\documentclass{article} \usepackage[% web={extended,usetemplates}, eforms, uselayers ]{aeb_pro} \usepackage[uselayers, lang=custom, !viewmode, nonrandomized, !showletters, !showanswerkey, savedata]{dps} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{pstricks-add} \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} %\previewOn \pmpvOn %\useRandomSeed{number} \inputRandomSeed %\useLastSeed \margins{.5in}{.5in}{.5in}{.5in} % left,right,top, bottom \screensize{9in}{8.5in} % height, width \DeclareDocInfo { title=Stat Matching Game, author=D. P. Story, university=NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE\\Department of Mathematics, email=storyd@nwfsc.edu, subject=First extra credit assignment, keywords={statistics, matching, game}, talksite=http://www.acrotex.net, copyrightyears=2006-\the\year, } \talkdateLabel{Version} \version{1.0}\nocopyright \ifeqforpaper \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.5in}\fi \everyTextField{\textFont{TiRo}} % Try to prevent the student from saving the game (for some other student) % we clear the game board if either student closes or save the document. \clearOnCloseOrSave \optionalPageMatter{% \par\minimumskip\vspace{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \fcolorbox{blue}{white}{% \begin{minipage}{.67\linewidth}\parskip3pt \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Instructions:}} On the next page of this document is a little matching game covering some of the statistical concepts discussed in class. \begin{itemize} \item When you turn to the next page, type in your name in the name field provided near the top of the page. \item Follow the instructions on that page on how to answer the questions. \item After you have correctly answered the last question correctly, a message appears at the bottom of the page with an evaluation of your effort. \item Print the completed page and turn it in to me at the next class meeting for (extra) credit. \end{itemize} \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Warning:}} The puzzle board is cleared if this document is closed or saved. Complete the puzzle in one sitting, then print the results. \end{minipage}}\par\bigskip \end{center} } \rheader{} \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \DeclarePuzzle {% {R}{R} {o}{o} {n}{n} {a}{a} {l}{l} {d}{d} {F}{F} {i}{i} {s}{s} {h}{h} {e}{e} {r}{r} } %\writeComposingEnv \begin{Composing} \begin{cQ}{R} Branches of Statistics\begin{setContent}{R} The two branches of statistics are descriptive and \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}}. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}[r]{R} inferential \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{o} Definition\begin{setContent}{o} \underbar{\hspace*{\ublength}} is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting data in order to make decisions. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{o} statistics \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{n} A frequency distribution is an example of \underbar{\hspace*{\ublength}} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{n} data reduction \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{a} Find the median\begin{setContent}{a} Find the median of the following data:\\[1ex] \begin{tabular}{r|ll} 2&2334&\kern6pt Key $2\,|\,4=24$\\ 2&57888\\ 3&344\\ 3&55666\\ 4&0023\\ 4&566 \end{tabular} \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{a} $34.5$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{l} Compute mean and standard deviation\begin{setContent}{l} Given that $n=5$, $\sum x = 26$ $\sum x^2 = 154$, compute $\bar x$ and $s$. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{l} $5.2$ and $2.17$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{d} Definition\begin{setContent}{d} A \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}} is a sample in which every possible sample of the same size has the same change of being selected. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{d} simple random sample \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{F} Measures of Position\begin{setContent}{F} The number \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}} divides a data set in such a way that $75\%$ of the data is less than it and $25\%$ of the data is greater than it. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}[f]{F} $Q_3$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{i} Measure of Central Tendency\begin{setContent}{i} The \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}} is the measure of central tendency that is sensitive to outliers in the data set. