameter can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. See L for an alternative way to carry out in-memory gzip compression. =head2 Compress::Zlib::memGunzip This function is used to uncompress an in-memory gzip file. $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) or die "Cannot uncompress: $gzerrno\n"; If successful, it returns the uncompressed gzip file. Otherwise it returns C and the C<$gzerrno> variable will store the zlib error code. The C<$buffer> parameter can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. The contents of the C<$buffer> parameter are destroyed after calling this function. If C<$buffer> consists of multiple concatenated gzip data streams only the first will be uncompressed. Use C with the C option in the C module if you need to deal with concatenated data streams. See L for an alternative way to carry out in-memory gzip uncompression. =head1 COMPRESS/UNCOMPRESS Two functions are provided to perform in-memory compression/uncompression of RFC 1950 data streams. They are called C and C. =over 5 =item B<$dest = compress($source [, $level] ) ;> Compresses C<$source>. If successful it returns the compressed data. Otherwise it returns I. The source buffer, C<$source>, can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. The C<$level> parameter defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9, C, C, C, and C. If C<$level> is not specified C will be used. =item B<$dest = uncompress($source) ;> Uncompresses C<$source>. If successful it returns the uncompressed data. Otherwise it returns I. The source buffer can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. =back Please note: the two functions defined above are I compatible with the Unix commands of the same name. See L and L included with this distribution for an alternative interface for reading/writing RFC 1950 files/buffers. =head1 Deflate Interface This section defines an interface that allows in-memory compression using the I interface provided by zlib. Here is a definition of the interface available: =head2 B<($d, $status) = deflateInit( [OPT] )> Initialises a deflation stream. It combines the features of the I functions C, C and C. If successful, it will return the initialised deflation stream, C<$d> and C<$status> of C in a list context. In scalar context it returns the deflation stream, C<$d>, only. If not successful, the returned deflation stream (C<$d>) will be I and C<$status> will hold the exact I error code. The function optionally takes a number of named options specified as C<< -Name=>value >> pairs. This allows individual options to be tailored without having to specify them all in the parameter list. For backward compatibility, it is also possible to pass the parameters as a reference to a hash containing the name=>value pairs. The function takes one optional parameter, a reference to a hash. The contents of the hash allow the deflation interface to be tailored. Here is a list of the valid options: =over 5 =item B<-Level> Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9, C, C, C, and C. The default is Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION. =item B<-Method> Defines the compression method. The only valid value at present (and the default) is Z_DEFLATED. =item B<-WindowBits> To create an RFC 1950 data stream, set C to a positive number. To create an RFC 1951 data stream, set C to C<-MAX_WBITS>. For a full definition of the meaning and valid values for C refer to the I documentation for I. Defaults to MAX_WBITS. =item B<-MemLevel> For a definition of the meaning and valid values for C refer to the I documentation for I. Defaults to MAX_MEM_LEVEL. =item B<-Strategy> Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are C, C and C. The default is Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY. =item B<-Dictionary> When a dictionary is specified I will automatically call C directly after calling C. The Adler32 value for the dictionary can be obtained by calling the method C<< $d->dict_adler() >>. The default is no dictionary. =item B<-Bufsize> Sets the initial size for the deflation buffer. If the buffer has to be reallocated to increase the size, it will grow in increments of C. The default is 4096. =back Here is an example of using the C optional parameter list to override the default buffer size and compression level. All other options will take their default values. deflateInit( -Bufsize => 300, -Level => Z_BEST_SPEED ) ; =head2 B<($out, $status) = $d-Edeflate($buffer)> Deflates the contents of C<$buffer>. The buffer can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. When finished, C<$buffer> will be completely processed (assuming there were no errors). If the deflation was successful it returns the deflated output, C<$out>, and a status value, C<$status>, of C. On error, C<$out> will be I and C<$status> will contain the I error code. In a scalar context C will return C<$out> only. As with the I function in I, it is not necessarily the case that any output will be produced by this method. So don't rely on the fact that C<$out> is empty for an error test. =head2 B<($out, $status) = $d-Eflush()> =head2 B<($out, $status) = $d-Eflush($flush_type)> Typically used to finish the deflation. Any pending output will be returned via C<$out>. C<$status> will have a value C if successful. In a scalar context C will return C<$out> only. Note that flushing can seriously degrade the compression ratio, so it should only be used to terminate a decompression (using C) or when you want to create a I (using C). By default the C used is C. Other valid values for C are C, C, C and C. It is strongly recommended that you only set the C parameter if you fully understand the implications of what it does. See the C documentation for details. =head2 B<$status = $d-EdeflateParams([OPT])> Change settings for the deflate stream C<$d>. The list of the valid options is shown below. Options not specified will remain unchanged. =over 5 =item B<-Level> Defines the compression level. Valid values are 0 through 9, C, C, C, and C. =item B<-Strategy> Defines the strategy used to tune the compression. The valid values are C, C and C. =back =head2 B<$d-Edict_adler()> Returns the adler32 value for the dictionary. =head2 B<$d-Emsg()> Returns the last error message generated by zlib. =head2 B<$d-Etotal_in()> Returns the total number of bytes uncompressed bytes input to deflate. =head2 B<$d-Etotal_out()> Returns the total number of compressed bytes output from deflate. =head2 Example Here is a trivial example of using C. It simply reads standard input, deflates it and writes it to standard output. use strict ; use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; my $x = deflateInit() or die "Cannot create a deflation stream\n" ; my ($output, $status) ; while (<>) { ($output, $status) = $x->deflate($_) ; $status == Z_OK or die "deflation failed\n" ; print $output ; } ($output, $status) = $x->flush() ; $status == Z_OK or die "deflation failed\n" ; print $output ; =head1 Inflate Interface This section defines the interface available that allows in-memory uncompression using the I interface provided by zlib. Here is a definition of the interface: =head2 B<($i, $status) = inflateInit()> Initialises an inflation stream. In a list context it returns the inflation stream, C<$i>, and the I status code in C<$status>. In a scalar context it returns the inflation stream only. If successful, C<$i> will hold the inflation stream and C<$status> will be C. If not successful, C<$i> will be I and C<$status> will hold the I error code. The function optionally takes a number of named options specified as C<< -Name=>value >> pairs. This allows individual options to be tailored without having to specify them all in the parameter list. For backward compatibility, it is also possible to pass the parameters as a reference to a hash containing the name=>value pairs. The function takes one optional parameter, a reference to a hash. The contents of the hash allow the deflation interface to be tailored. Here is a list of the valid options: =over 5 =item B<-WindowBits> To uncompress an RFC 1950 data stream, set C to a positive number. To uncompress an RFC 1951 data stream, set C to C<-MAX_WBITS>. For a full definition of the meaning and valid values for C refer to the I documentation for I. Defaults to MAX_WBITS. =item B<-Bufsize> Sets the initial size for the inflation buffer. If the buffer has to be reallocated to increase the size, it will grow in increments of C. Default is 4096. =item B<-Dictionary> The default is no dictionary. =back Here is an example of using the C optional parameter to override the default buffer size. inflateInit( -Bufsize => 300 ) ; =head2 B<($out, $status) = $i-Einflate($buffer)> Inflates the complete contents of C<$buffer>. The buffer can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. Returns C if successful and C if the end of the compressed data has been successfully reached. If not successful, C<$out> will be I and C<$status> will hold the I error code. The C<$buffer> parameter is modified by C. On completion it will contain what remains of the input buffer after inflation. This means that C<$buffer> will be an empty string when the return status is C. When the return status is C the C<$buffer> parameter will contains what (if anything) was stored in the input buffer after the deflated data stream. This feature is useful when processing a file format that encapsulates a compressed data stream (e.g. gzip, zip). =head2 B<$status = $i-EinflateSync($buffer)> Scans C<$buffer> until it reaches either a I or the end of the buffer. If a I is found, C is returned and C<$buffer> will be have all data up to the flush point removed. This can then be passed to the C method. Any other return code means that a flush point was not found. If more data is available, C can be called repeatedly with more compressed data until the flush point is found. =head2 B<$i-Edict_adler()> Returns the adler32 value for the dictionary. =head2 B<$i-Emsg()> Returns the last error message generated by zlib. =head2 B<$i-Etotal_in()> Returns the total number of bytes compressed bytes input to inflate. =head2 B<$i-Etotal_out()> Returns the total number of uncompressed bytes output from inflate. =head2 Example Here is an example of using C. use strict ; use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; my $x = inflateInit() or die "Cannot create a inflation stream\n" ; my $input = '' ; binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; my ($output, $status) ; while (read(STDIN, $input, 4096)) { ($output, $status) = $x->inflate(\$input) ; print $output if $status == Z_OK or $status == Z_STREAM_END ; last if $status != Z_OK ; } die "inflation failed\n" unless $status == Z_STREAM_END ; =head1 CHECKSUM FUNCTIONS Two functions are provided by I to calculate checksums. For the Perl interface, the order of the two parameters in both functions has been reversed. This allows both running checksums and one off calculations to be done. $crc = adler32($buffer [,$crc]) ; $crc = crc32($buffer [,$crc]) ; The buffer parameters can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. If the $crc parameters is C, the crc value will be reset. If you have built this module with zlib 1.2.3 or better, two more CRC-related functions are available. $crc = crc32_combine($crc1, $crc2, $len2); $adler = adler32_combine($adler1, $adler2, $len2); These functions allow checksums to be merged. Refer to the I documentation for more details. =head1 Misc =head2 my $version = Compress::Zlib::zlib_version(); Returns the version of the zlib library. =head1 CONSTANTS All the I constants are automatically imported when you make use of I. =head1 SUPPORT General feedback/questions/bug reports should be sent to L (preferred) or L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L L L, L, L, L For RFC 1950, 1951 and 1952 see L, L and L The I compression library was written by Jean-loup Gailly C and Mark Adler C. The primary site for the I compression library is L. The primary site for the I compression library is L. The primary site for gzip is L. =head1 AUTHOR This module was written by Paul Marquess, C. =head1 MODIFICATION HISTORY See the Changes file. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 1995-2024 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. FILEb956cb79/Digest/base.pmpackage Digest::base; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = "1.20"; # subclass is supposed to implement at least these sub new; sub clone; sub add; sub digest; sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->new(@_); # ugly } sub addfile { my ( $self, $handle ) = @_; my $n; my $buf = ""; while ( ( $n = read( $handle, $buf, 4 * 1024 ) ) ) { $self->add($buf); } unless ( defined $n ) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Read failed: $!"); } $self; } sub add_bits { my $self = shift; my $bits; my $nbits; if ( @_ == 1 ) { my $arg = shift; $bits = pack( "B*", $arg ); $nbits = length($arg); } else { ( $bits, $nbits ) = @_; } if ( ( $nbits % 8 ) != 0 ) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Number of bits must be multiple of 8 for this algorithm"); } return $self->add( substr( $bits, 0, $nbits / 8 ) ); } sub hexdigest { my $self = shift; return unpack( "H*", $self->digest(@_) ); } sub b64digest { my $self = shift; my $b64 = $self->base64_padded_digest; $b64 =~ s/=+$//; return $b64; } sub base64_padded_digest { my $self = shift; require MIME::Base64; return MIME::Base64::encode( $self->digest(@_), "" ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Digest::base - Digest base class =head1 SYNOPSIS package Digest::Foo; use base 'Digest::base'; =head1 DESCRIPTION The C class provide implementations of the methods C and C in terms of C, and of the methods C and C in terms of C. Digest implementations might want to inherit from this class to get this implementations of the alternative I and I methods. A minimal subclass needs to implement the following methods by itself: new clone add digest The arguments and expected behaviour of these methods are described in L. =head1 SEE ALSO L FILE81b1434e/Carp.pmpackage Carp; { use 5.006; } use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { # Very old versions of warnings.pm load Carp. This can go wrong due # to the circular dependency. If warnings is invoked before Carp, # then warnings starts by loading Carp, then Carp (above) tries to # invoke warnings, and gets nothing because warnings is in the process # of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet. If we were # only turning on warnings ("use warnings" above) this wouldn't be too # bad, because Carp would just gets the state of the -w switch and so # might not get some warnings that it wanted. The real problem is # that we then want to turn off Unicode warnings, but "no warnings # 'utf8'" won't be effective if we're in this circular-dependency # situation. So, if warnings.pm is an affected version, we turn # off all warnings ourselves by directly setting ${^WARNING_BITS}. # On unaffected versions, we turn off just Unicode warnings, via # the proper API. if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) || eval($warnings::VERSION) < 1.06) { ${^WARNING_BITS} = ""; } else { "warnings"->unimport("utf8"); } } sub _fetch_sub { # fetch sub without autovivifying my($pack, $sub) = @_; $pack .= '::'; # only works with top-level packages return unless exists($::{$pack}); for ($::{$pack}) { return unless ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{$sub}; for ($$_{$sub}) { return ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' ? *$_{CODE} : undef } } } # UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM is a compile-time constant indicating whether Carp # must avoid applying a regular expression to an upgraded (is_utf8) # string. There are multiple problems, on different Perl versions, # that require this to be avoided. All versions prior to 5.13.8 will # load utf8_heavy.pl for the swash system, even if the regexp doesn't # use character classes. Perl 5.6 and Perls [5.11.2, 5.13.11) exhibit # specific problems when Carp is being invoked in the aftermath of a # syntax error. BEGIN { if("$]" < 5.013011) { *UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 1 }; } else { *UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 0 }; } } # is_utf8() is essentially the utf8::is_utf8() function, which indicates # whether a string is represented in the upgraded form (using UTF-8 # internally). As utf8::is_utf8() is only available from Perl 5.8 # onwards, extra effort is required here to make it work on Perl 5.6. BEGIN { if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'is_utf8')) { *is_utf8 = $sub; } else { # black magic for perl 5.6 *is_utf8 = sub { unpack("C", "\xaa".$_[0]) != 170 }; } } # The downgrade() function defined here is to be used for attempts to # downgrade where it is acceptable to fail. It must be called with a # second argument that is a true value. BEGIN { if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'downgrade')) { *downgrade = \&{"utf8::downgrade"}; } else { *downgrade = sub { my $r = ""; my $l = length($_[0]); for(my $i = 0; $i != $l; $i++) { my $o = ord(substr($_[0], $i, 1)); return if $o > 255; $r .= chr($o); } $_[0] = $r; }; } } # is_safe_printable_codepoint() indicates whether a character, specified # by integer codepoint, is OK to output literally in a trace. Generally # this is if it is a printable character in the ancestral character set # (ASCII or EBCDIC). This is used on some Perls in situations where a # regexp can't be used. BEGIN { *is_safe_printable_codepoint = "$]" >= 5.007_003 ? eval(q(sub ($) { my $u = utf8::native_to_unicode($_[0]); $u >= 0x20 && $u <= 0x7e; })) : ord("A") == 65 ? sub ($) { $_[0] >= 0x20 && $_[0] <= 0x7e } : sub ($) { # Early EBCDIC # 3 EBCDIC code pages supported then; all controls but one # are the code points below SPACE. The other one is 0x5F on # POSIX-BC; FF on the other two. # FIXME: there are plenty of unprintable codepoints other # than those that this code and the comment above identifies # as "controls". $_[0] >= ord(" ") && $_[0] <= 0xff && $_[0] != (ord ("^") == 106 ? 0x5f : 0xff); } ; } sub _univ_mod_loaded { return 0 unless exists($::{"UNIVERSAL::"}); for ($::{"UNIVERSAL::"}) { return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB" && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{"$_[0]::"}; for ($$_{"$_[0]::"}) { return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB" && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{"VERSION"}; for ($$_{"VERSION"}) { return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB"; return ${*$_{SCALAR}}; } } } } # _maybe_isa() is usually the UNIVERSAL::isa function. We have to avoid # the latter if the UNIVERSAL::isa module has been loaded, to avoid infi- # nite recursion; in that case _maybe_isa simply returns true. my $isa; BEGIN { if (_univ_mod_loaded('isa')) { *_maybe_isa = sub { 1 } } else { # Since we have already done the check, record $isa for use below # when defining _StrVal. *_maybe_isa = $isa = _fetch_sub(UNIVERSAL => "isa"); } } # We need an overload::StrVal or equivalent function, but we must avoid # loading any modules on demand, as Carp is used from __DIE__ handlers and # may be invoked after a syntax error. # We can copy recent implementations of overload::StrVal and use # overloading.pm, which is the fastest implementation, so long as # overloading is available. If it is not available, we use our own pure- # Perl StrVal. We never actually use overload::StrVal, for various rea- # sons described below. # overload versions are as follows: # undef-1.00 (up to perl 5.8.0) uses bless (avoid!) # 1.01-1.17 (perl 5.8.1 to 5.14) uses Scalar::Util # 1.18+ (perl 5.16+) uses overloading # The ancient 'bless' implementation (that inspires our pure-Perl version) # blesses unblessed references and must be avoided. Those using # Scalar::Util use refaddr, possibly the pure-Perl implementation, which # has the same blessing bug, and must be avoided. Also, Scalar::Util is # loaded on demand. Since we avoid the Scalar::Util implementations, we # end up having to implement our own overloading.pm-based version for perl # 5.10.1 to 5.14. Since it also works just as well in more recent ver- # sions, we use it there, too. BEGIN { if (eval { require "overloading.pm" }) { *_StrVal = eval 'sub { no overloading; "$_[0]" }' } else { # Work around the UNIVERSAL::can/isa modules to avoid recursion. # _mycan is either UNIVERSAL::can, or, in the presence of an # override, overload::mycan. *_mycan = _univ_mod_loaded('can') ? do { require "overload.pm"; _fetch_sub overload => 'mycan' } : \&UNIVERSAL::can; # _blessed is either UNIVERSAL::isa(...), or, in the presence of an # override, a hideous, but fairly reliable, workaround. *_blessed = $isa ? sub { &$isa($_[0], "UNIVERSAL") } : sub { my $probe = "UNIVERSAL::Carp_probe_" . rand; no strict 'refs'; local *$probe = sub { "unlikely string" }; local $@; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{}; (eval { $_[0]->$probe } || '') eq 'unlikely string' }; *_StrVal = sub { my $pack = ref $_[0]; # Perl's overload mechanism uses the presence of a special # "method" named "((" or "()" to signal it is in effect. # This test seeks to see if it has been set up. "((" post- # dates overloading.pm, so we can skip it. return "$_[0]" unless _mycan($pack, "()"); # Even at this point, the invocant may not be blessed, so # check for that. return "$_[0]" if not _blessed($_[0]); bless $_[0], "Carp"; my $str = "$_[0]"; bless $_[0], $pack; $pack . substr $str, index $str, "="; } } } our $VERSION = '1.54'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; our $MaxEvalLen = 0; our $Verbose = 0; our $CarpLevel = 0; our $MaxArgLen = 64; # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all. our $MaxArgNums = 8; # How many arguments to print. 0 = all. our $RefArgFormatter = undef; # allow caller to format reference arguments require Exporter; our @ISA = ('Exporter'); our @EXPORT = qw(confess croak carp); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(cluck verbose longmess shortmess); our @EXPORT_FAIL = qw(verbose); # hook to enable verbose mode # The members of %Internal are packages that are internal to perl. # Carp will not report errors from within these packages if it # can. The members of %CarpInternal are internal to Perl's warning # system. Carp will not report errors from within these packages # either, and will not report calls *to* these packages for carp and # croak. They replace $CarpLevel, which is deprecated. The # $Max(EvalLen|(Arg(Len|Nums)) variables are used to specify how the eval # text and function arguments should be formatted when printed. our %CarpInternal; our %Internal; # disable these by default, so they can live w/o require Carp $CarpInternal{Carp}++; $CarpInternal{warnings}++; $Internal{Exporter}++; $Internal{'Exporter::Heavy'}++; # if the caller specifies verbose usage ("perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl") # then the following method will be called by the Exporter which knows # to do this thanks to @EXPORT_FAIL, above. $_[1] will contain the word # 'verbose'. sub export_fail { shift; $Verbose = shift if $_[0] eq 'verbose'; @_ } sub _cgc { no strict 'refs'; return \&{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"} if defined &{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"}; return; } sub longmess { local($!, $^E); # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-( # # The story is that the original implementation hard-coded the # number of call levels to go back, so calls to longmess were off # by one. Other code began calling longmess and expecting this # behaviour, so the replacement has to emulate that behaviour. my $cgc = _cgc(); my $call_pack = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller(); if ( $Internal{$call_pack} or $CarpInternal{$call_pack} ) { return longmess_heavy(@_); } else { local $CarpLevel = $CarpLevel + 1; return longmess_heavy(@_); } } our @CARP_NOT; sub shortmess { local($!, $^E); my $cgc = _cgc(); # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-( local @CARP_NOT = scalar( $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller() ); shortmess_heavy(@_); } sub croak { die shortmess @_ } sub confess { die longmess @_ } sub carp { warn shortmess @_ } sub cluck { warn longmess @_ } BEGIN { if("$]" >= 5.015002 || ("$]" >= 5.014002 && "$]" < 5.015) || ("$]" >= 5.012005 && "$]" < 5.013)) { *CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 1 }; } else { *CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 0 }; } } sub caller_info { my $i = shift(@_) + 1; my %call_info; my $cgc = _cgc(); { # Some things override caller() but forget to implement the # @DB::args part of it, which we need. We check for this by # pre-populating @DB::args with a sentinel which no-one else # has the address of, so that we can detect whether @DB::args # has been properly populated. However, on earlier versions # of perl this check tickles a bug in CORE::caller() which # leaks memory. So we only check on fixed perls. @DB::args = \$i if CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK; package DB; @call_info{ qw(pack file line sub has_args wantarray evaltext is_require) } = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i); } unless ( defined $call_info{file} ) { return (); } my $sub_name = Carp::get_subname( \%call_info ); if ( $call_info{has_args} ) { # Guard our serialization of the stack from stack refcounting bugs # NOTE this is NOT a complete solution, we cannot 100% guard against # these bugs. However in many cases Perl *is* capable of detecting # them and throws an error when it does. Unfortunately serializing # the arguments on the stack is a perfect way of finding these bugs, # even when they would not affect normal program flow that did not # poke around inside the stack. Inside of Carp.pm it makes little # sense reporting these bugs, as Carp's job is to report the callers # errors, not the ones it might happen to tickle while doing so. # See: https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=131046 # and: https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=52610 # for more details and discussion. - Yves my @args = map { my $arg; local $@= $@; eval { $arg = $_; 1; } or do { $arg = '** argument not available anymore **'; }; $arg; } @DB::args; if (CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK && @args == 1 && ref $args[0] eq ref \$i && $args[0] == \$i ) { @args = (); # Don't let anyone see the address of $i local $@; my $where = eval { my $func = $cgc or return ''; my $gv = (_fetch_sub B => 'svref_2object' or return '') ->($func)->GV; my $package = $gv->STASH->NAME; my $subname = $gv->NAME; return unless defined $package && defined $subname; # returning CORE::GLOBAL::caller isn't useful for tracing the cause: return if $package eq 'CORE::GLOBAL' && $subname eq 'caller'; " in &${package}::$subname"; } || ''; @args = "** Incomplete caller override detected$where; \@DB::args were not set **"; } else { my $overflow; if ( $MaxArgNums and @args > $MaxArgNums ) { # More than we want to show? $#args = $MaxArgNums - 1; $overflow = 1; } @args = map { Carp::format_arg($_) } @args; if ($overflow) { push @args, '...'; } } # Push the args onto the subroutine $sub_name .= '(' . join( ', ', @args ) . ')'; } $call_info{sub_name} = $sub_name; return wantarray() ? %call_info : \%call_info; } # Transform an argument to a function into a string. our $in_recurse; sub format_arg { my $arg = shift; if ( my $pack= ref($arg) ) { # legitimate, let's not leak it. if (!$in_recurse && _maybe_isa( $arg, 'UNIVERSAL' ) && do { local $@; local $in_recurse = 1; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{}; eval {$arg->can('CARP_TRACE') } }) { return $arg->CARP_TRACE(); } elsif (!$in_recurse && defined($RefArgFormatter) && do { local $@; local $in_recurse = 1; local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{}; eval {$arg = $RefArgFormatter->($arg); 1} }) { return $arg; } else { # Argument may be blessed into a class with overloading, and so # might have an overloaded stringification. We don't want to # risk getting the overloaded stringification, so we need to # use _StrVal, our overload::StrVal()-equivalent. return _StrVal $arg; } } return "undef" if !defined($arg); downgrade($arg, 1); return $arg if !(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) && $arg =~ /\A-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\z/; my $suffix = ""; if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) { substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = ""; $suffix = "..."; } if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) { for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) { my $c = substr($arg, $i, 1); my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2} if($c eq "\"" || $c eq "\\" || $c eq "\$" || $c eq "\@") { substr $arg, $i, 0, "\\"; next; } my $o = ord($c); substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o) unless is_safe_printable_codepoint($o); } } else { $arg =~ s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g; # This is all the ASCII printables spelled-out. It is portable to all # Perl versions and platforms (such as EBCDIC). There are other more # compact ways to do this, but may not work everywhere every version. $arg =~ s/([^ !"#\$\%\&'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg; } downgrade($arg, 1); return "\"".$arg."\"".$suffix; } sub Regexp::CARP_TRACE { my $arg = "$_[0]"; downgrade($arg, 1); if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) { for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) { my $o = ord(substr($arg, $i, 1)); my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2} substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o) unless is_safe_printable_codepoint($o); } } else { # See comment in format_arg() about this same regex. $arg =~ s/([^ !"#\$\%\&'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg; } downgrade($arg, 1); my $suffix = ""; if($arg =~ /\A\(\?\^?([a-z]*)(?:-[a-z]*)?:(.*)\)\z/s) { ($suffix, $arg) = ($1, $2); } if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) { substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = ""; $suffix = "...".$suffix; } return "qr($arg)$suffix"; } # Takes an inheritance cache and a package and returns # an anon hash of known inheritances and anon array of # inheritances which consequences have not been figured # for. sub get_status { my $cache = shift; my $pkg = shift; $cache->{$pkg} ||= [ { $pkg => $pkg }, [ trusts_directly($pkg) ] ]; return @{ $cache->{$pkg} }; } # Takes the info from caller() and figures out the name of # the sub/require/eval sub get_subname { my $info = shift; if ( defined( $info->{evaltext} ) ) { my $eval = $info->{evaltext}; if ( $info->{is_require} ) { return "require $eval"; } else { $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g; return "eval '" . str_len_trim( $eval, $MaxEvalLen ) . "'"; } } # this can happen on older perls when the sub (or the stash containing it) # has been deleted if ( !defined( $info->{sub} ) ) { return '__ANON__::__ANON__'; } return ( $info->{sub} eq '(eval)' ) ? 'eval {...