================ Version 46.alpha ================ - Introduce the new "System" panel, grouping the settings of Region & Language, Date & Time, Users, Remote Desktop, and About. - Add an "About Settings" dialog - Various appdata improvements - Various mnemonics added - Various tooltips added - Various CI fixes - Various accessibility fixes - Make "gnome-control-center --version" work on non-supported environments - Bump meson dependency to >= 0.58 - Disable "deprecated-declarations" by default for builds - Introduce -Ddeprecated-declarations=enabled meson build option - Add CODEOWNERS file Accessibility - Rename "Overlay Scrollbars" to "Always Show Scrollbars" and invert this setting logic - Reword the "Accessibility Menu" row - Add description text to "Cursor Size" dialog - Port Cursor Size dialog to AdwWindow - Use AdwSpinRow in Zoom -> Magnification Factor row Appearance - Improve overall load and resize performance of background thumbnails - Improve background chooser performance - Make background preview thumbnails sharpier