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{i} sample mean \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{s} $\mu$ refers to the \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{s} population mean \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{h} Calculating the $z$-score\begin{setContent}{h} In a data set with sample mean of $4.5$ and sample standard deviation of $1.5$, the $z$-score of $x = 4$ is $ z = \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}}$. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{h} $-0.33$ \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{e} Interpreting the $z$-score\begin{setContent}{e} If a $z$-score of a data entry is negative, then that data entry is \underbar{\hspace{\ublength}} than mean. \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{e} less \end{cA} \begin{cQ}{r} The Empirical Rule\begin{setContent}{r} The mean value of land and building per acre from a sample of farms is $\$1200$ with a standard deviation of $\$350$. Assuming the distribution of the data set is bell shaped, approximately what percentage of the sample of farmers had value of land and building (per acre) between $\$1200$ and $\$1550$? \end{setContent} \end{cQ} \begin{cA}{r} $34$ \end{cA} %------------------- \begin{cA}{fake1} $5.2$ and $1.94$ \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake2} sample \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake3} $0.33$ \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake4} greater \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake5} median \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake6} mode \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake7} $Q_1$ \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake8} variance \end{cA} \begin{cA}{fake9} $35$ \end{cA} \end{Composing} \template{Puzzle_BG_Start} \begin{document} \maketitle \fmtOCGQues{% \parbox[t][9\baselineskip][t]{2.25in}{\kern0pt\small\hfuzz11pt \parbox{\linewidth}{\textcolor{white}{% \parbox{\linewidth}{\dpsQuesLayer{#1}\vskip3pt}}}}% } % these are placed on the page where they are to appear \placeQuesLayer{% \begin{textblock*}{2.25in}[0,0](2.5in+.725in,3.6in) \insertQuesLayer{#1} \end{textblock*}% } \placeOtherLayer{% \begin{textblock*}{2.25in}[0,0](2.5in+.725in,3.6in)\centering \xBld{owclogo}\parbox{2.25in}{\includegraphics[width=2.25in]{owc_self}}\eBld \end{textblock*}% } \template{Puzzle_BG} \def\answidth{1.7in} \def\queswidth{2in} \def\ublength{.5in} \def\commondepth{6in+2\baselineskip} \ifeqforpaper\vspace*{-1in}\fi {\bfseries\noindent \makebox[\textwidth]{\rlap{STA 2023}\hfill\textcolor{blue}{\webtitle}\hfill\llap{Statistics}} \makebox[\textwidth]{\rlap{\webauthor}\hfill\textcolor{blue}{Descriptive Statistics}\hfill\llap{Fall 2006}}} \underbar{\textbf{Name:} \textField[\BC{}]{dpsSignInName}{2in}{11bp}} \textcolor{red}{\textbf{Instructions:}} Select a question from the left panel by clicking its checkbox. Find the answer listed in either the right panel. No guessing! A maximum of $\dsthreshold$ tries on any problem before you get $\dspenaltypoints$ penalty points! Passing is to complete the puzzle with only $\dspassing$ incorrect answers. \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][\commondepth][t]{\queswidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}\raggedright \makebox[\linewidth]{\centering\textbf{Questions}} \begin{enumerate} \displayRandomizedQuestions \end{enumerate} \par\smallskip \end{minipage}}% % \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][\commondepth][t]{\linewidth-\answidth-\queswidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule} Who is considered the founder of modern statistics? The answer is hidden in the puzzle below.\par\smallskip \begin{center} \parbox{2.2in}{\insertPuzzle{6}} \end{center} %\vskip-\baselineskip \makebox[0pt][s]{\hspace*{-\fboxsep}\rule{\linewidth+2\fboxsep}{.4pt}\hss} \vfill \begin{center} \placeMessageField{0.8\linewidth}{8\baselineskip} \end{center} \end{minipage}}% % \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][\commondepth][t]{\answidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}\raggedright \makebox[\linewidth]{\textbf{Answers}} \begin{itemize} \displayRandomizedAnswers \end{itemize} \par\smallskip \end{minipage}}% \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Important:}} Don't forget to print the puzzle page and to hand it in to me. Print this page: \printDPS{}{11bp}\cgBdry[1ex] Try again: \resetDPS{}{11bp} \end{document}