}' : $info->{sub}; } # Figures out what call (from the point of view of the caller) # the long error backtrace should start at. sub long_error_loc { my $i; my $lvl = $CarpLevel; { ++$i; my $cgc = _cgc(); my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i); my $pkg = $caller[0]; unless ( defined($pkg) ) { # This *shouldn't* happen. if (%Internal) { local %Internal; $i = long_error_loc(); last; } elsif (defined $caller[2]) { # this can happen when the stash has been deleted # in that case, just assume that it's a reasonable place to # stop (the file and line data will still be intact in any # case) - the only issue is that we can't detect if the # deleted package was internal (so don't do that then) # -doy redo unless 0 > --$lvl; last; } else { return 2; } } redo if $CarpInternal{$pkg}; redo unless 0 > --$lvl; redo if $Internal{$pkg}; } return $i - 1; } sub longmess_heavy { if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) { # don't break references as exceptions return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0]; } my $i = long_error_loc(); return ret_backtrace( $i, @_ ); } BEGIN { if("$]" >= 5.017004) { # The LAST_FH constant is a reference to the variable. $Carp::{LAST_FH} = \eval '\${^LAST_FH}'; } else { eval '*LAST_FH = sub () { 0 }'; } } # Returns a full stack backtrace starting from where it is # told. sub ret_backtrace { my ( $i, @error ) = @_; my $mess; my $err = join '', @error; $i++; my $tid_msg = ''; if ( defined &threads::tid ) { my $tid = threads->tid; $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid; } my %i = caller_info($i); $mess = "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg"; if( $. ) { # Use ${^LAST_FH} if available. if (LAST_FH) { if (${+LAST_FH}) { $mess .= sprintf ", <%s> %s %d", *${+LAST_FH}{NAME}, ($/ eq "\n" ? "line" : "chunk"), $. } } else { local $@ = ''; local $SIG{__DIE__}; eval { CORE::die; }; if($@ =~ /^Died at .*(, <.*?> (?:line|chunk) \d+).$/ ) { $mess .= $1; } } } $mess .= "\.\n"; while ( my %i = caller_info( ++$i ) ) { $mess .= "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\n"; } return $mess; } sub ret_summary { my ( $i, @error ) = @_; my $err = join '', @error; $i++; my $tid_msg = ''; if ( defined &threads::tid ) { my $tid = threads->tid; $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid; } my %i = caller_info($i); return "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\.\n"; } sub short_error_loc { # You have to create your (hash)ref out here, rather than defaulting it # inside trusts *on a lexical*, as you want it to persist across calls. # (You can default it on $_[2], but that gets messy) my $cache = {}; my $i = 1; my $lvl = $CarpLevel; { my $cgc = _cgc(); my $called = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i); $i++; my $caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i); if (!defined($caller)) { my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i); if (@caller) { # if there's no package but there is other caller info, then # the package has been deleted - treat this as a valid package # in this case redo if defined($called) && $CarpInternal{$called}; redo unless 0 > --$lvl; last; } else { return 0; } } redo if $Internal{$caller}; redo if $CarpInternal{$caller}; redo if $CarpInternal{$called}; redo if trusts( $called, $caller, $cache ); redo if trusts( $caller, $called, $cache ); redo unless 0 > --$lvl; } return $i - 1; } sub shortmess_heavy { return longmess_heavy(@_) if $Verbose; return @_ if ref( $_[0] ); # don't break references as exceptions my $i = short_error_loc(); if ($i) { ret_summary( $i, @_ ); } else { longmess_heavy(@_); } } # If a string is too long, trims it with ... sub str_len_trim { my $str = shift; my $max = shift || 0; if ( 2 < $max and $max < length($str) ) { substr( $str, $max - 3 ) = '...'; } return $str; } # Takes two packages and an optional cache. Says whether the # first inherits from the second. # # Recursive versions of this have to work to avoid certain # possible endless loops, and when following long chains of # inheritance are less efficient. sub trusts { my $child = shift; my $parent = shift; my $cache = shift; my ( $known, $partial ) = get_status( $cache, $child ); # Figure out consequences until we have an answer while ( @$partial and not exists $known->{$parent} ) { my $anc = shift @$partial; next if exists $known->{$anc}; $known->{$anc}++; my ( $anc_knows, $anc_partial ) = get_status( $cache, $anc ); my @found = keys %$anc_knows; @$known{@found} = (); push @$partial, @$anc_partial; } return exists $known->{$parent}; } # Takes a package and gives a list of those trusted directly sub trusts_directly { my $class = shift; no strict 'refs'; my $stash = \%{"$class\::"}; for my $var (qw/ CARP_NOT ISA /) { # Don't try using the variable until we know it exists, # to avoid polluting the caller's namespace. if ( $stash->{$var} && ref \$stash->{$var} eq 'GLOB' && *{$stash->{$var}}{ARRAY} && @{$stash->{$var}} ) { return @{$stash->{$var}} } } return; } if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) || do { no warnings "numeric"; $warnings::VERSION < 1.03 }) { # Very old versions of warnings.pm import from Carp. This can go # wrong due to the circular dependency. If Carp is invoked before # warnings, then Carp starts by loading warnings, then warnings # tries to import from Carp, and gets nothing because Carp is in # the process of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet. # So we work around that by manually exporting to warnings here. no strict "refs"; *{"warnings::$_"} = \&$_ foreach @EXPORT; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Carp - alternative warn and die for modules =head1 SYNOPSIS use Carp; # warn user (from perspective of caller) carp "string trimmed to 80 chars"; # die of errors (from perspective of caller) croak "We're outta here!"; # die of errors with stack backtrace confess "not implemented"; # cluck, longmess and shortmess not exported by default use Carp qw(cluck longmess shortmess); cluck "This is how we got here!"; # warn with stack backtrace my $long_message = longmess( "message from cluck() or confess()" ); my $short_message = shortmess( "message from carp() or croak()" ); =head1 DESCRIPTION The Carp routines are useful in your own modules because they act like C or C, but with a message which is more likely to be useful to a user of your module. In the case of C and C, that context is a summary of every call in the call-stack; C returns the contents of the error message. For a shorter message you can use C or C which report the error as being from where your module was called. C returns the contents of this error message. There is no guarantee that that is where the error was, but it is a good educated guess. C takes care not to clobber the status variables C<$!> and C<$^E> in the course of assembling its error messages. This means that a C<$SIG{__DIE__}> or C<$SIG{__WARN__}> handler can capture the error information held in those variables, if it is required to augment the error message, and if the code calling C left useful values there. Of course, C can't guarantee the latter. You can also alter the way the output and logic of C works, by changing some global variables in the C namespace. See the section on L below. Here is a more complete description of how C and C work. What they do is search the call-stack for a function call stack where they have not been told that there shouldn't be an error. If every call is marked safe, they give up and give a full stack backtrace instead. In other words they presume that the first likely looking potential suspect is guilty. Their rules for telling whether a call shouldn't generate errors work as follows: =over 4 =item 1. Any call from a package to itself is safe. =item 2. Packages claim that there won't be errors on calls to or from packages explicitly marked as safe by inclusion in C<@CARP_NOT>, or (if that array is empty) C<@ISA>. The ability to override what @ISA says is new in 5.8. =item 3. The trust in item 2 is transitive. If A trusts B, and B trusts C, then A trusts C. So if you do not override C<@ISA> with C<@CARP_NOT>, then this trust relationship is identical to, "inherits from". =item 4. Any call from an internal Perl module is safe. (Nothing keeps user modules from marking themselves as internal to Perl, but this practice is discouraged.) =item 5. Any call to Perl's warning system (eg Carp itself) is safe. (This rule is what keeps it from reporting the error at the point where you call C or C.) =item 6. C<$Carp::CarpLevel> can be set to skip a fixed number of additional call levels. Using this is not recommended because it is very difficult to get it to behave correctly. =back =head2 Forcing a Stack Trace As a debugging aid, you can force Carp to treat a croak as a confess and a carp as a cluck across I modules. In other words, force a detailed stack trace to be given. This can be very helpful when trying to understand why, or from where, a warning or error is being generated. This feature is enabled by 'importing' the non-existent symbol 'verbose'. You would typically enable it by saying perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl or by including the string C<-MCarp=verbose> in the PERL5OPT environment variable. Alternately, you can set the global variable C<$Carp::Verbose> to true. See the L section below. =head2 Stack Trace formatting At each stack level, the subroutine's name is displayed along with its parameters. For simple scalars, this is sufficient. For complex data types, such as objects and other references, this can simply display C<'HASH(0x1ab36d8)'>. Carp gives two ways to control this. =over 4 =item 1. For objects, a method, C, will be called, if it exists. If this method doesn't exist, or it recurses into C, or it otherwise throws an exception, this is skipped, and Carp moves on to the next option, otherwise checking stops and the string returned is used. It is recommended that the object's type is part of the string to make debugging easier. =item 2. For any type of reference, C<$Carp::RefArgFormatter> is checked (see below). This variable is expected to be a code reference, and the current parameter is passed in. If this function doesn't exist (the variable is undef), or it recurses into C, or it otherwise throws an exception, this is skipped, and Carp moves on to the next option, otherwise checking stops and the string returned is used. =item 3. Otherwise, if neither C nor C<$Carp::RefArgFormatter> is available, stringify the value ignoring any overloading. =back =head1 GLOBAL VARIABLES =head2 $Carp::MaxEvalLen This variable determines how many characters of a string-eval are to be shown in the output. Use a value of C<0> to show all text. Defaults to C<0>. =head2 $Carp::MaxArgLen This variable determines how many characters of each argument to a function to print. Use a value of C<0> to show the full length of the argument. Defaults to C<64>. =head2 $Carp::MaxArgNums This variable determines how many arguments to each function to show. Use a false value to show all arguments to a function call. To suppress all arguments, use C<-1> or C<'0 but true'>. Defaults to C<8>. =head2 $Carp::Verbose This variable makes C and C generate stack backtraces just like C and C. This is how C is implemented internally. Defaults to C<0>. =head2 $Carp::RefArgFormatter This variable sets a general argument formatter to display references. Plain scalars and objects that implement C will not go through this formatter. Calling C from within this function is not supported. local $Carp::RefArgFormatter = sub { require Data::Dumper; Data::Dumper->Dump($_[0]); # not necessarily safe }; =head2 @CARP_NOT This variable, I, says which packages are I to be considered as the location of an error. The C and C functions will skip over callers when reporting where an error occurred. NB: This variable must be in the package's symbol table, thus: # These work our @CARP_NOT; # file scope use vars qw(@CARP_NOT); # package scope @My::Package::CARP_NOT = ... ; # explicit package variable # These don't work sub xyz { ... @CARP_NOT = ... } # w/o declarations above my @CARP_NOT; # even at top-level Example of use: package My::Carping::Package; use Carp; our @CARP_NOT; sub bar { .... or _error('Wrong input') } sub _error { # temporary control of where'ness, __PACKAGE__ is implicit local @CARP_NOT = qw(My::Friendly::Caller); carp(@_) } This would make C report the error as coming from a caller not in C, nor from C. Also read the L section above, about how C decides where the error is reported from. Use C<@CARP_NOT>, instead of C<$Carp::CarpLevel>. Overrides C's use of C<@ISA>. =head2 %Carp::Internal This says what packages are internal to Perl. C will never report an error as being from a line in a package that is internal to Perl. For example: $Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++; # time passes... sub foo { ... or confess("whatever") }; would give a full stack backtrace starting from the first caller outside of __PACKAGE__. (Unless that package was also internal to Perl.) =head2 %Carp::CarpInternal This says which packages are internal to Perl's warning system. For generating a full stack backtrace this is the same as being internal to Perl, the stack backtrace will not start inside packages that are listed in C<%Carp::CarpInternal>. But it is slightly different for the summary message generated by C or C. There errors will not be reported on any lines that are calling packages in C<%Carp::CarpInternal>. For example C itself is listed in C<%Carp::CarpInternal>. Therefore the full stack backtrace from C will not start inside of C, and the short message from calling C is not placed on the line where C was called. =head2 $Carp::CarpLevel This variable determines how many additional call frames are to be skipped that would not otherwise be when reporting where an error occurred on a call to one of C's functions. It is fairly easy to count these call frames on calls that generate a full stack backtrace. However it is much harder to do this accounting for calls that generate a short message. Usually people skip too many call frames. If they are lucky they skip enough that C goes all of the way through the call stack, realizes that something is wrong, and then generates a full stack backtrace. If they are unlucky then the error is reported from somewhere misleading very high in the call stack. Therefore it is best to avoid C<$Carp::CarpLevel>. Instead use C<@CARP_NOT>, C<%Carp::Internal> and C<%Carp::CarpInternal>. Defaults to C<0>. =head1 BUGS The Carp routines don't handle exception objects currently. If called with a first argument that is a reference, they simply call die() or warn(), as appropriate. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 CONTRIBUTING L is maintained by the perl 5 porters as part of the core perl 5 version control repository. Please see the L perldoc for how to submit patches and contribute to it. =head1 AUTHOR The Carp module first appeared in Larry Wall's perl 5.000 distribution. Since then it has been modified by several of the perl 5 porters. Andrew Main (Zefram) divested Carp into an independent distribution. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Larry Wall Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Andrew Main (Zefram) =head1 LICENSE This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. FILE8902686e/File/Path.pmpackage File::Path; use 5.005_04; use strict; use Cwd 'getcwd'; use File::Basename (); use File::Spec (); BEGIN { if ( $] < 5.006 ) { # can't say 'opendir my $dh, $dirname' # need to initialise $dh eval 'use Symbol'; } } use Exporter (); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = '2.18'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(mkpath rmtree); @EXPORT_OK = qw(make_path remove_tree); BEGIN { for (qw(VMS MacOS MSWin32 os2)) { no strict 'refs'; *{"_IS_\U$_"} = $^O eq $_ ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; } # These OSes complain if you want to remove a file that you have no # write permission to: *_FORCE_WRITABLE = ( grep { $^O eq $_ } qw(amigaos dos epoc MSWin32 MacOS os2) ) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; # Unix-like systems need to stat each directory in order to detect # race condition. MS-Windows is immune to this particular attack. *_NEED_STAT_CHECK = !(_IS_MSWIN32()) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; } sub _carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp; } sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak; } sub _error { my $arg = shift; my $message = shift; my $object = shift; if ( $arg->{error} ) { $object = '' unless defined $object; $message .= ": $!" if $!; push @{ ${ $arg->{error} } }, { $object => $message }; } else { _carp( defined($object) ? "$message for $object: $!" : "$message: $!" ); } } sub __is_arg { my ($arg) = @_; # If client code blessed an array ref to HASH, this will not work # properly. We could have done $arg->isa() wrapped in eval, but # that would be expensive. This implementation should suffice. # We could have also used Scalar::Util:blessed, but we choose not # to add this dependency return ( ref $arg eq 'HASH' ); } sub make_path { push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ); goto &mkpath; } sub mkpath { my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) ); my $data; my $paths; if ($old_style) { my ( $verbose, $mode ); ( $paths, $verbose, $mode ) = @_; $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' ); $data->{verbose} = $verbose; $data->{mode} = defined $mode ? $mode : oct '777'; } else { my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| chmod error group mask mode owner uid user verbose | ); my %not_on_win32_args = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| group owner uid user | ); my @bad_args = (); my @win32_implausible_args = (); my $arg = pop @_; for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) { if (! $args_permitted{$k}) { push @bad_args, $k; } elsif ($not_on_win32_args{$k} and _IS_MSWIN32) { push @win32_implausible_args, $k; } else { $data->{$k} = $arg->{$k}; } } _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to mkpath() or make_path(): @bad_args") if @bad_args; _carp("Option(s) implausible on Win32 passed to mkpath() or make_path(): @win32_implausible_args") if @win32_implausible_args; $data->{mode} = delete $data->{mask} if exists $data->{mask}; $data->{mode} = oct '777' unless exists $data->{mode}; ${ $data->{error} } = [] if exists $data->{error}; unless (@win32_implausible_args) { $data->{owner} = delete $data->{user} if exists $data->{user}; $data->{owner} = delete $data->{uid} if exists $data->{uid}; if ( exists $data->{owner} and $data->{owner} =~ /\D/ ) { my $uid = ( getpwnam $data->{owner} )[2]; if ( defined $uid ) { $data->{owner} = $uid; } else { _error( $data, "unable to map $data->{owner} to a uid, ownership not changed" ); delete $data->{owner}; } } if ( exists $data->{group} and $data->{group} =~ /\D/ ) { my $gid = ( getgrnam $data->{group} )[2]; if ( defined $gid ) { $data->{group} = $gid; } else { _error( $data, "unable to map $data->{group} to a gid, group ownership not changed" ); delete $data->{group}; } } if ( exists $data->{owner} and not exists $data->{group} ) { $data->{group} = -1; # chown will leave group unchanged } if ( exists $data->{group} and not exists $data->{owner} ) { $data->{owner} = -1; # chown will leave owner unchanged } } $paths = [@_]; } return _mkpath( $data, $paths ); } sub _mkpath { my $data = shift; my $paths = shift; my ( @created ); foreach my $path ( @{$paths} ) { next unless defined($path) and length($path); $path .= '/' if _IS_OS2 and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow. if (_IS_VMS) { next if $path eq '/'; $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path); } next if -d $path; my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path); # Coverage note: It's not clear how we would test the condition: # '-d $parent or $path eq $parent' unless ( -d $parent or $path eq $parent ) { push( @created, _mkpath( $data, [$parent] ) ); } print "mkdir $path\n" if $data->{verbose}; if ( mkdir( $path, $data->{mode} ) ) { push( @created, $path ); if ( exists $data->{owner} ) { # NB: $data->{group} guaranteed to be set during initialisation if ( !chown $data->{owner}, $data->{group}, $path ) { _error( $data, "Cannot change ownership of $path to $data->{owner}:$data->{group}" ); } } if ( exists $data->{chmod} ) { # Coverage note: It's not clear how we would trigger the next # 'if' block. Failure of 'chmod' might first result in a # system error: "Permission denied". if ( !chmod $data->{chmod}, $path ) { _error( $data, "Cannot change permissions of $path to $data->{chmod}" ); } } } else { my $save_bang = $!; # From 'perldoc perlvar': $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR ($^E) is documented # as: # Error information specific to the current operating system. At the # moment, this differs from "$!" under only VMS, OS/2, and Win32 # (and for MacPerl). On all other platforms, $^E is always just the # same as $!. my ( $e, $e1 ) = ( $save_bang, $^E ); $e .= "; $e1" if $e ne $e1; # allow for another process to have created it meanwhile if ( ! -d $path ) { $! = $save_bang; if ( $data->{error} ) { push @{ ${ $data->{error} } }, { $path => $e }; } else { _croak("mkdir $path: $e"); } } } } return @created; } sub remove_tree { push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ); goto &rmtree; } sub _is_subdir { my ( $dir, $test ) = @_; my ( $dv, $dd ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 1 ); my ( $tv, $td ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $test, 1 ); # not on same volume return 0 if $dv ne $tv; my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($dd); my @t = File::Spec->splitdir($td); # @t can't be a subdir if it's shorter than @d return 0 if @t < @d; return join( '/', @d ) eq join( '/', splice @t, 0, +@d ); } sub rmtree { my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) ); my ($arg, $data, $paths); if ($old_style) { my ( $verbose, $safe ); ( $paths, $verbose, $safe ) = @_; $data->{verbose} = $verbose; $data->{safe} = defined $safe ? $safe : 0; if ( defined($paths) and length($paths) ) { $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' ); } else { _carp("No root path(s) specified\n"); return 0; } } else { my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| error keep_root result safe verbose | ); my @bad_args = (); my $arg = pop @_; for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) { if (! $args_permitted{$k}) { push @bad_args, $k; } else { $data->{$k} = $arg->{$k}; } } _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to remove_tree(): @bad_args") if @bad_args; ${ $data->{error} } = [] if exists $data->{error}; ${ $data->{result} } = [] if exists $data->{result}; # Wouldn't it make sense to do some validation on @_ before assigning # to $paths here? # In the $old_style case we guarantee that each path is both defined # and non-empty. We don't check that here, which means we have to # check it later in the first condition in this line: # if ( $ortho_root_length && _is_subdir( $ortho_root, $ortho_cwd ) ) { # Granted, that would be a change in behavior for the two # non-old-style interfaces. $paths = [@_]; } $data->{prefix} = ''; $data->{depth} = 0; my @clean_path; $data->{cwd} = getcwd() or do { _error( $data, "cannot fetch initial working directory" ); return 0; }; for ( $data->{cwd} ) { /\A(.*)\Z/s; $_ = $1 } # untaint for my $p (@$paths) { # need to fixup case and map \ to / on Windows my $ortho_root = _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc($p) : $p; my $ortho_cwd = _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc( $data->{cwd} ) : $data->{cwd}; my $ortho_root_length = length($ortho_root); $ortho_root_length-- if _IS_VMS; # don't compare '.' with ']' if ( $ortho_root_length && _is_subdir( $ortho_root, $ortho_cwd ) ) { local $! = 0; _error( $data, "cannot remove path when cwd is $data->{cwd}", $p ); next; } if (_IS_MACOS) { $p = ":$p" unless $p =~ /:/; $p .= ":" unless $p =~ /:\z/; } elsif ( _IS_MSWIN32 ) { $p =~ s{[/\\]\z}{}; } else { $p =~ s{/\z}{}; } push @clean_path, $p; } @{$data}{qw(device inode)} = ( lstat $data->{cwd} )[ 0, 1 ] or do { _error( $data, "cannot stat initial working directory", $data->{cwd} ); return 0; }; return _rmtree( $data, \@clean_path ); } sub _rmtree { my $data = shift; my $paths = shift; my $count = 0; my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir(); my $updir = File::Spec->updir(); my ( @files, $root ); ROOT_DIR: foreach my $root (@$paths) { # since we chdir into each directory, it may not be obvious # to figure out where we are if we generate a message about # a file name. We therefore construct a semi-canonical # filename, anchored from the directory being unlinked (as # opposed to being truly canonical, anchored from the root (/). my $canon = $data->{prefix} ? File::Spec->catfile( $data->{prefix}, $root ) : $root; my ( $ldev, $lino, $perm ) = ( lstat $root )[ 0, 1, 2 ] or next ROOT_DIR; if ( -d _ ) { $root = VMS::Filespec::vmspath( VMS::Filespec::pathify($root) ) if _IS_VMS; if ( !chdir($root) ) { # see if we can escalate privileges to get in # (e.g. funny protection mask such as -w- instead of rwx) # This uses fchmod to avoid traversing outside of the proper # location (CVE-2017-6512) my $root_fh; if (open($root_fh, '<', $root)) { my ($fh_dev, $fh_inode) = (stat $root_fh )[0,1]; $perm &= oct '7777'; my $nperm = $perm | oct '700'; local $@; if ( !( $data->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or !-d _ or $fh_dev ne $ldev or $fh_inode ne $lino or eval { chmod( $nperm, $root_fh ) } ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot make child directory read-write-exec", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; } close $root_fh; } if ( !chdir($root) ) { _error( $data, "cannot chdir to child", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; } } my ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $perm ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1, 2 ] or do { _error( $data, "cannot stat current working directory", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; }; if (_NEED_STAT_CHECK) { ( $ldev eq $cur_dev and $lino eq $cur_inode ) or _croak( "directory $canon changed before chdir, expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting." ); } $perm &= oct '7777'; # don't forget setuid, setgid, sticky bits my $nperm = $perm | oct '700'; # notabene: 0700 is for making readable in the first place, # it's also intended to change it to writable in case we have # to recurse in which case we are better than rm -rf for # subtrees with strange permissions if ( !( $data->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or chmod( $nperm, $curdir ) ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot make directory read+writeable", $canon ); $nperm = $perm; } my $d; $d = gensym() if $] < 5.006; if ( !opendir $d, $curdir ) { _error( $data, "cannot opendir", $canon ); @files = (); } else { if ( !defined ${^TAINT} or ${^TAINT} ) { # Blindly untaint dir names if taint mode is active @files = map { /\A(.*)\z/s; $1 } readdir $d; } else { @files = readdir $d; } closedir $d; } if (_IS_VMS) { # Deleting large numbers of files from VMS Files-11 # filesystems is faster if done in reverse ASCIIbetical order. # include '.' to '.;' from blead patch #31775 @files = map { $_ eq '.' ? '.;' : $_ } reverse @files; } @files = grep { $_ ne $updir and $_ ne $curdir } @files; if (@files) { # remove the contained files before the directory itself my $narg = {%$data}; @{$narg}{qw(device inode cwd prefix depth)} = ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $updir, $canon, $data->{depth} + 1 ); $count += _rmtree( $narg, \@files ); } # restore directory permissions of required now (in case the rmdir # below fails), while we are still in the directory and may do so # without a race via '.' if ( $nperm != $perm and not chmod( $perm, $curdir ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot reset chmod", $canon ); } # don't leave the client code in an unexpected directory chdir( $data->{cwd} ) or _croak("cannot chdir to $data->{cwd} from $canon: $!, aborting."); # ensure that a chdir upwards didn't take us somewhere other # than we expected (see CVE-2002-0435) ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1 ] or _croak( "cannot stat prior working directory $data->{cwd}: $!, aborting." ); if (_NEED_STAT_CHECK) { ( $data->{device} eq $cur_dev and $data->{inode} eq $cur_inode ) or _croak( "previous directory $data->{cwd} " . "changed before entering $canon, " . "expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, " . "actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting." ); } if ( $data->{depth} or !$data->{keep_root} ) { if ( $data->{safe} && ( _IS_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !-w $root ) ) { print "skipped $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; next ROOT_DIR; } if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE and !chmod $perm | oct '700', $root ) { _error( $data, "cannot make directory writeable", $canon ); } print "rmdir $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; if ( rmdir $root ) { push @{ ${ $data->{result} } }, $root if $data->{result}; ++$count; } else { _error( $data, "cannot remove directory", $canon ); if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE && !chmod( $perm, ( _IS_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root ) ) ) { _error( $data, sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o", $perm ), $canon ); } } } } else { # not a directory $root = VMS::Filespec::vmsify("./$root") if _IS_VMS && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($root) && ( $root !~ m/(?]+/ ); # not already in VMS syntax if ( $data->{safe} && ( _IS_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !( -l $root || -w $root ) ) ) { print "skipped $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; next ROOT_DIR; } my $nperm = $perm & oct '7777' | oct '600'; if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE and $nperm != $perm and not chmod $nperm, $root ) { _error( $data, "cannot make file writeable", $canon ); } print "unlink $canon\n" if $data->{verbose}; # delete all versions under VMS for ( ; ; ) { if ( unlink $root ) { push @{ ${ $data->{result} } }, $root if $data->{result}; } else { _error( $data, "cannot unlink file", $canon ); _FORCE_WRITABLE and chmod( $perm, $root ) or _error( $data, sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o", $perm ), $canon ); last; } ++$count; last unless _IS_VMS && lstat $root; } } } return $count; } sub _slash_lc { # fix up slashes and case on MSWin32 so that we can determine that # c:\path\to\dir is underneath C:/Path/To my $path = shift; $path =~ tr{\\}{/}; return lc($path); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::Path - Create or remove directory trees =head1 VERSION 2.18 - released November 4 2020. =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree); @created = make_path('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang'); @created = make_path('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', { verbose => 1, mode => 0711, }); make_path('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', { chmod => 0777, }); $removed_count = remove_tree('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', { verbose => 1, error => \my $err_list, safe => 1, }); # legacy (interface promoted before v2.00) @created = mkpath('/foo/bar/baz'); @created = mkpath('/foo/bar/baz', 1, 0711); @created = mkpath(['/foo/bar/baz', 'blurfl/quux'], 1, 0711); $removed_count = rmtree('foo/bar/baz', 1, 1); $removed_count = rmtree(['foo/bar/baz', 'blurfl/quux'], 1, 1); # legacy (interface promoted before v2.06) @created = mkpath('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', { verbose => 1, mode => 0711 }); $removed_count = rmtree('foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', { verbose => 1, mode => 0711 }); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a convenient way to create directories of arbitrary depth and to delete an entire directory subtree from the filesystem. The following functions are provided: =over =item make_path( $dir1, $dir2, .... ) =item make_path( $dir1, $dir2, ...., \%opts ) The C function creates the given directories if they don't exist before, much like the Unix command C. The function accepts a list of directories to be created. Its behaviour may be tuned by an optional hashref appearing as the last parameter on the call. The function returns the list of directories actually created during the call; in scalar context the number of directories created. The following keys are recognised in the option hash: =over =item mode => $num The numeric permissions mode to apply to each created directory (defaults to C<0777>), to be modified by the current C. If the directory already exists (and thus does not need to be created), the permissions will not be modified. C is recognised as an alias for this parameter. =item chmod => $num Takes a numeric mode to apply to each created directory (not modified by the current C). If the directory already exists (and thus does not need to be created), the permissions will not be modified. =item verbose => $bool If present, will cause C to print the name of each directory as it is created. By default nothing is printed. =item error => \$err If present, it should be a reference to a scalar. This scalar will be made to reference an array, which will be used to store any errors that are encountered. See the L section for more information. If this parameter is not used, certain error conditions may raise a fatal error that will cause the program to halt, unless trapped in an C block. =item owner => $owner =item user => $owner =item uid => $owner If present, will cause any created directory to be owned by C<$owner>. If the value is numeric, it will be interpreted as a uid; otherwise a username is assumed. An error will be issued if the username cannot be mapped to a uid, the uid does not exist or the process lacks the privileges to change ownership. Ownership of directories that already exist will not be changed. C and C are aliases of C. =item group => $group If present, will cause any created directory to be owned by the group C<$group>. If the value is numeric, it will be interpreted as a gid; otherwise a group name is assumed. An error will be issued if the group name cannot be mapped to a gid, the gid does not exist or the process lacks the privileges to change group ownership. Group ownership of directories that already exist will not be changed. make_path '/var/tmp/webcache', {owner=>'nobody', group=>'nogroup'}; =back =item mkpath( $dir ) =item mkpath( $dir, $verbose, $mode ) =item mkpath( [$dir1, $dir2,...], $verbose, $mode ) =item mkpath( $dir1, $dir2,..., \%opt ) The C function provide the legacy interface of C with a different interpretation of the arguments passed. The behaviour and return value of the function is otherwise identical to C. =item remove_tree( $dir1, $dir2, .... ) =item remove_tree( $dir1, $dir2, ...., \%opts ) The C function deletes the given directories and any files and subdirectories they might contain, much like the Unix command C or the Windows commands C and C. The function accepts a list of directories to be removed. (In point of fact, it will also accept filesystem entries which are not directories, such as regular files and symlinks. But, as its name suggests, its intent is to remove trees rather than individual files.) C's behaviour may be tuned by an optional hashref appearing as the last parameter on the call. If an empty string is passed to C, an error will occur. B For security reasons, we strongly advise use of the hashref-as-final-argument syntax -- specifically, with a setting of the C element to a true value. remove_tree( $dir1, $dir2, ...., { safe => 1, ... # other key-value pairs }, ); The function returns the number of files successfully deleted. The following keys are recognised in the option hash: =over =item verbose => $bool If present, will cause C to print the name of each file as it is unlinked. By default nothing is printed. =item safe => $bool When set to a true value, will cause C to skip the files for which the process lacks the required privileges needed to delete files, such as delete privileges on VMS. In other words, the code will make no attempt to alter file permissions. Thus, if the process is interrupted, no filesystem object will be left in a more permissive mode. =item keep_root => $bool When set to a true value, will cause all files and subdirectories to be removed, except the initially specified directories. This comes in handy when cleaning out an application's scratch directory. remove_tree( '/tmp', {keep_root => 1} ); =item result => \$res If present, it should be a reference to a scalar. This scalar will be made to reference an array, which will be used to store all files and directories unlinked during the call. If nothing is unlinked, the array will be empty. remove_tree( '/tmp', {result => \my $list} ); print "unlinked $_\n" for @$list; This is a useful alternative to the C key. =item error => \$err If present, it should be a reference to a scalar. This scalar will be made to reference an array, which will be used to store any errors that are encountered. See the L section for more information. Removing things is a much more dangerous proposition than creating things. As such, there are certain conditions that C may encounter that are so dangerous that the only sane action left is to kill the program. Use C to trap all that is reasonable (problems with permissions and the like), and let it die if things get out of hand. This is the safest course of action. =back =item rmtree( $dir ) =item rmtree( $dir, $verbose, $safe ) =item rmtree( [$dir1, $dir2,...], $verbose, $safe ) =item rmtree( $dir1, $dir2,..., \%opt ) The C function provide the legacy interface of C with a different interpretation of the arguments passed. The behaviour and return value of the function is otherwise identical to C. B For security reasons, we strongly advise use of the hashref-as-final-argument syntax, specifically with a setting of the C element to a true value. rmtree( $dir1, $dir2, ...., { safe => 1, ... # other key-value pairs }, ); =back =head2 ERROR HANDLING =over 4 =item B The following error handling mechanism is consistent throughout all code paths EXCEPT in cases where the ROOT node is nonexistent. In version 2.11 the maintainers attempted to rectify this inconsistency but too many downstream modules encountered problems. In such case, if you require root node evaluation or error checking prior to calling C or C, you should take additional precautions. =back If C or C encounters an error, a diagnostic message will be printed to C via C (for non-fatal errors) or via C (for fatal errors). If this behaviour is not desirable, the C attribute may be used to hold a reference to a variable, which will be used to store the diagnostics. The variable is made a reference to an array of hash references. Each hash contain a single key/value pair where the key is the name of the file, and the value is the error message (including the contents of C<$!> when appropriate). If a general error is encountered the diagnostic key will be empty. An example usage looks like: remove_tree( 'foo/bar', 'bar/rat', {error => \my $err} ); if ($err && @$err) { for my $diag (@$err) { my ($file, $message) = %$diag; if ($file eq '') { print "general error: $message\n"; } else { print "problem unlinking $file: $message\n"; } } } else { print "No error encountered\n"; } Note that if no errors are encountered, C<$err> will reference an empty array. This means that C<$err> will always end up TRUE; so you need to test C<@$err> to determine if errors occurred. =head2 NOTES C blindly exports C and C into the current namespace. These days, this is considered bad style, but to change it now would break too much code. Nonetheless, you are invited to specify what it is you are expecting to use: use File::Path 'rmtree'; The routines C and C are B exported by default. You must specify which ones you want to use. use File::Path 'remove_tree'; Note that a side-effect of the above is that C and C are no longer exported at all. This is due to the way the C module works. If you are migrating a codebase to use the new interface, you will have to list everything explicitly. But that's just good practice anyway. use File::Path qw(remove_tree rmtree); =head3 API CHANGES The API was changed in the 2.0 branch. For a time, C and C tried, unsuccessfully, to deal with the two different calling mechanisms. This approach was considered a failure. The new semantics are now only available with C and C. The old semantics are only available through C and C. Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to at least 2.08 in order to avoid surprises. =head3 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS There were race conditions in the 1.x implementations of File::Path's C function (although sometimes patched depending on the OS distribution or platform). The 2.0 version contains code to avoid the problem mentioned in CVE-2002-0435. See the following pages for more information: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=286905 http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2005/01/msg97623.html http://www.debian.org/security/2005/dsa-696 Additionally, unless the C parameter is set (or the third parameter in the traditional interface is TRUE), should a C be interrupted, files that were originally in read-only mode may now have their permissions set to a read-write (or "delete OK") mode. The following CVE reports were previously filed against File-Path and are believed to have been addressed: =over 4 =item * L =item * L =back In February 2017 the cPanel Security Team reported an additional vulnerability in File-Path. The C logic to make directories traversable can be abused to set the mode on an attacker-chosen file to an attacker-chosen value. This is due to the time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTTOU) race condition (L) between the C that decides the inode is a directory and the C that tries to make it user-rwx. CPAN versions 2.13 and later incorporate a patch provided by John Lightsey to address this problem. This vulnerability has been reported as CVE-2017-6512. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS FATAL errors will cause the program to halt (C), since the problem is so severe that it would be dangerous to continue. (This can always be trapped with C, but it's not a good idea. Under the circumstances, dying is the best thing to do). SEVERE errors may be trapped using the modern interface. If the they are not trapped, or if the old interface is used, such an error will cause the program will halt. All other errors may be trapped using the modern interface, otherwise they will be Ced about. Program execution will not be halted. =over 4 =item mkdir [path]: [errmsg] (SEVERE) C was unable to create the path. Probably some sort of permissions error at the point of departure or insufficient resources (such as free inodes on Unix). =item No root path(s) specified C was not given any paths to create. This message is only emitted if the routine is called with the traditional interface. The modern interface will remain silent if given nothing to do. =item No such file or directory On Windows, if C gives you this warning, it may mean that you have exceeded your filesystem's maximum path length. =item cannot fetch initial working directory: [errmsg] C attempted to determine the initial directory by calling C, but the call failed for some reason. No attempt will be made to delete anything. =item cannot stat initial working directory: [errmsg] C attempted to stat the initial directory (after having successfully obtained its name via C), however, the call failed for some reason. No attempt will be made to delete anything. =item cannot chdir to [dir]: [errmsg] C attempted to set the working directory in order to begin deleting the objects therein, but was unsuccessful. This is usually a permissions issue. The routine will continue to delete other things, but this directory will be left intact. =item directory [dir] changed before chdir, expected dev=[n] ino=[n], actual dev=[n] ino=[n], aborting. (FATAL) C recorded the device and inode of a directory, and then moved into it. It then performed a C on the current directory and detected that the device and inode were no longer the same. As this is at the heart of the race condition problem, the program will die at this point. =item cannot make directory [dir] read+writeable: [errmsg] C attempted to change the permissions on the current directory to ensure that subsequent unlinkings would not run into problems, but was unable to do so. The permissions remain as they were, and the program will carry on, doing the best it can. =item cannot read [dir]: [errmsg] C tried to read the contents of the directory in order to acquire the names of the directory entries to be unlinked, but was unsuccessful. This is usually a permissions issue. The program will continue, but the files in this directory will remain after the call. =item cannot reset chmod [dir]: [errmsg] C, after having deleted everything in a directory, attempted to restore its permissions to the original state but failed. The directory may wind up being left behind. =item cannot remove [dir] when cwd is [dir] The current working directory of the program is F and you are attempting to remove an ancestor, such as F. The directory tree is left untouched. The solution is to C out of the child directory to a place outside the directory tree to be removed. =item cannot chdir to [parent-dir] from [child-dir]: [errmsg], aborting. (FATAL) C, after having deleted everything and restored the permissions of a directory, was unable to chdir back to the parent. The program halts to avoid a race condition from occurring. =item cannot stat prior working directory [dir]: [errmsg], aborting. (FATAL) C was unable to stat the parent directory after having returned from the child. Since there is no way of knowing if we returned to where we think we should be (by comparing device and inode) the only way out is to C. =item previous directory [parent-dir] changed before entering [child-dir], expected dev=[n] ino=[n], actual dev=[n] ino=[n], aborting. (FATAL) When C returned from deleting files in a child directory, a check revealed that the parent directory it returned to wasn't the one it started out from. This is considered a sign of malicious activity. =item cannot make directory [dir] writeable: [errmsg] Just before removing a directory (after having successfully removed everything it contained), C attempted to set the permissions on the directory to ensure it could be removed and failed. Program execution continues, but the directory may possibly not be deleted. =item cannot remove directory [dir]: [errmsg] C attempted to remove a directory, but failed. This may be because some objects that were unable to be removed remain in the directory, or it could be a permissions issue. The directory will be left behind. =item cannot restore permissions of [dir] to [0nnn]: [errmsg] After having failed to remove a directory, C was unable to restore its permissions from a permissive state back to a possibly more restrictive setting. (Permissions given in octal). =item cannot make file [file] writeable: [errmsg] C attempted to force the permissions of a file to ensure it could be deleted, but failed to do so. It will, however, still attempt to unlink the file. =item cannot unlink file [file]: [errmsg] C failed to remove a file. Probably a permissions issue. =item cannot restore permissions of [file] to [0nnn]: [errmsg] After having failed to remove a file, C was also unable to restore the permissions on the file to a possibly less permissive setting. (Permissions given in octal). =item unable to map [owner] to a uid, ownership not changed"); C was instructed to give the ownership of created directories to the symbolic name [owner], but C did not return the corresponding numeric uid. The directory will be created, but ownership will not be changed. =item unable to map [group] to a gid, group ownership not changed C was instructed to give the group ownership of created directories to the symbolic name [group], but C did not return the corresponding numeric gid. The directory will be created, but group ownership will not be changed. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L Allows files and directories to be moved to the Trashcan/Recycle Bin (where they may later be restored if necessary) if the operating system supports such functionality. This feature may one day be made available directly in C. =item * L When removing directory trees, if you want to examine each file to decide whether to delete it (and possibly leaving large swathes alone), F offers a convenient and flexible approach to examining directory trees. =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS The following describes F limitations and how to report bugs. =head2 MULTITHREADED APPLICATIONS F C and C will not work with multithreaded applications due to its use of C. At this time, no warning or error is generated in this situation. You will certainly encounter unexpected results. The implementation that surfaces this limitation will not be changed. See the F module for functionality similar to F but which does not C. =head2 NFS Mount Points F is not responsible for triggering the automounts, mirror mounts, and the contents of network mounted filesystems. If your NFS implementation requires an action to be performed on the filesystem in order for F to perform operations, it is strongly suggested you assure filesystem availability by reading the root of the mounted filesystem. =head2 REPORTING BUGS Please report all bugs on the RT queue, either via the web interface: L or by email: bug-File-Path@rt.cpan.org In either case, please B patches to the bug report rather than including them inline in the web post or the body of the email. You can also send pull requests to the Github repository: L =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paul Szabo identified the race condition originally, and Brendan O'Dea wrote an implementation for Debian that addressed the problem. That code was used as a basis for the current code. Their efforts are greatly appreciated. Gisle Aas made a number of improvements to the documentation for 2.07 and his advice and assistance is also greatly appreciated. =head1 AUTHORS Prior authors and maintainers: Tim Bunce, Charles Bailey, and David Landgren >. Current maintainers are Richard Elberger > and James (Jim) Keenan >. =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Contributors to File::Path, in alphabetical order by first name. =over 1 =item > =item Charlie Gonzalez > =item Craig A. Berry > =item James E Keenan > =item John Lightsey > =item Nigel Horne > =item Richard Elberger > =item Ryan Yee > =item Skye Shaw > =item Tom Lutz > =item Will Sheppard > =back =head1 COPYRIGHT This module is copyright (C) Charles Bailey, Tim Bunce, David Landgren, James Keenan and Richard Elberger 1995-2020. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut FILE66058cac/File/Temp.pm]package File::Temp; # git description: v0.2310-3-gc7148fe # ABSTRACT: return name and handle of a temporary file safely our $VERSION = '0.2311'; #pod =begin :__INTERNALS #pod #pod =head1 PORTABILITY #pod #pod This section is at the top in order to provide easier access to #pod porters. It is not expected to be rendered by a standard pod #pod formatting tool. Please skip straight to the SYNOPSIS section if you #pod are not trying to port this module to a new platform. #pod #pod This module is designed to be portable across operating systems and it #pod currently supports Unix, VMS, DOS, OS/2, Windows and Mac OS #pod (Classic). When porting to a new OS there are generally three main #pod issues that have to be solved: #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item * #pod #pod Can the OS unlink an open file? If it can not then the #pod C<_can_unlink_opened_file> method should be modified. #pod #pod =item * #pod #pod Are the return values from C reliable? By default all the #pod return values from C are compared when unlinking a temporary #pod file using the filename and the handle. Operating systems other than #pod unix do not always have valid entries in all fields. If utility function #pod C fails then the C comparison should be #pod modified accordingly. #pod #pod =item * #pod #pod Security. Systems that can not support a test for the sticky bit #pod on a directory can not use the MEDIUM and HIGH security tests. #pod The C<_can_do_level> method should be modified accordingly. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod =end :__INTERNALS #pod #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS #pod #pod use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; #pod #pod $fh = tempfile(); #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, DIR => $dir); #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, SUFFIX => '.dat'); #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, TMPDIR => 1 ); #pod #pod binmode( $fh, ":utf8" ); #pod #pod $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); #pod #pod Object interface: #pod #pod require File::Temp; #pod use File::Temp (); #pod use File::Temp qw/ :seekable /; #pod #pod $fh = File::Temp->new(); #pod $fname = $fh->filename; #pod #pod $fh = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => $template); #pod $fname = $fh->filename; #pod #pod $tmp = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.dat' ); #pod print $tmp "Some data\n"; #pod print "Filename is $tmp\n"; #pod $tmp->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); #pod #pod $dir = File::Temp->newdir(); # CLEANUP => 1 by default #pod #pod The following interfaces are provided for compatibility with #pod existing APIs. They should not be used in new code. #pod #pod MkTemp family: #pod #pod use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; #pod #pod ($fh, $file) = mkstemp( "tmpfileXXXXX" ); #pod ($fh, $file) = mkstemps( "tmpfileXXXXXX", $suffix); #pod #pod $tmpdir = mkdtemp( $template ); #pod #pod $unopened_file = mktemp( $template ); #pod #pod POSIX functions: #pod #pod use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /; #pod #pod $file = tmpnam(); #pod $fh = tmpfile(); #pod #pod ($fh, $file) = tmpnam(); #pod #pod Compatibility functions: #pod #pod $unopened_file = File::Temp::tempnam( $dir, $pfx ); #pod #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod C can be used to create and open temporary files in a safe #pod way. There is both a function interface and an object-oriented #pod interface. The File::Temp constructor or the tempfile() function can #pod be used to return the name and the open filehandle of a temporary #pod file. The tempdir() function can be used to create a temporary #pod directory. #pod #pod The security aspect of temporary file creation is emphasized such that #pod a filehandle and filename are returned together. This helps guarantee #pod that a race condition can not occur where the temporary file is #pod created by another process between checking for the existence of the #pod file and its opening. Additional security levels are provided to #pod check, for example, that the sticky bit is set on world writable #pod directories. See L<"safe_level"> for more information. #pod #pod For compatibility with popular C library functions, Perl implementations of #pod the mkstemp() family of functions are provided. These are, mkstemp(), #pod mkstemps(), mkdtemp() and mktemp(). #pod #pod Additionally, implementations of the standard L #pod tmpnam() and tmpfile() functions are provided if required. #pod #pod Implementations of mktemp(), tmpnam(), and tempnam() are provided, #pod but should be used with caution since they return only a filename #pod that was valid when function was called, so cannot guarantee #pod that the file will not exist by the time the caller opens the filename. #pod #pod Filehandles returned by these functions support the seekable methods. #pod #pod =cut # Toolchain targets v5.8.1, but we'll try to support back to v5.6 anyway. # It might be possible to make this v5.5, but many v5.6isms are creeping # into the code and tests. use 5.006; use strict; use Carp; use File::Spec 0.8; use Cwd (); use File::Path 2.06 qw/ rmtree /; use Fcntl 1.03; use IO::Seekable; # For SEEK_* use Errno; use Scalar::Util 'refaddr'; require VMS::Stdio if $^O eq 'VMS'; # pre-emptively load Carp::Heavy. If we don't when we run out of file # handles and attempt to call croak() we get an error message telling # us that Carp::Heavy won't load rather than an error telling us we # have run out of file handles. We either preload croak() or we # switch the calls to croak from _gettemp() to use die. eval { require Carp::Heavy; }; # Need the Symbol package if we are running older perl require Symbol if $] < 5.006; ### For the OO interface use parent 0.221 qw/ IO::Handle IO::Seekable /; use overload '""' => "STRINGIFY", '0+' => "NUMIFY", fallback => 1; our $DEBUG = 0; our $KEEP_ALL = 0; # We are exporting functions use Exporter 5.57 'import'; # 5.57 lets us import 'import' # Export list - to allow fine tuning of export table our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ tempfile tempdir tmpnam tmpfile mktemp mkstemp mkstemps mkdtemp unlink0 cleanup SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END }; # Groups of functions for export our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'POSIX' => [qw/ tmpnam tmpfile /], 'mktemp' => [qw/ mktemp mkstemp mkstemps mkdtemp/], 'seekable' => [qw/ SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END /], ); # add contents of these tags to @EXPORT Exporter::export_tags('POSIX','mktemp','seekable'); # This is a list of characters that can be used in random filenames my @CHARS = (qw/ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ /); # Maximum number of tries to make a temp file before failing use constant MAX_TRIES => 1000; # Minimum number of X characters that should be in a template use constant MINX => 4; # Default template when no template supplied use constant TEMPXXX => 'X' x 10; # Constants for the security level use constant STANDARD => 0; use constant MEDIUM => 1; use constant HIGH => 2; # OPENFLAGS. If we defined the flag to use with Sysopen here this gives # us an optimisation when many temporary files are requested my $OPENFLAGS = O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR; my $LOCKFLAG; unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') { for my $oflag (qw/ NOFOLLOW BINARY LARGEFILE NOINHERIT /) { my ($bit, $func) = (0, "Fcntl::O_" . $oflag); no strict 'refs'; $OPENFLAGS |= $bit if eval { # Make sure that redefined die handlers do not cause problems # e.g. CGI::Carp local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; $bit = &$func(); 1; }; } # Special case O_EXLOCK $LOCKFLAG = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; &Fcntl::O_EXLOCK(); }; } # On some systems the O_TEMPORARY flag can be used to tell the OS # to automatically remove the file when it is closed. This is fine # in most cases but not if tempfile is called with UNLINK=>0 and # the filename is requested -- in the case where the filename is to # be passed to another routine. This happens on windows. We overcome # this by using a second open flags variable my $OPENTEMPFLAGS = $OPENFLAGS; unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') { for my $oflag (qw/ TEMPORARY /) { my ($bit, $func) = (0, "Fcntl::O_" . $oflag); local($@); no strict 'refs'; $OPENTEMPFLAGS |= $bit if eval { # Make sure that redefined die handlers do not cause problems # e.g. CGI::Carp local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; $bit = &$func(); 1; }; } } # Private hash tracking which files have been created by each process id via the OO interface my %FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT; # INTERNAL ROUTINES - not to be used outside of package # Generic routine for getting a temporary filename # modelled on OpenBSD _gettemp() in mktemp.c # The template must contain X's that are to be replaced # with the random values # Arguments: # TEMPLATE - string containing the XXXXX's that is converted # to a random filename and opened if required # Optionally, a hash can also be supplied containing specific options # "open" => if true open the temp file, else just return the name # default is 0 # "mkdir"=> if true, we are creating a temp directory rather than tempfile # default is 0 # "suffixlen" => number of characters at end of PATH to be ignored. # default is 0. # "unlink_on_close" => indicates that, if possible, the OS should remove # the file as soon as it is closed. Usually indicates # use of the O_TEMPORARY flag to sysopen. # Usually irrelevant on unix # "use_exlock" => Indicates that O_EXLOCK should be used. Default is false. # "file_permissions" => file permissions for sysopen(). Default is 0600. # Optionally a reference to a scalar can be passed into the function # On error this will be used to store the reason for the error # "ErrStr" => \$errstr # "open" and "mkdir" can not both be true # "unlink_on_close" is not used when "mkdir" is true. # The default options are equivalent to mktemp(). # Returns: # filehandle - open file handle (if called with doopen=1, else undef) # temp name - name of the temp file or directory # For example: # ($fh, $name) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 1); # for the current version, failures are associated with # stored in an error string and returned to give the reason whilst debugging # This routine is not called by any external function sub _gettemp { croak 'Usage: ($fh, $name) = _gettemp($template, OPTIONS);' unless scalar(@_) >= 1; # the internal error string - expect it to be overridden # Need this in case the caller decides not to supply us a value # need an anonymous scalar my $tempErrStr; # Default options my %options = ( "open" => 0, "mkdir" => 0, "suffixlen" => 0, "unlink_on_close" => 0, "use_exlock" => 0, "ErrStr" => \$tempErrStr, "file_permissions" => undef, ); # Read the template my $template = shift; if (ref($template)) { # Use a warning here since we have not yet merged ErrStr carp "File::Temp::_gettemp: template must not be a reference"; return (); } # Check that the number of entries on stack are even if (scalar(@_) % 2 != 0) { # Use a warning here since we have not yet merged ErrStr carp "File::Temp::_gettemp: Must have even number of options"; return (); } # Read the options and merge with defaults %options = (%options, @_) if @_; # Make sure the error string is set to undef ${$options{ErrStr}} = undef; # Can not open the file and make a directory in a single call if ($options{"open"} && $options{"mkdir"}) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "doopen and domkdir can not both be true\n"; return (); } # Find the start of the end of the Xs (position of last X) # Substr starts from 0 my $start = length($template) - 1 - $options{"suffixlen"}; # Check that we have at least MINX x X (e.g. 