2006-06-05 Matthias Clasen * === Released 2.11.2 === * configure.in: Set interface age to 0. * NEWS: Updates * glib/gmain.c: Fix some doc formatting issues. * glib/gstrfuncs.c: Revert accidental commit. * glib/gmain.c (get_dispatch): Don't leak the dispatch struct. (#321886) * tests/strtod-test.c: Add some tests involving leading whitespace. * glib/gstrfuncs.c (g_ascii_formatd): Skip leading whitespace. (#343899, Øystein Johansen) 2006-06-01 Matthias Clasen * glib/gmain.h: * glib/gmain.c: Add three new functions, g_main_current_source, g_source_set_funcs and g_source_is_destroyed, that will be necessary to solve thread-safety issues with idles in GTK+. (#321886, Chris Wilson) 2006-06-01 Matthias Clasen * glib/giochannel.c (g_io_channel_write_chars): Avoid running in an assertion with small writes. (#343566, Chris Wilson) * tests/iochannel-test.c: Add a testcase for small writes. * glib/glib.symbols: * glib/ghash.h: * glib/ghash.c: Add g_hash_table_{remove,steal}_all to remove all nodes from a hash table. (#168538, Matt Barnes) 2006-06-01 Behdad Esfahbod * glib/gkeyfile.c (g_key_file_to_data), (g_key_file_parse_value_as_comment), (g_key_file_parse_comment_as_value): * glib/gscanner.c (g_scanner_get_token_ll): Cleanup. Use return value of g_string_free(...). (#343548, Chris Wilson) 2006-05-28 Matthias Clasen * glib/gmarkup.c (g_markup_parse_context_parse): Don't use g_str_has_{prefix,suffix} here. 2006-05-28 Matthias Clasen * glib/gmarkup.h: Add a GMarkupParseFlags flag for treating CDATA as text. * glib/gmarkup.c (g_markup_parse_context_parse): Implement it here. 2006-05-28 Matthias Clasen * tests/markups/expected-*: Output that test-markup is expected to produce when run on the valid gmarkup examples. * tests/markup-test.c: Only dump the results of the first, unchunked parse, to compare it against the expected output. * tests/run-markup-tests.sh: For valid examples, compare the output of test-markup against the corresponding expected- file. 2006-05-24 Matthias Clasen * configure.in: Don't compile timeloop on Minix. (Leonard den Ottolander) 2006-05-22 Sebastian Wilhelmi * glib/gthread.c (g_thread_init_glib): Run _g_atomic_thread_init as the first of the full fledged initializers to allow the later to potentially use atomic ints (which they currently do not). (#342563, Peter Kjellerstedt) 2006-05-16 Matthias Clasen * tests/Makefile.am: * tests/strtoll-test.c: Add tests for g_ascii_strtoll() and g_ascii_strtoull(). * glib/glib.symbols: * glib/gstrfuncs.h: * glib/gstrfuncs.c (g_ascii_strtoll): New function to parse signed 64bit integers like strtoll does. * glib/goption.c (parse_int64): Use g_ascii_strtoll(), since strtoll() is C99 and not available on some systems. (#341826, Kazuki Iwamoto)