The SIunits package - Consistent application of SI units ---------------------------------------------------------------- Maintained by Joseph A. Wright E-mail: Originally developed by Marcel Heldoorn (c) 2000-2002 Marcel Heldoorn (c) 2007 Joseph Wright Released under the LaTeX Project Public license v1.3 or later ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Systeme International d'Unites (SI), the modern form of the metric system, is the most widely used system of units and measures around the world. But despite this there is widespread misuse of the system with incorrect names and symbols used as a matter a course - even by well educated and trained people who should know better. For example how often do we see: mHz, Mhz or mhz written when referring to computer clock rates? The correct form is actually MHz. Note the capitalisation does matter. Hence, a clear system for the use of units is needed, satisfying the next principles: 1) the system should consist of measuring units based on unvariable quantities in nature; 2) all units other than the base units should be derived from these base units; and 3) multiples and submultiples of the units should be decimal. The name Systeme International d'Unites (International System of Units) with the international abbreviation SI was adopted by the Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) in 1960. It is a coherent system based on seven base units (CGPM 1960 and 1971). The SIunits package can be used to standardise the use of units in your writings. Most macros are easily adaptable to personal preferences. However, you are welcome to suggest any improvements.