'XXXX") at the end of the string # (taking suffixlen into account). Any fewer is insecure. # Do it using substr - no reason to use a pattern match since # we know where we are looking and what we are looking for if (substr($template, $start - MINX + 1, MINX) ne 'X' x MINX) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "The template must end with at least ". MINX . " 'X' characters\n"; return (); } # Replace all the X at the end of the substring with a # random character or just all the XX at the end of a full string. # Do it as an if, since the suffix adjusts which section to replace # and suffixlen=0 returns nothing if used in the substr directly # and generate a full path from the template my $path = _replace_XX($template, $options{"suffixlen"}); # Split the path into constituent parts - eventually we need to check # whether the directory exists # We need to know whether we are making a temp directory # or a tempfile my ($volume, $directories, $file); my $parent; # parent directory if ($options{"mkdir"}) { # There is no filename at the end ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1); # The parent is then $directories without the last directory # Split the directory and put it back together again my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories); # If @dirs only has one entry (i.e. the directory template) that means # we are in the current directory if ($#dirs == 0) { $parent = File::Spec->curdir; } else { if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # need volume to avoid relative dir spec $parent = File::Spec->catdir($volume, @dirs[0..$#dirs-1]); $parent = 'sys$disk:[]' if $parent eq ''; } else { # Put it back together without the last one $parent = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs[0..$#dirs-1]); # ...and attach the volume (no filename) $parent = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $parent, ''); } } } else { # Get rid of the last filename (use File::Basename for this?) ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path ); # Join up without the file part $parent = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directories,''); # If $parent is empty replace with curdir $parent = File::Spec->curdir unless $directories ne ''; } # Check that the parent directories exist # Do this even for the case where we are simply returning a name # not a file -- no point returning a name that includes a directory # that does not exist or is not writable unless (-e $parent) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) does not exist"; return (); } unless (-d $parent) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not a directory"; return (); } # Check the stickiness of the directory and chown giveaway if required # If the directory is world writable the sticky bit # must be set if (File::Temp->safe_level == MEDIUM) { my $safeerr; unless (_is_safe($parent,\$safeerr)) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not safe ($safeerr)"; return (); } } elsif (File::Temp->safe_level == HIGH) { my $safeerr; unless (_is_verysafe($parent, \$safeerr)) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Parent directory ($parent) is not safe ($safeerr)"; return (); } } my $perms = $options{file_permissions}; my $has_perms = defined $perms; $perms = 0600 unless $has_perms; # Now try MAX_TRIES time to open the file for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_TRIES; $i++) { # Try to open the file if requested if ($options{"open"}) { my $fh; # If we are running before perl5.6.0 we can not auto-vivify if ($] < 5.006) { $fh = &Symbol::gensym; } # Try to make sure this will be marked close-on-exec # XXX: Win32 doesn't respect this, nor the proper fcntl, # but may have O_NOINHERIT. This may or may not be in Fcntl. local $^F = 2; # Attempt to open the file my $open_success = undef; if ( $^O eq 'VMS' and $options{"unlink_on_close"} && !$KEEP_ALL) { # make it auto delete on close by setting FAB$V_DLT bit $fh = VMS::Stdio::vmssysopen($path, $OPENFLAGS, $perms, 'fop=dlt'); $open_success = $fh; } else { my $flags = ( ($options{"unlink_on_close"} && !$KEEP_ALL) ? $OPENTEMPFLAGS : $OPENFLAGS ); $flags |= $LOCKFLAG if (defined $LOCKFLAG && $options{use_exlock}); $open_success = sysopen($fh, $path, $flags, $perms); } if ( $open_success ) { # in case of odd umask force rw chmod($perms, $path) unless $has_perms; # Opened successfully - return file handle and name return ($fh, $path); } else { # Error opening file - abort with error # if the reason was anything but EEXIST unless ($!{EEXIST}) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Could not create temp file $path: $!"; return (); } # Loop round for another try } } elsif ($options{"mkdir"}) { # Open the temp directory if (mkdir( $path, 0700)) { # in case of odd umask chmod(0700, $path); return undef, $path; } else { # Abort with error if the reason for failure was anything # except EEXIST unless ($!{EEXIST}) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Could not create directory $path: $!"; return (); } # Loop round for another try } } else { # Return true if the file can not be found # Directory has been checked previously return (undef, $path) unless -e $path; # Try again until MAX_TRIES } # Did not successfully open the tempfile/dir # so try again with a different set of random letters # No point in trying to increment unless we have only # 1 X say and the randomness could come up with the same # file MAX_TRIES in a row. # Store current attempt - in principle this implies that the # 3rd time around the open attempt that the first temp file # name could be generated again. Probably should store each # attempt and make sure that none are repeated my $original = $path; my $counter = 0; # Stop infinite loop my $MAX_GUESS = 50; do { # Generate new name from original template $path = _replace_XX($template, $options{"suffixlen"}); $counter++; } until ($path ne $original || $counter > $MAX_GUESS); # Check for out of control looping if ($counter > $MAX_GUESS) { ${$options{ErrStr}} = "Tried to get a new temp name different to the previous value $MAX_GUESS times.\nSomething wrong with template?? ($template)"; return (); } } # If we get here, we have run out of tries ${ $options{ErrStr} } = "Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts (" . MAX_TRIES . ") to open temp file/dir"; return (); } # Internal routine to replace the XXXX... with random characters # This has to be done by _gettemp() every time it fails to # open a temp file/dir # Arguments: $template (the template with XXX), # $ignore (number of characters at end to ignore) # Returns: modified template sub _replace_XX { croak 'Usage: _replace_XX($template, $ignore)' unless scalar(@_) == 2; my ($path, $ignore) = @_; # Do it as an if, since the suffix adjusts which section to replace # and suffixlen=0 returns nothing if used in the substr directly # Alternatively, could simply set $ignore to length($path)-1 # Don't want to always use substr when not required though. my $end = ( $] >= 5.006 ? "\\z" : "\\Z" ); if ($ignore) { substr($path, 0, - $ignore) =~ s/X(?=X*$end)/$CHARS[ int( rand( @CHARS ) ) ]/ge; } else { $path =~ s/X(?=X*$end)/$CHARS[ int( rand( @CHARS ) ) ]/ge; } return $path; } # Internal routine to force a temp file to be writable after # it is created so that we can unlink it. Windows seems to occasionally # force a file to be readonly when written to certain temp locations sub _force_writable { my $file = shift; chmod 0600, $file; } # internal routine to check to see if the directory is safe # First checks to see if the directory is not owned by the # current user or root. Then checks to see if anyone else # can write to the directory and if so, checks to see if # it has the sticky bit set # Will not work on systems that do not support sticky bit #Args: directory path to check # Optionally: reference to scalar to contain error message # Returns true if the path is safe and false otherwise. # Returns undef if can not even run stat() on the path # This routine based on version written by Tom Christiansen # Presumably, by the time we actually attempt to create the # file or directory in this directory, it may not be safe # anymore... Have to run _is_safe directly after the open. sub _is_safe { my $path = shift; my $err_ref = shift; # Stat path my @info = stat($path); unless (scalar(@info)) { $$err_ref = "stat(path) returned no values"; return 0; } ; return 1 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # owner delete control at file level # Check to see whether owner is neither superuser (or a system uid) nor me # Use the effective uid from the $> variable # UID is in [4] if ($info[4] > File::Temp->top_system_uid() && $info[4] != $>) { Carp::cluck(sprintf "uid=$info[4] topuid=%s euid=$> path='$path'", File::Temp->top_system_uid()); $$err_ref = "Directory owned neither by root nor the current user" if ref($err_ref); return 0; } # check whether group or other can write file # use 066 to detect either reading or writing # use 022 to check writability # Do it with S_IWOTH and S_IWGRP for portability (maybe) # mode is in info[2] if (($info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWGRP) || # Is group writable? ($info[2] & &Fcntl::S_IWOTH) ) { # Is world writable? # Must be a directory unless (-d $path) { $$err_ref = "Path ($path) is not a directory" if ref($err_ref); return 0; } # Must have sticky bit set unless (-k $path) { $$err_ref = "Sticky bit not set on $path when dir is group|world writable" if ref($err_ref); return 0; } } return 1; } # Internal routine to check whether a directory is safe # for temp files. Safer than _is_safe since it checks for # the possibility of chown giveaway and if that is a possibility # checks each directory in the path to see if it is safe (with _is_safe) # If _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is not set, does the full test of each # directory anyway. # Takes optional second arg as scalar ref to error reason sub _is_verysafe { # Need POSIX - but only want to bother if really necessary due to overhead require POSIX; my $path = shift; print "_is_verysafe testing $path\n" if $DEBUG; return 1 if $^O eq 'VMS'; # owner delete control at file level my $err_ref = shift; # Should Get the value of _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED if it is defined # and If it is not there do the extensive test local($@); my $chown_restricted; $chown_restricted = &POSIX::_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED() if eval { &POSIX::_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED(); 1}; # If chown_resticted is set to some value we should test it if (defined $chown_restricted) { # Return if the current directory is safe return _is_safe($path,$err_ref) if POSIX::sysconf( $chown_restricted ); } # To reach this point either, the _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED symbol # was not available or the symbol was there but chown giveaway # is allowed. Either way, we now have to test the entire tree for # safety. # Convert path to an absolute directory if required unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path)) { $path = File::Spec->rel2abs($path); } # Split directory into components - assume no file my ($volume, $directories, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1); # Slightly less efficient than having a function in File::Spec # to chop off the end of a directory or even a function that # can handle ../ in a directory tree # Sometimes splitdir() returns a blank at the end # so we will probably check the bottom directory twice in some cases my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories); # Concatenate one less directory each time around foreach my $pos (0.. $#dirs) { # Get a directory name my $dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume, File::Spec->catdir(@dirs[0.. $#dirs - $pos]), '' ); print "TESTING DIR $dir\n" if $DEBUG; # Check the directory return 0 unless _is_safe($dir,$err_ref); } return 1; } # internal routine to determine whether unlink works on this # platform for files that are currently open. # Returns true if we can, false otherwise. # Currently WinNT, OS/2 and VMS can not unlink an opened file # On VMS this is because the O_EXCL flag is used to open the # temporary file. Currently I do not know enough about the issues # on VMS to decide whether O_EXCL is a requirement. sub _can_unlink_opened_file { if (grep $^O eq $_, qw/MSWin32 os2 VMS dos MacOS haiku/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } # internal routine to decide which security levels are allowed # see safe_level() for more information on this # Controls whether the supplied security level is allowed # $cando = _can_do_level( $level ) sub _can_do_level { # Get security level my $level = shift; # Always have to be able to do STANDARD return 1 if $level == STANDARD; # Currently, the systems that can do HIGH or MEDIUM are identical if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'mpeix') { return 0; } else { return 1; } } # This routine sets up a deferred unlinking of a specified # filename and filehandle. It is used in the following cases: # - Called by unlink0 if an opened file can not be unlinked # - Called by tempfile() if files are to be removed on shutdown # - Called by tempdir() if directories are to be removed on shutdown # Arguments: # _deferred_unlink( $fh, $fname, $isdir ); # # - filehandle (so that it can be explicitly closed if open # - filename (the thing we want to remove) # - isdir (flag to indicate that we are being given a directory) # [and hence no filehandle] # Status is not referred to since all the magic is done with an END block { # Will set up two lexical variables to contain all the files to be # removed. One array for files, another for directories They will # only exist in this block. # This means we only have to set up a single END block to remove # all files. # in order to prevent child processes inadvertently deleting the parent # temp files we use a hash to store the temp files and directories # created by a particular process id. # %files_to_unlink contains values that are references to an array of # array references containing the filehandle and filename associated with # the temp file. my (%files_to_unlink, %dirs_to_unlink); # Set up an end block to use these arrays END { local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); cleanup(at_exit => 1); } # Cleanup function. Always triggered on END (with at_exit => 1) but # can be invoked manually. sub cleanup { my %h = @_; my $at_exit = delete $h{at_exit}; $at_exit = 0 if not defined $at_exit; { my @k = sort keys %h; die "unrecognized parameters: @k" if @k } if (!$KEEP_ALL) { # Files my @files = (exists $files_to_unlink{$$} ? @{ $files_to_unlink{$$} } : () ); foreach my $file (@files) { # close the filehandle without checking its state # in order to make real sure that this is closed # if its already closed then I don't care about the answer # probably a better way to do this close($file->[0]); # file handle is [0] if (-f $file->[1]) { # file name is [1] _force_writable( $file->[1] ); # for windows unlink $file->[1] or warn "Error removing ".$file->[1]; } } # Dirs my @dirs = (exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$} ? @{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} } : () ); my ($cwd, $cwd_to_remove); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if (-d $dir) { # Some versions of rmtree will abort if you attempt to remove # the directory you are sitting in. For automatic cleanup # at program exit, we avoid this by chdir()ing out of the way # first. If not at program exit, it's best not to mess with the # current directory, so just let it fail with a warning. if ($at_exit) { $cwd = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->curdir) if not defined $cwd; my $abs = Cwd::abs_path($dir); if ($abs eq $cwd) { $cwd_to_remove = $dir; next; } } eval { rmtree($dir, $DEBUG, 0); }; warn $@ if ($@ && $^W); } } if (defined $cwd_to_remove) { # We do need to clean up the current directory, and everything # else is done, so get out of there and remove it. chdir $cwd_to_remove or die "cannot chdir to $cwd_to_remove: $!"; my $updir = File::Spec->updir; chdir $updir or die "cannot chdir to $updir: $!"; eval { rmtree($cwd_to_remove, $DEBUG, 0); }; warn $@ if ($@ && $^W); } # clear the arrays @{ $files_to_unlink{$$} } = () if exists $files_to_unlink{$$}; @{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} } = () if exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$}; } } # This is the sub called to register a file for deferred unlinking # This could simply store the input parameters and defer everything # until the END block. For now we do a bit of checking at this # point in order to make sure that (1) we have a file/dir to delete # and (2) we have been called with the correct arguments. sub _deferred_unlink { croak 'Usage: _deferred_unlink($fh, $fname, $isdir)' unless scalar(@_) == 3; my ($fh, $fname, $isdir) = @_; warn "Setting up deferred removal of $fname\n" if $DEBUG; # make sure we save the absolute path for later cleanup # OK to untaint because we only ever use this internally # as a file path, never interpolating into the shell $fname = Cwd::abs_path($fname); ($fname) = $fname =~ /^(.*)$/; # If we have a directory, check that it is a directory if ($isdir) { if (-d $fname) { # Directory exists so store it # first on VMS turn []foo into [.foo] for rmtree $fname = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($fname) if $^O eq 'VMS'; $dirs_to_unlink{$$} = [] unless exists $dirs_to_unlink{$$}; push (@{ $dirs_to_unlink{$$} }, $fname); } else { carp "Request to remove directory $fname could not be completed since it does not exist!\n" if $^W; } } else { if (-f $fname) { # file exists so store handle and name for later removal $files_to_unlink{$$} = [] unless exists $files_to_unlink{$$}; push(@{ $files_to_unlink{$$} }, [$fh, $fname]); } else { carp "Request to remove file $fname could not be completed since it is not there!\n" if $^W; } } } } # normalize argument keys to upper case and do consistent handling # of leading template vs TEMPLATE sub _parse_args { my $leading_template = (scalar(@_) % 2 == 1 ? shift(@_) : '' ); my %args = @_; %args = map +(uc($_) => $args{$_}), keys %args; # template (store it in an array so that it will # disappear from the arg list of tempfile) my @template = ( exists $args{TEMPLATE} ? $args{TEMPLATE} : $leading_template ? $leading_template : () ); delete $args{TEMPLATE}; return( \@template, \%args ); } #pod =head1 OBJECT-ORIENTED INTERFACE #pod #pod This is the primary interface for interacting with #pod C. Using the OO interface a temporary file can be created #pod when the object is constructed and the file can be removed when the #pod object is no longer required. #pod #pod Note that there is no method to obtain the filehandle from the #pod C object. The object itself acts as a filehandle. The object #pod isa C and isa C so all those methods are #pod available. #pod #pod Also, the object is configured such that it stringifies to the name of the #pod temporary file and so can be compared to a filename directly. It numifies #pod to the C the same as other handles and so can be compared to other #pod handles with C<==>. #pod #pod $fh eq $filename # as a string #pod $fh != \*STDOUT # as a number #pod #pod Available since 0.14. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Create a temporary file object. #pod #pod my $tmp = File::Temp->new(); #pod #pod by default the object is constructed as if C #pod was called without options, but with the additional behaviour #pod that the temporary file is removed by the object destructor #pod if UNLINK is set to true (the default). #pod #pod Supported arguments are the same as for C: UNLINK #pod (defaulting to true), DIR, EXLOCK, PERMS and SUFFIX. #pod Additionally, the filename #pod template is specified using the TEMPLATE option. The OPEN option #pod is not supported (the file is always opened). #pod #pod $tmp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'tempXXXXX', #pod DIR => 'mydir', #pod SUFFIX => '.dat'); #pod #pod Arguments are case insensitive. #pod #pod Can call croak() if an error occurs. #pod #pod Available since 0.14. #pod #pod TEMPLATE available since 0.23 #pod #pod =cut sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_); # see if they are unlinking (defaulting to yes) my $unlink = (exists $args->{UNLINK} ? $args->{UNLINK} : 1 ); delete $args->{UNLINK}; # Protect OPEN delete $args->{OPEN}; # Open the file and retain file handle and file name my ($fh, $path) = tempfile( @$maybe_template, %$args ); print "Tmp: $fh - $path\n" if $DEBUG; # Store the filename in the scalar slot ${*$fh} = $path; # Cache the filename by pid so that the destructor can decide whether to remove it $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$path} = 1; # Store unlink information in hash slot (plus other constructor info) %{*$fh} = %$args; # create the object bless $fh, $class; # final method-based configuration $fh->unlink_on_destroy( $unlink ); return $fh; } #pod =item B #pod #pod Create a temporary directory using an object oriented interface. #pod #pod $dir = File::Temp->newdir(); #pod #pod By default the directory is deleted when the object goes out of scope. #pod #pod Supports the same options as the C function. Note that directories #pod created with this method default to CLEANUP => 1. #pod #pod $dir = File::Temp->newdir( $template, %options ); #pod #pod A template may be specified either with a leading template or #pod with a TEMPLATE argument. #pod #pod Available since 0.19. #pod #pod TEMPLATE available since 0.23. #pod #pod =cut sub newdir { my $self = shift; my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_); # handle CLEANUP without passing CLEANUP to tempdir my $cleanup = (exists $args->{CLEANUP} ? $args->{CLEANUP} : 1 ); delete $args->{CLEANUP}; my $tempdir = tempdir( @$maybe_template, %$args); # get a safe absolute path for cleanup, just like # happens in _deferred_unlink my $real_dir = Cwd::abs_path( $tempdir ); ($real_dir) = $real_dir =~ /^(.*)$/; return bless { DIRNAME => $tempdir, REALNAME => $real_dir, CLEANUP => $cleanup, LAUNCHPID => $$, }, "File::Temp::Dir"; } #pod =item B #pod #pod Return the name of the temporary file associated with this object #pod (if the object was created using the "new" constructor). #pod #pod $filename = $tmp->filename; #pod #pod This method is called automatically when the object is used as #pod a string. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.14 #pod #pod =cut sub filename { my $self = shift; return ${*$self}; } sub STRINGIFY { my $self = shift; return $self->filename; } # For reference, can't use '0+'=>\&Scalar::Util::refaddr directly because # refaddr() demands one parameter only, whereas overload.pm calls with three # even for unary operations like '0+'. sub NUMIFY { return refaddr($_[0]); } #pod =item B #pod #pod Return the name of the temporary directory associated with this #pod object (if the object was created using the "newdir" constructor). #pod #pod $dirname = $tmpdir->dirname; #pod #pod This method is called automatically when the object is used in string context. #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Control whether the file is unlinked when the object goes out of scope. #pod The file is removed if this value is true and $KEEP_ALL is not. #pod #pod $fh->unlink_on_destroy( 1 ); #pod #pod Default is for the file to be removed. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.15 #pod #pod =cut sub unlink_on_destroy { my $self = shift; if (@_) { ${*$self}{UNLINK} = shift; } return ${*$self}{UNLINK}; } #pod =item B #pod #pod When the object goes out of scope, the destructor is called. This #pod destructor will attempt to unlink the file (using L) #pod if the constructor was called with UNLINK set to 1 (the default state #pod if UNLINK is not specified). #pod #pod No error is given if the unlink fails. #pod #pod If the object has been passed to a child process during a fork, the #pod file will be deleted when the object goes out of scope in the parent. #pod #pod For a temporary directory object the directory will be removed unless #pod the CLEANUP argument was used in the constructor (and set to false) or #pod C was modified after creation. Note that if a temp #pod directory is your current directory, it cannot be removed - a warning #pod will be given in this case. C out of the directory before #pod letting the object go out of scope. #pod #pod If the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true, the file or directory #pod will not be removed. #pod #pod =cut sub DESTROY { local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); my $self = shift; # Make sure we always remove the file from the global hash # on destruction. This prevents the hash from growing uncontrollably # and post-destruction there is no reason to know about the file. my $file = $self->filename; my $was_created_by_proc; if (exists $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$file}) { $was_created_by_proc = 1; delete $FILES_CREATED_BY_OBJECT{$$}{$file}; } if (${*$self}{UNLINK} && !$KEEP_ALL) { print "# ---------> Unlinking $self\n" if $DEBUG; # only delete if this process created it return unless $was_created_by_proc; # The unlink1 may fail if the file has been closed # by the caller. This leaves us with the decision # of whether to refuse to remove the file or simply # do an unlink without test. Seems to be silly # to do this when we are trying to be careful # about security _force_writable( $file ); # for windows unlink1( $self, $file ) or unlink($file); } } #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 FUNCTIONS #pod #pod This section describes the recommended interface for generating #pod temporary files and directories. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod This is the basic function to generate temporary files. #pod The behaviour of the file can be changed using various options: #pod #pod $fh = tempfile(); #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); #pod #pod Create a temporary file in the directory specified for temporary #pod files, as specified by the tmpdir() function in L. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template); #pod #pod Create a temporary file in the current directory using the supplied #pod template. Trailing `X' characters are replaced with random letters to #pod generate the filename. At least four `X' characters must be present #pod at the end of the template. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, SUFFIX => $suffix) #pod #pod Same as previously, except that a suffix is added to the template #pod after the `X' translation. Useful for ensuring that a temporary #pod filename has a particular extension when needed by other applications. #pod But see the WARNING at the end. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, DIR => $dir); #pod #pod Translates the template as before except that a directory name #pod is specified. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, TMPDIR => 1); #pod #pod Equivalent to specifying a DIR of "File::Spec->tmpdir", writing the file #pod into the same temporary directory as would be used if no template was #pod specified at all. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, UNLINK => 1); #pod #pod Return the filename and filehandle as before except that the file is #pod automatically removed when the program exits (dependent on #pod $KEEP_ALL). Default is for the file to be removed if a file handle is #pod requested and to be kept if the filename is requested. In a scalar #pod context (where no filename is returned) the file is always deleted #pod either (depending on the operating system) on exit or when it is #pod closed (unless $KEEP_ALL is true when the temp file is created). #pod #pod Use the object-oriented interface if fine-grained control of when #pod a file is removed is required. #pod #pod If the template is not specified, a template is always #pod automatically generated. This temporary file is placed in tmpdir() #pod (L) unless a directory is specified explicitly with the #pod DIR option. #pod #pod $fh = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); #pod #pod If called in scalar context, only the filehandle is returned and the #pod file will automatically be deleted when closed on operating systems #pod that support this (see the description of tmpfile() elsewhere in this #pod document). This is the preferred mode of operation, as if you only #pod have a filehandle, you can never create a race condition by fumbling #pod with the filename. On systems that can not unlink an open file or can #pod not mark a file as temporary when it is opened (for example, Windows #pod NT uses the C flag) the file is marked for deletion when #pod the program ends (equivalent to setting UNLINK to 1). The C #pod flag is ignored if present. #pod #pod (undef, $filename) = tempfile($template, OPEN => 0); #pod #pod This will return the filename based on the template but #pod will not open this file. Cannot be used in conjunction with #pod UNLINK set to true. Default is to always open the file #pod to protect from possible race conditions. A warning is issued #pod if warnings are turned on. Consider using the tmpnam() #pod and mktemp() functions described elsewhere in this document #pod if opening the file is not required. #pod #pod To open the temporary filehandle with O_EXLOCK (open with exclusive #pod file lock) use C<< EXLOCK=>1 >>. This is supported only by some #pod operating systems (most notably BSD derived systems). By default #pod EXLOCK will be false. Former C versions set EXLOCK to #pod true, so to be sure to get an unlocked filehandle also with older #pod versions, explicitly set C<< EXLOCK=>0 >>. #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, EXLOCK => 1); #pod #pod By default, the temp file is created with 0600 file permissions. #pod Use C to change this: #pod #pod ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, PERMS => 0666); #pod #pod Options can be combined as required. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Available since 0.05. #pod #pod UNLINK flag available since 0.10. #pod #pod TMPDIR flag available since 0.19. #pod #pod EXLOCK flag available since 0.19. #pod #pod PERMS flag available since 0.2310. #pod #pod =cut sub tempfile { if ( @_ && $_[0] eq 'File::Temp' ) { croak "'tempfile' can't be called as a method"; } # Can not check for argument count since we can have any # number of args # Default options my %options = ( "DIR" => undef, # Directory prefix "SUFFIX" => '', # Template suffix "UNLINK" => 0, # Do not unlink file on exit "OPEN" => 1, # Open file "TMPDIR" => 0, # Place tempfile in tempdir if template specified "EXLOCK" => 0, # Open file with O_EXLOCK "PERMS" => undef, # File permissions ); # Check to see whether we have an odd or even number of arguments my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_); my $template = @$maybe_template ? $maybe_template->[0] : undef; # Read the options and merge with defaults %options = (%options, %$args); # First decision is whether or not to open the file if (! $options{"OPEN"}) { warn "tempfile(): temporary filename requested but not opened.\nPossibly unsafe, consider using tempfile() with OPEN set to true\n" if $^W; } if ($options{"DIR"} and $^O eq 'VMS') { # on VMS turn []foo into [.foo] for concatenation $options{"DIR"} = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($options{"DIR"}); } # Construct the template # Have a choice of trying to work around the mkstemp/mktemp/tmpnam etc # functions or simply constructing a template and using _gettemp() # explicitly. Go for the latter # First generate a template if not defined and prefix the directory # If no template must prefix the temp directory if (defined $template) { # End up with current directory if neither DIR not TMPDIR are set if ($options{"DIR"}) { $template = File::Spec->catfile($options{"DIR"}, $template); } elsif ($options{TMPDIR}) { $template = File::Spec->catfile(_wrap_file_spec_tmpdir(), $template ); } } else { if ($options{"DIR"}) { $template = File::Spec->catfile($options{"DIR"}, TEMPXXX); } else { $template = File::Spec->catfile(_wrap_file_spec_tmpdir(), TEMPXXX); } } # Now add a suffix $template .= $options{"SUFFIX"}; # Determine whether we should tell _gettemp to unlink the file # On unix this is irrelevant and can be worked out after the file is # opened (simply by unlinking the open filehandle). On Windows or VMS # we have to indicate temporary-ness when we open the file. In general # we only want a true temporary file if we are returning just the # filehandle - if the user wants the filename they probably do not # want the file to disappear as soon as they close it (which may be # important if they want a child process to use the file) # For this reason, tie unlink_on_close to the return context regardless # of OS. my $unlink_on_close = ( wantarray ? 0 : 1); # Create the file my ($fh, $path, $errstr); croak "Error in tempfile() using template $template: $errstr" unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, "open" => $options{OPEN}, "mkdir" => 0, "unlink_on_close" => $unlink_on_close, "suffixlen" => length($options{SUFFIX}), "ErrStr" => \$errstr, "use_exlock" => $options{EXLOCK}, "file_permissions" => $options{PERMS}, ) ); # Set up an exit handler that can do whatever is right for the # system. This removes files at exit when requested explicitly or when # system is asked to unlink_on_close but is unable to do so because # of OS limitations. # The latter should be achieved by using a tied filehandle. # Do not check return status since this is all done with END blocks. _deferred_unlink($fh, $path, 0) if $options{"UNLINK"}; # Return if (wantarray()) { if ($options{'OPEN'}) { return ($fh, $path); } else { return (undef, $path); } } else { # Unlink the file. It is up to unlink0 to decide what to do with # this (whether to unlink now or to defer until later) unlink0($fh, $path) or croak "Error unlinking file $path using unlink0"; # Return just the filehandle. return $fh; } } # On Windows under taint mode, File::Spec could suggest "C:\" as a tempdir # which might not be writable. If that is the case, we fallback to a # user directory. See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=60340 { my ($alt_tmpdir, $checked); sub _wrap_file_spec_tmpdir { return File::Spec->tmpdir unless $^O eq "MSWin32" && ${^TAINT}; if ( $checked ) { return $alt_tmpdir ? $alt_tmpdir : File::Spec->tmpdir; } # probe what File::Spec gives and find a fallback my $xxpath = _replace_XX( "X" x 10, 0 ); # First, see if File::Spec->tmpdir is writable my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir; my $testpath = File::Spec->catdir( $tmpdir, $xxpath ); if (mkdir( $testpath, 0700) ) { $checked = 1; rmdir $testpath; return $tmpdir; } # Next, see if CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA is writable require Win32; my $local_app = File::Spec->catdir( Win32::GetFolderPath( Win32::CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA() ), 'Temp' ); $testpath = File::Spec->catdir( $local_app, $xxpath ); if ( -e $local_app or mkdir( $local_app, 0700 ) ) { if (mkdir( $testpath, 0700) ) { $checked = 1; rmdir $testpath; return $alt_tmpdir = $local_app; } } # Can't find something writable croak << "HERE"; Couldn't find a writable temp directory in taint mode. Tried: $tmpdir $local_app Try setting and untainting the TMPDIR environment variable. HERE } } #pod =item B #pod #pod This is the recommended interface for creation of temporary #pod directories. By default the directory will not be removed on exit #pod (that is, it won't be temporary; this behaviour can not be changed #pod because of issues with backwards compatibility). To enable removal #pod either use the CLEANUP option which will trigger removal on program #pod exit, or consider using the "newdir" method in the object interface which #pod will allow the directory to be cleaned up when the object goes out of #pod scope. #pod #pod The behaviour of the function depends on the arguments: #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir(); #pod #pod Create a directory in tmpdir() (see L). #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir( $template ); #pod #pod Create a directory from the supplied template. This template is #pod similar to that described for tempfile(). `X' characters at the end #pod of the template are replaced with random letters to construct the #pod directory name. At least four `X' characters must be in the template. #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir ( DIR => $dir ); #pod #pod Specifies the directory to use for the temporary directory. #pod The temporary directory name is derived from an internal template. #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, DIR => $dir ); #pod #pod Prepend the supplied directory name to the template. The template #pod should not include parent directory specifications itself. Any parent #pod directory specifications are removed from the template before #pod prepending the supplied directory. #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, TMPDIR => 1 ); #pod #pod Using the supplied template, create the temporary directory in #pod a standard location for temporary files. Equivalent to doing #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir); #pod #pod but shorter. Parent directory specifications are stripped from the #pod template itself. The C option is ignored if C is set #pod explicitly. Additionally, C is implied if neither a template #pod nor a directory are supplied. #pod #pod $tempdir = tempdir( $template, CLEANUP => 1); #pod #pod Create a temporary directory using the supplied template, but #pod attempt to remove it (and all files inside it) when the program #pod exits. Note that an attempt will be made to remove all files from #pod the directory even if they were not created by this module (otherwise #pod why ask to clean it up?). The directory removal is made with #pod the rmtree() function from the L module. #pod Of course, if the template is not specified, the temporary directory #pod will be created in tmpdir() and will also be removed at program exit. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut # ' sub tempdir { if ( @_ && $_[0] eq 'File::Temp' ) { croak "'tempdir' can't be called as a method"; } # Can not check for argument count since we can have any # number of args # Default options my %options = ( "CLEANUP" => 0, # Remove directory on exit "DIR" => '', # Root directory "TMPDIR" => 0, # Use tempdir with template ); # Check to see whether we have an odd or even number of arguments my ($maybe_template, $args) = _parse_args(@_); my $template = @$maybe_template ? $maybe_template->[0] : undef; # Read the options and merge with defaults %options = (%options, %$args); # Modify or generate the template # Deal with the DIR and TMPDIR options if (defined $template) { # Need to strip directory path if using DIR or TMPDIR if ($options{'TMPDIR'} || $options{'DIR'}) { # Strip parent directory from the filename # # There is no filename at the end $template = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($template) if $^O eq 'VMS'; my ($volume, $directories, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $template, 1); # Last directory is then our template $template = (File::Spec->splitdir($directories))[-1]; # Prepend the supplied directory or temp dir if ($options{"DIR"}) { $template = File::Spec->catdir($options{"DIR"}, $template); } elsif ($options{TMPDIR}) { # Prepend tmpdir $template = File::Spec->catdir(_wrap_file_spec_tmpdir(), $template); } } } else { if ($options{"DIR"}) { $template = File::Spec->catdir($options{"DIR"}, TEMPXXX); } else { $template = File::Spec->catdir(_wrap_file_spec_tmpdir(), TEMPXXX); } } # Create the directory my $tempdir; my $suffixlen = 0; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # dir names can end in delimiters $template =~ m/([\.\]:>]+)$/; $suffixlen = length($1); } if ( ($^O eq 'MacOS') && (substr($template, -1) eq ':') ) { # dir name has a trailing ':' ++$suffixlen; } my $errstr; croak "Error in tempdir() using $template: $errstr" unless ((undef, $tempdir) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 0, "mkdir"=> 1 , "suffixlen" => $suffixlen, "ErrStr" => \$errstr, ) ); # Install exit handler; must be dynamic to get lexical if ( $options{'CLEANUP'} && -d $tempdir) { _deferred_unlink(undef, $tempdir, 1); } # Return the dir name return $tempdir; } #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 MKTEMP FUNCTIONS #pod #pod The following functions are Perl implementations of the #pod mktemp() family of temp file generation system calls. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Given a template, returns a filehandle to the temporary file and the name #pod of the file. #pod #pod ($fh, $name) = mkstemp( $template ); #pod #pod In scalar context, just the filehandle is returned. #pod #pod The template may be any filename with some number of X's appended #pod to it, for example F. The trailing X's are replaced #pod with unique alphanumeric combinations. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut sub mkstemp { croak "Usage: mkstemp(template)" if scalar(@_) != 1; my $template = shift; my ($fh, $path, $errstr); croak "Error in mkstemp using $template: $errstr" unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 1, "mkdir"=> 0 , "suffixlen" => 0, "ErrStr" => \$errstr, ) ); if (wantarray()) { return ($fh, $path); } else { return $fh; } } #pod =item B #pod #pod Similar to mkstemp(), except that an extra argument can be supplied #pod with a suffix to be appended to the template. #pod #pod ($fh, $name) = mkstemps( $template, $suffix ); #pod #pod For example a template of C and suffix of C<.dat> #pod would generate a file similar to F. #pod #pod Returns just the filehandle alone when called in scalar context. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut sub mkstemps { croak "Usage: mkstemps(template, suffix)" if scalar(@_) != 2; my $template = shift; my $suffix = shift; $template .= $suffix; my ($fh, $path, $errstr); croak "Error in mkstemps using $template: $errstr" unless (($fh, $path) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 1, "mkdir"=> 0 , "suffixlen" => length($suffix), "ErrStr" => \$errstr, ) ); if (wantarray()) { return ($fh, $path); } else { return $fh; } } #pod =item B #pod #pod Create a directory from a template. The template must end in #pod X's that are replaced by the routine. #pod #pod $tmpdir_name = mkdtemp($template); #pod #pod Returns the name of the temporary directory created. #pod #pod Directory must be removed by the caller. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut #' # for emacs sub mkdtemp { croak "Usage: mkdtemp(template)" if scalar(@_) != 1; my $template = shift; my $suffixlen = 0; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # dir names can end in delimiters $template =~ m/([\.\]:>]+)$/; $suffixlen = length($1); } if ( ($^O eq 'MacOS') && (substr($template, -1) eq ':') ) { # dir name has a trailing ':' ++$suffixlen; } my ($junk, $tmpdir, $errstr); croak "Error creating temp directory from template $template\: $errstr" unless (($junk, $tmpdir) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 0, "mkdir"=> 1 , "suffixlen" => $suffixlen, "ErrStr" => \$errstr, ) ); return $tmpdir; } #pod =item B #pod #pod Returns a valid temporary filename but does not guarantee #pod that the file will not be opened by someone else. #pod #pod $unopened_file = mktemp($template); #pod #pod Template is the same as that required by mkstemp(). #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut sub mktemp { croak "Usage: mktemp(template)" if scalar(@_) != 1; my $template = shift; my ($tmpname, $junk, $errstr); croak "Error getting name to temp file from template $template: $errstr" unless (($junk, $tmpname) = _gettemp($template, "open" => 0, "mkdir"=> 0 , "suffixlen" => 0, "ErrStr" => \$errstr, ) ); return $tmpname; } #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 POSIX FUNCTIONS #pod #pod This section describes the re-implementation of the tmpnam() #pod and tmpfile() functions described in L #pod using the mkstemp() from this module. #pod #pod Unlike the L implementations, the directory used #pod for the temporary file is not specified in a system include #pod file (C) but simply depends on the choice of tmpdir() #pod returned by L. On some implementations this #pod location can be set using the C environment variable, which #pod may not be secure. #pod If this is a problem, simply use mkstemp() and specify a template. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod When called in scalar context, returns the full name (including path) #pod of a temporary file (uses mktemp()). The only check is that the file does #pod not already exist, but there is no guarantee that that condition will #pod continue to apply. #pod #pod $file = tmpnam(); #pod #pod When called in list context, a filehandle to the open file and #pod a filename are returned. This is achieved by calling mkstemp() #pod after constructing a suitable template. #pod #pod ($fh, $file) = tmpnam(); #pod #pod If possible, this form should be used to prevent possible #pod race conditions. #pod #pod See L for information on the choice of temporary #pod directory for a particular operating system. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut sub tmpnam { # Retrieve the temporary directory name my $tmpdir = _wrap_file_spec_tmpdir(); # XXX I don't know under what circumstances this occurs, -- xdg 2016-04-02 croak "Error temporary directory is not writable" if $tmpdir eq ''; # Use a ten character template and append to tmpdir my $template = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, TEMPXXX); if (wantarray() ) { return mkstemp($template); } else { return mktemp($template); } } #pod =item B #pod #pod Returns the filehandle of a temporary file. #pod #pod $fh = tmpfile(); #pod #pod The file is removed when the filehandle is closed or when the program #pod exits. No access to the filename is provided. #pod #pod If the temporary file can not be created undef is returned. #pod Currently this command will probably not work when the temporary #pod directory is on an NFS file system. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Available since 0.05. #pod #pod Returning undef if unable to create file added in 0.12. #pod #pod =cut sub tmpfile { # Simply call tmpnam() in a list context my ($fh, $file) = tmpnam(); # Make sure file is removed when filehandle is closed # This will fail on NFS unlink0($fh, $file) or return undef; return $fh; } #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS #pod #pod These functions are provided for backwards compatibility #pod with common tempfile generation C library functions. #pod #pod They are not exported and must be addressed using the full package #pod name. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Return the name of a temporary file in the specified directory #pod using a prefix. The file is guaranteed not to exist at the time #pod the function was called, but such guarantees are good for one #pod clock tick only. Always use the proper form of C #pod with C if you must open such a filename. #pod #pod $filename = File::Temp::tempnam( $dir, $prefix ); #pod #pod Equivalent to running mktemp() with $dir/$prefixXXXXXXXX #pod (using unix file convention as an example) #pod #pod Because this function uses mktemp(), it can suffer from race conditions. #pod #pod Will croak() if there is an error. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut sub tempnam { croak 'Usage tempnam($dir, $prefix)' unless scalar(@_) == 2; my ($dir, $prefix) = @_; # Add a string to the prefix $prefix .= 'XXXXXXXX'; # Concatenate the directory to the file my $template = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $prefix); return mktemp($template); } #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 UTILITY FUNCTIONS #pod #pod Useful functions for dealing with the filehandle and filename. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Given an open filehandle and the associated filename, make a safe #pod unlink. This is achieved by first checking that the filename and #pod filehandle initially point to the same file and that the number of #pod links to the file is 1 (all fields returned by stat() are compared). #pod Then the filename is unlinked and the filehandle checked once again to #pod verify that the number of links on that file is now 0. This is the #pod closest you can come to making sure that the filename unlinked was the #pod same as the file whose descriptor you hold. #pod #pod unlink0($fh, $path) #pod or die "Error unlinking file $path safely"; #pod #pod Returns false on error but croaks() if there is a security #pod anomaly. The filehandle is not closed since on some occasions this is #pod not required. #pod #pod On some platforms, for example Windows NT, it is not possible to #pod unlink an open file (the file must be closed first). On those #pod platforms, the actual unlinking is deferred until the program ends and #pod good status is returned. A check is still performed to make sure that #pod the filehandle and filename are pointing to the same thing (but not at #pod the time the end block is executed since the deferred removal may not #pod have access to the filehandle). #pod #pod Additionally, on Windows NT not all the fields returned by stat() can #pod be compared. For example, the C and C fields seem to be #pod different. Also, it seems that the size of the file returned by stat() #pod does not always agree, with C being more accurate than #pod C, presumably because of caching issues even when #pod using autoflush (this is usually overcome by waiting a while after #pod writing to the tempfile before attempting to C it). #pod #pod Finally, on NFS file systems the link count of the file handle does #pod not always go to zero immediately after unlinking. Currently, this #pod command is expected to fail on NFS disks. #pod #pod This function is disabled if the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true #pod and an unlink on open file is supported. If the unlink is to be deferred #pod to the END block, the file is still registered for removal. #pod #pod This function should not be called if you are using the object oriented #pod interface since the it will interfere with the object destructor deleting #pod the file. #pod #pod Available Since 0.05. #pod #pod If can not unlink open file, defer removal until later available since 0.06. #pod #pod =cut sub unlink0 { croak 'Usage: unlink0(filehandle, filename)' unless scalar(@_) == 2; # Read args my ($fh, $path) = @_; cmpstat($fh, $path) or return 0; # attempt remove the file (does not work on some platforms) if (_can_unlink_opened_file()) { # return early (Without unlink) if we have been instructed to retain files. return 1 if $KEEP_ALL; # XXX: do *not* call this on a directory; possible race # resulting in recursive removal croak "unlink0: $path has become a directory!" if -d $path; unlink($path) or return 0; # Stat the filehandle my @fh = stat $fh; print "Link count = $fh[3] \n" if $DEBUG; # Make sure that the link count is zero # - Cygwin provides deferred unlinking, however, # on Win9x the link count remains 1 # On NFS the link count may still be 1 but we can't know that # we are on NFS. Since we can't be sure, we'll defer it return 1 if $fh[3] == 0 || $^O eq 'cygwin'; } # fall-through if we can't unlink now _deferred_unlink($fh, $path, 0); return 1; } #pod =item B #pod #pod Compare C of filehandle with C of provided filename. This #pod can be used to check that the filename and filehandle initially point #pod to the same file and that the number of links to the file is 1 (all #pod fields returned by stat() are compared). #pod #pod cmpstat($fh, $path) #pod or die "Error comparing handle with file"; #pod #pod Returns false if the stat information differs or if the link count is #pod greater than 1. Calls croak if there is a security anomaly. #pod #pod On certain platforms, for example Windows, not all the fields returned by stat() #pod can be compared. For example, the C and C fields seem to be #pod different in Windows. Also, it seems that the size of the file #pod returned by stat() does not always agree, with C being more #pod accurate than C, presumably because of caching issues #pod even when using autoflush (this is usually overcome by waiting a while #pod after writing to the tempfile before attempting to C it). #pod #pod Not exported by default. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.14. #pod #pod =cut sub cmpstat { croak 'Usage: cmpstat(filehandle, filename)' unless scalar(@_) == 2; # Read args my ($fh, $path) = @_; warn "Comparing stat\n" if $DEBUG; # Stat the filehandle - which may be closed if someone has manually # closed the file. Can not turn off warnings without using $^W # unless we upgrade to 5.006 minimum requirement my @fh; { local ($^W) = 0; @fh = stat $fh; } return unless @fh; if ($fh[3] > 1 && $^W) { carp "unlink0: fstat found too many links; SB=@fh" if $^W; } # Stat the path my @path = stat $path; unless (@path) { carp "unlink0: $path is gone already" if $^W; return; } # this is no longer a file, but may be a directory, or worse unless (-f $path) { confess "panic: $path is no longer a file: SB=@fh"; } # Do comparison of each member of the array # On WinNT dev and rdev seem to be different # depending on whether it is a file or a handle. # Cannot simply compare all members of the stat return # Select the ones we can use my @okstat = (0..$#fh); # Use all by default if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { @okstat = (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10); } elsif ($^O eq 'os2') { @okstat = (0, 2..$#fh); } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { # device and file ID are sufficient @okstat = (0, 1); } elsif ($^O eq 'dos') { @okstat = (0,2..7,11..$#fh); } elsif ($^O eq 'mpeix') { @okstat = (0..4,8..10); } # Now compare each entry explicitly by number for (@okstat) { print "Comparing: $_ : $fh[$_] and $path[$_]\n" if $DEBUG; # Use eq rather than == since rdev, blksize, and blocks (6, 11, # and 12) will be '' on platforms that do not support them. This # is fine since we are only comparing integers. unless ($fh[$_] eq $path[$_]) { warn "Did not match $_ element of stat\n" if $DEBUG; return 0; } } return 1; } #pod =item B #pod #pod Similar to C except after file comparison using cmpstat, the #pod filehandle is closed prior to attempting to unlink the file. This #pod allows the file to be removed without using an END block, but does #pod mean that the post-unlink comparison of the filehandle state provided #pod by C is not available. #pod #pod unlink1($fh, $path) #pod or die "Error closing and unlinking file"; #pod #pod Usually called from the object destructor when using the OO interface. #pod #pod Not exported by default. #pod #pod This function is disabled if the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true. #pod #pod Can call croak() if there is a security anomaly during the stat() #pod comparison. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.14. #pod #pod =cut sub unlink1 { croak 'Usage: unlink1(filehandle, filename)' unless scalar(@_) == 2; # Read args my ($fh, $path) = @_; cmpstat($fh, $path) or return 0; # Close the file close( $fh ) or return 0; # Make sure the file is writable (for windows) _force_writable( $path ); # return early (without unlink) if we have been instructed to retain files. return 1 if $KEEP_ALL; # remove the file return unlink($path); } #pod =item B #pod #pod Calling this function will cause any temp files or temp directories #pod that are registered for removal to be removed. This happens automatically #pod when the process exits but can be triggered manually if the caller is sure #pod that none of the temp files are required. This method can be registered as #pod an Apache callback. #pod #pod Note that if a temp directory is your current directory, it cannot be #pod removed. C out of the directory first before calling #pod C. (For the cleanup at program exit when the CLEANUP flag #pod is set, this happens automatically.) #pod #pod On OSes where temp files are automatically removed when the temp file #pod is closed, calling this function will have no effect other than to remove #pod temporary directories (which may include temporary files). #pod #pod File::Temp::cleanup(); #pod #pod Not exported by default. #pod #pod Current API available since 0.15. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 PACKAGE VARIABLES #pod #pod These functions control the global state of the package. #pod #pod =over 4 #pod #pod =item B #pod #pod Controls the lengths to which the module will go to check the safety of the #pod temporary file or directory before proceeding. #pod Options are: #pod #pod =over 8 #pod #pod =item STANDARD #pod #pod Do the basic security measures to ensure the directory exists and is #pod writable, that temporary files are opened only if they do not already #pod exist, and that possible race conditions are avoided. Finally the #pod L function is used to remove files safely. #pod #pod =item MEDIUM #pod #pod In addition to the STANDARD security, the output directory is checked #pod to make sure that it is owned either by root or the user running the #pod program. If the directory is writable by group or by other, it is then #pod checked to make sure that the sticky bit is set. #pod #pod Will not work on platforms that do not support the C<-k> test #pod for sticky bit. #pod #pod =item HIGH #pod #pod In addition to the MEDIUM security checks, also check for the #pod possibility of ``chown() giveaway'' using the L #pod sysconf() function. If this is a possibility, each directory in the #pod path is checked in turn for safeness, recursively walking back to the #pod root directory. #pod #pod For platforms that do not support the L #pod C<_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED> symbol (for example, Windows NT) it is #pod assumed that ``chown() giveaway'' is possible and the recursive test #pod is performed. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod The level can be changed as follows: #pod #pod File::Temp->safe_level( File::Temp::HIGH ); #pod #pod The level constants are not exported by the module. #pod #pod Currently, you must be running at least perl v5.6.0 in order to #pod run with MEDIUM or HIGH security. This is simply because the #pod safety tests use functions from L that are not #pod available in older versions of perl. The problem is that the version #pod number for Fcntl is the same in perl 5.6.0 and in 5.005_03 even though #pod they are different versions. #pod #pod On systems that do not support the HIGH or MEDIUM safety levels #pod (for example Win NT or OS/2) any attempt to change the level will #pod be ignored. The decision to ignore rather than raise an exception #pod allows portable programs to be written with high security in mind #pod for the systems that can support this without those programs failing #pod on systems where the extra tests are irrelevant. #pod #pod If you really need to see whether the change has been accepted #pod simply examine the return value of C. #pod #pod $newlevel = File::Temp->safe_level( File::Temp::HIGH ); #pod die "Could not change to high security" #pod if $newlevel != File::Temp::HIGH; #pod #pod Available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut { # protect from using the variable itself my $LEVEL = STANDARD; sub safe_level { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $level = shift; if (($level != STANDARD) && ($level != MEDIUM) && ($level != HIGH)) { carp "safe_level: Specified level ($level) not STANDARD, MEDIUM or HIGH - ignoring\n" if $^W; } else { # Don't allow this on perl 5.005 or earlier if ($] < 5.006 && $level != STANDARD) { # Cant do MEDIUM or HIGH checks croak "Currently requires perl 5.006 or newer to do the safe checks"; } # Check that we are allowed to change level # Silently ignore if we can not. $LEVEL = $level if _can_do_level($level); } } return $LEVEL; } } #pod =item TopSystemUID #pod #pod This is the highest UID on the current system that refers to a root #pod UID. This is used to make sure that the temporary directory is #pod owned by a system UID (C, C, C etc) rather than #pod simply by root. #pod #pod This is required since on many unix systems C is not owned #pod by root. #pod #pod Default is to assume that any UID less than or equal to 10 is a root #pod UID. #pod #pod File::Temp->top_system_uid(10); #pod my $topid = File::Temp->top_system_uid; #pod #pod This value can be adjusted to reduce security checking if required. #pod The value is only relevant when C is set to MEDIUM or higher. #pod #pod Available since 0.05. #pod #pod =cut { my $TopSystemUID = 10; $TopSystemUID = 197108 if $^O eq 'interix'; # "Administrator" sub top_system_uid { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $newuid = shift; croak "top_system_uid: UIDs should be numeric" unless $newuid =~ /^\d+$/s; $TopSystemUID = $newuid; } return $TopSystemUID; } } #pod =item B<$KEEP_ALL> #pod #pod Controls whether temporary files and directories should be retained #pod regardless of any instructions in the program to remove them #pod automatically. This is useful for debugging but should not be used in #pod production code. #pod #pod $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL = 1; #pod #pod Default is for files to be removed as requested by the caller. #pod #pod In some cases, files will only be retained if this variable is true #pod when the file is created. This means that you can not create a temporary #pod file, set this variable and expect the temp file to still be around #pod when the program exits. #pod #pod =item B<$DEBUG> #pod #pod Controls whether debugging messages should be enabled. #pod #pod $File::Temp::DEBUG = 1; #pod #pod Default is for debugging mode to be disabled. #pod #pod Available since 0.15. #pod #pod =back #pod #pod =head1 WARNING #pod #pod For maximum security, endeavour always to avoid ever looking at, #pod touching, or even imputing the existence of the filename. You do not #pod know that that filename is connected to the same file as the handle #pod you have, and attempts to check this can only trigger more race #pod conditions. It's far more secure to use the filehandle alone and #pod dispense with the filename altogether. #pod #pod If you need to pass the handle to something that expects a filename #pod then on a unix system you can use C<"/dev/fd/" . fileno($fh)> for #pod arbitrary programs. Perl code that uses the 2-argument version of #pod C<< open >> can be passed C<< "+<=&" . fileno($fh) >>. Otherwise you #pod will need to pass the filename. You will have to clear the #pod close-on-exec bit on that file descriptor before passing it to another #pod process. #pod #pod use Fcntl qw/F_SETFD F_GETFD/; #pod fcntl($tmpfh, F_SETFD, 0) #pod or die "Can't clear close-on-exec flag on temp fh: $!\n"; #pod #pod =head2 Temporary files and NFS #pod #pod Some problems are associated with using temporary files that reside #pod on NFS file systems and it is recommended that a local filesystem #pod is used whenever possible. Some of the security tests will most probably #pod fail when the temp file is not local. Additionally, be aware that #pod the performance of I/O operations over NFS will not be as good as for #pod a local disk. #pod #pod =head2 Forking #pod #pod In some cases files created by File::Temp are removed from within an #pod END block. Since END blocks are triggered when a child process exits #pod (unless C is used by the child) File::Temp takes care #pod to only remove those temp files created by a particular process ID. This #pod means that a child will not attempt to remove temp files created by the #pod parent process. #pod #pod If you are forking many processes in parallel that are all creating #pod temporary files, you may need to reset the random number seed using #pod srand(EXPR) in each child else all the children will attempt to walk #pod through the same set of random file names and may well cause #pod themselves to give up if they exceed the number of retry attempts. #pod #pod =head2 Directory removal #pod #pod Note that if you have chdir'ed into the temporary directory and it is #pod subsequently cleaned up (either in the END block or as part of object #pod destruction), then you will get a warning from File::Path::rmtree(). #pod #pod =head2 Taint mode #pod #pod If you need to run code under taint mode, updating to the latest #pod L is highly recommended. On Windows, if the directory #pod given by L isn't writable, File::Temp will attempt #pod to fallback to the user's local application data directory or croak #pod with an error. #pod #pod =head2 BINMODE #pod #pod The file returned by File::Temp will have been opened in binary mode #pod if such a mode is available. If that is not correct, use the C #pod function to change the mode of the filehandle. #pod #pod Note that you can modify the encoding of a file opened by File::Temp #pod also by using C. #pod #pod =head1 HISTORY #pod #pod Originally began life in May 1999 as an XS interface to the system #pod mkstemp() function. In March 2000, the OpenBSD mkstemp() code was #pod translated to Perl for total control of the code's #pod security checking, to ensure the presence of the function regardless of #pod operating system and to help with portability. The module was shipped #pod as a standard part of perl from v5.6.1. #pod #pod Thanks to Tom Christiansen for suggesting that this module #pod should be written and providing ideas for code improvements and #pod security enhancements. #pod #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L, L, L, L #pod #pod See L and L, L for #pod different implementations of temporary file handling. #pod #pod See L for an alternative object-oriented wrapper for #pod the C function. #pod #pod =cut package ## hide from PAUSE File::Temp::Dir; our $VERSION = '0.2311'; use File::Path qw/ rmtree /; use strict; use overload '""' => "STRINGIFY", '0+' => \&File::Temp::NUMIFY, fallback => 1; # private class specifically to support tempdir objects # created by File::Temp->newdir # ostensibly the same method interface as File::Temp but without # inheriting all the IO::Seekable methods and other cruft # Read-only - returns the name of the temp directory sub dirname { my $self = shift; return $self->{DIRNAME}; } sub STRINGIFY { my $self = shift; return $self->dirname; } sub unlink_on_destroy { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{CLEANUP} = shift; } return $self->{CLEANUP}; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); if ($self->unlink_on_destroy && $$ == $self->{LAUNCHPID} && !$File::Temp::KEEP_ALL) { if (-d $self->{REALNAME}) { # Some versions of rmtree will abort if you attempt to remove # the directory you are sitting in. We protect that and turn it # into a warning. We do this because this occurs during object # destruction and so can not be caught by the user. eval { rmtree($self->{REALNAME}, $File::Temp::DEBUG, 0); }; warn $@ if ($@ && $^W); } } } 1; # vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et: __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME File::Temp - return name and handle of a temporary file safely =head1 VERSION version 0.2311 =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; $fh = tempfile(); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, DIR => $dir); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, SUFFIX => '.dat'); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( $template, TMPDIR => 1 ); binmode( $fh, ":utf8" ); $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); Object interface: require File::Temp; use File::Temp (); use File::Temp qw/ :seekable /; $fh = File::Temp->new(); $fname = $fh->filename; $fh = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => $template); $fname = $fh->filename; $tmp = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.dat' ); print $tmp "Some data\n"; print "Filename is $tmp\n"; $tmp->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); $dir = File::Temp->newdir(); # CLEANUP => 1 by default The following interfaces are provided for compatibility with existing APIs. They should not be used in new code. MkTemp family: use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; ($fh, $file) = mkstemp( "tmpfileXXXXX" ); ($fh, $file) = mkstemps( "tmpfileXXXXXX", $suffix); $tmpdir = mkdtemp( $template ); $unopened_file = mktemp( $template ); POSIX functions: use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /; $file = tmpnam(); $fh = tmpfile(); ($fh, $file) = tmpnam(); Compatibility functions: $unopened_file = File::Temp::tempnam( $dir, $pfx ); =head1 DESCRIPTION C can be used to create and open temporary files in a safe way. There is both a function interface and an object-oriented interface. The File::Temp constructor or the tempfile() function can be used to return the name and the open filehandle of a temporary file. The tempdir() function can be used to create a temporary directory. The security aspect of temporary file creation is emphasized such that a filehandle and filename are returned together. This helps guarantee that a race condition can not occur where the temporary file is created by another process between checking for the existence of the file and its opening. Additional security levels are provided to check, for example, that the sticky bit is set on world writable directories. See L<"safe_level"> for more information. For compatibility with popular C library functions, Perl implementations of the mkstemp() family of functions are provided. These are, mkstemp(), mkstemps(), mkdtemp() and mktemp(). Additionally, implementations of the standard L tmpnam() and tmpfile() functions are provided if required. Implementations of mktemp(), tmpnam(), and tempnam() are provided, but should be used with caution since they return only a filename that was valid when function was called, so cannot guarantee that the file will not exist by the time the caller opens the filename. Filehandles returned by these functions support the seekable methods. =begin :__INTERNALS =head1 PORTABILITY This section is at the top in order to provide easier access to porters. It is not expected to be rendered by a standard pod formatting tool. Please skip straight to the SYNOPSIS section if you are not trying to port this module to a new platform. This module is designed to be portable across operating systems and it currently supports Unix, VMS, DOS, OS/2, Windows and Mac OS (Classic). When porting to a new OS there are generally three main issues that have to be solved: =over 4 =item * Can the OS unlink an open file? If it can not then the C<_can_unlink_opened_file> method should be modified. =item * Are the return values from C reliable? By default all the return values from C are compared when unlinking a temporary file using the filename and the handle. Operating systems other than unix do not always have valid entries in all fields. If utility function C fails then the C comparison should be modified accordingly. =item * Security. Systems that can not support a test for the sticky bit on a directory can not use the MEDIUM and HIGH security tests. The C<_can_do_level> method should be modified accordingly. =back =end :__INTERNALS =head1 OBJECT-ORIENTED INTERFACE This is the primary interface for interacting with C. Using the OO interface a temporary file can be created when the object is constructed and the file can be removed when the object is no longer required. Note that there is no method to obtain the filehandle from the C object. The object itself acts as a filehandle. The object isa C and isa C so all those methods are available. Also, the object is configured such that it stringifies to the name of the temporary file and so can be compared to a filename directly. It numifies to the C the same as other handles and so can be compared to other handles with C<==>. $fh eq $filename # as a string $fh != \*STDOUT # as a number Available since 0.14. =over 4 =item B Create a temporary file object. my $tmp = File::Temp->new(); by default the object is constructed as if C was called without options, but with the additional behaviour that the temporary file is removed by the object destructor if UNLINK is set to true (the default). Supported arguments are the same as for C: UNLINK (defaulting to true), DIR, EXLOCK, PERMS and SUFFIX. Additionally, the filename template is specified using the TEMPLATE option. The OPEN option is not supported (the file is always opened). $tmp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'tempXXXXX', DIR => 'mydir', SUFFIX => '.dat'); Arguments are case insensitive. Can call croak() if an error occurs. Available since 0.14. TEMPLATE available since 0.23 =item B Create a temporary directory using an object oriented interface. $dir = File::Temp->newdir(); By default the directory is deleted when the object goes out of scope. Supports the same options as the C function. Note that directories created with this method default to CLEANUP => 1. $dir = File::Temp->newdir( $template, %options ); A template may be specified either with a leading template or with a TEMPLATE argument. Available since 0.19. TEMPLATE available since 0.23. =item B Return the name of the temporary file associated with this object (if the object was created using the "new" constructor). $filename = $tmp->filename; This method is called automatically when the object is used as a string. Current API available since 0.14 =item B Return the name of the temporary directory associated with this object (if the object was created using the "newdir" constructor). $dirname = $tmpdir->dirname; This method is called automatically when the object is used in string context. =item B Control whether the file is unlinked when the object goes out of scope. The file is removed if this value is true and $KEEP_ALL is not. $fh->unlink_on_destroy( 1 ); Default is for the file to be removed. Current API available since 0.15 =item B When the object goes out of scope, the destructor is called. This destructor will attempt to unlink the file (using L) if the constructor was called with UNLINK set to 1 (the default state if UNLINK is not specified). No error is given if the unlink fails. If the object has been passed to a child process during a fork, the file will be deleted when the object goes out of scope in the parent. For a temporary directory object the directory will be removed unless the CLEANUP argument was used in the constructor (and set to false) or C was modified after creation. Note that if a temp directory is your current directory, it cannot be removed - a warning will be given in this case. C out of the directory before letting the object go out of scope. If the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true, the file or directory will not be removed. =back =head1 FUNCTIONS This section describes the recommended interface for generating temporary files and directories. =over 4 =item B This is the basic function to generate temporary files. The behaviour of the file can be changed using various options: $fh = tempfile(); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); Create a temporary file in the directory specified for temporary files, as specified by the tmpdir() function in L. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template); Create a temporary file in the current directory using the supplied template. Trailing `X' characters are replaced with random letters to generate the filename. At least four `X' characters must be present at the end of the template. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, SUFFIX => $suffix) Same as previously, except that a suffix is added to the template after the `X' translation. Useful for ensuring that a temporary filename has a particular extension when needed by other applications. But see the WARNING at the end. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, DIR => $dir); Translates the template as before except that a directory name is specified. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, TMPDIR => 1); Equivalent to specifying a DIR of "File::Spec->tmpdir", writing the file into the same temporary directory as would be used if no template was specified at all. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, UNLINK => 1); Return the filename and filehandle as before except that the file is automatically removed when the program exits (dependent on $KEEP_ALL). Default is for the file to be removed if a file handle is requested and to be kept if the filename is requested. In a scalar context (where no filename is returned) the file is always deleted either (depending on the operating system) on exit or when it is closed (unless $KEEP_ALL is true when the temp file is created). Use the object-oriented interface if fine-grained control of when a file is removed is required. If the template is not specified, a template is always automatically generated. This temporary file is placed in tmpdir() (L) unless a directory is specified explicitly with the DIR option. $fh = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); If called in scalar context, only the filehandle is returned and the file will automatically be deleted when closed on operating systems that support this (see the description of tmpfile() elsewhere in this document). This is the preferred mode of operation, as if you only have a filehandle, you can never create a race condition by fumbling with the filename. On systems that can not unlink an open file or can not mark a file as temporary when it is opened (for example, Windows NT uses the C flag) the file is marked for deletion when the program ends (equivalent to setting UNLINK to 1). The C flag is ignored if present. (undef, $filename) = tempfile($template, OPEN => 0); This will return the filename based on the template but will not open this file. Cannot be used in conjunction with UNLINK set to true. Default is to always open the file to protect from possible race conditions. A warning is issued if warnings are turned on. Consider using the tmpnam() and mktemp() functions described elsewhere in this document if opening the file is not required. To open the temporary filehandle with O_EXLOCK (open with exclusive file lock) use C<< EXLOCK=>1 >>. This is supported only by some operating systems (most notably BSD derived systems). By default EXLOCK will be false. Former C versions set EXLOCK to true, so to be sure to get an unlocked filehandle also with older versions, explicitly set C<< EXLOCK=>0 >>. ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, EXLOCK => 1); By default, the temp file is created with 0600 file permissions. Use C to change this: ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, PERMS => 0666); Options can be combined as required. Will croak() if there is an error. Available since 0.05. UNLINK flag available since 0.10. TMPDIR flag available since 0.19. EXLOCK flag available since 0.19. PERMS flag available since 0.2310. =item B This is the recommended interface for creation of temporary directories. By default the directory will not be removed on exit (that is, it won't be temporary; this behaviour can not be changed because of issues with backwards compatibility). To enable removal either use the CLEANUP option which will trigger removal on program exit, or consider using the "newdir" method in the object interface which will allow the directory to be cleaned up when the object goes out of scope. The behaviour of the function depends on the arguments: $tempdir = tempdir(); Create a directory in tmpdir() (see L). $tempdir = tempdir( $template ); Create a directory from the supplied template. This template is similar to that described for tempfile(). `X' characters at the end of the template are replaced with random letters to construct the directory name. At least four `X' characters must be in the template. $tempdir = tempdir ( DIR => $dir ); Specifies the directory to use for the temporary directory. The temporary directory name is derived from an internal template. $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, DIR => $dir ); Prepend the supplied directory name to the template. The template should not include parent directory specifications itself. Any parent directory specifications are removed from the template before prepending the supplied directory. $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, TMPDIR => 1 ); Using the supplied template, create the temporary directory in a standard location for temporary files. Equivalent to doing $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir); but shorter. Parent directory specifications are stripped from the template itself. The C option is ignored if C is set explicitly. Additionally, C is implied if neither a template nor a directory are supplied. $tempdir = tempdir( $template, CLEANUP => 1); Create a temporary directory using the supplied template, but attempt to remove it (and all files inside it) when the program exits. Note that an attempt will be made to remove all files from the directory even if they were not created by this module (otherwise why ask to clean it up?). The directory removal is made with the rmtree() function from the L module. Of course, if the template is not specified, the temporary directory will be created in tmpdir() and will also be removed at program exit. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =back =head1 MKTEMP FUNCTIONS The following functions are Perl implementations of the mktemp() family of temp file generation system calls. =over 4 =item B Given a template, returns a filehandle to the temporary file and the name of the file. ($fh, $name) = mkstemp( $template ); In scalar context, just the filehandle is returned. The template may be any filename with some number of X's appended to it, for example F. The trailing X's are replaced with unique alphanumeric combinations. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =item B Similar to mkstemp(), except that an extra argument can be supplied with a suffix to be appended to the template. ($fh, $name) = mkstemps( $template, $suffix ); For example a template of C and suffix of C<.dat> would generate a file similar to F. Returns just the filehandle alone when called in scalar context. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =item B Create a directory from a template. The template must end in X's that are replaced by the routine. $tmpdir_name = mkdtemp($template); Returns the name of the temporary directory created. Directory must be removed by the caller. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =item B Returns a valid temporary filename but does not guarantee that the file will not be opened by someone else. $unopened_file = mktemp($template); Template is the same as that required by mkstemp(). Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =back =head1 POSIX FUNCTIONS This section describes the re-implementation of the tmpnam() and tmpfile() functions described in L using the mkstemp() from this module. Unlike the L implementations, the directory used for the temporary file is not specified in a system include file (C) but simply depends on the choice of tmpdir() returned by L. On some implementations this location can be set using the C environment variable, which may not be secure. If this is a problem, simply use mkstemp() and specify a template. =over 4 =item B When called in scalar context, returns the full name (including path) of a temporary file (uses mktemp()). The only check is that the file does not already exist, but there is no guarantee that that condition will continue to apply. $file = tmpnam(); When called in list context, a filehandle to the open file and a filename are returned. This is achieved by calling mkstemp() after constructing a suitable template. ($fh, $file) = tmpnam(); If possible, this form should be used to prevent possible race conditions. See L for information on the choice of temporary directory for a particular operating system. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =item B Returns the filehandle of a temporary file. $fh = tmpfile(); The file is removed when the filehandle is closed or when the program exits. No access to the filename is provided. If the temporary file can not be created undef is returned. Currently this command will probably not work when the temporary directory is on an NFS file system. Will croak() if there is an error. Available since 0.05. Returning undef if unable to create file added in 0.12. =back =head1 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS These functions are provided for backwards compatibility with common tempfile generation C library functions. They are not exported and must be addressed using the full package name. =over 4 =item B Return the name of a temporary file in the specified directory using a prefix. The file is guaranteed not to exist at the time the function was called, but such guarantees are good for one clock tick only. Always use the proper form of C with C if you must open such a filename. $filename = File::Temp::tempnam( $dir, $prefix ); Equivalent to running mktemp() with $dir/$prefixXXXXXXXX (using unix file convention as an example) Because this function uses mktemp(), it can suffer from race conditions. Will croak() if there is an error. Current API available since 0.05. =back =head1 UTILITY FUNCTIONS Useful functions for dealing with the filehandle and filename. =over 4 =item B Given an open filehandle and the associated filename, make a safe unlink. This is achieved by first checking that the filename and filehandle initially point to the same file and that the number of links to the file is 1 (all fields returned by stat() are compared). Then the filename is unlinked and the filehandle checked once again to verify that the number of links on that file is now 0. This is the closest you can come to making sure that the filename unlinked was the same as the file whose descriptor you hold. unlink0($fh, $path) or die "Error unlinking file $path safely"; Returns false on error but croaks() if there is a security anomaly. The filehandle is not closed since on some occasions this is not required. On some platforms, for example Windows NT, it is not possible to unlink an open file (the file must be closed first). On those platforms, the actual unlinking is deferred until the program ends and good status is returned. A check is still performed to make sure that the filehandle and filename are pointing to the same thing (but not at the time the end block is executed since the deferred removal may not have access to the filehandle). Additionally, on Windows NT not all the fields returned by stat() can be compared. For example, the C and C fields seem to be different. Also, it seems that the size of the file returned by stat() does not always agree, with C being more accurate than C, presumably because of caching issues even when using autoflush (this is usually overcome by waiting a while after writing to the tempfile before attempting to C it). Finally, on NFS file systems the link count of the file handle does not always go to zero immediately after unlinking. Currently, this command is expected to fail on NFS disks. This function is disabled if the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true and an unlink on open file is supported. If the unlink is to be deferred to the END block, the file is still registered for removal. This function should not be called if you are using the object oriented interface since the it will interfere with the object destructor deleting the file. Available Since 0.05. If can not unlink open file, defer removal until later available since 0.06. =item B Compare C of filehandle with C of provided filename. This can be used to check that the filename and filehandle initially point to the same file and that the number of links to the file is 1 (all fields returned by stat() are compared). cmpstat($fh, $path) or die "Error comparing handle with file"; Returns false if the stat information differs or if the link count is greater than 1. Calls croak if there is a security anomaly. On certain platforms, for example Windows, not all the fields returned by stat() can be compared. For example, the C and C fields seem to be different in Windows. Also, it seems that the size of the file returned by stat() does not always agree, with C being more accurate than C, presumably because of caching issues even when using autoflush (this is usually overcome by waiting a while after writing to the tempfile before attempting to C it). Not exported by default. Current API available since 0.14. =item B Similar to C except after file comparison using cmpstat, the filehandle is closed prior to attempting to unlink the file. This allows the file to be removed without using an END block, but does mean that the post-unlink comparison of the filehandle state provided by C is not available. unlink1($fh, $path) or die "Error closing and unlinking file"; Usually called from the object destructor when using the OO interface. Not exported by default. This function is disabled if the global variable $KEEP_ALL is true. Can call croak() if there is a security anomaly during the stat() comparison. Current API available since 0.14. =item B Calling this function will cause any temp files or temp directories that are registered for removal to be removed. This happens automatically when the process exits but can be triggered manually if the caller is sure that none of the temp files are required. This method can be registered as an Apache callback. Note that if a temp directory is your current directory, it cannot be removed. C out of the directory first before calling C. (For the cleanup at program exit when the CLEANUP flag is set, this happens automatically.) On OSes where temp files are automatically removed when the temp file is closed, calling this function will have no effect other than to remove temporary directories (which may include temporary files). File::Temp::cleanup(); Not exported by default. Current API available since 0.15. =back =head1 PACKAGE VARIABLES These functions control the global state of the package. =over 4 =item B Controls the lengths to which the module will go to check the safety of the temporary file or directory before proceeding. Options are: =over 8 =item STANDARD Do the basic security measures to ensure the directory exists and is writable, that temporary files are opened only if they do not already exist, and that possible race conditions are avoided. Finally the L function is used to remove files safely. =item MEDIUM In addition to the STANDARD security, the output directory is checked to make sure that it is owned either by root or the user running the program. If the directory is writable by group or by other, it is then checked to make sure that the sticky bit is set. Will not work on platforms that do not support the C<-k> test for sticky bit. =item HIGH In addition to the MEDIUM security checks, also check for the possibility of ``chown() giveaway'' using the L sysconf() function. If this is a possibility, each directory in the path is checked in turn for safeness, recursively walking back to the root directory. For platforms that do not support the L C<_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED> symbol (for example, Windows NT) it is assumed that ``chown() giveaway'' is possible and the recursive test is performed. =back The level can be changed as follows: File::Temp->safe_level( File::Temp::HIGH ); The level constants are not exported by the module. Currently, you must be running at least perl v5.6.0 in order to run with MEDIUM or HIGH security. This is simply because the safety tests use functions from L that are not available in older versions of perl. The problem is that the version number for Fcntl is the same in perl 5.6.0 and in 5.005_03 even though they are different versions. On systems that do not support the HIGH or MEDIUM safety levels (for example Win NT or OS/2) any attempt to change the level will be ignored. The decision to ignore rather than raise an exception allows portable programs to be written with high security in mind for the systems that can support this without those programs failing on systems where the extra tests are irrelevant. If you really need to see whether the change has been accepted simply examine the return value of C. $newlevel = File::Temp->safe_level( File::Temp::HIGH ); die "Could not change to high security" if $newlevel != File::Temp::HIGH; Available since 0.05. =item TopSystemUID This is the highest UID on the current system that refers to a root UID. This is used to make sure that the temporary directory is owned by a system UID (C, C, C etc) rather than simply by root. This is required since on many unix systems C is not owned by root. Default is to assume that any UID less than or equal to 10 is a root UID. File::Temp->top_system_uid(10); my $topid = File::Temp->top_system_uid; This value can be adjusted to reduce security checking if required. The value is only relevant when C is set to MEDIUM or higher. Available since 0.05. =item B<$KEEP_ALL> Controls whether temporary files and directories should be retained regardless of any instructions in the program to remove them automatically. This is useful for debugging but should not be used in production code. $File::Temp::KEEP_ALL = 1; Default is for files to be removed as requested by the caller. In some cases, files will only be retained if this variable is true when the file is created. This means that you can not create a temporary file, set this variable and expect the temp file to still be around when the program exits. =item B<$DEBUG> Controls whether debugging messages should be enabled. $File::Temp::DEBUG = 1; Default is for debugging mode to be disabled. Available since 0.15. =back =head1 WARNING For maximum security, endeavour always to avoid ever looking at, touching, or even imputing the existence of the filename. You do not know that that filename is connected to the same file as the handle you have, and attempts to check this can only trigger more race conditions. It's far more secure to use the filehandle alone and dispense with the filename altogether. If you need to pass the handle to something that expects a filename then on a unix system you can use C<"/dev/fd/" . fileno($fh)> for arbitrary programs. Perl code that uses the 2-argument version of C<< open >> can be passed C<< "+<=&" . fileno($fh) >>. Otherwise you will need to pass the filename. You will have to clear the close-on-exec bit on that file descriptor before passing it to another process. use Fcntl qw/F_SETFD F_GETFD/; fcntl($tmpfh, F_SETFD, 0) or die "Can't clear close-on-exec flag on temp fh: $!\n"; =head2 Temporary files and NFS Some problems are associated with using temporary files that reside on NFS file systems and it is recommended that a local filesystem is used whenever possible. Some of the security tests will most probably fail when the temp file is not local. Additionally, be aware that the performance of I/O operations over NFS will not be as good as for a local disk. =head2 Forking In some cases files created by File::Temp are removed from within an END block. Since END blocks are triggered when a child process exits (unless C is used by the child) File::Temp takes care to only remove those temp files created by a particular process ID. This means that a child will not attempt to remove temp files created by the parent process. If you are forking many processes in parallel that are all creating temporary files, you may need to reset the random number seed using srand(EXPR) in each child else all the children will attempt to walk through the same set of random file names and may well cause themselves to give up if they exceed the number of retry attempts. =head2 Directory removal Note that if you have chdir'ed into the temporary directory and it is subsequently cleaned up (either in the END block or as part of object destruction), then you will get a warning from File::Path::rmtree(). =head2 Taint mode If you need to run code under taint mode, updating to the latest L is highly recommended. On Windows, if the directory given by L isn't writable, File::Temp will attempt to fallback to the user's local application data directory or croak with an error. =head2 BINMODE The file returned by File::Temp will have been opened in binary mode if such a mode is available. If that is not correct, use the C function to change the mode of the filehandle. Note that you can modify the encoding of a file opened by File::Temp also by using C. =head1 HISTORY Originally began life in May 1999 as an XS interface to the system mkstemp() function. In March 2000, the OpenBSD mkstemp() code was translated to Perl for total control of the code's security checking, to ensure the presence of the function regardless of operating system and to help with portability. The module was shipped as a standard part of perl from v5.6.1. Thanks to Tom Christiansen for suggesting that this module should be written and providing ideas for code improvements and security enhancements. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L See L and L, L for different implementations of temporary file handling. See L for an alternative object-oriented wrapper for the C function. =for Pod::Coverage STRINGIFY NUMIFY top_system_uid =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L (or L). There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at L. There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at L on C|irc://irc.perl.org/#toolchain>. =head1 AUTHOR Tim Jenness =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Tim Jenness Karen Etheridge David Golden Slaven Rezic mohawk2 Roy Ivy III Peter Rabbitson Olivier Mengué John Acklam Gim Yee Nicolas R Brian Mowrey Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker Steinbrunner Ed Avis Guillem Jover James E. Keenan Kevin Ryde Ben Tilly =over 4 =item * Tim Jenness =item * Karen Etheridge =item * David Golden =item * Slaven Rezic =item * mohawk2 =item * Roy Ivy III =item * Peter Rabbitson =item * Olivier Mengué =item * Peter John Acklam =item * Tim Gim Yee =item * Nicolas R =item * Brian Mowrey =item * Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker =item * David Steinbrunner =item * Ed Avis =item * Guillem Jover =item * James E. Keenan =item * Kevin Ryde =item * Ben Tilly =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Tim Jenness and the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut FILE6c0dc0cf/FileHandle.pmpackage FileHandle; use 5.006; use strict; our($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = "2.05"; require IO::File; @ISA = qw(IO::File); @EXPORT = qw(_IOFBF _IOLBF _IONBF); @EXPORT_OK = qw( pipe autoflush output_field_separator output_record_separator input_record_separator input_line_number format_page_number format_lines_per_page format_lines_left format_name format_top_name format_line_break_characters format_formfeed print printf getline getlines ); # # Everything we're willing to export, we must first import. # IO::Handle->import( grep { !defined(&$_) } @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK ); # # Some people call "FileHandle::function", so all the functions # that were in the old FileHandle class must be imported, too. # { no strict 'refs'; my %import = ( 'IO::Handle' => [qw(DESTROY new_from_fd fdopen close fileno getc ungetc gets eof flush error clearerr setbuf setvbuf _open_mode_string)], 'IO::Seekable' => [qw(seek tell getpos setpos)], 'IO::File' => [qw(new new_tmpfile open)] ); for my $pkg (keys %import) { for my $func (@{$import{$pkg}}) { my $c = *{"${pkg}::$func"}{CODE} or die "${pkg}::$func missing"; *$func = $c; } } } # # Specialized importer for Fcntl magic. # sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $callpkg = caller; require Exporter; Exporter::export($pkg, $callpkg, @_); # # If the Fcntl extension is available, # export its constants. # eval { require Fcntl; Exporter::export('Fcntl', $callpkg); }; } ################################################ # This is the only exported function we define; # the rest come from other classes. # sub pipe { my $r = IO::Handle->new; my $w = IO::Handle->new; CORE::pipe($r, $w) or return undef; ($r, $w); } # Rebless standard file handles bless *STDIN{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDIN{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; bless *STDOUT{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDOUT{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; bless *STDERR{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDERR{IO} eq "IO::Handle"; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME FileHandle - supply object methods for filehandles =head1 SYNOPSIS use FileHandle; my $fh = FileHandle->new; if ($fh->open("< file")) { print <$fh>; $fh->close; } my $fh = FileHandle->new("> FOO"); if (defined $fh) { print $fh "bar\n"; $fh->close; } my $fh = FileHandle->new("file", "r"); if (defined $fh) { print <$fh>; undef $fh; # automatically closes the file } my $fh = FileHandle->new("file", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND); if (defined $fh) { print $fh "corge\n"; undef $fh; # automatically closes the file } my $pos = $fh->getpos; $fh->setpos($pos); $fh->setvbuf(my $buffer_var, _IOLBF, 1024); my ($readfh, $writefh) = FileHandle::pipe; autoflush STDOUT 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION NOTE: This class is now a front-end to the IO::* classes. C creates a C, which is a reference to a newly created symbol (see the L package). If it receives any parameters, they are passed to C; if the open fails, the C object is destroyed. Otherwise, it is returned to the caller. C creates a C like C does. It requires two parameters, which are passed to C; if the fdopen fails, the C object is destroyed. Otherwise, it is returned to the caller. C accepts one parameter or two. With one parameter, it is just a front end for the built-in C function. With two parameters, the first parameter is a filename that may include whitespace or other special characters, and the second parameter is the open mode, optionally followed by a file permission value. If C receives a Perl mode string (">", "+<", etc.) or a POSIX fopen() mode string ("w", "r+", etc.), it uses the basic Perl C operator. If C is given a numeric mode, it passes that mode and the optional permissions value to the Perl C operator. For convenience, C tries to import the O_XXX constants from the Fcntl module. If dynamic loading is not available, this may fail, but the rest of FileHandle will still work. C is like C except that its first parameter is not a filename but rather a file handle name, a FileHandle object, or a file descriptor number. If the C functions fgetpos() and fsetpos() are available, then C returns an opaque value that represents the current position of the FileHandle, and C uses that value to return to a previously visited position. If the C function setvbuf() is available, then C sets the buffering policy for the FileHandle. The calling sequence for the Perl function is the same as its C counterpart, including the macros C<_IOFBF>, C<_IOLBF>, and C<_IONBF>, except that the buffer parameter specifies a scalar variable to use as a buffer. WARNING: A variable used as a buffer by C must not be modified in any way until the FileHandle is closed or until C is called again, or memory corruption may result! See L for complete descriptions of each of the following supported C methods, which are just front ends for the corresponding built-in functions: close fileno getc gets eof clearerr seek tell See L for complete descriptions of each of the following supported C methods: autoflush output_field_separator output_record_separator input_record_separator input_line_number format_page_number format_lines_per_page format_lines_left format_name format_top_name format_line_break_characters format_formfeed Furthermore, for doing normal I/O you might need these: =over 4 =item $fh->print See L. =item $fh->printf See L. =item $fh->getline This works like <$fh> described in L except that it's more readable and can be safely called in a list context but still returns just one line. =item $fh->getlines This works like <$fh> when called in a list context to read all the remaining lines in a file, except that it's more readable. It will also croak() if accidentally called in a scalar context. =back There are many other functions available since FileHandle is descended from IO::File, IO::Seekable, and IO::Handle. Please see those respective pages for documentation on more functions. =head1 SEE ALSO The B extension, L, L. =cut FILE'cf444b31/IO/Compress/Adapter/Deflate.pmpackage IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate ; use strict; use warnings; use bytes; use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.212 qw(:Status); use Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.212 qw( !crc32 !adler32 ) ; require Exporter; our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS, @EXPORT, %DEFLATE_CONSTANTS); $VERSION = '2.212'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = @Compress::Raw::Zlib::DEFLATE_CONSTANTS; %EXPORT_TAGS = %Compress::Raw::Zlib::DEFLATE_CONSTANTS; @EXPORT = @EXPORT_OK; %DEFLATE_CONSTANTS = %EXPORT_TAGS ; sub mkCompObject { my $crc32 = shift ; my $adler32 = shift ; my $level = shift ; my $strategy = shift ; my ($def, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new( -AppendOutput => 1, -CRC32 => $crc32, -ADLER32 => $adler32, -Level => $level, -Strategy => $strategy, -WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS); return (undef, "Cannot create Deflate object: $status", $status) if $status != Z_OK; return bless {'Def' => $def, 'Error' => '', } ; } sub mkCompObject1 { my $crc32 = shift ; my $adler32 = shift ; my $level = shift ; my $strategy = shift ; my ($def, $status) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new( -AppendOutput => 1, -CRC32 => $crc32, -ADLER32 => $adler32, -Level => $level, -Strategy => $strategy, -WindowBits => MAX_WBITS); return (undef, "Cannot create Deflate object: $status", $status) if $status != Z_OK; return bless {'Def' => $def, 'Error' => '', } ; } sub compr { my $self = shift ; my $def = $self->{Def}; my $status = $def->deflate($_[0], $_[1]) ; $self->{ErrorNo} = $status; if ($status != Z_OK) { $self->{Error} = "Deflate Error: $status"; return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; } sub flush { my $self = shift ; my $def = $self->{Def}; my $opt = $_[1] || Z_FINISH; my $status = $def->flush($_[0], $opt); $self->{ErrorNo} = $status; if ($status != Z_OK) { $self->{Error} = "Deflate Error: $status"; return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; } sub close { my $self = shift ; my $def = $self->{Def}; $def->flush($_[0], Z_FINISH) if defined $def ; } sub reset { my $self = shift ; my $def = $self->{Def}; my $status = $def->deflateReset() ; $self->{ErrorNo} = $status; if ($status != Z_OK) { $self->{Error} = "Deflate Error: $status"; return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; } sub deflateParams { my $self = shift ; my $def = $self->{Def}; my $status = $def->deflateParams(@_); $self->{ErrorNo} = $status; if ($status != Z_OK) { $self->{Error} = "deflateParams Error: $status"; return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; } #sub total_out #{ # my $self = shift ; # $self->{Def}->total_out(); #} # #sub total_in #{ # my $self = shift ; # $self->{Def}->total_in(); #} sub compressedBytes { my $self = shift ; $self->{Def}->compressedBytes(); } sub uncompressedBytes { my $self = shift ; $self->{Def}->uncompressedBytes(); } sub crc32 { my $self = shift ; $self->{Def}->crc32(); } sub adler32 { my $self = shift ; $self->{Def}->adler32(); } 1; __END__ FILEb73bad29/IO/Compress/Base.pm] package IO::Compress::Base ; require 5.006 ; use strict ; use warnings; use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.212 ; use IO::File (); ; use Scalar::Util (); #use File::Glob; #require Exporter ; use Carp() ; use Symbol(); #use bytes; our (@ISA, $VERSION); @ISA = qw(IO::File Exporter); $VERSION = '2.212'; #Can't locate object method "SWASHNEW" via package "utf8" (perhaps you forgot to load "utf8"?) at .../ext/Compress-Zlib/Gzip/blib/lib/Compress/Zlib/Common.pm line 16. sub saveStatus { my $self = shift ; ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } = shift() + 0 ; ${ *$self->{Error} } = '' ; return ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } ; } sub saveErrorString { my $self = shift ; my $retval = shift ; ${ *$self->{Error} } = shift ; ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } = shift() + 0 if @_ ; return $retval; } sub croakError { my $self = shift ; $self->saveErrorString(0, $_[0]); Carp::croak $_[0]; } sub closeError { my $self = shift ; my $retval = shift ; my $errno = *$self->{ErrorNo}; my $error = ${ *$self->{Error} }; $self->close(); *$self->{ErrorNo} = $errno ; ${ *$self->{Error} } = $error ; return $retval; } sub error { my $self = shift ; return ${ *$self->{Error} } ; } sub errorNo { my $self = shift ; return ${ *$self->{ErrorNo} } ; } sub writeAt { my $self = shift ; my $offset = shift; my $data = shift; if (defined *$self->{FH}) { my $here = tell(*$self->{FH}); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) if $here < 0 ; seek(*$self->{FH}, $offset, IO::Handle::SEEK_SET) or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ; defined *$self->{FH}->write($data, length $data) or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, $!, $!) ; seek(*$self->{FH}, $here, IO::Handle::SEEK_SET) or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ; } else { substr(${ *$self->{Buffer} }, $offset, length($data)) = $data ; } return 1; } sub outputPayload { my $self = shift ; return $self->output(@_); } sub output { my $self = shift ; my $data = shift ; my $last = shift ; return 1 if length $data == 0 && ! $last ; if ( *$self->{FilterContainer} ) { *_ = \$data; &{ *$self->{FilterContainer} }(); } if (length $data) { if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) { defined *$self->{FH}->write( $data, length $data ) or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); } else { ${ *$self->{Buffer} } .= $data ; } } return 1; } sub getOneShotParams { return ( 'multistream' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 1], ); } our %PARAMS = ( # Generic Parameters 'autoclose' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'encode' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'strict' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 1], 'append' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'binmodein' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'filtercontainer' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_code, undef], ); sub checkParams { my $self = shift ; my $class = shift ; my $got = shift || IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new(); $got->parse( { %PARAMS, $self->getExtraParams(), *$self->{OneShot} ? $self->getOneShotParams() : (), }, @_) or $self->croakError("${class}: " . $got->getError()) ; return $got ; } sub _create { my $obj = shift; my $got = shift; *$obj->{Closed} = 1 ; my $class = ref $obj; $obj->croakError("$class: Missing Output parameter") if ! @_ && ! $got ; my $outValue = shift ; my $oneShot = 1 ; if (! $got) { $oneShot = 0 ; $got = $obj->checkParams($class, undef, @_) or return undef ; } my $lax = ! $got->getValue('strict') ; my $outType = IO::Compress::Base::Common::whatIsOutput($outValue); $obj->ckOutputParam($class, $outValue) or return undef ; if ($outType eq 'buffer') { *$obj->{Buffer} = $outValue; } else { my $buff = "" ; *$obj->{Buffer} = \$buff ; } # Merge implies Append my $merge = $got->getValue('merge') ; my $appendOutput = $got->getValue('append') || $merge ; *$obj->{Append} = $appendOutput; *$obj->{FilterContainer} = $got->getValue('filtercontainer') ; if ($merge) { # Switch off Merge mode if output file/buffer is empty/doesn't exist if (($outType eq 'buffer' && length $$outValue == 0 ) || ($outType ne 'buffer' && (! -e $outValue || (-w _ && -z _))) ) { $merge = 0 } } # If output is a file, check that it is writable #no warnings; #if ($outType eq 'filename' && -e $outValue && ! -w _) # { return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "Output file '$outValue' is not writable" ) } $obj->ckParams($got) or $obj->croakError("${class}: " . $obj->error()); if ($got->getValue('encode')) { my $want_encoding = $got->getValue('encode'); *$obj->{Encoding} = IO::Compress::Base::Common::getEncoding($obj, $class, $want_encoding); my $x = *$obj->{Encoding}; } else { *$obj->{Encoding} = undef; } $obj->saveStatus(STATUS_OK) ; my $status ; if (! $merge) { *$obj->{Compress} = $obj->mkComp($got) or return undef; *$obj->{UnCompSize} = U64->new; *$obj->{CompSize} = U64->new; if ( $outType eq 'buffer') { ${ *$obj->{Buffer} } = '' unless $appendOutput ; } else { if ($outType eq 'handle') { *$obj->{FH} = $outValue ; setBinModeOutput(*$obj->{FH}) ; #$outValue->flush() ; *$obj->{Handle} = 1 ; if ($appendOutput) { seek(*$obj->{FH}, 0, IO::Handle::SEEK_END) or return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!", $!) ; } } elsif ($outType eq 'filename') { no warnings; my $mode = '>' ; $mode = '>>' if $appendOutput; *$obj->{FH} = IO::File->new( "$mode $outValue" ) or return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "cannot open file '$outValue': $!", $!) ; *$obj->{StdIO} = ($outValue eq '-'); setBinModeOutput(*$obj->{FH}) ; } } *$obj->{Header} = $obj->mkHeader($got) ; $obj->output( *$obj->{Header} ) or return undef; $obj->beforePayload(); } else { *$obj->{Compress} = $obj->createMerge($outValue, $outType) or return undef; } *$obj->{Closed} = 0 ; *$obj->{AutoClose} = $got->getValue('autoclose') ; *$obj->{Output} = $outValue; *$obj->{ClassName} = $class; *$obj->{Got} = $got; *$obj->{OneShot} = 0 ; return $obj ; } sub ckOutputParam { my $self = shift ; my $from = shift ; my $outType = IO::Compress::Base::Common::whatIsOutput($_[0]); $self->croakError("$from: output parameter not a filename, filehandle or scalar ref") if ! $outType ; #$self->croakError("$from: output filename is undef or null string") #if $outType eq 'filename' && (! defined $_[0] || $_[0] eq '') ; $self->croakError("$from: output buffer is read-only") if $outType eq 'buffer' && Scalar::Util::readonly(${ $_[0] }); return 1; } sub _def { my $obj = shift ; my $class= (caller)[0] ; my $name = (caller(1))[3] ; $obj->croakError("$name: expected at least 1 parameters\n") unless @_ >= 1 ; my $input = shift ; my $haveOut = @_ ; my $output = shift ; my $x = IO::Compress::Base::Validator->new($class, *$obj->{Error}, $name, $input, $output) or return undef ; push @_, $output if $haveOut && $x->{Hash}; *$obj->{OneShot} = 1 ; my $got = $obj->checkParams($name, undef, @_) or return undef ; $x->{Got} = $got ; # if ($x->{Hash}) # { # while (my($k, $v) = each %$input) # { # $v = \$input->{$k} # unless defined $v ; # # $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $k, $v, @_) # or return undef ; # } # # return keys %$input ; # } if ($x->{GlobMap}) { $x->{oneInput} = 1 ; foreach my $pair (@{ $x->{Pairs} }) { my ($from, $to) = @$pair ; $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $from, $to, @_) or return undef ; } return scalar @{ $x->{Pairs} } ; } if (! $x->{oneOutput} ) { my $inFile = ($x->{inType} eq 'filenames' || $x->{inType} eq 'filename'); $x->{inType} = $inFile ? 'filename' : 'buffer'; foreach my $in ($x->{oneInput} ? $input : @$input) { my $out ; $x->{oneInput} = 1 ; $obj->_singleTarget($x, $inFile, $in, \$out, @_) or return undef ; push @$output, \$out ; #if ($x->{outType} eq 'array') # { push @$output, \$out } #else # { $output->{$in} = \$out } } return 1 ; } # finally the 1 to 1 and n to 1 return $obj->_singleTarget($x, 1, $input, $output, @_); Carp::croak "should not be here" ; } sub _singleTarget { my $obj = shift ; my $x = shift ; my $inputIsFilename = shift; my $input = shift; if ($x->{oneInput}) { $obj->getFileInfo($x->{Got}, $input) if isaScalar($input) || (isaFilename($input) and $inputIsFilename) ; my $z = $obj->_create($x->{Got}, @_) or return undef ; defined $z->_wr2($input, $inputIsFilename) or return $z->closeError(undef) ; return $z->close() ; } else { my $afterFirst = 0 ; my $inputIsFilename = ($x->{inType} ne 'array'); my $keep = $x->{Got}->clone(); #for my $element ( ($x->{inType} eq 'hash') ? keys %$input : @$input) for my $element ( @$input) { my $isFilename = isaFilename($element); if ( $afterFirst ++ ) { defined addInterStream($obj, $element, $isFilename) or return $obj->closeError(undef) ; } else { $obj->getFileInfo($x->{Got}, $element) if isaScalar($element) || $isFilename; $obj->_create($x->{Got}, @_) or return undef ; } defined $obj->_wr2($element, $isFilename) or return $obj->closeError(undef) ; *$obj->{Got} = $keep->clone(); } return $obj->close() ; } } sub _wr2 { my $self = shift ; my $source = shift ; my $inputIsFilename = shift; my $input = $source ; if (! $inputIsFilename) { $input = \$source if ! ref $source; } if ( ref $input && ref $input eq 'SCALAR' ) { return $self->syswrite($input, @_) ; } if ( ! ref $input || isaFilehandle($input)) { my $isFilehandle = isaFilehandle($input) ; my $fh = $input ; if ( ! $isFilehandle ) { $fh = IO::File->new( "<$input" ) or return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "cannot open file '$input': $!", $!) ; } binmode $fh ; my $status ; my $buff ; my $count = 0 ; while ($status = read($fh, $buff, 16 * 1024)) { $count += length $buff; defined $self->syswrite($buff, @_) or return undef ; } return $self->saveErrorString(undef, $!, $!) if ! defined $status ; if ( (!$isFilehandle || *$self->{AutoClose}) && $input ne '-') { $fh->close() or return undef ; } return $count ; } Carp::croak "Should not be here"; return undef; } sub addInterStream { my $self = shift ; my $input = shift ; my $inputIsFilename = shift ; if (*$self->{Got}->getValue('multistream')) { $self->getFileInfo(*$self->{Got}, $input) #if isaFilename($input) and $inputIsFilename ; if isaScalar($input) || isaFilename($input) ; # TODO -- newStream needs to allow gzip/zip header to be modified return $self->newStream(); } elsif (*$self->{Got}->getValue('autoflush')) { #return $self->flush(Z_FULL_FLUSH); } return 1 ; } sub getFileInfo { } sub TIEHANDLE { return $_[0] if ref($_[0]); die "OOPS\n" ; } sub UNTIE { my $self = shift ; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift ; local ($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); $self->close() ; # TODO - memory leak with 5.8.0 - this isn't called until # global destruction # %{ *$self } = () ; undef $self ; } sub filterUncompressed { } sub syswrite { my $self = shift ; my $buffer ; if (ref $_[0] ) { $self->croakError( *$self->{ClassName} . "::write: not a scalar reference" ) unless ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' ; $buffer = $_[0] ; } else { $buffer = \$_[0] ; } if (@_ > 1) { my $slen = defined $$buffer ? length($$buffer) : 0; my $len = $slen; my $offset = 0; $len = $_[1] if $_[1] < $len; if (@_ > 2) { $offset = $_[2] || 0; $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::write: offset outside string") if $offset > $slen; if ($offset < 0) { $offset += $slen; $self->croakError( *$self->{ClassName} . "::write: offset outside string") if $offset < 0; } my $rem = $slen - $offset; $len = $rem if $rem < $len; } $buffer = \substr($$buffer, $offset, $len) ; } return 0 if (! defined $$buffer || length $$buffer == 0) && ! *$self->{FlushPending}; # *$self->{Pending} .= $$buffer ; # # return length $$buffer # if (length *$self->{Pending} < 1024 * 16 && ! *$self->{FlushPending}) ; # # $$buffer = *$self->{Pending} ; # *$self->{Pending} = ''; if (*$self->{Encoding}) { $$buffer = *$self->{Encoding}->encode($$buffer); } else { $] >= 5.008 and ( utf8::downgrade($$buffer, 1) or Carp::croak "Wide character in " . *$self->{ClassName} . "::write:"); } $self->filterUncompressed($buffer); my $buffer_length = defined $$buffer ? length($$buffer) : 0 ; *$self->{UnCompSize}->add($buffer_length) ; my $outBuffer=''; my $status = *$self->{Compress}->compr($buffer, $outBuffer) ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, *$self->{Compress}{ErrorNo}) if $status == STATUS_ERROR; *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $outBuffer) ; $self->outputPayload($outBuffer) or return undef; return $buffer_length; } sub print { my $self = shift; #if (ref $self) { # $self = *$self{GLOB} ; #} if (defined $\) { if (defined $,) { defined $self->syswrite(join($,, @_) . $\); } else { defined $self->syswrite(join("", @_) . $\); } } else { if (defined $,) { defined $self->syswrite(join($,, @_)); } else { defined $self->syswrite(join("", @_)); } } } sub printf { my $self = shift; my $fmt = shift; defined $self->syswrite(sprintf($fmt, @_)); } sub _flushCompressed { my $self = shift ; my $outBuffer=''; my $status = *$self->{Compress}->flush($outBuffer, @_) ; return $self->saveErrorString(0, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, *$self->{Compress}{ErrorNo}) if $status == STATUS_ERROR; if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) { *$self->{FH}->clearerr(); } *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $outBuffer) ; $self->outputPayload($outBuffer) or return 0; return 1; } sub flush { my $self = shift ; $self->_flushCompressed(@_) or return 0; if ( defined *$self->{FH} ) { defined *$self->{FH}->flush() or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); } return 1; } sub beforePayload { } sub _newStream { my $self = shift ; my $got = shift; my $class = ref $self; $self->_writeTrailer() or return 0 ; $self->ckParams($got) or $self->croakError("newStream: $self->{Error}"); if ($got->getValue('encode')) { my $want_encoding = $got->getValue('encode'); *$self->{Encoding} = IO::Compress::Base::Common::getEncoding($self, $class, $want_encoding); } else { *$self->{Encoding} = undef; } *$self->{Compress} = $self->mkComp($got) or return 0; *$self->{Header} = $self->mkHeader($got) ; $self->output(*$self->{Header} ) or return 0; *$self->{UnCompSize}->reset(); *$self->{CompSize}->reset(); $self->beforePayload(); return 1 ; } sub newStream { my $self = shift ; my $got = $self->checkParams('newStream', *$self->{Got}, @_) or return 0 ; $self->_newStream($got); # *$self->{Compress} = $self->mkComp($got) # or return 0; # # *$self->{Header} = $self->mkHeader($got) ; # $self->output(*$self->{Header} ) # or return 0; # # *$self->{UnCompSize}->reset(); # *$self->{CompSize}->reset(); # # $self->beforePayload(); # # return 1 ; } sub reset { my $self = shift ; return *$self->{Compress}->reset() ; } sub _writeTrailer { my $self = shift ; my $trailer = ''; my $status = *$self->{Compress}->close($trailer) ; return $self->saveErrorString(0, *$self->{Compress}{Error}, *$self->{Compress}{ErrorNo}) if $status == STATUS_ERROR; *$self->{CompSize}->add(length $trailer) ; $trailer .= $self->mkTrailer(); defined $trailer or return 0; return $self->output($trailer); } sub _writeFinalTrailer { my $self = shift ; return $self->output($self->mkFinalTrailer()); } sub close { my $self = shift ; return 1 if *$self->{Closed} || ! *$self->{Compress} ; *$self->{Closed} = 1 ; untie *$self if $] >= 5.008 ; *$self->{FlushPending} = 1 ; $self->_writeTrailer() or return 0 ; $self->_writeFinalTrailer() or return 0 ; $self->output( "", 1 ) or return 0; if (defined *$self->{FH}) { if ((! *$self->{Handle} || *$self->{AutoClose}) && ! *$self->{StdIO}) { $! = 0 ; *$self->{FH}->close() or return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!); } delete *$self->{FH} ; # This delete can set $! in older Perls, so reset the errno $! = 0 ; } return 1; } #sub total_in #sub total_out #sub msg # #sub crc #{ # my $self = shift ; # return *$self->{Compress}->crc32() ; #} # #sub msg #{ # my $self = shift ; # return *$self->{Compress}->msg() ; #} # #sub dict_adler #{ # my $self = shift ; # return *$self->{Compress}->dict_adler() ; #} # #sub get_Level #{ # my $self = shift ; # return *$self->{Compress}->get_Level() ; #} # #sub get_Strategy #{ # my $self = shift ; # return *$self->{Compress}->get_Strategy() ; #} sub tell { my $self = shift ; return *$self->{UnCompSize}->get32bit() ; } sub eof { my $self = shift ; return *$self->{Closed} ; } sub seek { my $self = shift ; my $position = shift; my $whence = shift ; my $here = $self->tell() ; my $target = 0 ; #use IO::Handle qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END); use IO::Handle ; if ($whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_SET) { $target = $position ; } elsif ($whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_CUR || $whence == IO::Handle::SEEK_END) { $target = $here + $position ; } else { $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::seek: unknown value, $whence, for whence parameter"); } # short circuit if seeking to current offset return 1 if $target == $here ; # Outlaw any attempt to seek backwards $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::seek: cannot seek backwards") if $target < $here ; # Walk the file to the new offset my $offset = $target - $here ; my $buffer ; defined $self->syswrite("\x00" x $offset) or return 0; return 1 ; } sub binmode { 1; # my $self = shift ; # return defined *$self->{FH} # ? binmode *$self->{FH} # : 1 ; } sub fileno { my $self = shift ; return defined *$self->{FH} ? *$self->{FH}->fileno() : undef ; } sub opened { my $self = shift ; return ! *$self->{Closed} ; } sub autoflush { my $self = shift ; return defined *$self->{FH} ? *$self->{FH}->autoflush(@_) : undef ; } sub input_line_number { return undef ; } sub _notAvailable { my $name = shift ; return sub { Carp::croak "$name Not Available: File opened only for output" ; } ; } { no warnings 'once'; *read = _notAvailable('read'); *READ = _notAvailable('read'); *readline = _notAvailable('readline'); *READLINE = _notAvailable('readline'); *getc = _notAvailable('getc'); *GETC = _notAvailable('getc'); *FILENO = \&fileno; *PRINT = \&print; *PRINTF = \&printf; *WRITE = \&syswrite; *write = \&syswrite; *SEEK = \&seek; *TELL = \&tell; *EOF = \&eof; *CLOSE = \&close; *BINMODE = \&binmode; } #*sysread = \&_notAvailable; #*syswrite = \&_write; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME IO::Compress::Base - Base Class for IO::Compress modules =head1 SYNOPSIS use IO::Compress::Base ; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is not intended for direct use in application code. Its sole purpose is to be sub-classed by IO::Compress modules. =head1 SUPPORT General feedback/questions/bug reports should be sent to L (preferred) or L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L L L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR This module was written by Paul Marquess, C. =head1 MODIFICATION HISTORY See the Changes file. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. FILE#6901332a/IO/Compress/Base/Common.pmXpackage IO::Compress::Base::Common; use strict ; use warnings; use bytes; use Carp; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed readonly); use File::GlobMapper; require Exporter; our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, %EXPORT_TAGS, $HAS_ENCODE); @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '2.212'; @EXPORT = qw( isaFilehandle isaFilename isaScalar whatIsInput whatIsOutput isaFileGlobString cleanFileGlobString oneTarget setBinModeInput setBinModeOutput ckInOutParams createSelfTiedObject isGeMax32 MAX32 WANT_CODE WANT_EXT WANT_UNDEF WANT_HASH STATUS_OK STATUS_ENDSTREAM STATUS_EOF STATUS_ERROR ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( Status => [qw( STATUS_OK STATUS_ENDSTREAM STATUS_EOF STATUS_ERROR )]); use constant STATUS_OK => 0; use constant STATUS_ENDSTREAM => 1; use constant STATUS_EOF => 2; use constant STATUS_ERROR => -1; use constant MAX16 => 0xFFFF ; use constant MAX32 => 0xFFFFFFFF ; use constant MAX32cmp => 0xFFFFFFFF + 1 - 1; # for 5.6.x on 32-bit need to force an non-IV value sub isGeMax32 { return $_[0] >= MAX32cmp ; } sub hasEncode() { if (! defined $HAS_ENCODE) { eval { require Encode; Encode->import(); }; $HAS_ENCODE = $@ ? 0 : 1 ; } return $HAS_ENCODE; } sub getEncoding($$$) { my $obj = shift; my $class = shift ; my $want_encoding = shift ; $obj->croakError("$class: Encode module needed to use -Encode") if ! hasEncode(); my $encoding = Encode::find_encoding($want_encoding); $obj->croakError("$class: Encoding '$want_encoding' is not available") if ! $encoding; return $encoding; } our ($needBinmode); $needBinmode = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || ($] >= 5.006 && eval ' ${^UNICODE} || ${^UTF8LOCALE} ')) ? 1 : 1 ; sub setBinModeInput($) { my $handle = shift ; binmode $handle if $needBinmode; } sub setBinModeOutput($) { my $handle = shift ; binmode $handle if $needBinmode; } sub isaFilehandle($) { use utf8; # Pragma needed to keep Perl 5.6.0 happy return (defined $_[0] and (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'GLOB') or UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'IO::Handle') or UNIVERSAL::isa(\$_[0],'GLOB')) ) } sub isaScalar { return ( defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) eq 'SCALAR' and defined ${ $_[0] } ) ; } sub isaFilename($) { return (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa(\$_[0], 'SCALAR')); } sub isaFileGlobString { return defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^<.*>$/; } sub cleanFileGlobString { my $string = shift ; $string =~ s/^\s*<\s*(.*)\s*>\s*$/$1/; return $string; } use constant WANT_CODE => 1 ; use constant WANT_EXT => 2 ; use constant WANT_UNDEF => 4 ; #use constant WANT_HASH => 8 ; use constant WANT_HASH => 0 ; sub whatIsInput($;$) { my $got = whatIs(@_); if (defined $got && $got eq 'filename' && defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq '-') { #use IO::File; $got = 'handle'; $_[0] = *STDIN; #$_[0] = IO::File->new("<-"); } return $got; } sub whatIsOutput($;$) { my $got = whatIs(@_); if (defined $got && $got eq 'filename' && defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq '-') { $got = 'handle'; $_[0] = *STDOUT; #$_[0] = IO::File->new(">-"); } return $got; } sub whatIs ($;$) { return 'handle' if isaFilehandle($_[0]); my $wantCode = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_CODE ; my $extended = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_EXT ; my $undef = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_UNDEF ; my $hash = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_HASH ; return 'undef' if ! defined $_[0] && $undef ; if (ref $_[0]) { return '' if blessed($_[0]); # is an object #return '' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'UNIVERSAL'); # is an object return 'buffer' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'SCALAR'); return 'array' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY') && $extended ; return 'hash' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') && $hash ; return 'code' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'CODE') && $wantCode ; return ''; } return 'fileglob' if $extended && isaFileGlobString($_[0]); return 'filename'; } sub oneTarget { return $_[0] =~ /^(code|handle|buffer|filename)$/; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::new { my $class = shift ; my $Class = shift ; my $error_ref = shift ; my $reportClass = shift ; my %data = (Class => $Class, Error => $error_ref, reportClass => $reportClass, ) ; my $obj = bless \%data, $class ; local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; my $inType = $data{inType} = whatIsInput($_[0], WANT_EXT|WANT_HASH); my $outType = $data{outType} = whatIsOutput($_[1], WANT_EXT|WANT_HASH); my $oneInput = $data{oneInput} = oneTarget($inType); my $oneOutput = $data{oneOutput} = oneTarget($outType); if (! $inType) { $obj->croakError("$reportClass: illegal input parameter") ; #return undef ; } # if ($inType eq 'hash') # { # $obj->{Hash} = 1 ; # $obj->{oneInput} = 1 ; # return $obj->validateHash($_[0]); # } if (! $outType) { $obj->croakError("$reportClass: illegal output parameter") ; #return undef ; } if ($inType ne 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'fileglob') { $obj->croakError("Need input fileglob for outout fileglob"); } # if ($inType ne 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'hash' && $inType ne 'filename' ) # { # $obj->croakError("input must ne filename or fileglob when output is a hash"); # } if ($inType eq 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'fileglob') { $data{GlobMap} = 1 ; $data{inType} = $data{outType} = 'filename'; my $mapper = File::GlobMapper->new($_[0], $_[1]); if ( ! $mapper ) { return $obj->saveErrorString($File::GlobMapper::Error) ; } $data{Pairs} = $mapper->getFileMap(); return $obj; } $obj->croakError("$reportClass: input and output $inType are identical") if $inType eq $outType && $_[0] eq $_[1] && $_[0] ne '-' ; if ($inType eq 'fileglob') # && $outType ne 'fileglob' { my $glob = cleanFileGlobString($_[0]); my @inputs = glob($glob); if (@inputs == 0) { # TODO -- legal or die? die "globmap matched zero file -- legal or die???" ; } elsif (@inputs == 1) { $obj->validateInputFilenames($inputs[0]) or return undef; $_[0] = $inputs[0] ; $data{inType} = 'filename' ; $data{oneInput} = 1; } else { $obj->validateInputFilenames(@inputs) or return undef; $_[0] = [ @inputs ] ; $data{inType} = 'filenames' ; } } elsif ($inType eq 'filename') { $obj->validateInputFilenames($_[0]) or return undef; } elsif ($inType eq 'array') { $data{inType} = 'filenames' ; $obj->validateInputArray($_[0]) or return undef ; } return $obj->saveErrorString("$reportClass: output buffer is read-only") if $outType eq 'buffer' && readonly(${ $_[1] }); if ($outType eq 'filename' ) { $obj->croakError("$reportClass: output filename is undef or null string") if ! defined $_[1] || $_[1] eq '' ; if (-e $_[1]) { if (-d _ ) { return $obj->saveErrorString("output file '$_[1]' is a directory"); } } } return $obj ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::saveErrorString { my $self = shift ; ${ $self->{Error} } = shift ; return undef; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::croakError { my $self = shift ; $self->saveErrorString($_[0]); croak $_[0]; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateInputFilenames { my $self = shift ; foreach my $filename (@_) { $self->croakError("$self->{reportClass}: input filename is undef or null string") if ! defined $filename || $filename eq '' ; next if $filename eq '-'; if (! -e $filename ) { return $self->saveErrorString("input file '$filename' does not exist"); } if (-d _ ) { return $self->saveErrorString("input file '$filename' is a directory"); } # if (! -r _ ) # { # return $self->saveErrorString("cannot open file '$filename': $!"); # } } return 1 ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateInputArray { my $self = shift ; if ( @{ $_[0] } == 0 ) { return $self->saveErrorString("empty array reference") ; } foreach my $element ( @{ $_[0] } ) { my $inType = whatIsInput($element); if (! $inType) { $self->croakError("unknown input parameter") ; } elsif($inType eq 'filename') { $self->validateInputFilenames($element) or return undef ; } else { $self->croakError("not a filename") ; } } return 1 ; } #sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateHash #{ # my $self = shift ; # my $href = shift ; # # while (my($k, $v) = each %$href) # { # my $ktype = whatIsInput($k); # my $vtype = whatIsOutput($v, WANT_EXT|WANT_UNDEF) ; # # if ($ktype ne 'filename') # { # return $self->saveErrorString("hash key not filename") ; # } # # my %valid = map { $_ => 1 } qw(filename buffer array undef handle) ; # if (! $valid{$vtype}) # { # return $self->saveErrorString("hash value not ok") ; # } # } # # return $self ; #} sub createSelfTiedObject { my $class = shift || (caller)[0] ; my $error_ref = shift ; my $obj = bless Symbol::gensym(), ref($class) || $class; tie *$obj, $obj if $] >= 5.005; *$obj->{Closed} = 1 ; $$error_ref = ''; *$obj->{Error} = $error_ref ; my $errno = 0 ; *$obj->{ErrorNo} = \$errno ; return $obj; } #package Parse::Parameters ; # # #require Exporter; #our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT); #$VERSION = '2.000_08'; #@ISA = qw(Exporter); $EXPORT_TAGS{Parse} = [qw( ParseParameters Parse_any Parse_unsigned Parse_signed Parse_boolean Parse_string Parse_code Parse_writable_scalar ) ]; push @EXPORT, @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{Parse} } ; use constant Parse_any => 0x01; use constant Parse_unsigned => 0x02; use constant Parse_signed => 0x04; use constant Parse_boolean => 0x08; use constant Parse_string => 0x10; use constant Parse_code => 0x20; #use constant Parse_store_ref => 0x100 ; #use constant Parse_multiple => 0x100 ; use constant Parse_writable => 0x200 ; use constant Parse_writable_scalar => 0x400 | Parse_writable ; use constant OFF_PARSED => 0 ; use constant OFF_TYPE => 1 ; use constant OFF_DEFAULT => 2 ; use constant OFF_FIXED => 3 ; #use constant OFF_FIRST_ONLY => 4 ; #use constant OFF_STICKY => 5 ; use constant IxError => 0; use constant IxGot => 1 ; sub ParseParameters { my $level = shift || 0 ; my $sub = (caller($level + 1))[3] ; local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1 ; return $_[1] if @_ == 2 && defined $_[1] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], "IO::Compress::Base::Parameters"); my $p = IO::Compress::Base::Parameters->new(); $p->parse(@_) or croak "$sub: $p->[IxError]" ; return $p; } use strict; use warnings; use Carp; sub Init { my $default = shift ; my %got ; my $obj = IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new(); while (my ($key, $v) = each %$default) { croak "need 2 params [@$v]" if @$v != 2 ; my ($type, $value) = @$v ; # my ($first_only, $sticky, $type, $value) = @$v ; my $sticky = 0; my $x ; $obj->_checkType($key, \$value, $type, 0, \$x) or return undef ; $key = lc $key; # if (! $sticky) { # $x = [] # if $type & Parse_multiple; # $got{$key} = [0, $type, $value, $x, $first_only, $sticky] ; $got{$key} = [0, $type, $value, $x] ; # } # # $got{$key}[OFF_PARSED] = 0 ; } return bless \%got, "IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::Defaults" ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new { #my $class = shift ; my $obj; $obj->[IxError] = ''; $obj->[IxGot] = {} ; return bless $obj, 'IO::Compress::Base::Parameters' ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::setError { my $self = shift ; my $error = shift ; my $retval = @_ ? shift : undef ; $self->[IxError] = $error ; return $retval; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::getError { my $self = shift ; return $self->[IxError] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::parse { my $self = shift ; my $default = shift ; my $got = $self->[IxGot] ; my $firstTime = keys %{ $got } == 0 ; my (@Bad) ; my @entered = () ; # Allow the options to be passed as a hash reference or # as the complete hash. if (@_ == 0) { @entered = () ; } elsif (@_ == 1) { my $href = $_[0] ; return $self->setError("Expected even number of parameters, got 1") if ! defined $href or ! ref $href or ref $href ne "HASH" ; foreach my $key (keys %$href) { push @entered, $key ; push @entered, \$href->{$key} ; } } else { my $count = @_; return $self->setError("Expected even number of parameters, got $count") if $count % 2 != 0 ; for my $i (0.. $count / 2 - 1) { push @entered, $_[2 * $i] ; push @entered, \$_[2 * $i + 1] ; } } foreach my $key (keys %$default) { my ($type, $value) = @{ $default->{$key} } ; if ($firstTime) { $got->{$key} = [0, $type, $value, $value] ; } else { $got->{$key}[OFF_PARSED] = 0 ; } } my %parsed = (); for my $i (0.. @entered / 2 - 1) { my $key = $entered[2* $i] ; my $value = $entered[2* $i+1] ; #print "Key [$key] Value [$value]" ; #print defined $$value ? "[$$value]\n" : "[undef]\n"; $key =~ s/^-// ; my $canonkey = lc $key; if ($got->{$canonkey}) { my $type = $got->{$canonkey}[OFF_TYPE] ; my $parsed = $parsed{$canonkey}; ++ $parsed{$canonkey}; return $self->setError("Muliple instances of '$key' found") if $parsed ; my $s ; $self->_checkType($key, $value, $type, 1, \$s) or return undef ; $value = $$value ; $got->{$canonkey} = [1, $type, $value, $s] ; } else { push (@Bad, $key) } } if (@Bad) { my ($bad) = join(", ", @Bad) ; return $self->setError("unknown key value(s) $bad") ; } return 1; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::_checkType { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; my $value = shift ; my $type = shift ; my $validate = shift ; my $output = shift; #local $Carp::CarpLevel = $level ; #print "PARSE $type $key $value $validate $sub\n" ; if ($type & Parse_writable_scalar) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not writable") if readonly $$value ; if (ref $$value) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not a scalar reference") if ref $$value ne 'SCALAR' ; $$output = $$value ; } else { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not a scalar") if ref $value ne 'SCALAR' ; $$output = $value ; } return 1; } $value = $$value ; if ($type & Parse_any) { $$output = $value ; return 1; } elsif ($type & Parse_unsigned) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an unsigned int, got 'undef'") if ! defined $value ; return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an unsigned int, got '$value'") if $value !~ /^\d+$/; $$output = defined $value ? $value : 0 ; return 1; } elsif ($type & Parse_signed) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be a signed int, got 'undef'") if ! defined $value ; return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be a signed int, got '$value'") if $value !~ /^-?\d+$/; $$output = defined $value ? $value : 0 ; return 1 ; } elsif ($type & Parse_boolean) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an int, got '$value'") if defined $value && $value !~ /^\d*$/; $$output = defined $value && $value != 0 ? 1 : 0 ; return 1; } elsif ($type & Parse_string) { $$output = defined $value ? $value : "" ; return 1; } elsif ($type & Parse_code) { return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be a code reference, got '$value'") if (! defined $value || ref $value ne 'CODE') ; $$output = defined $value ? $value : "" ; return 1; } $$output = $value ; return 1; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::parsed { return $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_PARSED] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::getValue { return $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_FIXED] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::setValue { $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_PARSED] = 1; $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_DEFAULT] = $_[2] ; $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_FIXED] = $_[2] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::valueRef { return $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_FIXED] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::valueOrDefault { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift ; my $default = shift ; my $value = $self->[IxGot]{$name}[OFF_DEFAULT] ; return $value if defined $value ; return $default ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::wantValue { return defined $_[0]->[IxGot]{$_[1]}[OFF_DEFAULT] ; } sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::clone { my $self = shift ; my $obj = [] ; my %got ; my $hash = $self->[IxGot] ; for my $k (keys %{ $hash }) { $got{$k} = [ @{ $hash->{$k} } ]; } $obj->[IxError] = $self->[IxError]; $obj->[IxGot] = \%got ; return bless $obj, 'IO::Compress::Base::Parameters' ; } package U64; use constant MAX32 => 0xFFFFFFFF ; use constant HI_1 => MAX32 + 1 ; use constant LOW => 0 ; use constant HIGH => 1; sub new { return bless [ 0, 0 ], $_[0] if @_ == 1 ; return bless [ $_[1], 0 ], $_[0] if @_ == 2 ; return bless [ $_[2], $_[1] ], $_[0] if @_ == 3 ; } sub newUnpack_V64 { my ($low, $hi) = unpack "V V", $_[0] ; bless [ $low, $hi ], "U64"; } sub newUnpack_V32 { my $string = shift; my $low = unpack "V", $string ; bless [ $low, 0 ], "U64"; } sub reset { $_[0]->[HIGH] = $_[0]->[LOW] = 0; } sub clone { bless [ @{$_[0]} ], ref $_[0] ; } sub getHigh { return $_[0]->[HIGH]; } sub getLow { return $_[0]->[LOW]; } sub get32bit { return $_[0]->[LOW]; } sub get64bit { # Not using << here because the result will still be # a 32-bit value on systems where int size is 32-bits return $_[0]->[HIGH] * HI_1 + $_[0]->[LOW]; } sub add { # my $self = shift; my $value = $_[1]; if (ref $value eq 'U64') { $_[0]->[HIGH] += $value->[HIGH] ; $value = $value->[LOW]; } elsif ($value > MAX32) { $_[0]->[HIGH] += int($value / HI_1) ; $value = $value % HI_1; } my $available = MAX32 - $_[0]->[LOW] ; if ($value > $available) { ++ $_[0]->[HIGH] ; $_[0]->[LOW] = $value - $available - 1; } else { $_[0]->[LOW] += $value ; } } sub add32 { # my $self = shift; my $value = $_[1]; if ($value > MAX32) { $_[0]->[HIGH] += int($value / HI_1) ; $value = $value % HI_1; } my $available = MAX32 - $_[0]->[LOW] ; if ($value > $available) { ++ $_[0]->[HIGH] ; $_[0]->[LOW] = $value - $available - 1; } else { $_[0]->[LOW] += $value ; } } sub subtract { my $self = shift; my $value = shift; if (ref $value eq 'U64') { if ($value->[HIGH]) { die "bad" if $self->[HIGH] == 0 || $value->[HIGH] > $self->[HIGH] ; $self->[HIGH] -= $value->[HIGH] ; } $value = $value->[LOW] ; } if ($value > $self->[LOW]) { -- $self->[HIGH] ; $self->[LOW] = MAX32 - $value + $self->[LOW] + 1 ; } else { $self->[LOW] -= $value; } } sub equal { my $self = shift; my $other = shift; return $self->[LOW] == $other->[LOW] && $self->[HIGH] == $other->[HIGH] ; } sub isZero { my $self = shift; return $self->[LOW] == 0 && $self->[HIGH] == 0 ; } sub gt { my $self = shift; my $other = shift; return $self->cmp($other) > 0 ; } sub cmp { my $self = shift; my $other = shift ; if ($self->[LOW] == $other->[LOW]) { return $self->[HIGH] - $other->[HIGH] ; } else { return $self->[LOW] - $other->[LOW] ; } } sub is64bit { return $_[0]->[HIGH] > 0 ; } sub isAlmost64bit { return $_[0]->[HIGH] > 0 || $_[0]->[LOW] == MAX32 ; } sub getPacked_V64 { return pack "V V", @{ $_[0] } ; } sub getPacked_V32 { return pack "V", $_[0]->[LOW] ; } sub pack_V64 { return pack "V V", $_[0], 0; } sub full32 { return $_[0] == MAX32 ; } sub Value_VV64 { my $buffer = shift; my ($lo, $hi) = unpack ("V V" , $buffer); no warnings 'uninitialized'; return $hi * HI_1 + $lo; } package IO::Compress::Base::Common; 1; FILE7846b718/IO/Compress/Gzip.pmpackage IO::Compress::Gzip ; require 5.006 ; use strict ; use warnings; use bytes; require Exporter ; use IO::Compress::RawDeflate 2.212 () ; use IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate 2.212 ; use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.212 qw(:Status ); use IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.212 ; use IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra 2.212 ; BEGIN { if (defined &utf8::downgrade ) { *noUTF8 = \&utf8::downgrade } else { *noUTF8 = sub {} } } our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS, %DEFLATE_CONSTANTS, $GzipError); $VERSION = '2.212'; $GzipError = '' ; @ISA = qw(IO::Compress::RawDeflate Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( $GzipError gzip ) ; %EXPORT_TAGS = %IO::Compress::RawDeflate::DEFLATE_CONSTANTS ; push @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} }, @EXPORT_OK ; Exporter::export_ok_tags('all'); sub new { my $class = shift ; my $obj = IO::Compress::Base::Common::createSelfTiedObject($class, \$GzipError); $obj->_create(undef, @_); } sub gzip { my $obj = IO::Compress::Base::Common::createSelfTiedObject(undef, \$GzipError); return $obj->_def(@_); } #sub newHeader #{ # my $self = shift ; # #return GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER ; # return $self->mkHeader(*$self->{Got}); #} sub getExtraParams { my $self = shift ; return ( # zlib behaviour $self->getZlibParams(), # Gzip header fields 'minimal' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'comment' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'name' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'time' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'textflag' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'headercrc' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'os_code' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, $Compress::Raw::Zlib::gzip_os_code], 'extrafield'=> [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'extraflags'=> [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], ); } sub ckParams { my $self = shift ; my $got = shift ; # gzip always needs crc32 $got->setValue('crc32' => 1); return 1 if $got->getValue('merge') ; my $strict = $got->getValue('strict') ; { if (! $got->parsed('time') ) { # Modification time defaults to now. $got->setValue(time => time) ; } # Check that the Name & Comment don't have embedded NULLs # Also check that they only contain ISO 8859-1 chars. if ($got->parsed('name') && defined $got->getValue('name')) { my $name = $got->getValue('name'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Null Character found in Name", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $name =~ /\x00/ ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Non ISO 8859-1 Character found in Name", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $name =~ /$GZIP_FNAME_INVALID_CHAR_RE/o ; } if ($got->parsed('comment') && defined $got->getValue('comment')) { my $comment = $got->getValue('comment'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Null Character found in Comment", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $comment =~ /\x00/ ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Non ISO 8859-1 Character found in Comment", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $comment =~ /$GZIP_FCOMMENT_INVALID_CHAR_RE/o; } if ($got->parsed('os_code') ) { my $value = $got->getValue('os_code'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "OS_Code must be between 0 and 255, got '$value'") if $value < 0 || $value > 255 ; } # gzip only supports Deflate at present $got->setValue('method' => Z_DEFLATED) ; if ( ! $got->parsed('extraflags')) { $got->setValue('extraflags' => 2) if $got->getValue('level') == Z_BEST_COMPRESSION ; $got->setValue('extraflags' => 4) if $got->getValue('level') == Z_BEST_SPEED ; } my $data = $got->getValue('extrafield') ; if (defined $data) { my $bad = IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra::parseExtraField($data, $strict, 1) ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Error with ExtraField Parameter: $bad", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $bad ; $got->setValue('extrafield' => $data) ; } } return 1; } sub mkTrailer { my $self = shift ; return pack("V V", *$self->{Compress}->crc32(), *$self->{UnCompSize}->get32bit()); } sub getInverseClass { no warnings 'once'; return ('IO::Uncompress::Gunzip', \$IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError); } sub getFileInfo { my $self = shift ; my $params = shift; my $filename = shift ; return if IO::Compress::Base::Common::isaScalar($filename); my $defaultTime = (stat($filename))[9] ; $params->setValue('name' => $filename) if ! $params->parsed('name') ; $params->setValue('time' => $defaultTime) if ! $params->parsed('time') ; } sub mkHeader { my $self = shift ; my $param = shift ; # short-circuit if a minimal header is requested. return GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER if $param->getValue('minimal') ; # METHOD my $method = $param->valueOrDefault('method', GZIP_CM_DEFLATED) ; # FLAGS my $flags = GZIP_FLG_DEFAULT ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FTEXT if $param->getValue('textflag') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FHCRC if $param->getValue('headercrc') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA if $param->wantValue('extrafield') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FNAME if $param->wantValue('name') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT if $param->wantValue('comment') ; # MTIME my $time = $param->valueOrDefault('time', GZIP_MTIME_DEFAULT) ; # EXTRA FLAGS my $extra_flags = $param->valueOrDefault('extraflags', GZIP_XFL_DEFAULT); # OS CODE my $os_code = $param->valueOrDefault('os_code', GZIP_OS_DEFAULT) ; my $out = pack("C4 V C C", GZIP_ID1, # ID1 GZIP_ID2, # ID2 $method, # Compression Method $flags, # Flags $time, # Modification Time $extra_flags, # Extra Flags $os_code, # Operating System Code ) ; # EXTRA if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA) { my $extra = $param->getValue('extrafield') ; $out .= pack("v", length $extra) . $extra ; } # NAME if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) { my $name .= $param->getValue('name') ; $name =~ s/\x00.*$//; $out .= $name ; # Terminate the filename with NULL unless it already is $out .= GZIP_NULL_BYTE if !length $name or substr($name, 1, -1) ne GZIP_NULL_BYTE ; } # COMMENT if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT) { my $comment .= $param->getValue('comment') ; $comment =~ s/\x00.*$//; $out .= $comment ; # Terminate the comment with NULL unless it already is $out .= GZIP_NULL_BYTE if ! length $comment or substr($comment, 1, -1) ne GZIP_NULL_BYTE; } # HEADER CRC $out .= pack("v", Compress::Raw::Zlib::crc32($out) & 0x00FF ) if $param->getValue('headercrc') ; noUTF8($out); return $out ; } sub mkFinalTrailer { return ''; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME IO::Compress::Gzip - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers =head1 SYNOPSIS use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; my $status = gzip $input => $output [,OPTS] or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; my $z = IO::Compress::Gzip->new( $output [,OPTS] ) or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; $z->print($string); $z->printf($format, $string); $z->write($string); $z->syswrite($string [, $length, $offset]); $z->flush(); $z->tell(); $z->eof(); $z->seek($position, $whence); $z->binmode(); $z->fileno(); $z->opened(); $z->autoflush(); $z->input_line_number(); $z->newStream( [OPTS] ); $z->deflateParams(); $z->close() ; $GzipError ; # IO::File mode print $z $string; printf $z $format, $string; tell $z eof $z seek $z, $position, $whence binmode $z fileno $z close $z ; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a Perl interface that allows writing compressed data to files or buffer as defined in RFC 1952. All the gzip headers defined in RFC 1952 can be created using this module. For reading RFC 1952 files/buffers, see the companion module L. =head1 Functional Interface A top-level function, C, is provided to carry out "one-shot" compression between buffers and/or files. For finer control over the compression process, see the L section. use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; gzip $input_filename_or_reference => $output_filename_or_reference [,OPTS] or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; The functional interface needs Perl5.005 or better. =head2 gzip $input_filename_or_reference => $output_filename_or_reference [, OPTS] C expects at least two parameters, C<$input_filename_or_reference> and C<$output_filename_or_reference> and zero or more optional parameters (see L) =head3 The C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter The parameter, C<$input_filename_or_reference>, is used to define the source of the uncompressed data. It can take one of the following forms: =over 5 =item A filename If the C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is a simple scalar, it is assumed to be a filename. This file will be opened for reading and the input data will be read from it. =item A filehandle If the C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is a filehandle, the input data will be read from it. The string '-' can be used as an alias for standard input. =item A scalar reference If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a scalar reference, the input data will be read from C<$$input_filename_or_reference>. =item An array reference If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is an array reference, each element in the array must be a filename. The input data will be read from each file in turn. The complete array will be walked to ensure that it only contains valid filenames before any data is compressed. =item An Input FileGlob string If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a string that is delimited by the characters "<" and ">" C will assume that it is an I. The input is the list of files that match the fileglob. See L for more details. =back If the C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is any other type, C will be returned. In addition, if C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a simple filename, the default values for the C and C